"To Infinity, and beyond!" (EQ, QLQ, DDQ + stacks)

Custom Subliminal current configuration (for build within a couple of weeks when funds arrive):

Information Releaser Emotional Healing, Results Enhancement

Primal Seduction Q Core Major Subliminal Core

StarkQ Core Major Subliminal Core

Yggdrasil Results Enhancement

Omnidimensional Results Enhancement

Blue Skies Emotional Healing, Results Enhancement, Spirituality

Carpe Diem Ascended Results Enhancement

DEUS Results Enhancement

Instant Spark Romance and Sex, Social

Still need a name for this beast. Considering a tenth module but need to pick carefully.


Added Negative Energy Transmutation and Energetic Development XI to the list for a total of 11 modules. A friend of mine talked about turning the magic up to 11, and I think that’s going to be the name of my custom, if not its inspiration. Funds land within a week from my taxes and I’ve allocated enough from what I’ll get back to building this, investing the rest into paying back my new computer and my project to move state. I decided not to go with Terminus, Q is better tested and allowed me to round it out to the important symbolic number of 11 modules. Within any luck, by the end of the month I will be starting the new cycle of listening to this custom with PSQ and StarkQ cores, a combination I’m very excited about.


So I said I wouldn’t post here again unless there was something big to report.

Well I guess today a big punch in the face from the Universe which I’m looking at after the initial shock as an opportunity, has shown me firsthand how the Forge module in Emperor works. The Hulk has been unleashed and I am finding myself once again considering beefing up that subliminal even more before I buy it in a few days time. The anger I feel inside over what happened today has been channeled towards my own eventual victory in achieving ALL the goals of Emperor and showing the person who brought this opportunity my way what it means to cross an Emperor.

My subliminal was originally to be called Merlin’s Eleven, I am now considering whether it is worth adding another module or two, or bringing the Terminus build back.

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The eventual sub in a few days time will also have Mosaic (thanks guys), Potentiator, and Temptation in it. That gives me a total of 14 modules - the maximum I am willing to front for the moment with the size of my return and the savings I need to set aside. I also bought StarkQ today just to get the Terminus experimental version to make a bit of progress on that before starting with the custom. Ordinarily I wouldn’t make these kinds of decisions with money but what the hell, money is coming in a few days and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let the events of last night make me cower in a fracking cave.

This is The Hulk meets Tony Stark meets Professor Xavier, this is me no longer compromising my power for anyone. Lex Luthor? Pttth! Maybe. Perhaps more like Darth Vader bringing balance to the force.

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Enjoy the experiment/experience. Let us know how it goes. Remember to set goals and take action.

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A little backstory before I begin this new subliminal. I haven’t purchased yet, but tomorrow is set to be when funds arrive and I’ll be jumping first chance I get once they’ve hit my account.

So, that monogamous partner I’d been with for almost an entire year? Who I had invested incredible amounts of my own personal time and energy in, and resources towards moving to live with them?

Yeah, so after my Emperor’s mind wrote to them last week (after months of criticisms of my spending habits comparing said habits to their own frugality, and after they tried to use my number one trauma and my family as justifications for “sacrificing” more than I already was for them) and told them I didn’t need anyone to tell me how to manage my own finances, and put them in their place for their emotional manipulation, they decided to first give me the silent treatment for a week, and then tell me that they can no longer do “us” anymore, or the long distance, and they prefer to be alone. Then left me cold, after telling me they didn’t want to break my heart (but did it anyway with not a moments consideration of the investment of closeness and intimacy we had both shared for a year both in person and while separated by the pandemic).

The levels of sheer righteous anger at the cavalier way it was handled by someone who had managed to make me believe, prior to Emperor, would have caused a mental breakdown. Instead I remained calm during the discussion and controlled the frame, providing my perspective on the matter and giving her a chance to change her ways and apologize. So far that hasn’t happened. I had advance warning psychically that this was going to happen 3 days in advance due to feeling it through our intimate link.

I still wonder to what extent I already knew this would happen weeks beforehand, despite a lack of signs. I had been crafting this subliminal for at least 2 or 3 weeks, knowing Stark and Primal Seduction would be crucial in the subliminal, although I justified that to myself for different reasons. I’ve always been fascinated by the possibility that one might be able to use technology in conjunction with primal consciousness to develop superhuman abilities, particularly around charisma or magnetism, seduction or sexuality especially, and powerfully interested in the deeper hidden side of human nature that makes such things possible. I’ve often asked myself what are the limiting factors that allow rapid development of these abilities and what are the limits if any to which we can push this type of development (like those being seen on Ultima Stage 3 now)? Can it reach the stage of assisting with the development of siddhis?

I’ve long had an association with Merlin which has extended to realms of recovered memories and sensitive individuals sensing his energy around me (for a very good reason). And perhaps because of those recovered memories I’ve repressed a lot of my power in interacting with others (except when doing healing) because of the way such abilities might be abused or be perceived as dangerous. After the events above, while listening to the ultima products, and now Stark Q/T, that’s beginning to change and the anger has acted as a motivation and a trigger to removing those blocks finally and seeing how far I can push recovery of abilities I did have as a young boy before I made a decision to let some of those abilities go silent. Those did include the clairvoyant flash forwards others have had with Terminus squared as normal parts of waking life. I’m aware one of those that is buried the deepest is abilities around seduction and sexuality as well as reality bending effects associated with that.

It’s been interesting to observe from a dispassionate part of me the two minds battling it out inside over the way I view what happened on Sunday. Again, I sense the Forge at work attempting to push me in the direction of the multiple romantic partners option Emperor discussed on its marketing page, and the similar scripting in Stark Q, to open pathways to make the previously impossible possible, despite part of me kicking and screaming all the way. I almost considered participating in Ultima Stage 3 since I meet one of the criteria (number 3) and have the equipment, but I didn’t want to delay starting with the new custom.

The reconciliation on the subliminals has been interesting and intense, but strangely I have been strong enough to avoid breaking down over what is an incredibly traumatic event which at least saved me from months of investment of time and resources in something that seems like it would have failed anyway now. She’ll now have to prove herself to me all over again if she wants my attention, and will have to share.


No going back now. Funds received, subliminal ordered, Merlin’s Rejoicing: The Dream Realised should be with me soon. I’ll continue to run Stark in the meantime along with Limit Destroyer Ultima and ST2/3 of QLQ plus my other evening stack modules, maybe taking a rest night or two to clear the palette before I start with this bad boy.


Instead of trying poly/red pill thinking, consider doing catch and release. My conspiracy theory around that is

Its a model designed on observations of female mating activity (Plate spinning). Adopting a beta male tactic is an easy way out.

Catch and release allows you to build up your ability, and shows yourself what you are capable of doing. Masculine energy is centered around the ability to apply just the right amount of effort to achieve your goal. Throwing wide nets is a not a masculine strategy and it only gives the illusion of what the strategy is supposed to achieve.

As for your partner, I am glad you are maintaining/setting your boundaries. Just to briefly add some suggestions without me being overbearing. Try to only communicate when you are feeling neutral/positive, on the basis of state transference, this should set a good model for others to follow and it shows you how much respect they have for you. If you have trouble with communication this means this person is constantly putting you into a negative state.

Don’t force rules on other people, just maintain high internal standards that dictate your interaction. Only disclose that you are unhappy with their behavior, but do not try to control through arbitrary rules. These rules only live through your personal fantasy and in most cases is a false sense of power.

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Hi User9, thanks for the thoughtful response! i’ll respond to your post in two parts/posts.

I’d hardly consider poly a beta male tactic. I am friends with a number of people in the Bay Area and other parts of the US that consider it an honest way of achieving intimate and long lasting bonds with multiple people, while avoiding the typical jealousy and “all-or-nothing” co-dependence that often takes over in a monogamous relationship.

That being said, I’m not set on polyamory or monogamy. I’ve done monogamy well, my ex prior to this partner I spent over 8 years with before we ended up being forced to go our separate ways because of practical concerns (we both needed to return to our respective countries due to job or family concerns) and her de-valuing me, as well as I will admit a degree of co-dependence and loss of direction on my part, and other interpersonal issues which arose due to us both working at the same company. I’m still friends with this ex, and we communicate regularly, in fact she admitted to me about the de-valuing of her own accord during one of our deep conversations we occasionally have.

Beyond monogamy and polygamy, there are more important concerns to address when beginning single dating life again. My core values are integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching (Nithyananda lists these together, but I was already trying to live this type of life even before encountering his teachings - think for example of David DeAngelo and the way he approaching dating).

What this means to me is that you don’t just engage in casual sex with someone unless that also happens to be what the other person is looking for. You take responsibility for assessing the situation during initial communications and feel it out, ensure a win-win situation for both parties. Usually if someone is looking for something casual or is not fully committed to anything beyond having fun, its pretty obvious from their body language, and other signals. So catch and release comes with the assumption that the people you engage with are not looking for anything long term, or are at least aware of what they’re getting into. You don’t lead someone on.

My expectations running the subliminal are not to initially become some kind of Casanova. COVID-19 restrictions are in place in our area, and I have minimal chance until that changes to visit places which will allow me to field test how the subliminal has altered my style of engagement. To begin with, I’m interested in seeing how the results enhancers and auras impact ordinary interactions, say at the grocery store or on the train or at work (until I start work from home). The Temptation module, the instant spark module, the Potentiator module, and the motivational modules like Carpe Diem should enhance Stark and Primal Seduction. I’ve only started on Stark and have not yet run PSQ. I have great expectations for PSQ particularly in reconnecting me more with my body and removing some of the incorrect assumptions around sex or seduction I may have. Stark has already begun to make me want to exercise/work out, which is absolutely unthinkable for me in my sedentary job and something I procrastinated in starting for months, so adding PSQ should make a huge difference.

I’m basing my understanding of what is possible of a couple of factors. Firstly, “multiple romantic partners” (mentioned on the Emperor description) is actually a reality for some individuals. It is likely to be somewhat difficult to achieve without significant changes in my current circumstances and resources (for example, I use public transport to get around, and my crib is by no means set up in an ideal way, so with most pickups it would probably be the woman’s place). However, this does not mean those circumstances won’t change in the future. Indeed, Yggdrasil is a module specifically designed to make the more impossible situations possible to manifest. I am realistic in my expectations at the moment, but I am choosing not to limit my outcomes by making incorrect assumptions.

I don’t believe casting wide nets should be considered an un-masculine strategy. If anything, it is based in biological reality and I also believe that labelling something “not masculine” comes with its own ideological baggage which in many cases is going to be a flawed assumption.

I have not communicated with them since Sunday. They have not messaged me either. We will see how things go in the next several days. The way they handled me setting those boundaries left me unimpressed, and then the breakup/“I can’t do us” with minimal explanation impressed me even less when considering the time and effort we had both put into the relationship.

You mentioned “Don’t force rules on other people”. Yes, do not force, but I do believe there is such a thing as reasonable expectations. As a high value male, one who will not cause violence against his woman, or act irresponsibly, etc etc, I do demand or expect a certain level of integrity and responsibility from those women I do choose to connect with intimately. I’m sure PSQ and Stark may change how I approach that, but not much. As such I think the idea of these values (I would prefer to look at them as values rather than rules) are not fantasy and are more expectations of how a win-win connection should work. People need to go into these things knowing what to expect of the other person so they can determine their own level of investment.

That’s my perspective anyway. I’m aware my perspective is my own and probably is not fully shared by others, but its based on who I am as an individual at the moment. I think so far its taken me in the right directions.

I thought I would try to describe how I expect the modules to work together to produce my desired outcomes. This is not just for interest’s sake, but also to make conscious what I determined intuitively while picking the modules.

Stark - Stark’s focus is on fame, leadership, wealth and social status. The areas I am weakest due to my Asperger’s and my past development and childhood upbringing is particularly in the social arena. I do well with one on one once I have integrated awareness of the other person, trusted them, gone through the processes of getting to know them, but initial approach in person, particularly talking to strangers, has been a sore spot for a long time. Normal kino, and dealing with group dynamics, are particularly difficult if not impossible at times. Small talk is a difficult area as well.

As a result of these extreme difficulties, at my workplace I am often virtually a mute while on smoke break, and do not interact with other work colleagues except on rare occasions. I remain highly focused on the work often to the exclusion of ordinary office banter.

While interacting at shops with clerks, even when they are welcoming, I rarely initiate a lot of chit chat as I remain keenly aware that lingering to chat while someone is working is generally frowned upon. So I miss a lot of opportunities for ordinary interaction. Although I am conscious of this, the freeze response internally in thinking of things to say remains and the intellectual mind censors me from making comments that might be insightful or open up further discussion.

I expect Stark’s intellectual fluidity and Primal’s ability to push beyond the purely mental and initiate action should, when combined with Carpe Diem Ascended and Potentiator, make it easier to push past this freeze response.

I’m also expecting Information Releaser to help in releasing to me information on making small talk. I’m also expecting the Primal component of Primal Seduction to bring the subconscious and conscious mind closer together, which will further the results from Quantum Limitless ST1 which I continue to use along with the other stages periodically for that purpose.

Blue Skies - I am expecting this module to assist in healing some of the deeper issues still remaining from my primary and high school years which dealt with ridicule, bullying, nerds or intelligent people not being attractive or sexy, as well as sexual or romantic humiliation that occurred on several occasions, events that probably linger in my subconscious mind even though I do not consider them consciously in my everyday interactions. The module description also talks about developing further concepts around Love, among other things. I have my own deep understanding of this, but I would look forward to having it challenged by a subliminal to push understanding further.

Energetic Development XI - as a very spiritual individual and Reiki practitioner, as well as being aware of my energetic blocks (solar plexus and throat primarily), this seems like a clear and key one to add to ensure smooth development of auras and also enhancing information processing on the subliminals.

Yggdrasil – manifestations of appropriate opportunities to develop the skills the subliminals are trying to grow would seem like a great idea particularly in the current restrictive environment.

Omnidimensional - this one intrigued me and one of SaintSovereign’s comments about possible connections to time loops and the interesting effects one of the other members was experiencing with their custom inspired me to add this in. After closer consideration, my rationale was that this one should help to create a more well rounded development and execution of the script internally.

Instant Spark and Temptation - these just appealed as a lot of fun and very useful if they perform as advertised. I often make eye contact with beautiful women in the course of my day, so that instant shock to improve my chances of making connections seemed like a no brainer. Temptation appealed with the air of mystery which is in keeping with my character which has great depth to it. Initially I was torn because Long Range Seduction seemed more useful due to my large number of online female friends, but the in person interaction seemed more key to focus on to see results, since I’m already familiar with Remote Seduction (although I don’t tend to use it). I don’t need another lover I meet online, I already had had a drove of those, let’s push the practical in person angle this time!

DEUS and Carpe Diem Ascended - because I want to ensure I remain 100% committed and focused to accomplishing the goals of these subliminals and my own personal goals through that. The latter module was to decrease procrastination in taking action, and DEUS was for the degree of focus and unity of consciousness with which I pursue it.

This is just a baseline overview of the rationales. To move from the social skills of someone afflicted with Aspergers and neurodiverse social interactions into one of complete mastery, the last two were particularly key to add to the cores. The DEUS module spoke of using all different systems including hormonal, physiological etc, which appealed as it is possible there is a physiological basis for some of the more deep seated blockages.

Curious to get peoples input on how some of these modules have worked within your own customs.

Sharing my current reading material. I find a lot of material this website shares both thought provoking and realistic/practical. I have learned a lot from what I’ve read already on other areas of the site.

This is a good outlook, but a bit biased towards something called “Appeal to nature”, due to the polarization of certain realities of today. We could look at certain time frames of primate evolution, there is two distinct shifts of mating strategy, and I will try to show briefly the reality of polygamy is only a manifestation of female mate choice.

I have studied one primitive population, the primary form of mating is medium term, initiated by chemistry after moments of eye gazing. They “Pair Bond” for long enough to achieve pregnancy, and since the group they live in is relatively sedentary with high amounts of resources, they leave the offspring to be raised by all the women/sister/aunties etc. The male is essentially used for the Y chromosome and any element of competition is eliminated. The problem with this is masculinity is devalued for procreation only.

The other population is almost strictly monogamous for several years. They devolop the dreaded “oneitus” that keeps them together long enough to raise the offspring. There is less collective resources to share in this scenario, so the male has to use his “Masculine Energy”, to get food, scare competitors etc. In this case the female is using the male not simply for DNA, but imposes a reality of competition and survival into the males reality.

I will briefly explain the myth of the Alpha and the assumptions placed on achieving it. Try to look at it in the aspect of Chicken and Egg, which comes first? Being an alpha in the paleo period did attract polygamy, simply from the fact of their sheer will, and this energy is the basis of masculine energy. Simply mating with multiple women did not assure your ability to keep them, and this is the differentiation of realities that contrast with the everyday reality of the average prehistoric male.

So the main idea to extract from this is to separate mating success with masculine energy, and that is a key but delicate line to maintain. It is obvious and achievable today for every man to get multiple women, and a reality for many as being least resistance route… considering that today’s consumerism allows the lifestyle of an alpha but without the annoying struggle of consequences.

As a closing not, do not take this as me trying to refute anything you said, you seem to be really knowledgeable of the SC modules and more importantly their relation towards your goals and ideas. I only study zoology and anthropology, and am limited by this aspect.


I appreciate the interesting anthropological material shared. That being said:

A. I am not focused on this question, as I mentioned in my first reply, but on the subtleties of maintaining integrity and other core values while experimenting with subliminals and the current dating reality.

B. You seem very focused on this question and my outlook on something which is in fact a stated potential of one of the subliminals I run. What’s the story with that? Have you got any personal experience in trying either that you can share? Or is it all speculation based on observation?

C. The realities of the human sexual marketplace are a lot more fluid than those found in animal populations, and in fact procreation is often not the sole aim of the male-female interaction. Some women, such as the one who I was recently engaged with, are specifically not looking to have children. In these cases, the provider role becomes more about providing for them in terms of emotional or financial support, enrichment of their life etc, and sex becomes geared towards the lover model with some provider model mixed in. Others might be looking for something different such as status, or just purely unattached fun. There are many different types of human being and seduction, to quote a recent video on the topic, is about learning about other peoples unfulfilled needs and desires, and giving them what no-one else can give them. So there is plenty of room for experimentation and those people I come into contact with during this will help to shape my perspective.

To clarify, you are working on multiple strategies, not multiple women?

That’s closer to the case, but at the same time I am not ruling out the possibility of multiple partners. Think of it this way: a subliminal must align with your personal internal reality or there is going to be reconciliation. If subs like Primal Seduction, Libertine, and Emperor (and Stark) do not limit the development of multiple connections and do not restrict you to one particular outcome, but you restrict them yourself through internally held beliefs, that weakens the potential power the subliminals have for creating miracles.

What does it mean to have “multiple women”? Do you draw the line for success at successfully flirting with one, or having multiple women fantasize about you, or take action to initiate conversation? Do you draw the line at kino, or some other stage of the escalation? Or do you draw it at having multiple sexual relationships, or one or two partners and several close intimate friendships that could become sexual if they escalated in the right circumstances?

Lets be honest: at the moment we are in the middle of a pandemic, and in my area we are in lockdown. That lockdown could last as short as six weeks, or it could go for longer. At the moment I am focusing on my own personal development and enjoying the journey, without pushing for a specific result other than improving my attractveness to the other gender, and improving my skills in conversation and flirting and speaking to strangers. Once the lockdown ends, I intend to look at options for increasing the likelihood of taking appropriate action then, such as joining certain organizations I used to be affiliated with where I am more likely to be able to interact with the type of women that turn me on. As my use of the custom progresses I’ll be able to reassess whether I want to “catch and release” as you said, or look at multiple suitors.

Also, sex and seduction is not the only goal I am working towards with the subliminals I’m running. The other qualities of Stark and Emperor are just as important. Now that I have a little more time on my hands I intend on investing time in my writing and art again, which will provide value to feed into the other goals as well. I am especially curious to see how Potentiator and Information Releaser perform.

@emperor_obewan half of the links in that site shows “403 forbidden error” are you able to access it?

Haven’t had any 403 errors yet myself, any particular pages?

Most of the inner links in the blog page, I get that error. Are you able to access all links and tabs without error?

Tried several of them in that section and got no problems.