VoodooChildQ T + BloodSugarSexMagickQ T

I been having such revealing dreams, they are metaphorical but pretty easy to understand once Im awake. In fact last night dream I understood while having it, it was so powerful.
Primal Seduction is working deep, Im uncovering all kinds of crap related to woman but really about me, about what it really means to be a man and have self value.

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Ive notice something really unexpected, since Im not using male enhancement.
Lets use a 0 to 10 size scale, in wich 0 was the usual size of my penis in absolute rest, and 10 was the hardest erection possible.
Before, most of the time my penis was in the 0 position and I was able to reach number 10 ocassionally, when many conditions aligned.
Its been a couple of weeks since I discovered that my resting penis position is no longer a 0, but a 2 or even a 3. And Im getting number 10 erections more often.

The obvious would be to say that this is an effect of PS and Sex Mastery both being in Terminus power. I have the feeling that some other modules might be involved, and all the manhood healing Ive been experiencing of course.


Some more penis stuff, in case you dont want to know about it, skip this post.

To add to the previous post, theres also something else happening with those changes and of course its another aspect of the same process.
Everytime I look at my penis I find it to be more beautiful and I get waves of gratitude all over my body for having it. Its like I fully appreciate all the pleasure Ive experienced in my life for having one, and all the adventures we are yet to have.
Im proud of my penis and now I understand why my woman loves it so much :sunglasses:

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Thank you for your insights Joa. Appreciate it a lot!

Can you elaborate here a bit more and go into specifics?

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Sure! When I get back home, I have a pretty busy day ahead.

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Thank you

Have a nice one!

Thank you for this paradigm shifting new module in which to relate to my penis :slight_smile:

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@friday let me give you an example, this happend today.

I was having lunch with my girlfriends family and at some point they began discussing about politics. They call it ā€œconversationā€ but for real one of them assumes to have the truth and has to prove everyone else wrong, things got heated up pretty quickly.

When it all started I began to feel unconfortable and wanted to leave but took the option of leaving as a sign of weakness and thought I have to speak up to be respected and all that garbage.

I remained quiet and feeling the way I was feelingā€¦ then some minutes later I understood the whole dynamic and remembered where this pattern started in my life, as soon as I remembered I realized the fear was gone and that my time and energy are way too important to be wasted on people who call fighting and putting people down so they can feel good about themselves a ā€œconversationā€.

Soā€¦ I left with my girlfriend, we came back home rested for a while, I did some yoga while she danced and now we are listening to music in the sofa, feeling good.

That awareness happened naturally, thats is what Im saying is becoming my everyday thinking process.


Did you meant new model? Or do you want a new module for the Q Store, something like ā€œPenile Gratitudeā€ :joy:

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hahaha, :joy: yes meant model, my mind thinks in modules now.

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63/39 days

I finished one week listening to just one loop and Im taking the weekend off for resting purposes.
The feeling I get by this little experiment is that Ive processed way more information with just one loop than what I did with the usual 3 loops I was listening.

Next week Im doing 2 loops a day and the next one Im deciding according to what works best.

I keep getting desires to add Khan, at first explored into the idea to buy the program or to make a laser focused custom with just Khan as a core.
Later I discarded the whole thing as reconciliation.

Khan keeps calling me though.

Im not doing any changes to my stack for at least 1 more month or till my birthday.

If I still feel called by khan then Im making myself a personalized Khan. For now Im gonna sketch some ideas.

Khan ST4
Leader of Man
Alpha of Alpha
Godlike Masculinity
Power Awareness
The Spotlight
The Flow
Trascendental Connection
Male Enhancement
Prevent Premature Ejaculation
Focused Arousal
Instant Spark
Charisma and Flirting Automatic Mentor
Gorgeous Manifestor

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Well, today being a resting day and having done nothing but that, Ive managed to release deeply painful emotions.
First one of loneliness/lack of love, then one of emptiness.
I feel tired and with a mild headache.

Im leaning more and more towarda the idea of a 100% action based custom, with no healing. Ive been doing healing for a long time and Im reaching the point in wich I want to concentrate all the energy and effort in getting things done.
Its not that I havent been taking action, its more that I want to make things more efficient. Lets see how this idea evolves.

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The amount of childhood crap that Ive released today is huge, now was the time for sadness.
I revisited the first 5 years of my life and memories came to my awareness and I get to drain the emotion till I feel liberated.
I feel very good now emotionally, physically on the other hand Im exhausted


Which sub or module you feel is releasing the past?

Thats a tough one to answer, so Im gonna go with what I feel and the descriptions in the Q Store.

New Beginnings
Attachment Destroyer
Blue Skies
Primal Seduction

It makes sense to me that all of the above are working in tandem.

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Ive changed my mind, Im gonna listen to my subs in a 2x2x1 fashion. 2 days listening, 2 loops and 1 rest day.
Ive come to believe that listening from monday to friday is too much input for me because on weekends Im wasted.

I have the feeling this might work better for me.


Just remember that last night I had the most vivid dream I can remember ever having.

I dont remember any details about the content, except for the fact that I woke up from the dream and my first thought was ā€œdid I just do that? But I was supposed to be sleeping!ā€ And this feeling of certainty that I just did all those things and went to bed was very intense, I debated for a while whether it was real or not, all of this in an hypnopompic state, decided it was ā€œjust a dreamā€ and went back to sleep.

Now that Im thinking about it, the dream was about altered states, I was taking some kind of consciousness altering drug (ayahuasca or mushrooms) and I woke up feeling that way, in some sort of alternate dimension.

I listened to Graham Hancock before sleeping and he went on and on about ayahuasca, so no coincidences thereā€¦

Its very interesting, surely my pineal gland released a burst of DMT while I was sleeping and I managed to wake up for a bit under the influence.

Just yesterday during trance my unconscious mind gave me the sign to go back to listening Minds Eye TĀ², I left it out of my stack for a couple of weeks.

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