TOP 500 DPS In Overwatch 2 - GMX + ME + [⥀] TBD + Ascension Chamber

You running mind eye and GMX for now? Think new RoM might be a good mix with that, i gotta run DR for a year so mind eye and GMX for me(full 3 stack) but might mix in RoM after couple of months of mind eye then back to mind eye , not sure what the perfect combo would be but lets keep comparing our sub progress in 2023

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Currently running those two indeed. Yesh, that one does sound super interesting from what I’ve read about it. I am looking for a new third sub to replace LBfH. Might use Inner Circle since I already got it and OW2 is a team game.

Curious to hear your thoughts on RoM, is it like a different mind’s eye or has interesting cognitive benefits?

Good luck on DR, I will run that at some point when I don’t have much going on as it might take all my energy and bring out heavy stuff.

Havent heard much about RoM but they said it takes mind eye to its full potential and some said there were cognitive benefits so seems great

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Oh that sounds epic :grinning:

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DAY 9 - GMX :video_game: and ME :eye:
Listened to both Game Mastery X ZP and Mind’s Eye ZP for 15 minutes each with my noise cancelation headphones while laying down in a dark room. It’s so nice doing it this way, no distractions, easier on my head, relaxing and I feel like it gives me less recon.

I love Mind’s Eye, I truly feel I have less tunnel visioning while gaming and can think through patterns and my next steps in real time. I usually get tunnel vision and miss out on important ques or information ingame which lead to making poor decisions or not respond accordingly.

I will hit up aim practice later tonight and hopefully some nice and educational competitive games in Overwatch 2


I finished my aim practice for today, now some family time and then perhaps hit up some games on my laptop.

Imagine if someone had an isolation tank? Go in there for meditation, go in there for visualization practice or for listening to subs?

“…is a water filled, pitch-black, light-proof, soundproof environment heated to the same temperature as the skin…”

Also known as a sensory deprivation tank, as all these desciptions together make you feel like you’re floating in nothing, very little external sensations. The water that has the same temperature as your body, you won’t feel either.

Won the first game of the day, not top DPS, but very close. :slight_smile:
Lost second one because of who knows what, I didn’t analyze it because I experienced insane lag spikes to be honest, and you know why that happened? Because I’m stupid. Apparently I sat connected to the WiFi, when I have a ethernet cable connected. It apparently picks the WiFi if you have that setting on in the laptop. :man_facepalming:
6 Games, 4 wins today. Not as good as previous day. I reached Platinum 5 on my laptop account.


Do you ever get recon from GMX and whats that like ? I know from DR st1 doing like 3x loops in a day wake up about to kill somebody lol

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I don’t think I’ve gotten recon from GMX. I did however experience it after taking a long break followed by
Day 1: Ascension Chamber
Day 2: GMX & ME

Which I believe is because of too much exposure. Ascension being super powerful and all. Also LBfH might have caused some.

It’s headache, it’s a tingling anxiety, sensitivity (prone to hurt/anger/irritation), grumpyness and overall feels like the effect of 2-3 days sleep deprivation for me.

Do you think a run of GMX before practice once and after practice once on the same day could be good way to utilize that sublim?

I recommend to sticking to the every other day schedule. If you only have one sub, perhaps you can try running it twice, every other day. But might be too much exposure. Try it out :ok_hand:

DAY 10 - Ascension Chamber
Today is “rest” day, but since the recommended listening pattern for AscCh is once a week and I have Mind’s Eye in the stack, I went ahead and listened to it after my aim practice, the full 7 minutes.

The aim practice went well, I broke at least 2 personal records, which is nice. In the nature of PR’s and improvement, this record breaking sessions might become fewer and fewer, or might come and go in waves. Because at some point in ones journey it will take much longer to gain a fraction of improvement as you reach close to the limit. So no high expectations, I just want to maintain my aim mainly, and improvevement is a bonus. In Overwatch 2 aim is not everything, so I need to remember that and focus more on actually mastering the game, and not just one small aspect of it.

Until I’ve decided what third title, if any, to run, I am just sticking to Mind’s Eye and GMX for now. Which is nice because it means I can play them more often during my first cycle. What I am interested in currently is one of the limitless subs, whether thats Quantum Limitless, Limitless, Beyond Limitless or Limitless Executive. Every sub benefits the goal in some way I guess. But it’s about finding the one that would most likely provide the most value. The Limitless ones provide boosts for the cognitive and learning, which is good for learning and mastering a game.

Lost the first game, which I need to analyze. I think it’s the usual issue with space. In this case I forgot to remember the potential solution I had learned the past week, playing something that can kinda ignores space, a flanker I guess. A Tracer, or perhaps a Genji. I need to see a 2D image of the map to come up with more ideas, maybe I just played my positioning bad.
Second game went better, I adapted fast to a space agnostic hero as I like to call them, although I did it almost too late, but we won. The third game we won. :1st_place_medal:
Todays record so far: 3 games - 2 wins

Most likely hit up more games later tonight, we shall see.


Some recon feelings today, wow, AscCh is so powerful! I’ll most likely lower the use duration to 3 minutes or less. And perhaps slowly increase it, or even decrease it if it’s still too powerful, over time.


Feels like im feeling the GMX in my subconscious even tho i havent run it at all, could be possibility of connecting to future timeline that is in close proximity. Try intuitively to sense if any 3rd sub would fit u well

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I bet, the least your brain is warming up for the sub, prepping for it and making room for it.

I am feeling quantum limitless to be honest. Sensing how much better I will be cognitively for work and for gaming after 6 months.

But I am being patient, and letting the decision unfold, before I strike.

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Today I thought about listening to GMX and ME v2 on the way to work. Why do the subs feel so heavy for me while on the bus in the morning? I am talking specifically GMX. Perhaps it’s just morning brain, tired brain, perhaps it’s the bumpy bus ride, perhaps it’s the morning cortisol, I don’t know.

I decided to listen to ME at work instead, but first stop is the gym.
I’ll hit up some aim practice and hopefully some games later tonight.

Oh, I need to just put myself to bed, instead of wait for the best moment to go to bed. I am super tired, I just don’t go to bed. I don’t want the day to end :joy:


ME is amazing, at work I seem to easily see what a certain piece of code will lead to in a different project and immediately can open that project up, adapt it to the first change, and then go back an hour later and know exactly where I left things of. I just feel more certain in the code I write when I know I can see the bigger picture and how my changes will interact with other projects and systems. I just don’t feel this confident usually, because I fear missing some edgecase in my tests. Today I just felt self-assured, because I trust that I can see the flow like it’s clear in my minds eye.

One of the things I “struggly” with is focus, not as in sit down and focus on a task. But focus on a goal for a long run. You can view it as spreading myself thin. I’ve always wanted the same things, but I usually spread myself thin, or go at them in waves, but take so long time between those things, those waves, that I almost have to start over everytime. Think like hitting the gym hard for 4 months, then taking a 8 month break. You most likely gain weight and lose the muscles after 8 months, and that the day after that first day back you understand how long you’ve been away, your soreness shows it. Best way I could explain it. And the only consistent regret in my life is always “why did I just not stick to it for a year?”. Because I know the insane results that would have come.

So focus down on 1-2 things each year, 1-2 measurable and clear goals, and once that’s done, move on or keep going is my advice to myself. I also pray (not religious btw) that some higher powers helps me stay on track, like AA, I admit my weakness and my helplessness, help me be aware of this issue, and make me wise to see the signs, I beg you!
Perhaps Mind’s Eye have made me aware of this re-occuring flow in my life? Like I am aware of my “seasons” (patterns)? Time will tell…

Anyway I am hitting up some aim practice at last, better late than never I guess. Managed to find some time for a competitive game, won that, highest kills on the board, and overall good positioning and target priotization as Soldier 76. Before the game started I visualized the map and all possible positions I could take.


DAY 12 - Rest day
Rough night, low quality sleep, which is natural with a baby in the apartment. :hatched_chick:

I am going to enjoy this rest day and I am excited for tomorrow, ME ZP v2 felt really nice yesterday, and I was a productive code monkey, or modern day wizard?

The game I played last night also went well and it felt like I did no bad decision.

Hopefully hitting up some aim practice and a game or two later tonight. I am currently at work.


Didn’t have the time to practice today, family time. I most likely won’t be able to practice tomorrow either, have a work party to attend.

I got this interesting book about peak performance I am skimming through. Might find something to use/implement that might aid me in my journey.

Recently one clear word or concept has been running in my mind, focus and how easy it is to forget the core mission or what’s meaningful and getting lost in life, rationalization, self-sabotage and distractions. Life and the mind are complex things, so complex that it can cause distractions or delusions dressed as important and meaningful truths.

Rest is good. A balanced life is good. Purpose is good. But these are words and concepts created by the mind and the mind can easily delude itself in believing one is doing one thing to progress but in reality your sabotaging. As humans we have this strength and weakness, the ability to use our mind to both bend reality or delude ourselves.

Gotta be vigilant, gotta realize this vulnerability and pray your wise enough to see the difference between a delusion and a good idea.

This is why I am going to read my journal after some time has passed, to spot my own delusions and distractions. Create some space, and then read it. Perhaps every 2nd or 3rd cycle, I’ll read the first cycles logs.


I just started mindeye v2 had a dream i destroyed the best player in this rts game with my offrace lol.
I generally feel this sublim is perhaps even underrated it helps as well with transurfing concepts if you read those books to manifest the kind of reality you want longterm.

Let me know and share if you find something interesting or practical.

As for prayer there’s a specific kabbalistic prayer well parts of it for purpose of clarity , these prayers are superior as they incorporate divine names and names of god are encoded with them , i personally dont view things in religious manner but more like putting in right codes in the matrix for right result. There’s a udemy course on it The sacred 42-letter name of God

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That’s cool dude, it’s a really intresting sub for sure. Looking forward having ran it a couple cycles.

I’ve read the Kybalion, full of wisdom. I’ll have to research into this word/names things and learn more about it. Is it like a mantra?

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DAY 13 - GMX & ME
Listened to 15 minutes of each and it went pretty well.

Today I was at work and attended the xmas party. Was pretty chill, i just ate too much and was wearing too much clothes, so I was super warm. I did receive alot of conpliments on my outfit, which is nice, since I put alot of effort into it.

It went just as I had imagined it. :smirk:
Except of course the food coma!

Anyway, no aim practice today.


DAY 14 - Rest day
Rest day today! I am going to try to hit up some aim practice tonight. It’s family day, but we’ll see, they usually sleep early.

Man, my run of StarkQ and True Social a couple months ago is still blooming I think? If you ever wanna do life of the party sociability you need to hit that up. People giving me compliments all day yesterday and I was surprised by them because I never viewed myself having said social qualities I got complimented for. Totally recommend!
Also add add True Sell too, and you have a social beast stack. Of course I didn’t use it for sexual encounters, but I have a hard time seeing how these subs will hinder you from that. It’s a limiting belief bro.

Also people say work is boring without me there, so definitely makes me feel like life of the party. And this is from sober people too.

Anyway, can’t wait to see the flowering of this GMX+ME stack or the growth I will experience on it + action. :slight_smile: gonna be sick!

how old are you if i may ask since those type of games generally depend on youth and fast reaction times, rts allow for a bit more longevity since its mostly decision making, tho micro will suffer with age

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Might be true, I am in my early thirties, and perhaps there might be a biological limit or degradation after a certain age, but I never accept those limitation and live like they don’t exist. Stubborn I guess.

Luckily from what I’ve learned from top ranked players, that OW have a big strategic aspect that relies on game sense rather than fast paced mechanical execution.

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