Wanted Journal (physical shifting chronicles)


Bon Appétit!

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Was feeling sleepy towards the late afternoon i think the solace wanted, Spartan and accension was too much for my grey matter to handle.

Wont listen to any subs tonight…apart from early morning use stark as i have presentation tomorrow.


How about u switch the timing for wanted solace, I find it better to be used after I’m done with everything in the day, while as masked is fine any other time of the day

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What do you suggest i use it before i go to bed ?

Then perhaps use stark terminus in morning ?

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I just posted a hypothesis in the main wanted thread, but from my experience the solace mask can feel a bit too energy intensive, whereas the normal mask seems to give me a good boost.

So either;

  • use solace at night instead


  • use the regular masked instead without changing your routine

Hope that helps

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Not a bad idea thankyou.

I did get myself to the gym today but felt exhausted and demotivated, so i just did chin pulls then made it a day.

Usually i would have said lets not go to the gym but i think Spartan pushed me to do something rather then nothing.


Do you use a pre workout supp?

It can help u especially on days like these

Or you can do the OG prison guys pre workout

Instant coffee + Pepsi (or coke) :joy::joy:

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ahhahahaa :rofl:

I did invest in the pre workout NO-Xplode however it was disgusting and made me feel sick so i stopped using it.

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Ooooo I have tried that before, wait do you put it in a shaker or mix the powder with a spoon?

I remember that it used to create some fizz when I used to make it so I decided to do it in a glass with a spoon and it was much better, just wait till the fizz goes away before drinking it.

But if you would like to try something better, I recommend C4 by cellucor, it’s my favorite pre workout that I’ve ever tried and the flavors are amazing, with The Curse being my second favorite.

cant wait for the next mr olmypia rising from the underground scene of subclub :joy::joy:

without any PEDS thats a whole level of pog


Okay so here’s my theory, even if with Q+ we’re able to get really fit and big (like a fitness model), those won’t theoretically be able to push to the same level as a pro competitor, I mean even those people use a cocktail of different drugs, but if let’s say the standard usage for Q+ was once a week and let’s say u used emperor fitness Q+ Or the rumored HERO sub multiple times a month, regardless of recon, then you might be able to push your body to super physiological levels that would otherwise require PEDs.

I haven’t mentioned this anywhere on sub club, but my goal is to compete on a regional level before I’m 25, and since I’m already 23 and half, I only have 1.5 years to get to a men’s physique level, and in case I couldn’t achieve that level of a physique by the time I’m 24 and half, I’m seriously considering pulling the plunge and go all out with a 6 month plan and compete before my 25th bday. That is my current goal.


What’s stopping you? This sounds awesome

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Maybe you could post a photo of your muscular body without a head, just curious.

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The way gyms keep closing and the stress of my final year of Uni slowed me down a lot to the point where I lost around 15 kilos during the year, with those two being the reason, other than that I also have a weird condition that I haven’t really looked much into, but basically if I don’t workout, then even if I ate in a caloric surplus, I could lose up to 7 kilos per week, and that makes it hard to bulk up normally, which is why I’ve been wondering if Spartan can help.

But hey, that gives me more reasons to go beyond my limits :muscle:t3::sunglasses:

I’m actually planning to, I have a pic where the phone is kinda covering my face but I’m in a tank top that I took 3 weeks ago, I could post it in my journal if you’d like but it’s just a selfie, but I wanted to wait till next week before I post one because it would also give me a good 4 weeks comparison on wanted with heavy lifting.


Tried in the mixer and with a spoon it tastes revolting !! :neutral_face:

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Thanks for the positive encouragement i just want to look good without looking like a grossly big huge hulk.

I will consider posting a pic with my face scrubbed away.

Spartan is amazing if you want to enhance your will power to get things done.


Hahahaha what flavor do you have man :joy::sweat_smile:

Hello man @TheBoxingScientist congrats for your progress so far.
As a man working in the domain of sport I’d like to propose to you a cheap option to get more precise mesuring considering your fat mass as I saw that you were questionning your local machine.

Get yourself a “fat clamp” and search online for a formula that you’d see fit for you.
It work usually by proposing around 4 sites were you’d use the clamp on your body and get a measure on each sites, with a quick formula it’ll give you an accurate representation of your body fat.
You’d just have to take care to always take your measurement in the same spots like the logic would suggest and at the same time of the day ( the morning would be a great choice).

Machines measurment can be quite tricky and subject to big variations due to various factor like hydratation, sweat on your palm (if you’re using one that you have to stand and hold onto), your type of fat deposit (mainly it’s location), and many other little stuff of the genre.

Anyway I hope you’ll get were you want on your journey !

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Fantsstic suggestion will have alook online for one thankyou.

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