What COMBO subliminals would you like to see created?

BOOM you got the right idea.

And honestly adding ascension / mogul to a bunch of products would only give people more products to choose from.

SC currently just says stack Ascension with whatever product you want to buy. But why not have Ascended be a combo for more subs, which means more unique purchases, because SC knows we got shiny object syndrome.

Personally I think it’s a business play as much as it’s dope for us

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I’d like to see something like mind’s eye or sage immortal stacked with GLM as a product as well. Sometimes spiritual is awesome but you don’t want it to detract from your alpha foundations.


Ascension’s main objective is career advancement, but, as far as I see, there’s no “upgrade” sub for people who want to advance in their careers after they’ve fully integrated and developed from Ascension’s lessons.

For many, they can listen to Emperor, but Emperor isn’t and has never been a good fit for those trying to climb the corporate ladder.


For those men looking to climb to the very top of the corporate ladder and that’ve already seen massive level success in doing so already.

You’ve become a boss yourself. But are you ready to become your boss’s boss? Are you ready to leave middle-management forever and become a full-fledged CEO?

Superior combines the best of Ascension with elements from popular subliminals like Limitless, Mogul, Chosen, The Commander, The Executive, Inner Circle, Power Can Corrupt, and even Rebirth, to assist in all the integration and so that you can let go of old wage-slave mentalities completely and step in to your newfound power as leader of men.

@Simon will appreciate writing copy for made up subliminals lol


Ascended Mogul+Limitless

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Ultimate Artist + RICH = Ultimate RICH Artist

Ultimate Artist + Mogul could work too.

Adding some wealth manifestations to monetize art. Good for artists, sculpters, chefs, bakers, chocolatiers, painters, graphic artists.

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Doesn’t ultimate artist already have a financial theme, now that I think about it?

Lol and I already have it as a custom. That’s actually my number one pick.

I’d also like to see love bomb and libertine combined.

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HOM, Stark and Wanted

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Lol that’s just your stack :rofl:

What direction would they all harmonize towards?

I call it Rockstyle Lifestyle sub

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HOM for business mind, connections, leadership, Stark for genius and innovation, Wanted for being sexy as hell in the process

The Ultimate Artist sales page does have something about helping with financial decisions. I did overlook that part. There is no wealth tag on it though.

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Vote +1 for this stack :heart_eyes:

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Just saw Saint say this so, we know that certain subs won’t work.

So the following stacks might not work…

Where as these actually have a really good chance of working!!

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Something for introverts. I’m not exactly sure what though.
Not a combination I know.

Do you have broad strokes? Even a word or two can sometimes be enough to start building on.

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I know a lot of introverts are highly intelligent but often lack belief in themselves , how they are, or their abilities
I know for myself I dislike socializing. Not out of anxiety but because the world never seems to shut up as it is. I crave quiet and inner reflection.
I forced myself to be super social out of immaturity , insecurities, and peer and family pressure. In more ways than I can count it just wasn’t worth it.
It wasn’t until I ran Dragon Reborn that I really started to work on myself and my self awareness. I made myself miserable when I didn’t have to. I could have saved myself and a lot of other people time , money , frustration , and unhappiness
Maybe a combination of Dragon Reborn and Chosen From Within
I’m also tired of trying to be made to care about things I couldn’t give a flying f*** about
It’s draining and exhausting.
I want to live my life not be inundated with pointless and negative things all the time


Thank you for taking the time to elaborate on that.

Can you find 5 minutes a week to engage in that? Start small and grow from there?

Of all the pointless and negative things can you start by eliminating or even reducing just one?

That’s does seem like an interesting combination but username SaintSovereign seems to have put the kibosh on it: