Transcending Mediocrity 2 - Emperor Logbook

Day 30 - 306 hours of listening (v3) 25th of September 2019
Thanks for the support guys.

Today was weird. I had a … naughty dream (Finally, I’ve been waiting long for this) and today was the last part of my exam, my presentation. To sum it up… it didnt went well.
The whole morning sitting there I felt nauseous and dizzy, which would have triggered a panik attack a few months ago… I stood there, didnt prepare a text and had to make it all up while I was standing there and the result is well people told me I should be a bit more … enthusiastic and that I am way too calm. They werent mean btw. they gave me lots of tips. And its true. I felt very shy and introvert and so on. Umm… Maybe its Emperor, I dont know but I kept thinking about it, how I often am so quiet and calm and that I wanted to be more social and able to fascinate people etc.
Normally I would have started to beat myself up for it but this time I was not.
I thought “Well, this is my first time building a business and I am not used to give presentations. It will come with time and experience. Also consider that today simply isnt your best day and you know how you can be if you want to.”
It even went so far as pretty good ideas came to mind on how I could improve.

To understand this you have to know that there are two… lets say versions of myself. One is the introverted and one is a more active version. I dont say extroverted because it doesnt fit well.
Anyway, sometimes I am more passive, sometimes more active. People a few years back in school (when I was introverted and shy and weak 24/7) that it is just the way I am and that I should accept it.
But I didnt and I learned that the cause of it is trauma and certain behaviour that created this persona I thought I am. Sorry for ranting about this, I just wanted to clarify that uhh… I dont know. I guess I mean I can be both and you can be both and that everyone has a side to them that is more active and I got to know that part of me.

To conclude all this: I figured that this may be one of my worst days in a while… But it isnt that bad actually and also my worst days today are better than my average day back then.

Oh and: 300hours! Wuhuu!

Another edit: The best thing I learned today was my teacher saying he wanted to be like someone else when he was younger. He’s amazing.


With all those insights and inner changes, its seems to me you had a pretty good day.
Maybe different from what you expected but surely the seeds of whats to come have already been planted in rich soil.


Kinda. If this was a movie it would be the part where the protagonist starts to question himself and his mission. Im just more dissociated from it. Lets see how it goes. Also, I think you are new here.
If so: Hi and welcome to the show!

Edit: My head feels pretty weird for quite some time now. I cant really describe it


Thanks for the Welcome, I am new to the forums and subs, almost a month now. But Ive been pretty active, Im on my second journal.

If this was a movie it would be the part where the protagonist starts to question himself and his mission.

Thats the part of the movie when things looks kind of uncertain, but as the plot continues to develope and you look back on it, you realised thats when all things turned for the better.
I love that part of the movies, its that magickal point where everything is possible. Some people just wanna skip to the end.


Might be a bit of a stretch to say it works on EVERYONE :wink:

I think it is quite effective just because it’s structured around how people think at a deep level. Language itself comes from unconscious processes that we don’t have to think about consciously and sometimes CAN’T think about consciously.

Part of it also is the “intuitions” we get about whether something says to us “sounds right” in terms of grammar. We don’t really know HOW we know something sounds wrong, but we know.

I think Sleight of Mouth partially works because we’re using those specific language patterns in a way that get us to actually THINK about what’s being said as we consider new perspectives…and that act of getting us to think about it, breaks us out of knee-jerk automatic responses.

Sorry I can’t yet figure how to say this more articulately.

Just was offering kudos on what I saw as an artful use of language on your part :slight_smile:


Yeah, Im sure the same is happening right now. Something is about to happen, I sense it.
It is very close.


Where/How did you learn all this stuff? David Snyder?

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Thank you @Palpatine, you’re very kind and also very wise.

Since you seem to be interested in language, is there a way for you to use language more artfully to shift your own stuck perspectives, and with others to get more out of life? Any “low-hanging-fruits” that can give you easy and significant wins?

Sometimes, we’re too busy with emergencies that we miss out on opportunities that are just near our reach, hidden beneath our mental chatter and distractions.

Could there be something more that is nearby and that can improve your life?

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I would like to add to @Palpatine explanation that Sleight of Mouth patterns are a model of how Richard Bandler reframes and changes beliefs conversationally, this NLP model, initially created by Robert Dilts, can be of great power if used properly.
By that I mean that many people learn it and begin to challenge any belief they hear/read and that usually doesnt work that well, but one of the criteria that makes it powerful is to use it how Richard uses it, to challenge limiting beliefs that are presupossed in verbal and non verbal comunication.
Ive seen @AMASH catching huge pressupositions and questioning them with great precision.

Btw… sorry for hijacking you Journal a bit @anon3072973


You are not! I enjoy when people exchange tips.


Well, this is definitely the most active journal on the forum. Every day there’s 10 new posts, even if some are indeed going off on tangents.

Astronaut, I knew a guy that was shy, introverted and among the socially less accepted. But when he started talking about something he was passionate about, he lit up. He radiated and engaged everybody around him.

When you say you are at the part of the movie where the hero starts to question things, have you considered you were lacking enthusiasm because your presentation wasn’t something you were passionate about?

We can all learn to engage people when needed, and many of us do so all the time in our professional life and when with our partner’s friends and family. But that natural attraction you have when you are on your path, that’s something you can’t fake.


You say very good words about me @anon2351792, I am grateful for that. :blush:

I heard from some people that going off on tangents is good. They call it “fractionation”. In what ways do you think that is the case? I know you’re an expert on influence and communication @DarkPhilosopher

First yes, it definitely isnt a project Id call my life’s mission, it is just something I am good at and I need money. That’s it and I knew it all the way. Plus, Im just down in recent times so I can definitely see that.
But it is not that I dont know what to do with my life. I have a very clear, detailed vision of it, and I know what you mean with fascination. I love to talk about certain things. The trouble is… practically no one my age is into the same things :smiley: Well, a few but I just dont like most stuff most people my age do.
What I want to stress out is I think I dont really have a problem connecting with people, its just that I am out of school for a few years now and it seems to be hard to meet new people (who are just a little bit compatible with you) but Im optimistic about it. What else is there to do? :smiley:

Reminds me of the catcher in the Rye… great book.

I love that book too, such a trip, it is!

What does that book symbolize for you, @anon3072973? What makes it so great in your views?

Definitely Holden being so relatable and well… I just love jazz.
It was also interesting to see that although he is considered an introvert or lets rather say someone who doesnt fit in, he doesnt suffer from social anxiety like so many, especially teenagers and guys my age.
Somehow it also makes me think, like “Wow… this guy, as messed up as he is, still talks to girls and dances does all these things”
@AMASH What do you like about the book?

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Trying to lead me off on a tangent, are we? Sneaky… :slight_smile:

I know it primarily as a hypnosis technique. It’s been used in the seduction-industry as well to go quickly from first meeting to sex-close.

I can imagine certain situations where drifting off into other areas has a strategic benefit to the communication process, but I don’t know of any specific technique in the field of communication that calls it such.

PS Astronaut, the guy I mentioned, his passion was Dungeons and Dragons. Once he got started people were absorbed, even if they didn’t understand the first thing, for the simple reason that his energy was so positive. The ones that got it often had a focused look, the ones that didn’t usually had a little smile, just feeling good.


I love how “human” it is. It feels real, not like a made up story. I value authenticity and people’s freedom to be themselves, even if they are “weird”.

This seems like a superpower, for real. Something I personally want more and more of.

Is it something interesting for you? Are there maybe some ways you have been developing these in yourself, lately?

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I think I read that somewhere else before. Maybe you already mentioned it in another thread


I think I did, yes. You can’t expect me to come up with something new every time, do you? I don’t know that many people. :wink:


I have read that Dungeons and Dragon guy example in this book:

But probably there are a million D&D passionate guys :smiley: