To the best of Chase

3 listenings in the last “cycle” (I count cycle as the period from after washout to before another washout). Listened to it full loop and took two rest days.

These days I just let my mind inspires me whatever schedule it wants. If there was miscommunication, it let me know lol


Lately I wonder if the anxiety and pessimism in me are caused by physical issues, e.g. low testosterone, high cortisol or brain inflammation etc.

I listened to healing subs, wealth subs, status subs but still can’t seem to obtain that unflappability. Would I find it in health subs?

Not saying I am gonna buy Paragon now. Writing this post I am brainstorming.

Since the beginning of my SubClub journey, there always is an archetypal sub in my stack or custom. I thought by listening to them I’d become them eventually. Many members here did become the subs they listened to with grand manifestations, obstacles removed, goals achieved.

Yet today, right now I am asking myself who I am without the archetypal subs. What life was like before listening to subs including those in youtube, before learning self help techniques, before reading spiritual books.

Am “I” not strong enough to be an Emperor without EZP? Am “I” not charismatic enough to be Stark without SZP? What is left in me when all things are stripped off? What will happen then?

I am thinking I never (know how to) give my mind a break. It is under constant attacks, one project after another, one event after another, one setback after another, one thought after another, one emotion after another. I told him he could take a break but I never let him go. Thinking about abc before I close my eyes, xyz immediately after open my eyes. A slave that works to his death and I don’t know how to save him.


I ran 2x loops Custom today and one of Rebirth can’t say I notice much processing. Zero Point is unpredictable to be honest.

I’m saddened to hear you are experiencing this much bodily stress. I hope you get well soon…

Seems like you are stressed out… long-term it can be very bad on your health. Try finding a release

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It’s a good question bro. Sometimes I wonder about it for myself too.

But too many other more urgent health concerns in the way before I check those metrics.

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Thanks bro. What’s your experience with paragon? Did it help levitate those urgent health concerns?

I am so looking forward to Hero, maybe it will be the sub that heals and strengthens us physically as well as mentally.

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For some chronic problems, it did help manifest some solutions. For others, it requires more time, I guess.

Paragon did work very quickly though when it came to alleviating fever or a temporary health issue.


Keep extending the washout period. Originally planned for a two-week washout with an open mind that it might be shorter than that. But since then felt like it should be a month, and now I am thinking maybe until Dec; by then there will be new titles/new tech/new modules, and my brain will be fully rested and excited for them by that time.

Have been having resistance towards archetypal subs since the last post. Out of nowhere I lost all interests in them. None of them represents who I am, they are all more miss than hit. When I listen to them I feel like I am being digested by them, covered up by them instead of the other way round.

If I am gonna listen to subs after washout but before the new titles/new tech comes out, they are gonna be LBFH and LD (and maybe RICH).


Ran LBFH twice so far, 5 mins every other day.

Had an explosive fight with family members, explosive it was.

I am not one pushing others to do things, nor I stick my nose where it doesn’t belong. I just let people be. I am not one who voices my dissatisfaction or opinion or need, and if I did voice it but if they ignored it, I left it there.

I don’t know if it’s LBFH (after all not every single thing happened in life related to subs), but I noticed things that I was willing to turn a blind eye. I mean those things were literally staring at me every day but be it for the sake of (the appearance) of harmony or be it because of being powerless (as I would be ignored and nothing changed, so what’s the point), I let them slide.

I remember a member here used an analogy about turning the light on in a filthy bedroom, now that you see the condition you can either leave it as it is or clean it. My immediate thought was there was a third option, I would leave that room and find another room. I now realised I was missing the point.

Sadly as I expected nothing changed literally. I mean they heard me, they cried they explained to me their reason for doing something or not doing something, they were distracted, they needed more time etc, but at the end of the day they do nothing and show no signs of improvement.

I completely agree that one needs to move away physically to a new place for a sub to work most efficiently. What good is listening to a healing or an alpha sub when one is drowning in swamp.

It is easier said than done though, not with this economy, not with my current financial position.


Have been having less than mediocre sleep quality for a long while. Move the sub listening schedule to daytime might help somewhat but I prefer nighttime listening as I feel like comparatively I have more space and time to prime my mind for subs. Daytime listening feels rushed and distracted.

Another solution is of course getting Paragon Sleep ZP but my default criteria for a sub is more about having as much functions/objectives in one unit; it’s about breadth not depth.

There’s also a sense of physical self sabotaging at work. If I am blunt I have this “what’s the use of being healthy while living in purgatory” mentality. I don’t mean to sound disgraceful or ungrateful to my health. It’s just being a healthy slave in a way is worse than a dying slave, just like a healthy caged/circus animal bears more sufferings.

On a lighter note, LBFH is slowly chipping away negative thoughts. However once again I noticed that the impact of 5 mins is indeed less than 15 mins for me. Sure there is no recon (unless I count the fight previously) but also less impact/depth. When I listened to it 15 mins, the quiet/nonchalance in my mind was unmissable. Yet I intuitively know continuing full loop for a longer period isn’t sustainable, especially not with my current nightly routine.


For the past few listenings I listened to whatever mins (and seconds) my subconsciousness felt like. What I did was emptied my mind when listening until the first noticeable wandering thought popped up, I then stopped playing the subs. That resulted in 5 mins and 34 seconds, 6 mins 41 seconds etc. (always less than 7 mins though) listening time.

I don’t know if it was my mind finally get used to the subs or because of the new listening mechanism, I slept better (and more) these days.

At this moment I think it’s good to focus on LBFH and Wanted. There is little recon to no recon, at least not mentally and emotionally, or if there was I didn’t register it.

I had struggled with the notion of wealth, or lack thereof, that the change of scene was refreshing. I paid so much attention and attached so much value to the manifestation of wealth subs that my mood, my well-being, my action and even my plan were all depended on them. If I happened to gain money the subs were working, if I didn’t I would worry and struggle with faith that whether the subs were working properly or if I did something wrong to mess up the manifestation.

And the more obsessive I got the more I short circuited the alchemy. I knew the rule of LOA, the path of resistance, the way without efforts etc. but I couldn’t control my mind.

So now I decided to go for something I didn’t care as much, e.g. with little resistance and much patience. Self love is important and beautiful but since I don’t know what it’s like and intangible, I am not able to make an expectation. Appearance is tangible but since I don’t actually care for it I just let it unfold according to its own season.

My relationship with LBFH and Wanted is very different from with wealth subs. I see and accept listening to LBFH and Wanted as taking supplements like Vitamins - it is complementary, and the improvement may be little by little over a long period of time.

I am gonna be honest, a part of me feels like I am running away and feels somewhat guilty and worried for not doing more for my family, but another part of me needs a break and a shift of attention to focus on me and me alone. I will run LBFH and Wanted until at least the end of the year.


Yea got my latest custom :heart_eyes: This one me excites me as much as my first ever custom.

Your Life is Now Custom ZP
  1. A Love Bomb for Humanity
  2. Wanted
  3. Carpe Diem Ascended
  4. The Way of ROI
  5. Furious Ascent
  6. I AM
  7. Natural Winner
  8. Tyrant
  9. Harmonic Singularity
  10. Deep Sleep
  11. Asclepius
  12. DEUS
  13. Omnidimensional

I can’t remember if I ever listened to Legacy mask, if Q2 subs came with it or Solace mask. I was a bit surprised by how it sounded, specifically how loud it was. Not complaining, if anything I thought it was good to surprise my mind a little since it had been used to Solace mask that it might not pay as much attention to the content as it once did.

Listened to it for 5 mins and will continue to do so for the rest of the cycle (two more listenings).

A random thought popped up - it doesn’t make sense to hide one’s hotness/beauty from the world, specially that’s the only distinction one has; the whole concept of physical appearance is based on how others perceive one’s exterior, being seen is a prerequisite; what’s the use if one is as handsome as Adonis but he hides himself from others lol

I should’ve picked Wanted and LBFH up sooner and I should never have made my second custom. While Stark and my last custom did work somewhat, I always felt it deep down it wasn’t who I was. There was always resistance and I had to consciously reminding myself again and again the advantages of Stark and certain modules to keep myself going. In fact the main reasons for me to double down and made the second custom were the sunk cost fallacy as well as the notion of using one sub for a long time makes all the difference.

Anyway have a good feeling about this custom and I like that it accompanies me to my brighter future lol


The effects of listening to a two major titles stack is not exactly the same as listening to a custom with the same cores.

When I was listening to LBFH (and Wanted) the less grand version of serendipity/synchronicity happened more noticeably. Like the things I wanted to buy were happened on sales, and that extended to family members, e,g, they asked me to buy them something and that thing was on sales or I ordered takeaway for them, the portion of the meal was larger than usual or there was free side dishes.

I also found lame jokes more funny, or saw the funny side out of something neutral, and these made me laughed more.

On the other hand, since listening to the custom I smile more even when no one was around :joy: just out of the blue my mouth curved upwards.

Don’t know if it was DEUS capped the process capacity, there was no difference between 5 mins and 7 mins for custom. When I was listening the stack, 5 mins was okay but beyond that even by mere 20 secs tired me.


Have had headache for the few days. This was the first time ever I experienced recon in physical discomfort like this. Fortunately it is the end of the cycle (and this time I completed 21 days) and the washout coincides with the recovery period of headache.

Maybe the physical shifting is a bit too much at once (Wanted, Asclepius, DEUS) given that I never used any physical focus subs before, apart from Wanted for a few times prior to the custom (and Emperor if it counted).

Another reason for spending less time in the forum is I am avoiding being tempted by all the new experimental version of subs. As usual the reviews are great and it is not surprised that I am pulled to the new ver. But I have to be faithful to my custom :lock: :ring:


Took a 20-day break of subs, paused the listening of custom and have been running the experimental ver of Wanted and LBFH for this cycle. Did all this out of hunch.

As without so within; the manifestations and reconciliation of my custom got me (over) thinking about myself and my subconscious thoughts.

The reasons of why I listen to Wanted are for its physical shifting and nonchalance, and they are delivered. Even now I can honestly say that consciously any kind of relationship is the last thing I have in mind. Yet I had two women throwing themselves at me, one of them literally. The weird thing was both of them had a boyfriend, and the worse thing was for a moment I seriously thought why not.

I was housekeeping for a family friend for a few days. While the house wasn’t grand or anything it was a much better place than mine, not to mention it was all mine alone during the few days. It was easy for me to imagine an alternative version of me where I lived in such house peacefully with my own little family. Yet as soon as the imagination made real, as in I could really see it, feel it, believe it in my mind, an intense fear of dying, of physical sickness and of old age came to me. This was really out of the blue as consciously I have little such concerns. On a related note, the same thing happened exactly once before when I listened to Chosen for the first time.

As the more break days processed, the less I wanted to pick up subs at all, I felt like stop listening to any subs once and for all for the rest of my life.

When I first chose Wanted and LBFH and my custom, I was in a way seeing them as a vacation, a healing resort for my over wired mind, and they helped. Yet after three months I am beginning to wonder if it’s about time for me to fully focus on wealth generation. Most if not all the problems and insecurities, and hence recons are related to that one way or another, it makes more sense to cut the head of the snake. Yet there is a tug of war in me, rationally I think I need to focus on that yet feeling wise I want to continue what I am doing.

While there are definitely recons from Wanted and LBFH, out of all the subs from sub club I have listened to, they bring the least recons to me, especially after extensive listening.

May go back to custom after this cycle, which is coming to an end soon.


Funnily, I felt the same way last year until I decided it doesn’t matter if my starting point + results don’t seem as grand as theirs (yet!). And I realized that there are definitely people out there who have the same background, starting point and beliefs as me - breaking that ground and paving the way would help others to walk that same path with far more ease :railway_track: .

And now look where you are now :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Maybe it is possible to please both your heart and your brain? :grin:


Yea it was an overthinking/recon. Best to let go and just enjoy the results of the subs.

With CFW official out, there are more choices for me to choose my next stack or even custom, just need to strike a balance to please both my heart and head as you said :grin:


Shortened the washout to four days. Decided to run LD, LBFH and Wanted for this cycle. Day 1 LD+Wanted, day 2 rest day, day 3 LBFH, and repeat.

The only reasons I picked Limit Destroyer were because I’d like to “shock” my brain and for it to stop my slowly out of control masturbation.

After running Wanted and LBFH for awhile I was beginning to feel “bored” as a form of recon. Aspiration and motivation for different aspects of life came up, and felt like it took different subs to target those aspects. Thanks to a post of @praisetheurdtree which opened my blindspot on how whatever motivation or inspiration I am having are due to the subs I am currently running. The right thing to do is keep milking the benefits of Wanted and LBFH since they “spill” over to other areas of life.

On the flip side, Wanted makes me face my insecurities honestly. Even though I am over the worst period of porn addiction for a long time, the issue of DGS lingers. Other insecurities in me make worse the issue, and the dissatisfaction of it crossovers to other insecurities. Truth is I don’t think it a problem to get a girl, it is the after that I have huge insecurities. From the performance to financial status to family situation to the real me.

In the past 15 mins LD helped me stop masturbation successfully, I am hoping it can help me control the urge brought by Wanted.

It is true that one should take time to explore the subs instead of jumping to custom. My Your Life is Now custom was great but I now realized that certain modules weren’t as needed (though I might still add them in the future since I like the sound of them lol), and certain areas could be enhanced instead. I do not have high flow so it took me a full cycle to begin to stabilize the results of a sub (though the “trailer effect” is strong). I found that I sleep just fine using store titles; Deep Sleep seems to just slightly deepen the sleep but that’s it. Another one is Harmonic Singularity, I don’t notice the lack of effect without it. I was planning to add Fusion Optimized in my future custom but it seems my body already guides me to the kinds of food I need through a craving or disliking towards certain food at certain times.


Currently taking another washout to compensate the previous washout cut short.

This is a clear example of my OCD, things have to go a certain way or an amiss feeling lingers; I’d feel stuck, unable to move on, and keep thinking how to redo the part where it goes astray. This is why I love scraping whole and restarting all over instead.

My self talk has always been harsh, it seems not even subs like Chosen or LBFH can help that. Actually scrape that, they do help but nowhere near what is shown in the description or to the degree in the reviews.

Since I took a 20 day break from subs, I feel like there is a distance between me and subs. The best word to describe it is “disenchant”. One clear sign is before when I was in recon and thought of switching subs, I’d look at the description of the different subs and see what I wanted to see, imagined the abstract, and jumped to buy them when I could afford them. This time when I am in recon, while the thought of switching is present, I am able to rein them in; when I look at the description I see the part where it doesn’t serve me, and I have no urge to buy a new sub. The same applies to custom.

As said the thought of switching is still present, I kept looking back into a period of my life where I was the happiest, the period where I was at my best, and tried to see if a sub matches that person. But during meditation a thought just came to me - what’s the point keep looking at the past; you are no longer the boy you used to be nor the boyish qualities are fit for you now; just focus on the ideal you wish to be right now.


Took my family to a restaurant on a whim; haven’t been to one for a real long time. Everyone was happy and chatty; it was a highlight of months.

Listened to LD and LBFH before bed but couldn’t sleep afterwards. Read comics for an hour or two til I finally was tired. However, despite the good time I had, I had a bad dream. In the dream I was frantic, having a huge fallout with a couple of family members (who were in the restaurant). I shouted and roared like an animal, and felt strongly that both killing them or being killed by them were a way out than where we were.

As long as I remember, I hadn’t had a realistic dream for a long while. By that I mean in the dream there were always surreal elements like I was half machine, the world was underwater or I was a different me growing up in a different place with stranger friends etc. It had been a long time that the dream me is the same as the me in real life.


Could no longer pull back the desire to pick up Chosen From Within official. My stack for this cycle is LD, LBFH (both in one day) and CFW (separate day).

I didn’t make this clear by lately I feel strongly that Wanted has a “dark” ambience, partly because of PMO triggered by it (I am not blaming Wanted; I blame my weak will and lack of self control). Yet also because of the undeniable “vanity” I associate with it. Lately I feel like there is an impurity in the air around and within me. I resisted to drop it however because it worked objectively speaking and I wished to be persistent towards my stack. It’s just a critical point was reached and now I yearn for “cleanliness”.

Out of the subs I own Limit Destroyer is a surprise winner. Whenever I listen to it a sense of euphoria comes up. With ZPV2 it works even more effectively. So far pairing it with LBFH seems to reduce negative self talk. I am already loving this combination.

For CFW it may be too early to discern its effect on me. After listening to it I had a dream/dreams about downward slide, upward escalator and chicken lol I feel like slightly more grounding.

From an abstract viewpoint, in a way gradually I am shifting the axis towards me and me alone. From wealth subs which I use it for the sake of others to adult subs which I use it so that people will crave me to healing subs which I am using to bettering myself; it doesn’t necessarily feel good but it is finally what’s good for me.