New journal - New custom? Sounds right…
I’m planning a new custom and I think I’ve pretty much nailed it with this:
True social
Inner circle
Joie de vivre
Void of Creation
Chosen of Venus
Transcendental connection
Approachability aura
Aura of craving
Ethereal presence
Total nonchalance
Dance mastery
Song of joy
Light of humility
Achilles heel
Ardent light
Victory’s call
Furious accent
This is a very social/relationship oriented custom. Designed to mesh with any archetype I run alongside it (Stark, Wanted, Khan, etc.)
The major goal here is to put myself out there, create new connections (business, romantic, friendships), experience life to the fullest, new adventures, growth through social experiences, experience and learn more about love, self discovery and just overall HAVE FUN.
My life has been very rigid, Im very comfortable being alone and it limits my growth tremendously. I know I have so much to learn via other people. It’s like I’ve been subconsciously avoiding socializing due to past negative experiences and this has left me feeling stagnant and… like I’m missing out on one of the most beautiful and important things in life… PEOPLE. Relationships.
When I’m on my death bed, material things won’t mean much to me. It’ll be PEOPLE. The memories we made, the experiences we had together. That is what matters.
So with that said, what do you guys think? I’m planning on running this alongside Khan.
Would love some feedback.