Traveling the Paths of Wealth, Imbuing Vital Physicality (Custom Q Journal)

Okay. Monday at 1:45 pm. The 10 AM meeting ‘only’ lasted about 3.5 hours. They’ve gone longer. This was necessary, and stuff got decided. So, okay.

Got 2 rounds of Quantum Limitless. 20 minutes left of PATHS Terminus.

Hmm…lunch, some other tasks, and then it’ll be time for an early afternoon meditation hour again with PATHS.

And now, I think we may be looking at a poke bowl kind of situation.

Last night I ran an overnight playlist in my headphones while sleeping.

It had:

  • Libertine Ultima
  • Alchemist Stage I
  • Alchemist Stage I
  • Quantum Limitless Stage I
  • Quantum Limitless Stage I
  • PATHS Terminus Custom

Woke up with one earbud still in ear, hearing sub, and about 15-20 minutes left in final track. Which means I got about 5h and 30 to 45 minutes of sleep or so.

Pretty awesome.

Morning meeting today, with Quantum Limitless and one loop of PATHS and one more loop of Quantum Limitless.

Crashed a bit maybe for 45 minutes or so.

Then the meditation today with PATHS Terminus.

Tonight, I’ll do my hill-walk with IMBUE Terminus.

Maybe in about an hour.

Feels good.

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Thinking, for hiking workout tonight, of adding AEGIS: Survival Instinct after my physical well-being custom. The hike only lasts 90 minutes, but when I get back I can switch to Bluetooth speaker and continue listening until it’s done.

Last night as I was hiking back through the park on the way home, I saw that the cordon around the pull-up bar had been removed. Quickly did a set because I’m not sure how long that will last.

11 pull-ups felt okay.

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Children using my computer workspace right now for tutoring. So, I sat and composed music on my iPad for the last hour or so. I like what came out. Think I’ll try to extend it, upload it to YouTube, and paste it here in my journal.

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Think I’m gradually evolving in that direction.

Stack feels perfect.

There’s not that much to say about it. I would say it can’t really get any better. But I’ve learned that you can’t really say that around here.

Added in Aegis Initiative: Survival Instinct last night. It feels like an extension of IMBUE Terminus. Again, it’s great. Nothing to say.

It’s on me now.



My meditations shifted at some point in the past 2 weeks. And I just noticed that I’m a little over 2 weeks into Alchemist Stage 1.

I honestly haven’t thought about it very much. But it just struck me.

Thanks to the journal I have here I can kind of track it.

I can see from the Terminus Meditations journal that July 15 was the day when I did not feel the need for supporting scaffolding practices in my meditation and just went for straight sitting.

Then I can look over at my subliminals log and see that I started Alchemist Stage 1 on Saturday July 11.

I’m not unequivocally categorizing this as an improvement per se. It was a meaningful shift, and it occurred spontaneously. It’s interesting for that reason.


Composed this yesterday while in exile in the bedroom.

Put some of my beloved theme-related pictures into a video and now here it is in Youtube form.


Sleep and such somewhat wonky these days, but okay.

Yesterday was one of those interesting days in which a full loop of a subliminal just does not seem to happen. I tend to trust in a manifestive principle that guides these things. I think it happens sometimes when I need to back off or take a break. Some things are non-negotiable though. So, the PATHS Terminus meditation happened.

Find myself going to sleep later this past week.

Last night I set up an overnight playlist.

Mind’s Eye Terminus2
Alchemist (2 loops)
Quantum Limitless (2 loops)
PATHS Terminus

6 hours and when I woke up there were probably about 15 - 20 minutes left, so I knew I’d slept for about 5 h 45 minutes (deja vu)

There’s some churning and tilling going on right now, I’d wager.

The soil of my mind being tilled as seeds are being planted more deeply.
The bed of the river getting churned up.

I can feel some bit of floating tumult within.

I am happy.

Ride it out

I am grateful

looks like I’ll get some hangout time with my daughter, who is cool as hell

and there are a bunch of tasks–interesting and uninteresting–that are sitting here looking at me as if I’m a museum exhibit. ('Think he’ll handle us this time?’ ‘We’ll see.’)

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June was the perfect time for the Custom subliminals to be released. The inevitable shifting, adaptation, and reconciliation has a little bit more room to breathe in the summertime. In the Fall, busyness will begin to pick up as well as the rebuilding within this pandemic situation.

And then in the Winter is the time for internal focus and quiet growth within. Spring time we’ll see our harvest and results begin to show, and Summer 2021 will be an explosion of the gifts and fruits of what was started now.

Well, everyone has her or his own rhythms and seasons, but this is an impressionistic description.


And that matches quite well with this statement from Damon Brand:

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Not a specific thing to say right now.

But feel like updating my journal.

First, today’s listening:

  • PATHS Terminus meditation

I ran an overnight play last night. I think earpods stayed in most of the time, but at one point, I woke up and one or both had fallen out. I put them back in and continued the night-traveler’s journey.

Overnight playlist was (all Masked):

AEGIS: Survival Instinct
Mind’s Eye Terminus2
Alchemist (2 loops)
Quantum Limitless (2 loops)
Paths Terminus

That’s a seven-hour playlist. I suspect that headphones came out during Quantum Limitless.

Oh, and I’m listening to Quantum Limitless right now ultrasonic. Keep forgetting that. Actually, I’m not sure if this is the first or second loop of that. haha.
------so there’s the listening stuff-------

Suddenly felt a gust of gratitude blow through me

looked out the window and it looks like the sky over Scottish highlands or something. a lot of grey shifting opacity.

yesterday and today have both had very striking tones to the sky. yesterday: one section of the heavens would be clear and blue, the other incredibly grey. and the combination made the quality of light around me look grey, blue, and gold.

Today’s more uniform.

Still finding my feet with NanoStudio 2. But my heart’s singing with the music I composed earlier this week. Composing for me is very much this Platonic kind of situation. Whatever I made is basically a pointer to some other feeling or sense that is beyond it.

Was more familiar with NanoStudio 1. Truth is I’m feeling that at some point before too long, I’ll stop being tied to the iPad and transition to a more conventional Digital Audio Workstation. Feeling somewhat constricted. I can’t even satisfyingly insert vocals with NanoStudio 2. On the other hand, I enjoy being forced to express myself purely through instrumentals. And NanoStudio will always be my first love.

I think I want to throw up a couple more creations here on my journal.

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DIY videos so that I can upload the music to Youtube. haha. Then I get pulled into choosing the right images. (Don’t just want to put a still shot for 3 minutes.)

Meditation time.

I consider Alchemist as my ‘root’ program. This became clear within an hour of having run it for the first time.

It seems that it’s going to inform and shape any other program that I run. I mentioned this somewhere above, but I think of it as my ‘Emperor’ subliminal.

I started Subliminal Club with Ecstasy of Gold as my foundational and primary program. It still is basically, as far as ‘setting my sights’ and setting my focus are concerned. Ecstasy of Gold represents the ‘destination’ I am trying to reach.

As far as my nature, however; as far as the ground beneath my feet, and the vehicle and pathway I will take to travel to that destination, those are Alchemist. There’s nothing to prove in this area. No ‘goal’ to attain. It’s me.

It feels really good to feed and nurture the roots and the core; even as I strive to grow and to integrate additional dimensions and spheres of function.


Today is subliminal free day.

It’s 1:30 pm and rather than cooking, I’ve ordered lunch for myself and my two progeny. Noodles by popular request. I’ll probably cook tonight.

Ever since I attended a middle of the night zoom call last week Friday my sleeping schedule has been more thrown off than it was before. I’m attributing it to that, but I actually don’t know.

When I meditate, I can feel stuff going on below me (or below the level of my conscious attention or egoic awareness, if we’re being precise).

It’s like I’m hanging up in the Epi- and Mesopelagic and I can feel things shifting around in the levels below. (No, I didn’t know these terms before finding this image.)

Throughout my life, I’ve dealt with having many, many thoughts and ideas and not so much action. So, I’m working to attend to that.

A number of projects to which to attend. Need to focus.

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I’m aware that it’s time for a particular type of reframing to occur.

So I’m working on it.

A Monday full of Zoom meetings.

First a staff meeting from 10 to 12:30. Then individual consultation from 12:45 to 1:45. And now two more of those from 2:15 to 4:15. Hard to think about doing anything else after that last one is done. But that’s when I feel like my day has truly begun.

Grateful that I woke up in time to do a PATHS Terminus meditation from 8:50 AM to 9:50 AM. That’s great.

During the meetings just now, I played 3 loops of Quantum Limitless on masked. Now, I’m playing loops of Alchemist on Ultrasonic. Will switch over to masked shortly.

Not a big fan of so many meetings But also feel very grateful. and a bit hungry.

Am thinking about enthusiasm and motivation vis-a-vis certain important action ‘domains’.

I tend to do well once I’ve worked out procedures, practices, protocols that I can kind of lock into a routine.