Main Store Titles Requests

i honestly think that everything that i will ever need in my lifetime is already here in subclub

im that member that thinks this is the outmost for me and i think i just need Q+ sauce and i will be happy :sunglasses:

i need a Q+ module :joy:

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I have Paragon, I want something solely focused on producing deep relaxation and deep sleep. This thread is for requesting something specific… so that’s what I did. :wink:


A title that focuses solely on Premature Ejaculation,
like Diamond does it for ED.

Utilizing all the new insights from Dragon Reborn for healing and the physical tech of the ASPS line up. Completely eradicating all hyper-sensitivity, fears and nervousness.

I see so many people here struggling with this problem. While Sex Mastery is one of my fav subs, it might be a bit too limited to heal such a deep-rooted issue (if it is one for you). And both Sex Mastery and Diamond are likely to increase your sensitivity and arousal instead of decreasing it.


Jobseeker. Brings your manifestation ability, behavior, persuasive ability, self image, and all other factors online and into alignment to get you the job you’ve been dreaming of as quickly and easily as possible.


More than a wealth title. Create a fantastic team around you. Build businesses and sell them with ease. Find your passion and monetize it. Become a decisive decision maker. Make smart decisions. Effective sales and communication with customers, vendors, and employees. Ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions not just in the tech world. Love what you do. Develop an internal compass for which direction you want to tske your businesses. Develope multiple streams of income. Destroy limits that make you a salary slave. Become self reliant and able to be calm when the world is falling down around you as what often happens in business. Finally crush your opponents in the market. Become the best at what you do.


Ooh I have one I made up the other week… :grin:

I give you, The Virtuoso:

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I’ve found the DREAMS Ultima does this

I should also clarify… a deep DREAMLESS sleep. :nerd_face::rofl:

I don’t know why so many people want to remember their dreams… when I remember lots of mine (almost every night) I awaken feeling as though I’ve been watching TV all night. Not rested at all, and with my head full of dream storylines, etc. Occasionally they’re interesting, but 99% of the time it’s mental clutter that I’d rather not have. I want to wake up feeling refreshed, not like I’ve spent 7h binge-watching some nonsensical show.

I’m not picky at all, am I? lol.


a sole manifestation title will be sweet…


A main title QV2, not Ultima, like a mixture of WANTED/Paragon but for physical shifting for healing, health, strength, performance with a strong focus on returning/regenerating/ transforming to the top physical health and athletic experience of a person on every level, internal health, organs, neurologically…like a main sub that integrates all the aps/sps modules.


Thanks for posting this, man!


There are plenty of “how to books” on how to succeed as a writer. Yet, most people don’t. Part of the reason is that people lack discipline to sit down and keep writing day in a day out. They think that they have to have the perfect idea before composing something. Or that everything that they write should be a masterpiece. That’s B.S…

One of the keys to being a great writer is to write!!! Even if that means you sometimes compose crap. I’m not saying you should submit to a publication, but I’m saying write.
A rich Writer Ultima/ Q, would definitely be a good idea. I can see something like that being very beneficial. Motivating someone to sit down to write, day in and day out. To help him formulate great ideas and topics to write about. To give him/her hope that their efforts will eventually pay off etc.


I have a recommendation. But it wouldn’t be a money maker for sub club. The demand wouldn’t be there. But I would love to see it happen. " How to become a successful Actor". This would have to be a Multi-stage sub.



Wait… this was that weird movie :wink:

I don’t think this is the real issue. Fears and nervousness and being “in your head” sure. But sensitivity is not REALLY the issue imo. From my own experience and what I read, it’s really mostly a subconscious setup and belief for how long you can last.

For me it fully depends on my mental setup and how immersed I am.

Sure, reducing sensitivity would help, but why would I reduce my own pleasure just to last longer?

Generally I agree though. A SEXUAL HEALING Title focused solely on problems around that.

ALCHEMIST SINGLE STAGE! Or some kind of Spiritual Sub.


I’d like to see Main Store titles (not customs) which use Dragon Reborn as the healing component instead of Rebirth. Like how Emperor and Ascended Mogul use Rebirth, or Primal Seduction uses “Supreme Rebirth”…I’d love to experience those titles with DR as the healing component.


R.I.C.H.: Internet Marketer…for SubClub’s financial benefit, this could be broken down into several variants/flavors.

I’d GLADLY pay $49.99 for a R.I.C.H. title focused solely on prospering with affiliate marketing, or eCom, or Dropship.

Of COURSE if all that could be in a single R.I.C.H. title, I’d also GLADLY pay $99 for that. One hour daily to cover all my IM bases? Hell yes.


Yes I agree, I meant more hyper-sensitivity and the absence of scripting that tries to increase your pleasure like in SM or Diamond.

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Ultima Deep trance identification!
With a personal affirmation before listening of whom and what we want to emulate in a positive manner.
A Raikov subliminal title.:+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:


A booster of subliminal


One more thing about Jobseeker. Lets make it a two stager. One for getting the job, and one for your first six months to a year on it. It would help you to cement your position and get the best start possible to your new career. You would learn quickly, make the best possible impression on bosses and coworkers, develop a great reputation right off the bat, manifest situations where you shine, catch the eye of the right people (through genuine competence not ass kissing), and help you enjoy what you’re doing.