Ultima Journal placement?

I have a $20 pair of headphones I use most often and I have a higher quality JVC Bluetooth pair that I use at times as well. I use the cheaper pair because the are a wired pair and the wifi here isn’t always stable

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This is the JVC ones I have

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@James - thanks for that. I occasionally wonder about whether am playing Ultimas right. I use a Senheissers cx180 (which is a decent wired in-ear headphone) when sleeping.

Need to use my Bluetooth higher quality headphones once in a while but am currently too busy to play my stack during the day.

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I wonder the same thing. Maybe @DarkPhilosopher or @SaintSovereign can comment

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Yes, this is fine. That’s how I listen to my stack.


Finally running my first loop of Elixir for the day. Not sure of how many I will be able to get in. Hopefully at least four.


On my second loop of Elixir. I should be able to get two or three more loops in before bed.


I only ran three loops yesterday of Elixir. I plan to get double that in today if time allows and possibly run one or two loops of Executive in between. I got to thinking last night about how someone who is going in the direction I am takes 100% responsibility for their lives which means getting shit done among other things

Currently running one loop of Executive. Getting shit done and I want to continue with that. Later I will run multiple loops of Elixir

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Feels like it may be a day of running equal loops of Executive and Elixir.

Running a loop of Elixir. I feel like with Elixir the more I run it not only do I regret past mistakes less and less but I also have less desire to try to recreate things or situations about it that I often miss or wish I had done differently or not done at all. I really feel Elixir and Executive are the subliminals I have always wanted and needed without always being aware of it.
Thank you so much for these two @Fire & @SaintSovereign .


Not feeling the best this morning. The last few days have felt a fuck ton of anxiety. I know it’s not the multiple loops of Elixir because it started before I began that. A lot of if not all of it stems from feeling trapped and not knowing what to do . I may pull back from running Executive as often and run BLU with Elixir instead so I can tap into my increasing cognitive abilities to figure shit out. Or maybe run BLU one day and Executive the next

Trying out a different player on my phone and headphones instead of earbuds to see if that makes any difference

Running Elixir currently . Realized a lot of my anxiety and frustration is because my wife and I are currently stuck in a toxic living environment and are unable to leave for at least a year or so when we can get her on disability.
I just don’t get why it’s so hard especially for older folks (boomers) to put aside whatever beliefs political ,religious, academic, or otherwise to be a decent person. Why does it seem like so many of them have the delusion level of narcissistic entitlement and self importance?

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Running another loop of Elixir then I will probably take a break and run RegenerationQ. Debating dropping Executive for a bit in favor of Rebirth Ultima. Just ramp up the healing. I do feel better and different in a good way since changing the audio player I use on my phone. In a way I feel like I am getting an education in mental and emotional maturity by dealing with the people my wife and I rent from. Everything that is healthy and mature is quite literally the exact opposite of whatever they do. It’s weird but I will explain more later


@James what is the difference between Rebirth + Elixir for you? I am wondering if there’s anything I can get out of Elixir.

Also, what’s up with the frequent profile pic changes?

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@SubliminalUser I have only run Rebirth Ultima once so far so I can’t say much about that. Elixir for me is what therapy should be multipled by a thousand. I may not run Rebirth I haven’t decided yet. Part of what I’m going through could easily be reconciliation so sticking with just Elixir and RegenerationQ is probably the best idea.

As far as the change in profile pictures? Just felt like it.


At first I was concerned that running Elixir and RegenerationQ for a long period of time would make me apathetic. Now I just don’t care. I can be indifferent and easily be ok with it.
It’s going to probably take a while for the deep and wide healing to take place and yet that’s another thing I am ok with. I don’t want to ever be a delusional critical entitled narcissist. I would rather be the opposite. That existence is meaninglessness and that’s ok. The more I run Elixir and RegenerationQ the less seriously I take myself and the more I am able to shrug off the absurdity of life. Am I miserable or unhappy? Not at all I just refuse to have unrealistic expectations


Putting aside, for the moment, the fact that this statement, taken as a whole, borders on comedic gold, I’d also want to ask, ‘apathetic about what?’

It seems to generalize over some important details; in which might be found, as they say, the ‘devil’.

Have you lost interest in your own passions? It doesn’t seem like it.


I can confirm this. Am able to accept life as it is when previously I was too idealistic and ended up either blaming myself or others or both when things didn’t go according to “plan”.

Now am like “if it works, that’s good. If it doesn’t, how can I learn from this so I do it better next time”. No more wasting my time and emotions on needless feelings like guilt or anger or sadness or self-pity etc.