Turn me into my dream character thread

Daniel Ocean? (George Clooney’s character from Ocean’s 11)

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@Apollo - one of my favorite characters. Frankly, I like anything with George Clooney in it. Even Batman Forever haha. He just plays himself in every movie anyways


Haha same here. Just suave, stylish, smart, alpha and yet non-threatening. No negative vibes at all.

Hmm I’m thinking Stark, maybe AM and Primal and BLU… :thinking:


That just might be it

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This fellow is impressive. Somebody might need to run the right customized sub at a young age for 2 years in order to achieve what he managed to achieve.

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Khan Stage 4
Stark/Power Can Corrupt
Alchemist Stage 4
Direct Influencing Aura
Secret Source
Sex Manifestation
Gorgeous manifestation
Ultimate Music Producer
Focused Arousal
Transcendental Connection
Awakened Perception
All Seeing
Glory Seeker
Fortunes Favorite
Pride Unbroken


Another secret project. :smile:


damn :rofl:
:crossed_fingers: I just can’t keep em to myself.


Going by who is getting mentioned in another thread…

I wonder what custom sub can make one be as successful as

The Donald.


I previously wanted to be a solopreneur type of guy, like Christian Grey, Harvey Specter, James Bond. The lone wolf alpha male. Only Emperor was enough for that. But recently, I am more inclined towards becoming a “famous” leader (with qualities) who other men are crazy followers of, a true leader of men, people cheer (or whisper) his name wherever he goes. Achilles, Maximus, John Snow, Aragorn are some that come to mind.


Anyone in real life and in modern times? Perhaps our modern world is lacking in real leaders.

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I thought about modern leaders. But couldn’t find much. Maybe someone else can give some examples.

Kanye West :slight_smile:

Sebastian from Cruel Intentions?

Barack Obama?
Justin Trudeau?
Steve Jobs?
Elon Musk?

Do you have any experience on this?

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It helps you see other men in a different light. Not as competition or underneath you but as people who could use your help and can in turn help you.

You get the confidence to take them under your wing and lead them. Make leaders out of them by doing so.

It does so by healing our own issues with masculinity. For what we hate in ourselves is what we hate in others. And when we embrace our manliness, we can also understand other men.

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Thank you, any conflicts with Khan archetype? Even minor?
IMO no, since I have this mentality you talked about with Khan.

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The Great Gatsby

I am a bit surprised that no one has mentioned this guy yet.

I’m thinking Stark Black meets GLM: Commander and E:HoM, sprinkled with some Sparta.

Intelligence, business, tech, leadership, martial art, and family.

David Xanatos

Would you guys say that’s accurate?

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