Ultima Journal placement?

your gonna run Elixer, Regeneration for year just those two?

Yep. As well as Executive when necessary

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If that isn’t an acknowledgment of your status, I’m at a loss for what is. That is awesome!

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Atomic Habits is phenomenal in terms of both the theory behind what he recommends…AND also the specific steps in each chapter/section to help lock in the ideas internally.

Once you’ve read it (but not until after) I highly recommend “The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson as the perfect companion to “Atomic Habits”


@Palpatine I will check that book out. With Elixir and Regeneration I am now aware of how all of if not most of my mistakes in the past were based on the need for instant gratification or short term thinking. With Atomic Habits I am going to learn how to never make those mistakes ever again. It’s all long term thinking and delaying gratification from here on out.

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The reason he called it “Atomic Habits” is the “Atomic” part…in the sense of meaning “Tiny” or “Elemental”.

Those tiny habits that help you move the needle on goals. So its’ definitely not an “Instant Gratification” book. The emphasis on taking on and mastering one tiny micro-habit at a time is why I think Slight Edge is a good companion. let me know what you think of AH

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Running one more loop each of Elixir and Regeneration then bedtime.


Good choice. I did the same a month and a half back. Got back my peace of mind.

Also the book Deep Work advocates removing social media for higher productivity and success.


I can vouch for The Slight Edge too. Excellent book on how incremental changes compound well.

Atomic Habits still waiting on the bookshelf staring at me all atomic bomb style as if saying “READ ME ALREADY DAMN YOU” lol


Oh! What an excellent coincidence. I just watched it an hour ago and am gonna watch Rollo Tomassi’s commentary on the same documentary on YouTube.

DO EET. DO EET NAO! Future you will look back fondly at this decision point.


@Palpatine- Right now am running through Cal Newport’s books (Deep Work, So Good They Can’t Ignore You and Digital Minimalism). After that I will read The One Thing and then get to Atomic Habits . Which should lead to a rereading of The Slight Edge.


I have only run one loop of Regeneration today so far. Just feel stuck today. Frustrated with what I have to deal with currently and I have no idea where to start although I feel Elixir and Regeneration are uncovering latent cognitive functions or abilities I probably repressed from how and by whom I was raised.


@James. Yes! It digs deep. There were memories that were buried that came to the surface. I am loving every minute of the elixir ultima and regeneration.


I’ve been really curious as to what running multiple loops of Elixir would feel like and right now I am on my fourth loop of the day and I feel good.

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I’ve been really curious why you’ve deleted a whole bunch of your own posts for the second time now.

@DarkPhilosopher I was going to run a certain stack but changed my mind and that’s what the posts I deleted were about. Working on becoming healthier, more stable, and more grounded to paraphrase the sales page for Elixir Ultima .

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Now on my fifth loop of the day of Elixir. I really want to know and understand what a healthy, stable grounded mentally and emotionally mature person is because I have no idea.


Yesterday I ran five or six loops of Elixir .I lost count. I feel really good today. Little to no anxiety. I plan on doing this going forward for a while with loops of Executive thrown in when needed


Good to hear this. Are you using normal headphones for running multiple loops of Elixir Ultima or high quality ones?

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