Venusian Seductress [UA/SED]

01/05/2022 Manifesting more wisdom, these last few days have been filled with insightful messages from helpful members on the forum, my thoughts after listening to my subs ,situations that are occurring, youtube videos and loved ones. Im Trying to absorb, comprehend and apply. Wow everything I need to hear. A few days ago 01/02/22 I think that was the night :thinking: I wrote in my journal I was going to get clarity the next day. It’s been non stop the very next day while washing the dishes I turned on YouTube and a Sagittarius reading popped up( my sign )and I don’t usually listen to readings anymore but there is one youtuber that is always on point with my energy as soon as i saw the video I was thinking this is a message for me the fact that she hasn’t posted for a while and just the night before i told myself I was going to receive a message was no coincidence. She said Sagittarius I know your a free spirit you have goals and lots compassion for others.
What you want more than anything is to feel loved and be free. Then she hit me with this you are feeling bullied into conforming to the norm you have been trying to do things your way you may have quit your 9-5 to start a business and don’t feel like it’s working stop diubting yourself. You will be victorious But… :woman_facepalming:t4: In order for you to get there you will need some organization and structure. At that point I was thinking yes I know :upside_down_face: then she said it’s going to happen even if you don’t feel like it’s going to work out right now It is. If I remember correctly the first card she pulled was the discipline card in reverse. Yes I have lots of work to do part of my low mood is definitely due to lacking structure and organization that is something my 9-5 gave me and I do miss that. When I resigned I really didn’t think this would be an issue for me and I’ve been dealing with disappointment and shame cause I just can’t seem to get myself together. The flame and passion that was so strong died out and I’m trying to get it back. I’ve learned so much why am I having such a hard time applying everything. I hope this is not recon but just my mind trying to process everything. On a good note I watched this video from Mel Robbins, everytime I stumble across somthing like this I truly believe it’s a manifestation from Mogul ZP oh and no progress on the 10+ job applications I’ve put in over the last few months the job I really wanted js still in pre-qualification status and the interview I had for a different job is still in interview in progress status and 2 other positions still show under consideration.:pray:t4:


01/06/2022 I’m doing well, been having a few health issues but I think it’s just anxiety with everything going on. My blood sugar keeps dropping while I’m sleep so I have to really make sure I eat throughout the day and stay hydrated. Aside from that things in my life are manifesting for sure. I posted on New Years I want to make sure I take my supplements and vitamins and was doing research on brands. Well the very next day my brother texted me and asked if I was OK and if I needed anything I told him I have been feeling a little off and that particular day I was having some intense back pain. He sent me a link for the vitamins he takes and I looked at the ingredients they were on point they absorb fast no fillers and have everything I need+ and he ordered me a bottle. :partying_face:. Last night was a bit scary I didn’t fall asleep until 3:30 am I woke up exactly at 4:44am shaking trembling it’s hard to explain but it felt like my inner body was vibrating and I couldn’t control it I really thought it was about to quit on me I panicked and at 4:45am my spiritual sister texted me and asked if I was up and told me to call her. I did and I think her call actually saved me from calling 911 we had our spiritual talk and also talked about subclub I introduced her to SC she’s trying to figure out what program is the best fit for her. We were talking about dreams and Astral traveling and never giving up on goals things of thay nature. The conversation was healing we stayed on the phone until about 7am and before we finished she said I love your paintings I saw them on FB I want to buy one and I was like cool no prob, I was going to make her one from scratch but she already picked one out. Now the painting she picked out was during my learning experimental phase so I said are you sure you want that one she replied yes I love it how much I said I’m only going to charge $25 for this one. So we get off the phone and she immediately sent me $100 dollars I was so in shock and so grateful omg.:innocent:. Things are turning around my husband started his program and that was a manifestation in itself because I’ve been praying for him begging him at times to get some type of treatment for his trauma and coping mechanisms since I first met him almost 9 years ago omg our wedding anniversary is on 01/12 :hushed:I just remembered :woman_facepalming:t4:. The program is pretty intense but this will be one of the best things he has done for himself in a long time I just hope I’m not the only one that realizes that. I’m also cleaning up my act on a few things as well like no wine in the house. All this pretty much manifested and unfolded after starting Mogul ZP I feel like this sub is cleaning house so far and I’m sure seductress is playing a role in this. Down the line if things do work out between us I think heartsong would be a great program for us to do together. OK I’ve rambled enough if you are reading this I want to say thank you for your time :heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart:


Ugh I forgot to journal the day I listened to seductress and UA loops now everything is a blur I took a extra day off so I believe it was on 01/04

01/07 2 loops mogul zp

01/08/24 6:25am I don’t know what the heck I’m going through right now. I haven’t been to sleep yet I’m in bed staring at the ceiling. All these thoughts,doubts,questions and fears are racing through my mind. I’m feeling a lost and hopeless at this current moment but I know it will pass im going to stay strong. I guess the biggest issue is I don’t know what move to make. I know with subs and with everything you do in life you have to put in the effort. My question is what to put my effort into. BALANCE i need BALANCE. Like I’ve said before most of my day is spent cleaning the house and taking care of my girls and by the end of the day I’m mentally drained, anxious,in pain and thinking to myself how in the heck am I going to start up a successful business or go back to a 9-5 in addition to this when I’m drained and exhausted from just being a parent and taking care of my household this cant be normal. Then the negative self talk starts I’m weak I’m lazy I’m procrastinating why can’t I be like other mothers that work all day and balance the household why is this taking so much out of me? Why can’t I seem to get my life in order. I just keep telling myself wake up! Snap out of it! I just read the article on doing a washout I don’t think it’s time for that yet. Then I read the article about stonewalling/overload and recon idk :woman_shrugging:t5: i think it’s me not the subs. I do get the feeling at times that I’m am not even close to being aligned with Mogul ZP so it could be causing some fears like I’m trying to get myself to take on some responsibilities that I just can’t handle right now , but that’s the thing I have lots of things I need to handle and accomplish no excuses! I have to figure this out and make things work in my life for me and my girls. As I always say failing at this is not an option. On a positive note my paint supplies will be coming in today I will finally be back to my painting that will definitely help with my anxiety and I will be doing somthing productive which always lifts my spirits. I also need to get back to my spiritual rituals and things of that nature I know I have help in high places I just haven’t had the energy. Either way although I haven’t had time to do my ceremonial practices I know I’m still being protected and taken care of.:innocent:


I caught it really briefly in one of your other posts but you mentioned having ADHD? Was that an official diagnosis or just the casual term people say sometimes?

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It’s official I was diagnosed by a neurologist and psychiatrist in the 6th grade along with anxiety and seasonal effective disorder.In my adolescent years i went to lots of therapy so that has helped me through the years but sometimes i do get flares definitely during times of intense stress. I’ve been on adderall but that no longer works for me. Honestly the only thing as of right now that helps me stay calm and keep my thoughts from racing 1000 miles per second are reiki, meditation and my artwork.


Something grounding and physical may also be a nice ingredient to mix in.

whatever your body and intuition are attracted to and attract to you. Nothing urgent. Just keeping the eyes open.

Interestingly, I get the image of you doing something vigorous. Or sometimes vigorous. But, anyway, bless your path.

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Thanks @Malkuth that’s no coincidence you saw that image. I think my missing ingredient is working out that works wonders for me in my 20’s I was working out a lot training to enter a fitness competition but my confidence(stage fright) wasn’t there. Fast forward I gained a lot of weight after having my daughters i was up to 300lbs. Since I’ve lost all my weight I have thought about giving it another try but for now I definitely do feel I need to get back in the gym as a start. Your right that will definitely help my mind state and what I’m going through right now :pray:t4: fitness maybe my secret source :moneybag:

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This just really stuck out to me and why I asked about ADHD. I found out I’ve been struggling it for years at the age of 30. Got diagnosed a few months back. And I know it presents very specific challenges.

I just wanted to drop a friendly reminder that you’re doing a phenomenal job despite the difficult challenge ADHD causes. Those why’s hurt a lot, I don’t have kids but I feel like some days I just barely make it through so I can tell you’re doing your best. You’re doing the inner work to get where you want to be, even though sometimes it doesn’t show on the outside.

Balance and structure like you said is so very important when you have ADHD. The problem is getting there. That half way point where things aren’t firmly in place. It can be torture.

Anyway compassion is so important when facing these challenges and I hope you’re able to give it yourself because you do deserve it.


@Fractal_Explorer Thank you so much it never ceases to amaze me of how supportive all the forum members are on here it definitely makes my soul smile. I really appreciate your kind words. I’m sorry that it took so long to find out what was going on that in itself is tough. How are you doing now? If you don’t mind me asking are you male or female I’m asking because I just found this youtuber that explains how ADHD effect women differently than Men and most of the time women are misdiagnosed with depression and adhd is overlooked and she has good advice If your male no worries. There is still plenty of helpful info out there and cognitive therapy helped me as well. I’ve been listening to Mel Robbins lately she has some really good techniques. I just have to get myself to remember to do them. Subclub is definitely a great resource especially if you need some healing I’m actually thinking about a healing program but I’m trying to stay on my current stack for a while.


The thing is, everything here heals somewhat

With ZP I don’t even know if intense healing is needed


It is a very supportive community and I’m glad to be a part of it.

As for me I’m not really thriving in life, but I’m much better than when I was younger and felt like a broken person. It’s been tough just learning about it now because I’ve realized how awful I’ve been to myself over the years with something that was largely out of my control. With the help of these subliminals I’ve been slowly building my life into something I can be happy with. But it’s been tough.

I’m male but my ADHD definitely doesn’t present in the typical way. I got diagnosed with ADHD-PI and from what I’ve read that’s actually more common in women. That YouTuber might still have pretty good relevant advice for me. Despite going to therapists when I was younger they all came to the conclusion it was a combination of dysthymia and social anxiety, so I was definitely overlooked.

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@Yazooneh Your absolutely right I wasn’t expecting UA/ Seductress or Mogul ZP to have healing effects but I’m starting to belive they do. It’s all starting to make sense.

SEDUCTRESS:In order to gain confidence, feel beautiful and have high Self esteem you have to realize your value, self worth, truly love yourself and set healthy boundaries with others which has always been a struggle for me I’m definitely becoming more assertive and less of a pushover.

UA: For me art is therapy and it definitely helps me to heal, keeps me calm, helps me to focus and stops my mind from racing. UA has also helped with my skill level and pushing me pass boundaries I couldn’t overcome before. Being productive always makes me feel better about myself whenever I create art I feel I am fulfilling my lifes purpose or at least part of it.

Mogul ZP: Is definitely going into the depths of my soul its having a purging effect all my deepest fears are being confronted things that I wanted to ignore before I can’t and its been very thought provoking and most importantly wants me to come up with solution to change for the better so i can become the best version of myself.

In other words yes all very healing thanks for that point @Yazooneh :blush: I actually feel better now about the emotional Rollercoaster I’ve been on healing takes hard work. You have good days and bad days but when your putting in the effort and know it’s getting you to where you need to be in order to be happy, successful ect… it’s worth it.

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Sounds like your thriving to me give yourself some credit​:blush:. You sought out the help you needed, your aware and your working on your issues that alone is a great accomplishment in itself. You have been transforming and still are its a beautiful process. The subs are going to push you to the next level​:clap:t5::raised_hands:t5: and I’m going to look up that youtuber for you. Oh have you made in any dietary changes to aid with your adhd I notice when I eat healthier and keep up with my vitamins it tones down my adhd, depression and fibromyalgia small change that makes a big difference.


Thank you! Your kindness means a lot.

Yes I’m actually on a bit of a restricted diet. No wheat, dairy, or corn. I just recently started adding coconut oil to my diet more to help with the cognitive side of things. I’m trying to get into fermented foods as well because I’ve heard that’s good for gut health. The wrong foods can definitely make the ADHD worse for me. The only other supplement I’ve been taking has been L-tyrosine which has been helping. I’m not a huge fan of taking the stimulants, they always feel like they stress my body too much once they wear off and I crash pretty hard. So they’re set aside for when I really need them to function for the day.

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Oh wow that’s awsome all the healthy changes you’ve made. The Multivitamin I just started taking has fermented probiotics in it. Its only my 2nd say on them will say how it goes I love kombucha just wish there was less sugar in them.

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01/10/22 listened to 1 loop of seductress & UA


01/11/2022 OK so this is amazing it has to be seductress!!! I’ve had braids in for a while so I took them out washed and deep conditioned my hair. My hair is so soft it literally feels like my hair texture has changed and it’s grown a lot. This has to be seductress because I didn’t use any new products the only way I usually can get my hair to feel like this is when I go to the salon. Thank you ! :blush: :pray:t4::gift_heart:


01/12/2022 So yesterday was a great day. I’m in a better mood, I have more energy. Yesterday I finally had the energy to read magickal riches again and started my rituals my focus and visualizations were on point. My Husband came home from his IOP program in a good mood and took me and the girls out to dinner to celebrate our 8 year wedding anniversary it was a surprise I wasn’t expecting. After dinner he gave me 25 bucks to go in the store to grab a few things we needed as I walked into the store I thought to myself I have enough money to get everything we need.Once I got up to the register I was looking at the ring up screen and I was already up to 23 dollars and still had 3 things left that hadn’t been checked out yet :open_mouth: and right when i was about to start handing a few things over to the cashier and let him know I wasn’t purchasing he said would you like to use your $17.00 credit :partying_face::exploding_head: I wanted to jump for joy and i was thinking where in the heck did this 17 dollars come from ive never had this many points wow but I stayed cool and was like sure! Omg so much gratitude​:pray:t4: I walked out the store like life is awsome everything is working. Today I’m working with Mercury and my other rituals. I’m focused now and aligned working on keeping my vibes high. I want to mention even though I ran the alchemist program a while ago and not for long I feel whatever I listened to is still working within me. Somthing keeps telling me I really need to go back to that program and stick with it I feel like it’s what I am most aligned with and will get quick and powerful results due to that but when choosing my current stack I wanted to pick the things that I was having the most issues with in life where most of my obstacles are. So I’m good with what I have for now because when I do go back to alchemist I will be even stronger, confident focused than I would have been without running my current stack. Hope that made sense I’m definitely feeling like an alchemist right now tho lol tramsmuting and manifesting visualizing my higher self in the cosmos a bright beam of light shining through the darkness with a fiery ring of protection around me. With all the financial issues going on I’m not worried it’s temporary I will get to where I need to be I’m abundant,aligned, provided for and protected. The Universe is telling me you are taken care of just focus on doing your work and stop wasting your energy on worrying and use it towards manifesting the life you deserve. I also want to say I stumbled across a thread called bounty somthing I can’t remember the exact name but @SaintSovereign said to eat some chocolate fudge like cake and Gatorade to help with recon.I can’t eat chocolate fudge cake it will make me very sick so I tried some homemade pumpkin bread my mom made me and some powerade and I have to say I think it helped. Can’t wait to run my UA/ Seductress loops tomorrow.


I thought I would share this because someone may need to hear this …
.I think this might be an important observation to share.
When I first read the description for seductress before purchasing and noticed that it could help with hair my immediate thought was there is no way this is going to change your hair you’ve tried tons of products and techniques to keep your hair moisturized and hydrated this may work for others not you (keep in mind i was brand new to subclub at this time). Why am I mentioning this because I really thought there was no way this sub was going to help improve my hair I’ve struggled with it for so many years so there’s no way right? Well when starting my subs I always take the big picture approach I don’t focus to much on the outcome. I focus on the process this help me to stay aware of all the changes that are happening during the process and i feel like im more appreciative when having this mindset everything that happens feels like its a gift which helps keep my vibration high because it keeps me in a state of gratitude which is important for manifesting. This has helped me to stay away from being disappointed so when changes like this occur it wasnt an expectation its a surprise and somthing I’m truly grateful for. When I started seductress I didn’t have any detailed or specific goals or think about the end result.I just said ok seductress help me to be the best version of myself that I can be and help me tap into my feminine energy and be aligned with it. I didn’t go in with specific expectations I just knew and know the program was going to transform me into what I desire to be. My higher self and subconscious now the details so ive learned on a conscious level not to worry about the fine print as much. So I guess having soft hair is a part of my transformation lol. Immediately after starting seductress I was prompted to start a skin care routine which I did and found the most amazing products along with seductress my skin glows. I saw some friends I haven’t seen in a while and they were like omg what are you using your skin is beautiful. My weight has still been good even without a consistent exercise routine although now I feel like seductress is telling me ok you’ve had your break get your butt back in the gym it’s definitely pushing me to overcome that obstacle. I am being a bit stubborn but I will get there. My other point is that even when we think things aren’t possible when we start working on our subconscious and tap into it reprogram it anything is possible.


This open bounty thread that is being referred to was very helpful at the time. A good handful of us were getting reconciliaton (and rage) about a few months (I think) after the Qv2 upgrades. Sugar and chocolate were aids to combat recon.

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