TOP 500 DPS In Overwatch 2 - GMX + ME + [⥀] TBD + Ascension Chamber

That’s the spirit ! screw limiting beliefs and go for the hearts desire :slight_smile:

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I wonder what genre or type of mp game is most profitable right now?
Surely the BR or MOBA genre still I think

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Yeah, I don’t think OW2 is, especially since I see alot of complaints and controversies still. There are of course money for pros, just perhaps not as much ss in other genres like BR/MOBA.

It depends on your goal, I don’t want to be a pro, but I want the skills of a pro. My end game dream is to leverage my skills into streaming perhaps. I don’t have time to stream as much as I want to right now and live in a small apartment with a baby that needs sleep, I need to always be ready to leave the PC, which is not optimal for streaming. But playing a game or two is more managable.

But I can improve my skill and leverage that later. That’s the goal. Another path might be to create YT videos as that is also doable with the given circumstance, but editing videos is boring.

I struggle with limiting beliefs like everyone, in the subject of agei:sm or age related limits though I have self-boundary to not take it seriously. I refuse.

When we reach the point of singularity, age is going to be the most irrelevant thing about us.

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Yeah skills to stream are probably the easiest way to do this whole thing.

Usually esports focus on younger talent just for the sake of making it easier but as in any sport, if you are good enough you can get picked and still play.

Just look at sports people like Roger Federer, Christiano Ronaldo and others getting up there in age

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tbh federer been farming sponsor money for just showing up on the premise that he would recover, but now young players like Alcaraz beating world champs, at least in esports in some games easier to stay relevant with age

Im mid 20s but still not in same sharpness or vitality as i was few years ago, trying to remedy with what i can and switch to more brain optimal diet and avoid trash foods. Feels like i missed that pro train with several games but massing too many games in those days made me feel miserable and toxic, overall bad mentality while taking a few months break and coming back was able to win some grandmasters that were better than me with fresh mentality so its not that i miss that lifestyle, now just rather push the mind for good performance and enjoyment and maybe win some tourneys :slight_smile:

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I believe man. To be honest most pro gamers don’t seem to have healthy lifestyles, playing 12-14 hours a day, seemingly eating crappy food. But what do I know what they do behind closed doors. What I mean is that, I believe one can put the effort and analyze ones gameplays one should be able to improve.

Of course good food makes your body and brain work better, and will most likely translate to better gameplay. We also all have different needs.

If I stop a game for a long time become super rusty and cringe at how bad I am. But giving it time and effort I become sharper after 2-3 weeks. Consistency is key, even a weekend off can make me a bit rusty, mechanically at least.

Do you find that GMX also only kicks in whilst playing games?

Like I have it in my custom as a core and I dont get no urge to play games but when I do start playing them I feel it turns itself on and all of a sudden it’s go time!

More evidence action needs to be taken for things to work out for us.

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Yeah!. Last cycle I ran it I felt pressured to game, which is stressful if you have many responsibilities that day. But now it doesn’t the same way. So I like it.

I still want the goal super bad, but I don’t feel obsessive about it.

DAY 15 - GMX and ME
Today I listened to both ME and GMX separately, for 15 min each.

Had a ok day at work. Felt a bit sluggish, but got some tasks done. I think I stayed up way too late at the party and need some extra rest, plus the nights have been a bit longer this past week.

Going to make sure to hit aim practice and a game or two tonight after family time.

Alcohol is so stupid man. Why drink? Well I do have a need to experience life and all it’s flavors. Fine wines and all. But the alcohol just sucks dude. I hate how it can affect your cognition, mood and energy the next day even if you drink 3-4 units. Not all experiences need to be had, so that’s a bad excuse for me, plus why not explore the alcohol free alternatives? There’s so many cool alcohol free alternatives and drinks to explore!

We’ll just have to figure this one out…


Did some aim practice and played some games, one as a healer and two as a DPS, won all, seemed to be the top the role I played. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.

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DAY 16 - Resting
Today is resting day. I am not going to lie, kind of excited for RoM release because of Saint’s gaming anecdote and experience. At the same time I am also thinking of adding some of the Limitless siblings as my third title. So either I am going to go big and do QL and alternate between RoM or whatever.

We’ll have to see what RoM is all about first. The only thing also stopping me from QL and L is that there might be some healing to be done with regards to cognition and intellect, I really don’t want to deal with more healing than necessary right now.

My laptop account got placed gold 5, that’s 5 ranks below where I left last season, which sucks, why didn’t I get to start at like Gold 2-3 or something? That sucks. Imagine the little time I play and I fight myself up 5 ranks, but when season comes I kind of start where I began? Hopefully the ranking system is not this stupid, and that I were just unlucky. Hopefully there is a way to go up in ranks, although slow.

I did some aim practice and did some games, todays stats are as follows:
5 games, 2 wins. Not as good as usual, hopefully there will come some good lessons out of these ones.


I was a bit tired tired and had some recon, so most likely why I played a bit worse. I mean I did top the charts, but thinking about it now afterwards I did have some bad positioning and failed to play with my team mates in the losing games. Tried to be a hero too many times etc…
SOLID gaming, that’s what I am after. Topping the charts with K/D doesn’t mean you played solid! I want mastery!

Also, if the ranking is so bad I will just make a new account once I feel I’ve mastered the game and truly deserve a higher placement. Because if it is bad system, and I always kinda start over each season, it’s not going to be fun, because I don’t play 8 hours a day, and it’s not going to be fun if my hard earned rank is dismissed. Hopefully it doesn’t have to come to this!

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Nice and I really wanna see what RoM is all about too.

Do you play any single player or non competitive games?

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Can’t wait brother! RoM!

I don’t at the moment, although I have had the urge to want to play harder single player games, like Terraria again, I never finished that game, just to push on it with GMX/ME. How about you?

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Currently having a go at that Hades game since they announced a new one and this was on sale :sunglasses:

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Nice, that one is also challenging I think, Rogue-like and all.

Another day of Gaming Mastery X and Mind’s Eye, 15 minutes each, while in a dark room and on a bed. Feels good and relaxing.

I’ll probably hit up AscCha because I haven’t run it this week. Although it feels scary, because I know it’s powerful and I’ve already ran 2 subs today. Solution? Run it for 30 seconds instead of the 3 minutes which I planned last week.

I’ll most likely add RoM as my third sub. It sounds good for my goal, but then again, all subs seem to benefit in some way. I am also still considering some form of Limitless. Still not sure yet :nerd_face:

Hitting up some aim practice later and a game or two! Please :pray: help me remember the solid principles! Overwatch gods, I call upon you!


Finished my exercises and 30s AscCh went well. I also played 3 games in the morning and won two of them. :1st_place_medal: Most likely more games later or tonight :slight_smile:

Weird, my other account got gold 5 as well. So the 5 ranks I climbed didn’t stick anything on the. new season? Perhaps you have to climb every season and progression is slow, so if you were rank 10 at the start of a season, and then gain 5 ranks in the season, next season you start perhaps as 10.5. But that is ridiculously weird in my opinion. That feels incredibly slow. :upside_down_face:

Played 2 more games at night, won one, lost one. Should have picked something for their torbjörn, he got away with way too much on the losing game.

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DAY 18 - Rest day
A bit of recon today, headache last night and a bit of anxiety today. I should play the weekly miniloop of AscCha on rest days, because 3 subs in one day might be a bit too much.

I hit the gym this morning and currently at work.
Will try to hit up some OW2 later tonight. I am thinking of turning my 30 minute aim practice into a 10 minute warm up instead so I can focus on playing and improving at the game.

I think my aim is fine and a warm up should suffice for now unless my aim deteriorates. This is so I can focus more on the actual game and improve my decision making. The less time I aim practice the more time I have for competitive games.


Played my warm up today and played two games which I won. :slight_smile:
Also I realized one of my accounts had been silver 3 or something, so that it starts as gold 5 is a step up, so perhaps there is some form of progression that carries over to the next season. I hope that is true going forward :slight_smile:

Also I’ve realized I haven’t taken time to practice visualization, which I will do to increase the benefits from Mind’s Eye. I am thinking of adding Quantum Limitless and then alternate between Mind’s Eye and RoM if it’s actual for my goals, and if the stories of how it’s similar to Mind’s Eye is true, then alternating those two seems best.

Quantum Limitless because I want maximum cognition boost. And if that comes with recon, well I will face it head-on for 6 months. In 6 months I have parental leave which would be perfect to hopefully pick the fruits of this multi-stager, and then taking it from there, more time to game, and hopefully that much closer to the goal. We’ll see, I haven’t fully decided, but I am leaning heavy towards it.

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I dont have time for another multi stage as im running DR till end so i will likely try ROM sounds really good .

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