I’m only using DR, StarkU and The Executive at the moment.
Whether that’ll stay the same I don’t know.


Take your time. No need to rush. But this time, when you’ve made your decision, stick to it. And I will nag you about it :wink: .

Regarding Emperor and Stark. Pick the one that feels to align best with your current needs. Stay with it for at least 6 months. Then re-evaluate.

You just need to get rid of this habit of jumping subs all the time.

I know you’re just keeping me accountable which I appreciate.
I just feel like I’m letting the people keeping me accountable down, and myself.

I haven’t switched subs yet and I’ve been doing my research but there’s no answer of yet.


No worries,take your to think it through well instead of rushing into it and regretting later.

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Playing StarkU through my JBL speakers whilst I’m watching Riverdale.

First loop and I’ve already got a head pressure again.
I’ve still got three loops to go before The Executive plays.

I’m trying to run The Executive more so that I can take more action doing what I need to do - I’m testing the ‘deep change’ that it can possibly make by listening to it consistently.

I still haven’t made my mind up.
I’ve been researching the forums a lot on the differences and looking at the sales pages consistently to read between the different types.

You may find this of some use:

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Thanks @Sub.Zero.

My issues aren’t necessarily the broader aspects of the subs. It’s the choice of using one of them in my custom and making either Emperor/Khan famous like Stark.


What about stacking Khan with StarkU when you’re done with DR?

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That’s doable.

I keep seeing that people think Khan, which isn’t actually my comfort zone or anything like that, is a mixture of Emperor and Stark. I mean I can see it, but I don’t totally agree.

Maybe I can only take a couple loops of StarkU.

Tonight I’m on my second loop. I normally let subs run whilst I sleep but I’ve had this habit of not sleeping until 5am (it’s 4:49am now) and running the subs whilst I’m watching TV via my speaker. This means I don’t normally feel the head pressure or anything like that. Maybe this is also why I’m oblivious to my results compared to other people.

But yeah, I played my first loop and had head pressure. Second loop and I’ve got even more.

Hmmm… Interesting.

Ultimas tend to do that to me more than normal subs.normal subs only give me head pressure when my stack is dense.starku was too dense for me though to use even at 1 loop xp

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They’re two times the information of Q right? That would make sense as to why it feels quite dense.

Yeah, Khan is the best-balanced sub and an excellent builder of foundations and beyond that.

I wouldn’t say Khan was a mixture of Stark and Emperor either. Stark and Emperor offer totally different ways of self-development and are similar to Khan only if it comes to their essential goals: status, money, women (sex). The point is to stack subs in optimal accordance with the way you want to develop towards those goals. To do so, one needs to understand what ways of self-development certain subs offer.

One shoulder is telling me Khan, the other is telling me Stark (yesterday is was Emperor - Jesus Christ.)


Hmm,think its more power than quantity of information causing it

Stark is super dense though in the first place Xp

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We spoke about it already and it seemed that Stark should be your self-development core. The Ultima custom I designed for you seemed to address the core self-development you need on the way to attaining your external goals.

I’m not saying you should go with that custom but just try to find a feel about what way that custom could lead you towards your external goals, developing you internally. If you don’t feel that’s the way you want to develop yourself, try to find some programming which would help you develop yourself the way you think would be best for attaining your external goals (financial goals, lifestyle etc.).

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Well,you already know how khan and stark interact,its whether you wanna be batman instead(^^)Dont think emperor/khan would be a good idea so you have those 2 choices mainly(><)Stark makes a good base program as the core though.

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Now THAT would be an interesting sub to run :wink:
Emperor - Jesus Christ, I mean


I suspect there would be a lot of recon on it… “Kill them or save them? That’s the question”. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Users would find themselves flipping tables over.