What if... - Notepad for custom ideas, thoughts on specific modules and cores

To keep track of specific module experiences and contemplating custom ideas for different topics, challenges and archetypes.

Some entries will probably be edited frequently.



These subs and modules feel right/important/awesome and will for the time being find their way into my stack.

This entry will be updated after each cataclysmic mega drop.


Khan Black: My Desert Island Sub.
Force of Life. Truly transformative.

Currently I have it in a custom. After the NSE upgrade KB will probably get its own (Terminus?) mini custom for name embedding with a handful of supporting modules.

Primal is currently my foundational core. Helps to laugh at a lot shit happening right now and regaining a healthy playfulness. Taking stuff not seriously can be a superpower. A powerful weapon against boredom.

Primal is grounding and healing. Exactly what I need at the moment.

Love Bomb feels like an incredible strong catalyst for any kind of social interaction. Family, business, flirts, relationship, neighbourhood stuff, networking but also buerocracies, as long as you see a human being, all feels so much smoother and easier. Getting presents is nice too. I can see running it open ended like KB.

Legacy of the Spartan: Great sub for getting into/staying in shape. Will run it for a long time.


Stonelike: Stress for me is often followed by headaches, neck pain, muscular tension, nervous stomach. Stonelike helps a lot. The stress itself I can handle, it was always the knock on, that was difficult.

Entranced: Lovely in combination with LB!

Inexaustable Does what it says on the tin.
Perfect for very, very long work days.

Joie de Vivre Great for business/productivity customs.

Current Invoker Great for Larp, acting, performances.

The Flow Went into customs after @Invictus praised it a lot. He’s right. Great module for acceptance of change and integrating results with the rest of the world.

AI Whisperer. Self-explainatory.

Khronos Key Stopping the time from running, is the first step to real self-care.

Treasure Finder: Does what it says on the tin.

Dopaminergic Revival: Great in Combination with KB.

Polygot works great, open-ended.



These subs and modules I used in the past, like them a lot and got very good results. In the future they will probably end up in a custom against.


Beast Unleashed: When the workload is a bit much, I often find it difficult, to get into “the zone” for lifting. Not with BU.

Paragon Complete: Great health sub. Only used it when really necessary, as it uses up most of my bandwidth. Really curious how the update will look like.


Deep State and Stillmind helped a lot with quieting the mind and better meditation.

Temptation Great in combination with Primal. The temptation is just playful and fun.

Voice Master: Great module. Have to do a lot more exercises.

Song of Joy and Dragon Tongue: I enjoy both a lot. Not sure if still needed with Primal in the mix.

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These two made a couple of customs built beforehand a bit redundant.

We (w/ @Lion @Malkuth) discussed writer customs here: Hypnotic / Writing Subs.

RM:UWX, being as comprehensive as it is, could go into different customs with fewer (5-10) modules. (One custom for erotica, one for non-fiction, one of hypnosis etc.)

Very much the same applies to ASBR.

The Gentle Opening of an Oyster is productivity sub build around NRICH.

The Gentle Opening of an Oyster

I. Khan Black St. 4 Core
II. Nouveau R.I.C.H. Core
III. Mimisbrunnr
IV. Free Pass
V. Virtue Series: Diligence
VI. Treasure Finder
VII. Organization Perfected
VIII. Tyrant
IX. AI Whisperer
XI. Carpe Diem Ascended
XII. Khronos Key
XIII. Pragya
XIV. Joie de Vivre
XV. Reading Mastery
XVI. The Spotlight
XVII. Divine Will
XVIII. Yggdrasil
XIX. Visionary
XX. Fortune’s Favorite

ASBR with some support modules probably does the job with less density. It could look something like this:

The Gentle Opening of an Oyster v2

I. A Stark Black Reality Core
II. Free Pass
III. Treasure Finder
IV. AI Whisperer
V. Kronos Key
VI. Joie de Vivre
VII. The Flow
IX. Pragya
X. Tyrant
XI. Jupiter
XII. Void of Creation
XIII. Yggdrasil

For non-fiction writing an ASBR RM:UWX custom be interesting.

I really like this new kind of very specific and incredibly comprehensive sub very much. It makes the building of small, very focussed customs very easy.



these subs and modules. Never got around to properly run them.


The Alchemist: 4stager are such a commitment. It’s been on the list since release, but never found the time so far.

Chosen: The Way of Nature: For a custom around the Faun archetype.

Emperor: The Will to Power looks damn sexy after the upgrade.

Revelation of the Spirit: Same as The Alchemist. Really tempted, never found the headspace so far.


None so far. Whenever a module felt interesting it went into a custom.

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A Fountain of Youth type anti-aging sub, something for Comedy and/or Acting and Hypnosis.

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The following posts are just for fun, playing around with custom concepts for certain archetypes. Don’t know, If I will ever use them.

Of the many classical archetypes, the Faun is one of my favourites. Fearless, sexual, enjoys life, very social, knows how to party wild, but also, with the strong link to the earth and nature, in his own way very spiritual.

Primal is pretty close to some aspects. Chosen: The Way of Nature is the other very obvious choice. This could be mixed up a little if there ever will be something like the New Nature Experience. A Faun custom could look something like this:

- FAUN: The Way of Nature -

Chosen: The Way of Nature
Joie de Vivre
Mystic Osmosis
Starfilled Night
The Wonder
Current Invoker
Dance Mastery
Virtuoso die Musica
Sphaera Magnetica
Song of Joy
Emotions Unfettered
Instant Spark
Male Enhancement
Love without Attachement

Maybe it’s a bit too broad, concentrating of one aspect might work better.

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- FAUN: Song of the Wild -

The social, artistic Faun.

Chosen: The Way of Nature
Dance Mastery
Current Invoker
Dragon Tongue
Emotions Unfettered
Joie de Vivre
Moment Immortalized
The Flow
Song of Joy
Sphaera Magnetica
Transcendental Connection
Virtuoso di Musica
Enchanting Smile

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- FAUN: Primal Beast -


Primal Nights
Alexander‘s Play
Edge of Danger
Male Enhancement
Joie de Vivre
Love without Attachement
One Scent

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- FAUN: Heart of Serenity -

The Spiritual Faun.

Chosen: The Way of Nature
Awakened Perception
Elemental Opus
Formless Clarity
Harmonic Singularity
Intuition Enhancer
Joie de Vivre
Mystic Osmosis
Spiritual Abundance
Starfilled Night
The Wonder


As soon as Love Bomb drops, I’ll upgrade A.

A. V2

Primal Core
Love Bomb Core
Song of Joy
The Flow
Instant Spark
Joie de Vivre
King’s Radiance
Current Invoker

Edge of Danger for me doesn’t really mix with Love Bomb. (was only included for a specific aspect of a performance)

The Flow and Current Invoker are a great combination for acting/performance.

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Even though A. is just meant for a project,
I like it a lot.
Klicks better
than a lot of other customs
did before.

Maybe this approach is working
better for me.

The meticulously planned customs were very much
a conscious endeavour. Setting a goal
(e. g. finance/building the company)
assessing every module,
how it would relate to the goal
how it could synergize with the others.
Then whittling down to 20 modules.

A. was maybe more comparable to
writing fairytales or free form short stories.
(Just a blank page
no idea or frame to start with,
starting to write without thought
so the subconscious can freely show
what’s going on.)
Choosing the archetype
that felt right
and choosing the modules
I felt drawn to
with a bit consolidating in the end.

Probably will end up with a mix.
But one freeform custom in the stack
feels about right.

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Some modules and cores just go well together. (This list will be updated.)

Khan Black + Dopaminergic Revival (Energy)

Current Invoker + The Flow (Acting/Entertaining)

Temptation + Entranced

Need to be tried:

Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X + Polyglot + Current Invoker

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One of my favourite writing techniques is the “Clogged Faucet”.

Before you get to the good stuff, you have to go through all the bad. Flat characters, cliches, the most obvious, tired ideas and plot hooks. All these come up first. It’s important not to hold them back. If you do, they come back and again creeping in as the (too) obvious solution for a narrative. I write them down in a separate junk document to release them. Liberating.

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Now that’s an excellent solution to the fear of going down the boring writing path.

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Helped a lot.

When it comes to too flat, straight, boring writing a friend of mine uses, what he calls the “…and a werewolf” method.

When he is stuck with this kind of story and doesn’t really know how to expand and complicate (in a good way), he sets it aside, starts to write a completely new one, new characters, different world. After establishing the basic premise, he brings both together and handles them as if they are part of the same story, just needing some editing. Often it works baffingly well. It’s very playful, good training. (His first add-on story was a werewolf story.)

I prefer the lite version, just building one unrelated aspect (often a character) and chuck it into the mix.

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Current Invoker, The Flow and Primal (for understanding and writing social dynamics) are an incredibly combination for story and scene set-up.

Was just lying two hours in the bathtup, imagining different set-ups, how people would react to what, the timing etc. It was very easy to immerse into the aimed for atmosphere and actually feel the scene.

Looking forward to throwing the new ME into the mix.



The Gentle Opening of an Oyster v2

I. A Stark Black Reality Core
II. Free Pass
III. Treasure Finder
IV. AI Whisperer
V. Kronos Key
VI. Joie de Vivre
VII. The Flow
IX. Pragya
X. Tyrant
XI. Jupiter
XII. Void of Creation
XIII. Yggdrasil
XIV. Polygot
XV. Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X Core

Polyglot works well for me.
It will probably go into every stack from now on.

RM:UWX in combination with ASBR makes the custom quite heavy, on the other hand: Everything I want to develop is in large parts written.

Not quite sure how the next stack will look like. Still 8 days to think about it.

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A. v2

Primal Core
Love Bomb Core
Song of Joy
The Flow
Instant Spark
Joie de Vivre
King’s Radiance
Current Invoker

is working exceptionally well.

Got a lot of positive feedback and compliments after rehearsal.
Two other performers noted a specific moment during the performance
they “will never forget” and a very special glow.
(King’s Radiance+LB?)

If you often get into contact with new people
Instant Spark, King’s Radiance, new Love Bomb
(+The Flow and Current Invoker)
is an extraordinary combination. Really love it.

I’ll keep A. v2 as my foundational social sub.
New LB took a bit of time to take off.
Might exchange Primal later for the new Daredevil,
but right now it is still doing important grounding work.

Maybe add Dragon Tongue, Voice Master and Entranced in A. v3,
but not sure yet.

New and old Love Bomb are like night and day.

Really enjoyed the presents, the light, sometimes childish atmosphere with oLB. It was always a bit fleeting.

The new Love Bomb is so profound. The aura is slowly coming back, but in a different way, permanent, strong, unshakable.

Building self-love is damn hard work for the soul.


Some loose thoughts on better results.

A custom tailormade for a project you will be working on for a couple of months is a great way to get results. It’s taking action in overdrive. Very focused, with every step you take, with every bit of time you invest, you also work on/with the sub.

Probably best to find a project you really would like to work on, which aligns with you goals.

Notes on the stack:

  • Microloop new subs to get a feel.
  • Build, try clusters in small customs.
  • rearrange, tinker til a cluster “clicks”.
  • Build up clusters towards a defined goal into (slightly) bigger customs.
  • Only use what clicks and is actually needed. Cut everything else.
  • Build and tinker with existing customs to progress and to minimize recon.
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