Traveling the Paths of Wealth, Imbuing Vital Physicality (Custom Q Journal)

I’m with you completely on that. Was having a pretty similar thought.

I think that many of these Wealth modules actually reach beyond a narrowly defined concept of wealth. I do think of Wealth as a (potential) spiritual door. Another gateway to profound deepening and development. I believe it can be approached in that way. Spoiler alert: Everything can be approached that way. (Had to say that for my teachers out there.)

But to be less abstract about it, I had a similar thought when I was thinking of Positive Being Attractor-Wealth. That’s another one where it seems like it will definitely extend beyond wealth. The fact that there’s a hyphen in the title even suggests that @Fire and @SaintSovereign may already be considering other categories of Positive Being Attraction. Same with Secrets of Akasha - Wealth. That hyphen is quite suggestive and promising.

But yes, I think that Wealth itself can just be a doorway. Once you start tapping into the Akashic records it should be like jumping into a pool or into the ocean. You can always swim further into other areas. Or like going into a library. You may start out in the Fishing section and then branch out and wander around from there.


Well, I can pretty imagine this scenario.

Somehow we think of a wealth-related problem, and our subconscious mind is brilliant enough to find the answer to it. Informaticon plays the role of bringing this subconscious input into the conscious mind, so that we are guided to take the appropiate action.

In fact, going by our understanding, Informaticon could be similar to a graphical user interface of an operating system, which presents visually information that has been processed from calculations made by the CPU (comparable to the Secrets of Akasha) based on the information fed into its system.

We are assuming a computer that is plugged into the entire world system, to improve on this analogy.


That’s a really awesome analogy for how these two modules might work together to create a new, unique effect.

hmm… two more thoughts.

  1. I think that the Akasha is generally accessed by direct knowing. (although, actually, that’s not necessarily true. It could also be accessed by synchronistic encounters with seemingly external sources of knowledge).

  2. Another part of our conversation–the part about how these modules could extend beyond wealth–makes me think of a scenario as well. In the last 10 years, we’ve witnessed the rise of Social Entrepreneurship as younger, more flexible-minded people have understood that generating Wealth-building and Philanthropy (or, benefiting the world) need by no means be mutually exclusive. We’re beginning to see the phenomenon of profitable Non-Governmental Organizations. That kind of model of institution-building is already expanding the spectrum of what is included when we say Wealth. If these subliminals were harnessed to promote that kind of vision they would necessarily also include aspects such as social leadership, interpersonal benefit, spiritual vision and so on.

So, I think that, once again, the way that the subliminals operate and are expressed will interact with the mind and values of the person(s) using the subliminal.

Paradoxically, a gratitude-based and generosity-oriented view of Wealth can lead to a significantly enhanced and more ambitious sphere of wealth-generation. And probably a better integrated one as well (in the long term).

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I believe that our subconscious minds take in a lot of information that we do not consciously know about as we live our lives. Such information can include conversations at a restaurant by people who are dining near us, or perhaps random outdoor advertisements that we usually ignore , or some parts of the high school textbooks that we found boring and skipped. We also have to think about the embedded memories from our times as infants - or even past life memories. So, in a way, there is a lot of information that the subconscious can actually access and we just don’t know. It may actually be quite easy for the Akasha to be accessed by our subconscious once the permissions have been approved and chokepoints unblocked.

Perhaps I am making the right decision to swap Emperor for Playboy Philantropher StarkQ in my customized subliminal then.

Anyway, ultimately its up to us to determine what exactly is wealth and let the subconscious work around this definition.


Which modules would you consider to be under section 6 and 7?

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(These are my subjective categorizations)

Magick, Meditation, Manifestation

Alchemist ST1-4 Core
Astral Projection Q Core
Energetic Development XI
Mind’s Eye Q Core
Remote Viewing X Q Core
Spiritual Abundance
The Merger of Worlds
Auric Overdriver
Intuition Enhancer
The Architect

Creativity and Intellect

I.Q. and Cognitive Booster
Limitless Core
Quantum Limitless ST1-4 Q Core
Ultimate Artist Q Core


The week started out with a bunch of work commitments. But I was able to spend significant time in the last 2 days updating my Road Map in light of the new developments here on Subliminal Club.

I now have a four-phase plan that organizes my focus areas (and their associated supporting subliminals) into stages that grow fairly organically out of each other. The time-frames for each phase are left flexible. Transition from one to the next will depend on the circumstances and progress that occur in me and in my life.

I’ll revise as needed of course, as life reveals itself over time. But it feels good to have a sense of how it could all fit together.


Highly interested in these two programs, I’ll likely be testing them in the future.

Any idea as to the difference between Energetic Development XI & The Architect? I’ve asked this question a multitude of times previously and none seemed to have an answer on it.


Energetic Development XI

Developing your energy, be it viewed as something spiritual or psychological, results in greater capacity to execute and manifest any subliminal instructions. With this module, you’ll easily improve your energetic system, helping you get better and better results with subliminals, psychological and spiritual practices.

Emotional Healing, Auras, Results Enhancement

The Architect

The Architect is a module that will imbue, develop and help you use the energetic structures of your body. If you are spiritual, be prepared for your practices to be taken to the next level. If you aren’t spiritual, you can expect a gradual development of your energy levels – you won’t feel as tired, you will get more things done, you will feel and actually be healthier.

Results Enhancement

Those are all the clues we get.

One thing we notice is that Energetic Development is also listed as Emotional Healing and Auras.

The Architect seemed to me to be dealing with energetic anatomy. Like prana or qi. In Chinese medicine, we call them 經絡. The pathways that energy follows as it circulates throughout the system.

Energetic Development seemed like it was about increasing the overall energetic capacity of your system. Whereas the Architect seemed to develop the energetic structures.

There’s clearly overlap, since they both deal with energy. I guess they’re just different aspects like when you’re working on physical fitness and you target endurance versus strength, or flexibility versus speed. Or something like that.

We’ll definitely need @Fire or @SaintSovereign to clarify the nuances.


Interesting observation. I’ve got energetic development in my custom. I know for me so far it seems like it’s going to work on the potential stagnant energy stuck in me. The architect definitely seems like building efficiency while energetic development is the more macro level stuff. Seems they would compliment each other very well in any case.


It’s here. My custom Q subliminal has arrived.

And in very good time at that.

Someone said that Saint might be in California. If I convert to California time, then I submitted my order at 4:15 AM on Wednesday June 17 and received the subliminal on 11:28 PM on Saturday June 19.

3 days. Just as promised. Actually, it was 3-5 days, and I didn’t know if that would include Sunday (or even Saturday), so I was prepared to wait until Tuesday.

I’m ready to work with this program. I’ve got some initial Action worked out. And I’m in the process of thinking of more.

Mind is the Car. Action is the Drive. The Subliminal is the Gas.

You may have purchased the best gas in the world, but you’ll never find out if you don’t actually drive your car anywhere.


There’s one error on my list up above of the included modules.

Originally, I read through the list of modules and chose the ones that felt right. I found it to be synchronicitous that that initial process ended up with exactly 20 modules. So, great.

Then I went through again, read and organized the list more systematically, and then went to have a second look at my list. There was only one that I considered swapping out. Originally, I’d selected Power Awareness, and afterwards I considered swapping that out for DEUS. So, I kind of allowed myself to do that.

At some point afterwards, I submitted my order for the Custom, and I was going through the next 2-3 days. As I was reflecting or meditating or writing or something like that, it really hit me that one of my personal barriers to action and to development was a continual underestimation of my capacity. I thought, ‘oh, man. I wonder if I should have left Power Awareness in the custom. That must be why I originally felt drawn to it. Oh well. There’ll be other chances later.’

Later, I went back to review the order that I’d submitted and I found that, in the end, I had actually ordered Power Awareness rather than DEUS. :slight_smile: I was really pleased to see that.

So, once again, here is the final list:

The Major Program cores
Ecstasy of Gold Stage 4 Q Core - Supreme Wealth Generation
Stark Q Core - Visionary Wealth and Empire Builder, World-Changer
Power Can Corrupt Q Core - Social/Political Savvy and Charisma

Wealth Modules
Financial Success Reality Shifter - Shifting Into Flow of Success
Debt Annihilator - Evaporating Debts, Freedom from Debt
Positive Being Attractor- Wealth - Connecting with and Opening to Beneficial Forces and Entities of Prosperity
Secrets of Akasha - Wealth - Tapping the Collective Wealth Consciousness
Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy - Financial Motivation, Energy, and Confidence
Sultan - My Role and Identity of Wealth, in line with my Nature
Wealth Limit Destroyer - Evaporating Limits

Power and Manifestation
Yggdrasil - Pathways of Oneness, Roots of Manifestation
Omnidimensional - Omni-manifestation
Overdrive - Success
Jupiter - Tapping into/Aligning with the potency of manifestation and abundance
EGO ADSUM - Present-Focused (Engaged, Empowered Attentional Orientation)
Informaticon - Cosmic Librarian
Inner Voice - Positive Mentality
Divine Will - Aligning with True Will
Lion IV - Relaxed Mastery
Power Awareness - Accurate Awareness of my Potential and Capabilities


In my daily Terminus meditations, for Day 1 in the two-day rotation cycle, I’ll be replacing Stark Q Terminus with Paths of Wealth Q Terminus. (Paths of Wealth is also built around a Stark Q Core.) That means that, at least for now, the listening pattern for my custom will be 3 days per week with Sundays as the rest day. We’ll branch out from there as I see fit.

First day with the custom will be tomorrow morning’s meditation. Nice motivation to get up early.

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@Malkuth - now that’s some massive “Wealth Fuel”. All the best racing that Lamborghini

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If you don’t mind me asking, is it the freedom given to you by wealth that motivates you? Or do you have a venture in the works that interests you as well? For as long as I can remember I’ve never been motivated by money. In fact when I was younger I outright hated it because it reminded me of working for someone else and the exchange of a portion of your life for literal paper with no inherent value. I’m more relaxed about it now, I see it as a neutral thing. But I still am not intensely motivated by it.

Just curious to hear your thoughts on the primary drive behind this. Maybe I’m still not fully developed in my cognition to understand the importance and you went through similar things.

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This is from my original journal about 8 days ago. I think it’s as good of an answer as any other I might give.


Thanks must have missed that. But I understand your goals now better. Other question, because I’ve noticed this when it comes to manifestation, do you feel you have a lot of limiting beliefs centered around wealth? I’ve always found it interesting how some people start off at certain “levels” so to speak when it comes to manifesting. It’s kinda funny how some people can effortlessly make money, but continually have trouble with relationships. And it’s just all down to a simple thing like belief.

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“do you feel you have a lot of limiting beliefs centered around wealth?”

Not really, actually. I’m answering overly simply for the sake of brevity, but, yes, not really.

I don’t really look at it like this, to be honest. And I mean that literally. It’s not, in other words, that I think this is wrong. It’s literally that this is not the main paradigm or frame thorough which I view this issue.

I think I tend to use more of a frame of learning and growth. I am learning and growing in a new area of my life in which I have a lot to learn and a lot of room to grow.

I’m not really primarily concerned with ease or difficulty or precisely with my beliefs. (Of course, sometimes such concerns arise, but they aren’t what feel truest or most ‘right’ for me.) [Note: and that’s not quite true, because I do keep reminding myself that this can be easy. And not to make it more difficult than it needs to be. That’s one of my mantras. I think it’s just that I like to work with my beliefs as more fluid phenomena.]

I feel that the change could happen very easily or it could happen with great difficulty or both at various times.

There are tons of fears and beliefs in me, just like in anyone else, and they’re just as powerfully manifestive and creative as anyone else’s would be.

But I also feel that those things can change. Some slowly, some quickly. They are part of me, but they’re not precisely ‘me’ in some unalterable way. With the right technology, even gravity becomes negotiable. And it wasn’t for a long time. Until it was. But the fact that gravity is easily negotiable now, means that, in fact, it was the whole time.

So, my primary paradigm is probably one of Search. And of cultivating internal flexibility.

But again, as with all paradigms, it’s really just another way of saying the same thing. This is just the ‘languaging’ that feels right to me right now.

But who knows? Maybe next week I’ll flip and start talking about beliefs. Just depends where the trip takes me.

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I’m also someone who pretty much rejects the notion of self-sabotage. It kind of feels to me like a 20th/21st century reboot of the same old Puritan/Protestant self-flagellation sorts of ideas.

I’m made up of many elements. The idea of easily uniting all of those elements behind a single, simple agenda is actually grandiose and ambitious. Just because they don’t all immediately get in line with whatever ideas this one part of me has decided are the most important doesn’t mean they’re sabotaging.

That’s similar to me to how therapists often describe a client who disagrees with them or is not on the same page as being ‘resistant’. I reject that too.

I believe that to work with someone else (and to work with the various parts of yourself), you need to learn what motivates that person and what she values. Then you have to make sure those values and motivations are included in the agenda, and you need to effectively communicate to the person that this has been done.

(Sometimes time is short, though, and you just need to put your foot down.)

I think most so-called self-sabotaging beliefs are probably a misguided attempt to do something that is actually useful or even necessary. They need to be upgraded and included.


Gotcha. These days for me there’s a fine line between acknowledgement of desire to think a certain way vs the reality of how I really internally feel. Or rather what parts of me are hidden from conscious awareness that I think I understand, but really don’t. I like your approach of framing it as growth. I can see how that can be helpful when confronted with potential fears surrounding it.

And 100% agree with the self sabotage thing. I think self abotage is definitely just a label given to describe a phenomena people find undesirable and it goes way deeper than that. It’s taken me a while, but I’ve learned to not treat those other parts of me as an enemy. It’s definitely beneficial to not just assume there’s some internal part of you that wants to ruin your life and happiness. As such I think there’s definitely a whole “war of the mind” that comes associated with the idea of limiting beliefs.

Thanks for the response. It’s just always interesting seeing how different perspectives are at times when centered around a common thing that exists.

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