
It could definitely be DR working through that. It’ll work on any anxiety and all that kinds of stuff. That’s a good way to look at it.

Saint said that one month of healing won’t get rid of 18 years of tramua in that one month. Everyone has healing to do. I only did one month or just a bit more of Stage 1 Khan, there will be loads I didn’t hit and I’m sure DR is working on it for sure.

Stop that nonsense. You aren’t doing that.

Thanks man! I’m really trying to craft it to what I need/want it to be. I’m glad I’ve planned this one for sure.

Your input is always welcome dude! Experience or not I appreciate it.

Thanks man! I’m missing little things that I hadn’t seen which is why it’s good to plan and go back every so often to make sure it’s what I want it to be.

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  • Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy
  • Carpe Diem Ascended

Should deal with it nicely.

I have Carpe Diem Ascended in my EoG/HoM stack. I need to add the Unrelenting Wealth on into that stack, not the new one.

Hmm, I’m willing to get my stack updated when the new technology comes out. Just need to look at the modules.

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Changed my stack around to have Stark be the dominant sub. EoG/HoM is my second and DR is my third.

Still experimenting.

Working on 6 loops of Stark, 4 of TMB Wealth and 3 of DR. Taking a break and then repeating in the evening.

I really feel good. Yeah I’m getting pressure in my head but my energy has been up today. I’ve been in a great mood and things seem good.

Maybe this is a good thing? Who knows.

Going to get some sleep when my episode of Scream finishes.

First loop of Stark is about to finish so only 5 more to go during sleep before it moves onto the next.

Maybe I’ll have some vivid dreams. Sometimes I have some I remember - most of the time I don’t remember any of them. I’d love to remember the ones I have tonight and following. Come on subsconscious.

This stack, especially when the custom comes, is gonna work magically.

Also, as always - I’m estatic about the new free sub on Friday (it’ll be 5am for me).

So, you’re using Ultrasonic, right?

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So you doing 13 loops a day!?

I am indeed, why do you ask?
I know you do masked and so do most people actually.

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Overall, yeah.
Just experimenting, most likely won’t be a long term thing unless I see massive change.

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I was just curious and was wondering if I could attribute your instant improvement to that format since Ultrasonic tracks give faster and more pronounced results yet less permanent. But actually, I usually get results after running the very first loop, no matter which technology.

Why would this be the case compared to masked?

You would have to ask @Fire or @SaintSovereign about that:

That may also explain why you can handle so many loops. May.

I’ll have to experiment with the masked version and see what the difference is. I just thought it was purely the same just different ways of using the technology.

Didn’t know Ultrasonic was a different version of script in terms of lightness.

Hmm,thought that was referring to the supercharger ultrasonic embeds vs a regular ultrasonic sub?

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Woke up early but feeling pretty good.
I’m tired so I might head back to bed for an hour or two but it’s a physical tiredness not a mental one or brain fog kind.

6 loops of Stark is complete which is my dominant sub.
I’m on my first loop of TMB Wealth before I head into 3 loops of DR.

May have to used masked versions of either TMB Wealrh and DR as I’m visiting a friend later today.

As I write this I’m feeling a pressing feeling in my left ankle. Moved it around and the sensations have moved around to the other side. Is this the sub or just one of those random body feeling things we get every now and then?

That’s what I thought too, but it may be the same thing - however the supercharger version in question is older technology.

Yep,but thats why the audible/guided meditation of the supercharger line drives the results instead cause the ultrasonic is just supposed to boost the audible part rather than be the session like the new ultima line.

I see, that would make more sense.

Maybe Ultrasonics on the custom/major lines are different in comparison then. I wouldn’t personally see there being that much difference between the masked/ultrasonic files on those lines.

It makes more sense for the outdated supercharger line though.

Masked can work better for some people based on their personality like me cause im a bit stubborn and dont like being told what to do but the information between the masked and ultrasonic itself should be same for the custom/major line.

I see. Maybe my subconscious needs to be yelled at then. I was using masked for a while recently, during the evening without headphones but with headphones during the day on transparency mode and whilst I got results I feel like ultrasonic might be better for me. I’ve felt good on it.

I also started with ultrasonic because I couldn’t handle listening to the masked songs. I don’t mind it so much now but I’d prefer ultrasonic I think.


Sorry for that, Brandon. I just couldn’t resist. Peace! :heart_eyes: