Jesus, 3? I’ve never researched into dreams. I know sometimes people remember them and sometimes they don’t. I definitely don’t.

Well, I’m glad I’m not alone. I just felt like I was missing out on something, and an indicator that the subs are processing.

I have ultimately decided that Ultrasonics are for me and I can easily check frequensee to ensure they’re at the levels described in the booklet.

Now I just need to more action and get going, setting the ball into motion.

Today is my last day of subs until Sunday evening since I start on Sunday evenings whilst I sleep for a Monday start. I’ll be taking two days rest off and we’ll see if anything occurs dream wise.

I’m happy with the experiment I’m currently under taking and was trying to see if masked or ultrasonics worked better for me and so far out of convience - ultrasonics work better.

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@Fire or @SaintSovereign, could any of you confirm Aura of Craving works in this way? Essentially, making anybody, whether male or female crave your presence through a lovely, attractive, and irresistible Aura? Which seems as in shifting your energy into one that is more enjoyable for others, yet it does mention being intense. Is there any subliminal we can replicate this effect with so that we have an idea of how it is intended to work? I guess Sex & Seduction, Stark, or Ascension/Ascended Mogul has a similar Aura, is that correct?

I have a hard time deciding between this one and Direct Influencing Aura, I’m mostly a magnetic person and I love being craved/liked by others.

I’d love an answer to this too but I’m just assuming I can make it this way with conscious awareness considering I’ve heard time and time again on here that the sub works for how you want it in a sense of running something like Emperor doesn’t have to be anti-social if you don’t want it to be. It’ll run the way you want it.

You’ve already got 20 modules right hence why you can’t choose both, right? I’d personally go for craving considering my view of craving means that you’d already be able to influence people because they like you. Not in amanipulatinf sense but I guess it depends.

Do they like you because you’re sexually attractive or what? How does the module work?

Direct Influencing I guess would work if you were in a job position and were able to use that to influence more directly - regardless of sexual attraction?

Hopefully this makes sense.


I’m starting to understand what you mean about running more loops and actually using it as a way for people to gage their sweet spot.

I never really get headaches on subs using 1-3 loops however I kind of had it on set and forget today (mainly it popped back round to beginning of the playlist which was DR stage 2) and now I have a headache. I am also tired but I’d assume it’s recon.

It gave me the realisation that I do most likely need more loops than I was doing. Once the headache hits - I may be wrong - it means to me I’m at the point where I can stop listening and go about my day.

I’m going to keep doing this to see how it goes.

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Whilst I know Limitless Executive is something that could be used I’m still struggling to choose between Stark and Emperor.

Something about Emperor keeps calling my name for my custom. I don’t want to make the wrong choose. I need to take some time and meditate on it.

I was reading a post by @Floridianninja I believe and they said that Stark made them feel like they’d get to it when they felt like it. I don’t want that. I want to get shit OUT OF THE WAY!

I want the nudges, the pushes to make my life better. Especially if I truly do struggle with ADHD. I want to change my life in all aspects.

Stark could do that for sure but I feel like Emperor will go all in and Stark may slow me down.

Is it really that difficult to add the fame/social etc to an Emperor?

If you read the general recommendations more thoroughly you’ll notice that the general suggestion leans towards increasing the number of loops. On top of that, in my approach, I’m oriented to reach my processing/execution peak. “Sweet spot” is something mythical and vague to me. “Sweet spot” seems to me to be some state which says “don’t cross the line or you’ll get recon, just stick to your results, be satisfied with them and don’t you dare go further”. My approach is far away from that. And look at Hoppa, he plays Set & Forget, so he didn’t find his “sweet spot” either yet he’s doing very well too.

It’s good to know you’ve found it useful to experiment with increasing the number of loops. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I actually reread the new instructions and technically I’m in the lines of what they state. Not even technically, I am in the lines.

My Stark is x6
TMB x4
DR x2

Surely when they say don’t go over that they meant per sub?

I can see how this works to be honest. That’s what I feel I’m getting too. I am questioning whether it’s workingnfore but I’m also getting headaches which is an indicator for me that it is. Headaches aren’t just the norm for me.

You and @Hoppa are my reason for doing this, as well as @James - I just wanted to experiment to see the possible results - if any - however I’ve actually come out more educated than I was before.

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I don’t know. I do what works for me. :slight_smile:

I had some head sensation when I was close to my limit.

Another member who plays lots of loops is @Fusion. As far as I remember he runs Sratk too.

That’s what it’s all about.

Wait, so just because I get headaches doesn’t mean I’m at my limit? Just before it?

Is that right?

Gonna check out @Fusion’s journal now. I read some earlier in fact.

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I think so but I wouldn’t try to push it further to find out.

My plan was just to stop when I get the headaches so I know it’s working.

Yeah, that’s good. It’s possible you’ll be able to push it further in the future. There’s no need to rush it.

So, in regards to Christmas. I was right.
My sister didn’t get me nor my boyfriend any presents - again no big deal, it really isn’t and it isn’t my point.

But she ignored my texts, ignored the presents and money I got for her. She’s dead to me now. I know, brutal words but sometimes family aren’t actually family (also she has done this plenty times before) - they’re strangers. That’s what she is. A stranger. She’ll regret it when I make enough money and I’m out of her, because she won’t get any of it.

The rest of my family were beautiful and kind. They were grateful for what they got and they were loving. E: HoM has really made realise how important family are but also made me take no shit in regards to them. I won’t allow myself to be taken as a fool just because you’re family, but I will protect you and save you if you’re a nice person.

Anyway, today’s a rest day - I just had to reflect my thoughts and feelings. I’ve been sleepy today so I’m guessing the subs are processing - I had a great sleep - early infact for me, and woke up at 9am. I wanted to fall back to sleep about 2/3pm but I’ve not slept yet - I do need it at some point. I’d assume the headaches I get are recon since I’m drinking enough water and all that stuff.

I quit my current workout program yesterday as I don’t like the program I’m doing. Starting again on Monday with a new program and a focus on nutrition. Something I’m looking forward to. It’s an 80 day workout program so I’m excited for it. Can’t wait.

I’ve been learning on a lot on the forums recently so just wanted to say thank you to everyone who’s been educating me recently. I appreciate it and I’m grateful.


I fell asleep and I’m still tired!
There must be so much processing to do since I’ve used so many loops this week.

I’m looking forward to the result but I have to take more action in the areas that I want things done.

I still have to look around and finish off my custom.

Do I want Limitless Executive?

Do I want Stark over Emperor or vice versa?

So many decisions, I’m pretty indecisive.


It’s a great choice for the enterprise you’re planning on.

Taking into account the kind of enterprise you’re planning on, Stark is the way to go.

I guess I’ll just need to get it.

Okay, I was about to look at journals between the two and see how I felt but you’re right. Stark is the kind of personality I want more of.

Stage 2 might be kicking in of DR.
It’s that time that the healing process is uncovering some trauma.

The trauma at the moment is my life.
I need to change it.
I’m not taking the action I need to change it.
Just do it Brandon. You’ve got this. Make the change.

How did it happen? I actually started feeling sick.
My boyfriend bought me different sets of hot chocolate for Christmas and accidentally put too many scoops of one in a cup he made me so I’ve felt sick - that sickness lead me to think about my diet and how I hate this feeling.

Whilst I love to live life and eat junk food, I actually hate the fact my life is resolving around junk food. I want to be healthy.

Now is the perfect time to fix that and I’m going to make changes, not just to my diet but other things too.

Due to our UK lockdown I can’t go to the studio just and can’t take open classes so I’ll be learning to dance from home amongst other things.

I’m changing my diet. I spoke about this before but never do it, but that sickness has made me want it.

I’m going to follow 2B Mindset whilst reading the book Simon recommended. Basically 2B Mindset is 3 meals a day in different portion plate sizes and lots of water. It lets me eat meals the way I like them but with some limitations. It’s the most freeing diet I can think of, I can still have some cake if I want it (I don’t really eat cake anyway). My aim is to stick to this and try and get my boyfriend on board too.

I’m starting that program I spoke about on Monday. It’s an hour long each day but I think I’m going to see how I feel after 30 minutes since the program does 30 minutes of work and then repeats. It’s a great program but I hate hour workouts at home. I may just end up biting the bullet and going for it though.

I’m going to wake up and walk the dogs first thing in the morning. They get exercise in the garden but barely any walks. I’m going to fix one of the harnesses and take them out, we’ll see if I can use the bike to help me out since I’m not a fan of long walks. I used to take them all the time until we got the new dog since he is heavier in his pull so it’s difficult.

I dislike online dance classes because I’m slow at picking things up, or I used to be before subs anyway but I’m still not as quick as it seems for other people. They’re also not as interactive as a normal class if I have questions and I have to think way more than a normal class due to the lack of questions I can ask.

I’m going to take at least 2 classes a day, starting off with foundations classes and moving into 1 choregraphy class. My focus has to be on foundations at the moment, I came into dance learning theore advanced stuff so choreography I can do but foundations? NADA. That’s gonna change from now on.

Please keep me accountable on these goals.
I need to do them, these little things will change my life drastically.

I need to get into shape.
I need to eat healthier.
I need to drink more water.
I need to walk the dogs more.
I need to practice dance more.

If I want my life to be better I have to make it better.

Thank you to DR for making me realise this. It has to be DR but whatever sub it is, thank you.

Personally, for the kind of your enterprise, I would consider running Stak+Mogul+LE vs Emperor+HoM+True SocialU.

The first one gives you the kind of personality which works best in those circumstances and improves your social skills which are vital for your enterprise (Stark), orients you towards your natural gifts, helps you develop them and monetize them (Mogul). LE does what it’s required for every staring enterprise (ideas plus drive).

The second one makes you more alpha, hard-working, highly motivated (Emperor), helps you plan your actions, build the right connections (HoM) and give you that brilliant flow in social contexts which makes people eager to socialize and hang out with you (True Social).

That’s a short and elementary description, of course, there’s more to those stacks.

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Hmmm, I think the Stark one sounds good to be honest.
I was going to be running my HoM/EoG custom along with Stark custom and DR + LE as my Ultima.

I was actually planning on remaking my EoG custom and buying some cores and having it rebuilt into something with Mogul and something else to make money and start me off fresh. Then going back to the EoG custom once I’ve made some money.

Due to being in lockdown the only money I’ll get most likely is company money and that’s not going to pay my phone bill not anything else which means everything will run out soon if I don’t act quickly.

Not sure if I should or not though.

I’m going to get my Stark custom built very soon. Just waiting to see if there’s anymore surprise drops before I do :eyes:.

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