Vivir Mi Vida - Matalexander305

Which fragrances were you wearing? I think over spraying in the gym is a recipe for disaster. When you exercise and your body heats up, your fragrance starts projecting like crazy.

If I rock too many sprays of Chanel Allure homme sport EX, it’s gonna fill the entire room :joy:

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Dolce The one and Mont Blanc Individuel

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I have zero intrinsic motivation.

It’s been this way for as long as I can remember. Unless I’m driven by fear or extreme pleasure, I won’t move.

I just remain stagnant, stuck in a state of apathy.

I don’t know how to fix this and it’s really bothering me

I’ve hit some sudden DEEP recon. Like I’m depressed asf right now.

That part of the copy, about st3:
“If you don’t take action you’ll be made aware of your failure again and again”

I think that what I’m experiencing. This recon is on par with the recon I had on st1. But somehow it’s hitting deeper and I’m catastrophizing every part of my life.

Suddenly it feels like all the progress I’ve made with khan has disappeared and that I’m just going to keep suffering forever.

Starting my washout…

See you when the clouds clear up


Yeah, I’m genuinely sad and lost right now. Not sure what to do, not sure where to go, not sure what to think.

I miss feeling motivated, confident and full of energy.

Why does recon on wanted always feel like heartbreak? This isn’t the first time it’s happened

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Randomly passing by here after having some of your news from a common friend.

Wanted actually makes you a bit detached and accept all flaws from life. There is a good possibility the heartbreaking feeling you have is connected to grief of letting some stuff go. Expectation, flaws, attachement to whatever.


Maybe that’s why I’m having such a tough time, I’ve always had strong perfectionist tendencies. I’m sure it’s just recon and the feelings will pass.

Thanks for the insights bro

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I can only speak for myself. Wanted is the polar opposite of how I feel inside. For much of my life I’ve felt unwanted. An outcast, outside looking in.

The heartbreak feeling is essentially coming to a deeper emotional understanding of the neglect that caused it. The unacknowledged or buried pain. I wrote about it in my journal but it gets to a level where I feel emotional pain and at the same time also have the belief I’m not valid enough as a person to experience that. Like my pain doesn’t matter, nobody cares, I shouldn’t even care and take care of myself either.

The short of it is, some guys who run wanted are looking for validation subconsciously. Validation seeking is inherently unattractive, wanted purges that by bringing it up, but it can be a heavy one depending on what your life has been like. And you can’t lie to yourself about it, ZP will uncover it with time.

I think there’s two categories of people who experience wanted. There’s individuals who find it enhances their results and removes some very surface level limitations to dating or sex. Then there’s individuals with deeper core wounds where wanted needs to address those before the script can manifest completely.


I can empathize with this.

This however no. Taking care of yourself physically is essential for your self esteem. From your hygienic routines to the way you dress, to your fitness regime. “When you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you perform good.”

DING DING DING, you nailed it. Subconsciously yes, I do notice myself seeking validation. Like for example, if I go to the gym and no hot girls show me attention or IOI’s then I think “What’s wrong with me?” “They were checking me out yesterday, is something wrong with my me?”

But what I should realize is that it has nothing to do with me. Maybe they’re focused on themselves, maybe they’re in a bad mood, maybe I just didn’t catch them when they were looking and maybe I’m just not their type… so be it :man_shrugging:

Either way I shouldn’t feel this incessant need for validation, but I can’t lie it’s fun being that Mysterious hot guy at the gym. It’s gratifying knowing that even dudes girlfriends be checking me out on the down low… but now I’m thinking to myself, he’s still got the girl. Not me. And what’s more gratifying, attention from girls or having girls?

So I definitely have some growing to do

Absolutely, wanted easily manifests outwardly for me, but it’s more the internal that I struggle with. Specifically the motivation to challenge my fears and take action on my desires.


I hear ya. @Luther24 has talked about the wanted paradox a lot. Those desires to be seen, acknowledged, lusted after come from insecurities and unresolved emotional issues. The very things you want at your core or feel you need very deeply are the very things that prevent you from getting the thing you want, which is women.

Go easy with yourself. I’m still unpacking a lot with this title. That sort of gut level impulsive need can’t be hand waved away or ignored. It will stop being present once you’ve grown past it. For now there’s no need to feel bad about stuff like that coming up.

It’s kind of like a nesting doll of emotional issues. The desire to be seen which comes from existing emotional pain or lack, but feeling guilt or shame over this need expressing itself in such a strong compulsive way. Going deeper into the incessant need feelings will help you unlock what’s fueling them.

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I have been following your journal. I want to give you something to think about. I’m wondering if you’ve gone from the life of the party type of dude, to someone who is becoming more reflective and introspective. In other words, I’m wondering if your values have changed, as well as your focus. Perhaps focusing more inwardly rather than externally. Going from extrovert to introvert.

What do you think?

Not necessarily. I actually think subs have awakened this “life of the party” type of dude, that had been dormant for years. I’ve always been a weird mix of introverted and extroverted. I find myself craving a strong balance of both and right now that balance is tipped way to far towards the introverted territory.

However right now, yes I have become quite reflective and introspective. I often find myself reflecting on my life, my actions, words, emotions. I’ve even been listening to a lot of old music that bring certain memories and emotions to mind.

In certain ways yes, like I’ve lost interest in drinking, I’ve lost interest in copywriting (which annoys me because now I have nothing to work towards) and now I find I’m consumed with thoughts about sex, romance, relationships and my social life in general. Not only thoughts but strong emotions too.

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I’m in the mood for some journaling, what can I say?

For some positive results: Been absolutely killing it in the gym. Been smashing through PR’s every week.

Like 7 weeks ago I was barley getting 6 reps with 80lb ez bar curls. Today I did 5 reps with 100lbs.

Incline barbell bench: 4 weeks ago I could barley do 4 reps with 135lbs, this week I got 145lbs x 4 reps easily.

Yesterday I did 90lbs dumbbell flat bench for 5 reps,
2 weeks ago I struggled with 85lbs for 5 reps.

6 weeks ago I was maxing out at 35lbs x 12 reps on DB Hammer curls, for the last 3 weeks I’ve been repping out 55lbs x 10 reps.

All these results I would have to attribute to the conquering mentality of Khan. I’ve always been a serious athlete, but I’ve never challenged myself like this before. I had no clue I was strong enough to lift some of these weights and before I would just stay in my comfort zone to avoid failing in front of others.

Like when I mentioned that I barely got 4 reps with 135lbs on incline bench, it’s cause on that 4th rep I missed the rack and got stuck with the bar on my chest. (Luckily I was taught how to safely roll the bar off my body on to the ground.) But it was still embarrassing.

But a few weeks later, when I was noticeably stronger. I didn’t let that stop me from adding more weight and shooting for a new PR. So purely from a mindset perspective, khan has been amazing for my workouts.


Another insight I had while meditating in the sauna, was that I’m afraid of taking action. I’m afraid of stepping out of my comfort zone. (Specifically in Dating and relationships)

I’m afraid of failing and succeeding at the same time. Which is a hard thing to tackle. Every time I’ve succeeded in the past, it was only a matter of time until it all came crashing down and I failed. So of course I’m afraid of success. And their were other times I just blatantly failed.

Like I get it, it’s all a learning experience. But from my past experiences, failure lead to my character assassination. I wasn’t allowed to fail. I said or did something stupid and next thing you know everyone was talking about it. Laughing at me, people being condescending to me. And when I stand up and show that I wouldn’t take that sh!t, suddenly I’m the bad guy.

I guess these experiences lead me to believe that nothing is private anymore and that I can’t do or say anything without it being exposed to the world.

No wonder I’m so concerned with what other people think of me


Diving deeper into this, it’s like I’m waiting for someone or something to push me into action. Like one day I’ll just wake up and be comfortable putting myself out there, but that’s not how it works… is it?

Fears need to be faced head on. Action needs to be taken. I was always afraid of public speaking, and I never successfully convinced myself to be relaxed and confident before doing it. I just got up and did it when the teacher told me it’s my turn. And slowly as I began talking, I’d get more comfortable and when it was over, I felt like king of the world. And often, my teachers were very impressed by my speaking ability, I was told that I’m a natural (even though I was shaking in fear before speaking)

I guess what I’m saying is that, waiting for the perfect moment, waiting for that day when my fears and insecurities have magically vanished and i can approach women, speak with confidence and even just make new friends … that day is never coming. I’m going to have to do it anyways, whether or not I “feel” ready.

I mean look at this entry:

It’s evident that I can do it, I can talk to strangers and I can make friends. I can flirt with women and I can make them interested in me. So maybe I need to challenge myself a bit more, to get out of my comfort zone.


This is really important. Our own self perception of ourselves is not always what other people see. And to go further some people can see things we can’t. I think a lot of times with these subs people outside ourselves see the impact faster than we do. This is probably why taking action is stressed so much because of the positive feedback loop from the outside that helps solidify beliefs that are being built. This is also why doing too much isolation can hurt results if you get too deep into your own head.

I feel this one. By any chance have you practiced visualizing positive outcomes and interactions? Something like that might help bridge the gap between the internal and external results. Just a thought, sometimes jumping in the deep end with actual interactions can feel a bit too much. The mind is weird, sometimes it’s not how much exposure but the quality of it that helps you grow.

You nailed it here. Subs have really brought this phenomenon to my attention. The way other see us isn’t how we see ourselves. Often my behaviour has changed rapidly on subs, and to me it felt natural. Like “I’ve always been this way”. But I haven’t. And that’s evident by the way people react to the “new me”.

I do this for fun sometimes, and I do notice the subs influence on my words and actions in these hypothetical scenarios. I’m often surprised by how smooth, funny and charismatic I can be and I do wonder if I just took a leap of faith, maybe I would be just as successful as I am in my head.

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