"To Infinity, and beyond!" (EQ, QLQ, DDQ + stacks)

This is what I get.

Just discovered your journal somehow. Am now working my way through it.

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This is a good outlook, thanks for clearing that up. You have a good outlook in my opinion.

Not to get philosophical here, I would generally say to not gravitate towards behavior unless you are fine with it manifesting with the people you are around. I only mentioned that catch and release strategy since it allows you to build your skills without being overbearing. You will still generally get all the advantages of being poly/plate, but you focus on your ability, not what results you get, the main consequence being not relying only on “lazy” results. My specific point being independent from relying on people choosing you, and not relying on anyone else for self confidence.

Went to the supermarket and newsagent today. The newsagent trip was to pick up disposable face masks which are a lot more comfortable and breathable than my horrid N95 masks, but after browsing the magazines my attention was drawn to stylish journals and binders. I made a personal decision to begin again the experiment of writing my day “as it happened” before it happens, a manifestation technique I saw promise in when I tested it out recently. This was decided after I found a journal with a cover image that was particularly evocative of the idea of seeing underneath the hood of reality. Minutes later I was buying the journal along with a nice mid-range priced Parker pen with excellent form factor and ink flow.

Ever since the fire, I’ve been striving to build up my personal possessions again without going overboard, a balance of quality with price and utility, and there is just something about the act of writing and that tradition of leather and paper as opposed to digital which is very compelling. My pens have always been a source of great joy to me, so buying a $32 Parker pen in shiny brass colors with the little felt box it comes in (and the royal insignia) was very satisfying. My ex partner would have criticized the bejesus out of me for a purchase like that due to her own frugality, so there was a sense of pleasure in doing this for me and me alone.

Food shopping was similarly expensive; kim chi, coppa and prosciutto di san daniele, provolone dolce, organic egg-free vegan garlic aioli, and various other goodies. But in a way my shopping trips are not just about my Sagittarian love of novel and cool shit, they’re an affirmation of self love that says its worth it to spend this money on self care in order to be happy now.

I’ve continued my use of StarkT, MET2, Quantum Limitless, and the Ultima products (mainly during sleep but also during the day while meditating) in preparation for when my custom finally drops (excited constant checks on this and the release of Ultima products, I feel like a kid waiting for the release of the new Wonka Bar). I feel like a lot of good internal personal growth has been occurring, a lot of it under the surface.

Once thing that has come to the for in my mind is about superhuman abilities, particularly in the realms of cognition and consciousness. I’ve researched the realms of alchemy, consciousness, magic and subliminals and personal self development for at least 32 years (I’m almost 43, so go figure), usually trying to bridge the realms of science/science fiction with magic and consciousness science. It occurs to me that these areas, my applied research skills and encyclopediac knowledge of the field, particularly application, constitute one of my unique gifts I bring to humanity, outside of the realms of the service to society that my job in the public sector has provided people before and during this pandemic. Another area which I know is a unique gift is my energy healing abilities which others have commented on. Back during the days that I was hostel hopping as an example, one hostel owner who was particularly crabby to most of the people who stayed there, had a bad back that had been causing no end of issues, despite trying various things including painkillers. When I heard about it one day, I got her permission to perform a Reiki healing, thinking it would just be another average event of trying to provide someone with temporary relief. She later came to me and told me that she had tried everything previously and after my session the pain went away and didn’t return. From that point on she was really nice to me and approached me in a different way. Another one was one of the first women I helped with fibromyalgia, who I was able to bring from being in a wheelchair to being able to stand and use a shovel, before she relapsed due to unhealed emotional trauma. My healing abilities are continuously getting better as I learn to focus on the unity and not just the love flowing to the affected part, and as I improve technique. Stark seems to be pushing me to give myself credit for my proficiency and gifts in this area, perhaps get back into being more public about this stuff and not hiding it away because it’s “weird”. I feel more driven to focus on development of abilities such as blindfolded reading and work on the third eye. My true desire it to push the boundaries of what it is to be human in terms of the mastery over physical reality. I don’t know how much of that is just Stark, and how much is the other subliminals I’ve been using, but I see it as a positive thing.

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I ran two loops of Libertine Ultima last night, then kept waking up every few hours as a result. Positive effects after the first loop, even during it, I felt like taking selfies and posting them on FB, and ended up getting likes on the few I posted. A girl I used to know several years ago replied to a comment I made on their FaceBook saying they missed me. Still no response from the ex-gf. Good, more proof of their complete lack of concern for my welfare. I made the right decision.

Meanwhile, “experts” in our local area are calling for wearing masks while on lunch break… “lifting the mask up and eating underneath them”. One expert was quoted as saying “even two metres [between workers] isn’t enough. They can’t talk.” They went on to say “If you want them to talk because you want them to be healthy and happy … you have to give them a perspex barrier.” Coronavirus lunacy is getting worse in our location. I am determined to either push a complete switch to work from home, or grow superpowers to avoid this type of idiotic “expert” bullshit. I guess now they’re wanting us to switch to literally inhaling your food. This makes me all the more determined to focus on making Libertine Ultima my superpower. You can’t wear a mask while kissing :wink:

I remember seeing seeing someone cure their parkinsons by simply reading some text while walking. I have my personal theory on why but I will just keep them to myself for now.

Mr. Midas Touched

I am glad you are seeing problems/sore spots more candidly. Like the advice I gave earlier, just maintain no contact since I can see she is still having a negative impact on you. Make sure to tread lightly, no reason to be vindictive/get even. Just make sure to cut any strings attached to you, emotionally/physically. No power over you, so you have no reason to even get emotional or think of her. Your best gift to her you can give is detachment, and this includes removing negative baggage you have inside your mind.

Something maladaptive I used to do was to purposely seek out negative energy/people to try and forget things I didn’t want to think about. Try to get into a positive frame and then seek out motivation from there.

Interesting that you sent this message minutes before my custom subliminal finished processing and was available for download.

Also interesting your wording of “Mr Midas Touched” and your insistence on how I should approach my ex. For all I know with the lack of identifying information, you or someone else on the forum could be them, hiding out trying to watch my actions as I push forward with use of the subliminal. So I’m going to continue to focus on my own personal evolution and pretend I didn’t just see someone try to tell me how to handle my own love life :smile:

I appreciate the sentiment, but at the same time I don’t. Let’s leave commentary about this event for my inner voice and not this journal, shall we? Have a nice day!