WANTED/stark custom (feat. CWON, PS and others)

Life has been good, social life is very much blooming and i def think stark has something to do with it. Fucking love that sub!

Also am just a few days away from finally losing my virginity. Long time coming, but soon ill be seeing a girl i met while travelling again. our planning being “fit as much fucking as we can in three days😉”.

Suddenly having so many plans every day has also really ignited a fire in me and i feel more energetic than ive ever felt.

As far as uni stuff goes, the subject i choose are incredibly easy so far so not much trouble there. Still managing to reach all my deadlines and things like that. Tbh school isnt really a priority for
Me rn but i have yet to see any trouble there.

Even depression hasnt been that notable lately. It usually comes and goes a bit and rn is definitely a time where it hasntbeen much of a thing. Could possibly be partly due to LBFH being the best sub ive ever ran.

All in all, life is good you know what i mean.


Ivedecided to start experimenting with sex and seduction. I already feel like ive found my archetype for the most part so i dont really need primal, but the focus on… well… sex and seduction seems like a nice addition. I havent seen a lot of experiences on this sub so im not entirely certain what to expect, but from the sales page it seems like a good addition to stark.

In general though, my custom and LBFH are the shit so they arent leaving my stack anytime soon.

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You know what i kind of miss. Back in high school you had this very close tight small group of friends that you saw basically every single day. Friends that were almost like family at some point.
Nowadays in college i have plenty of friend groups in different contexts. Some at partys, some at uni, some girls im talking too and their friends, some from back home. But despite having so many friend groups, because you dont see them nearly as often as you did back in high school they all feel so much less close.

It kind of bothers me how im hanging out with so many people, yet i would have a hard time thinking of who my truly close friends in general really are. Maybe this change is just a part of growing up, idk.


Right now the boggest problem im facing is FOMO. Its still quite new to me to suddenly have this many things to do and it regularly happens that im invited to multible things in a single day, or even that im simply to tired to do anything at all. The fear of missing out is a bitch at these moments. Ive talked to quite a few people about this though and i keep hearing that basically everyone has had this faze but with time you grow out of it and kinda stop caring when you miss stuff.

Another thing is money. Between university, social life, girlfriend and sleep, not a lot of time is left for work. Rn im taking a loan each month to make ends meet, but when i get a proper room at the place im studying, than i should also start looking at another job.

Aside from this i want to create some new goals. I already achieved all my current ones, and at this point running subs is more routine than a means to an end. What these goals might be? No idea yet. Ill have to figure that out.

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I found myself making an overly complicated sub schedule for future stacks and things like that. Than i realised, im taking subs far to seriously. The current stack i have is perfect and no matter how tempting other subs sound, i really dont need any change right now. Any result i want from some sub can also be achieved by simply taking action. For instance, i keep having spartan in my mind to build more discipline, but another easy way to build more discipline is simply making a schedule and sticking to it. Dont need no sub for that.

Now on the topic of taking action, i feel like i need to take more action on the things im currently unsatisfied with. I still notice for instance that i am far to hard on myself far quite small and fixable mistakes. I also have a hard time trusting myself because of this, as im so incredibly hard on myself when i fuck up, meanwhile when i succeed i tend to quickly forget about it. This is something i want to change, and i dont expect changing this to be that hard either. Just gotta catch myself when im being overly hard on myself and remind myself of my successes. Than afterwards simply getting up and correcting whatever mistake i made if possible.

Another thing i still want to fix is this fear i still feel when talking to people, especcially in a group. This fear isnr that insane or anything like that, and it makes absolutely no sense as at this point im almost always talking to people. But yet this sort of fear or tension of others and what others think of me remains in some shape or form at almost all times. This is still something i want to get over, but im not sure how to. Perhaps this is just something Related to me being far to hard on myself, or simply something that needs a bit of healing. Whatever it is ill figure something out, for now i gotta get back to working!


I feel like soon it really is time to admit that WANTED just doesnt fit me. Ive been trying for 9 months at this points using WANTED in various forms trying to make it work as the idea of girls constantly swooning over me just really appeals to my ego.
Ive been doing action alongside it (upping my looks, taking more care of myself, approaching and just going out in genaral) but i dont seem to be moving that far forward with this sub. Not compared to other subs at the very least. I will not say that ive seen no results as that would definitely be a lie, i went from a virgin to someone that does have a girl, and can from time to time get girls to be interested in him. The thing is though, the girls im getting are almost always the type tjat im not that into. The mysterious nonchalant side also really doesnf seem to match me at all as im extremely talkative and an open book. This side has thus also really not come out much at all in this time.

All in all, im still a bit torn or what to do, as the idea of wanted appeals to me so much, but in practice it doesnt seem to fit me that much thus far. Open for suggestions and ideas on how to moce forward. (Tagging @Invictus and @Luther24 as you guys seem to know a lot about this sub and have even more experience with it than me)


If you read this part of your post, slowly, objectively, and calmly, you’d see the issue.

@Luther24 might tell you that you’re just not being congruent enough with the program, which is true, and I would completely agree with it, which is why I’d like to add this:

The more you try to become WANTED, the less you’ll be like that, it’s not a goal you have to reach, but a state of being.

When you’re a WANTED guy, you don’t care about the type of girls attracted to you, nor would it even matter to you if the girls are attracted in the first place.

It’s a very paradoxical program, and in order to flow on it at the highest level, you need to completely let go of the desires yourself, because if you can’t, then you’re still operating with your ego, which means that you aren’t truly being WANTED, but more like acting out the sub only.

Maybe run rebirth before running WANTED, or try the new experimental one if you haven’t yet, but to be honest with you, regardless of doing either of those 2 things, what you really need to understand is the state you are in; is it your ego’s desire to be WANTED, or is it your true desire?

Take me for example, I’ve never used WANTED to get girls or attract them (that might change soon haha), but instead, my main reason for using WANTED is because the program’s description, the vibe, the feeling, and the physical shifting appeal to me and already made me feel like the sub was just a DLC for my life, so in that sense, I don’t use the sub to become something (cause I already know I’m good without it), but I do it because it’s the most “me” sub, and just enhances what was already established before in my life.

If you still feel like it might not be worth the time and energy, then i suggest you go on the store, read the descriptions of the programs, and try to find a relatable program, not a desired one; build on what you already have a good foundation with.


LOL you explain better than me, I need to get on that stark :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Hahah I haven’t ran stark in a hot minute, I’ll post what I just ran in the WANTED thread :eyes:


Interesting things seem to have happened after posting my previous post a few weeks back venting about WANTED. Despite not even consciously choosing to follow luthers and invictus’ advice, it just happened naturally. I at first wanted to switch my stack, but quickly decided to continue, not for any external reason, but for the simple fact that i like how attractive it makes em feel and wasnt willing to give that up just yet. They were absolutely 100% on the money with what needed to happen, and after that simple change WANTED started feeling so much better. The mysterious part also seems to be ramped up, but in a way that fits me more. Not in a quiet, inactive way, but more with teasing rather than giving direct answers. Im still just as talkative as ive always been.

As luther and invictus have been alluding to though, i 100% believe that the next evolution for me is gonna be to stop focussing on girls as much and focussing on myself more. This has been the direction my evolution has been going for a long time already (and most likely one of the major things wanted has been working on all this time), but theres still quite a way to go. Ive been making a lot of progress though (not just in this direction but im also proud of how much progress ive made in basically every part of my life).

Right now ive been running my custom + rebirth + a bit of diamond. Soon ill be going with a full stack of custom + rebirth + spartan as ive been dissappointing myself with how inconsistent i am with my workouts. Definitely feel like the physical shifting is partly going to waste for the simple fact that im not working out as much as i should.


Diamond has been absolutely amazing this past week. Im seriously impressed how well it works, and how insane the response has been. Absolutely reality bending.

Aside from this my custom has just been doing its thing. Im extremely happy with how it has worked, and rebirth rught now seems to sooth it out even more. Definitely still happy with the results.


My goals keep evolving

When i first started running stark and wanted last year, my goal was mostly to try and have a life thats as fun as possible. This motivation mostly stemmed from the fact that i felt like other people were doing so much more fun things than i was in my life, my life felt very mundane and kinda boring and i wanted it to be more exciting.
To get to this goal i had to overcome a lot of my fears like rejection, social anxiety and the fear of being judged. I can definitely say that my goal to lead a fun life has long been achieved, im extremely happy with how my life is looking like right now.

My goals have since shifted to something else though. While i naturally wanna keep doing fun stuff, i also want to find something higher meaning i can put my time towards. It doesnt have to be anything huge. Just something i really enjoy and greatly value spending my time at. The closest thing i have right now is climbing, but uve honestly been kinda neglecting that hobby, and as much as i enjoy it, i havent found the dedication to truly get so much better at it.
The other obvious thing is travelling, wich is probably my favorite thing to do.

As much as i love these things, they still dont fulfill me in the way that im looking for. To find something i decided to try and learn some new skills to see what i really enjoy and could get better at. Starting off, for uni i already have to learn coding. Right now i really despise it lol, but i can totally see that its be really fun if i understood how it worked. Another thing i want to look at is investing. Ive always been good with numbers and just making connections in general. I dont know to much about it just yet, but when i dedicate a good amount of time to it i can definitely see myself getting good at this.

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On an unrelated note, when i look back to before i started subs, and just look at how far ive come since than, i feel soo much pride. There really is jo greater feeling than the feeling of overcoming your personal obstacles, and this is partly why i love the subs and community here. Were all here evolving as human beings in some form. Reading all your journeys is so interesting and inspiring.

I finally got a room at the place a go to uni!! I only saw my roommates for a little bit, but they seem like incredibly nice people, def the kind of people id hang out with.

So with this im moving out of my parents house in a few days already. It happened incredibly abrupt and i really didnt expect it. That said ik very happy!


Im currently on the 5th month of using my custom, so i thought itd be a fun idea to make a big review of how it has affected me thus far.
Ill first be giving a general review and than going over all the modules in particulair.

general review of 5 months of using my stark/wanted custom

At this point my custom has affected me in a variety of ways. If you compare my current posts to the first post of this journal you can see a clear evolution of my mindset in general.

I started of as a virgin, desperate about girls yet at the same time anxious of losing my virginity.
At some point during my vacation i figured that i really didnt want tk get just some random hookup and would prefer to actually get a girl. So thats exactly what i did (together for 4 months at this point and still going strong) and that on its own naturally already greatly affected my life in a variety of ways.
Aside from this my desire to have a bunch of attention from all different girls has greatly been reduced the past month or so.
I used to reallyd esire that for my ego, but at this point with my custom my sexual ego gets inflated naturally lol, so i need that outside validation a lot less. It still feels good to get it ofcourse, but that feeling is only momentarily, and im aware of that, so even if i dont get it at all, i dont really mind as i feel confident enough sexually on my own. This result took a lot of time to get though as it really goes against the selfimage i had in the past of myself, but at this point i can confidently say that this is how i feel right now.

Another big thing was that i was quite insecure about my social skills and just myself in general when i started of.
Id often get that when a social occasion went less than perfect id get extremely down on myself and attack myself for any conversation that doesnt feel completely not awkward.
This insecurity has since also basically completely been removed. While at some times it can resurface a little bit to a very mild extend, this problem is mostky behind me.

Alongside this particulair insecurity, my confidence in general has also just greatly increased. While i cant just thank my custom for it as LBFH has also done a lot, it certainly helped. At this point i very rarely feel insecure and isecurity is mostly switched with a curiousity and desire to improve in whatever im not great it, or acceptance. I still can get down on myself, but these are just momentairy emotions that i can quickly get over rather than a common feeling in my life.

Now for the modules:

Note: all these results are combined with general stark and WANTED results. The modules are designed to work alongside the cores i choose, so with different cores, your results could be quite different.

This module makes people very interested in you when youre talking. It does exactly what it says it would do. In my experience and hasnt been super super profound just yet, but it definitely does its job. Its always fun and usefull when people are interested in you.

Ethereal presence
This module has been a bit hit or miss. It definitely makes people very open towards you. I havent noticed to much, but i guess aurabased subs are always hard to notice when youre not particulairly looking out for them. I do very often notice that basically everyone that has met me knows my name when they see me again, even though i often dont lol.

Transcendental connection
This one is fun. It just greatly helps with building strong bonds with people. I often find that people in their head think that we hang out far more often than we really do because they feel so close to me. Very good module, would def recommend

I would say though, this isnt the type of module that just makes you built connections with everyone. Ive found that it more works that it builds stronger connections with people you get very well along with regardless.

Earthsake sexuality
Looks here and there are a thing. It does what its supposed to do, nothing to much to say otherwise. If youre going 100% for seduction than this is probably a good one to add.

Sexiness unbound
Freaking love this one! Like ive said above, ive found thag the internal sexual confidence is far more satisfying that any outside attention you could get. This module is the peak of that. It did take me a long time to really get this out of this module though, so its a slow burner. 100% worth it though! And cant wait to get more out of this module.

Physical shifter
Ive done very little real external work towards this module so i also havent gotten to much out of it. My appetite was definitely very very high at the start. I can also say that ive been taking a lot better care of myself, especially when im going out. Cant say to much about it though, its hard to really notice things like this as well when youre not actively measuring the changes.

Focussed arousal
Ive found that on some girls, like my gf, makingnthem aroused comes so so very quickly and to such extreme extends that i didnt even think possible. I always assumed porn was greatly overexagerated, but now it feels underexaggerated.

Divine self image
I think the title of this module is a bit misleading. In my experience this module isnt about rising your self image to a divine extend. I assume the pride modules would be more fitting for that. This module though, does great at healing and getting rid of thoughts that are insecure in nature. This is definitely a healing sub, but a very good one at that.
Also i really found myself comparing myself to others a bit less. Its still something i sadly do a bit to much, but its gotten much better compared to before.

I mostly find myself approaching a lot of people when im bored at this point.not necessairly with the goal of seduction, but approaching has definitely felt pretty easy if you have some sort of opening.

Total nonchalance
I mostly just figured this module doesnt really fit me. Im a bit more of an energetic type and pure nonchalance is just not my style.

Closing statement
All in all, im very happy with my current results and subs in general. I found these result to all come very gradually, i never had that “holy shit” moment were i felt bombarded with results, they more so become obvious when looking back after a lot of time has passed.
My favorite modules so far are: sexiness unbound, divine self image and transcendental connection.


With how busy everything has been with moving out, gf, etc, ive failed a subject by missing a deadline. Honestly though, i really dont mind, and kinda like that i now for this semester have a lot more free time. I want to use this time to focus on sport and picking up meditation.

In the netherlands college isnt as insanely expensive as america, so having to do an extra year is far from a curse.

This does also indicate a big problem of mine though, time management. I easily can pass any test im given, but the deadlines can really fuck me over. I just lack the time management skills to do them, i usually only start when the pressure of the deadline coming close is to great to ignore. At that point though, i have to drop everything to pass the deadline, and if something comes up (in this case a disease), than i just fail.

This is a very common thing for adhd, but id still like to find a way to improve on this. Already tried scheduling my day, that didnt work as i would just end up getting behind on the tasks i wanted to do that day and end up doing nothing.

If someone has another idea that can help with time management, im definitely open to it!

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Inspired by @Lion s post on wanteds nonchalance, i kinda wanted to post about that + the total nonchalance module.

I said above that i didnt think these aspects have changed much, but now that i think more about it, i was wrong.

For me the nonchalance has very strongly came internally. I just stopped being worried about stuff and i very often have been saying stuff like “whatever happens, ist really doesnt matter that much” and things along those lines. In this sense my worrying has very much decreased a shitton and i tend to just do things when i feel like doing things.

I still domt fit the image of what something would think of at the word “nonchalant” as im a pretty energetic person, but this mindset has definitely manifest inside of me a lot.

I really enjoy it lol, wouldnt wanna change a thing.


Really glad to hear it, @TheDerpinator. My first taste of Total Nonchalance came from WANTED. The TN module is as good.

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Im actually starting to get called handsome/attractive more often now.

I still think im decently average looking guy (wich definitely isnt bad lol) in a lot of ways, but lately ive had girls calling me attractive a lot more often.

It all started with my gf, who sometimes just starts staring at me and talks about how sexy i am. This makes sense though as she is my gf. But even random female friends are starting to mention it now too. Not even in a way that theyre trying to hit on me or something, they just casually mention it in conversation.

Alpngside this random strangers i sometimes talk to also seem to noticably start acting more like theyre high school girls talking to their crush lol.

This is definitely WANTED in action lol,
The weird thing though is that aside from a slight ego boost, i really dont care about any of this at this point. Im in a happy relationship so its not like im gonna use any of this attention im getting in any way.


Hey, handsome do you know distinguishes differences between Wanted and module Total nonchalance?

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