Total ANNIHILATION stack idea (Warning: dangerous/not recommended)

So I found the first stage of some multi-staged titles are aiming to eradicate old beliefs/bad habits/self-limits. when you want to build a new building, you need to terminate the old building in real life. it’s exactly the same thing.

And I came up with this dangerous idea which is not recommended and is unconventional.
what if you want to completely break down your old self (aka ground zero) and build anything after?
this includes running multiple multi-staged titles at the same time, with running more than three subs in the same cycle. which is not recommended by the official manual.

for example, running these titles together.
- Khan st 1
( STAGE I – TOTAL BREAKDOWN : Total Breakdown will crumble every single trauma and concept that is holding you back into dust with extreme force. also serve to remove subliminal programming that is unhelpful.)

- Dragon Reborn st 1
( STAGE 1 – DRAGON FIRE : Crushing all your deepest fears, emotions, traumas, beliefs and energies. This includes energetic blocks, negative emotions that you are holding on to, tensions in your body, conditioning, traumas, as well as any harmful subliminal influences you might have picked up on during your subliminal journey.)

- Quantum Limitless st 1
(STAGE 1 - Quantum Re-Balance : extensive repairs of physical damages, rebalancing of hormones and nutrients, restoration of optimal functioning, rewiring of existing neural patterns for higher efficiency, preparation for new, even more optimized neural connections, strengthening of existing areas and creation of new connections. will free you from limiting beliefs and emotional trauma, remove and release any creative blocks you might have, as well as pave the way for the development of rapid and easy understanding.)

- Ecstasy of Gold st 1
(STAGE 1 – Ecstasy of Freedom : The stage that will release all beliefs that hold your wealth-creating potential back. No more will you be held back by beliefs of your family, friends, society or your self-doubting voice that tell you that lacking and poverty is the only way of life.Negative manifestations that you might have been manifesting subconsciously will be removed, as well as any negative beliefs you might have picked up from any other source)

either running those four subs in one day, one loop for each, in every two days
or running two subs on every Monday/Wednesday/Friday, and take third Friday off
as @Billions guide HERE

I guess this subs could cause some massive recon or totally bulldoze your mind and free you from the past that is holding you back in very short amount of time. or these could happen at the same time just like getting detox response)

what’s your thoughts on this idea?


What goal do u have that needs u to run all these subs together?
Start with a goal then pick the smallest amount of subs that can accomplish that goal. Getting more script into ur head isn’t better than having less scripting in ur head as subs hit deeper in the second case (imo).


why would you run all Stages ones, but not rather solely DR ST1?


Hello. I know the less is the better.
This stack is hypothetical. thus was not created with the intention to achieve any of my personal goals.

If DR ST1 covers every part of your area then yeah, running solely DR ST1 would be enough.
But each title’s first stage was aimed at specific parts of your being(Khan - masculinity, EoG - finance, QL - learning ability) so I thought using all of them together might could generate holistic approach/synergetic effect on your inner issues.

Running all those together would probably put you in recon hell for awhile honestly


It does. DR, overall, covers every part of your life. Just give more time to this draconic beast.
Tho, in part of intelligence QL is way better.


interesting, do you think DR ST1 has the potential to replace the ST1s of those multi-staged titles?
for example, DR ST1 - Khan ST2 - Khan ST3 - Khan ST4, or DR ST1 - Eog ST2 - Eog ST3 - Eog ST4?

Yeah it would be a hella ride if really run those all together

At best, this leads to the subconscious ignoring parts or all of it because it is simply too much. This then has the opposite effect and the subs are not as effective.


EoG is a bit of a different beast … DR stage 1 does not replace EoG stage 1 … The healing for EoG stage 1 is unique in the fact it is all about wealth related issues… Now you could very possibly gear DR stage 1 towards that with conscious guidance but it is not one of DR’s objectives


yes, you can do that, but be sure you spend enough time on DR st1 because it’s denser and covers larger areas than Khan or EOG st1


Not a fun one that’s for sure… Infact it may do the opposite of what you intend and slow burn everything. It may take even longer to get through then if you ran them all at different times.


Take it from someone that run has run crazy stacks and has given himself recon hell… It is not worth it lol

I still am running crazy stacks but a bit simpler this time around to prepare myself for future stacks.


what kind of crazy stacks/schedule are you riding on right now bro?

Go to my journal … i need to get better with journaling but it is a step in the right direction

I listen to 4 customs plus 2 subs every mon, wed, fri

It works for me … it won’t for everyone

I listen to each sub 5-7 mins

A person I consider a mentor of mine once said (not her exact words): “Don’t try to clear all blockers and limiting beliefs. If you do, you’ll be clearing blockers for the rest of your life. Find the blockers that are stopping you from achieving the goal you’re after and clear those. Then when you have a new goal, clear the blockers that are related to that goal”.
In a nutshell, don’t be so passionate about clearing blockers and limiting beliefs that you don’t have enough time left to do anything else. My intuition is that spending too much time trying to heal is just another form of procrastination. Clear what you need to clear and take action.


Have you tried all the first stagers?
Can you realistically imagine running them all together?

To much is to much buddy.

Go slow, your subconscious is thanking you.


All the best to your Journey


This. Healing works in strange ways anyway. I’ve seen people run wealth subs and suddenly all of their sexual issues vanished.


@SaintSovereign : This :point_up_2::point_up_2:
The first sub I bought from you was Asc Mogul. For money and self confidence issues. It ended up eradicating the lifelong almost debilitating anxiety that I was living with. Totally unexpected.

EDIT: Asc Mogul did what I would have expected from Regeneration.