The Waves with ZP

I wanted to know those modules haha

No seductress? Don’t need it anymore?

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I will make a custom with Seductress but I just wanted to try out Libertine using the new build since I’m already very familiar with it. I don’t have any programs for energy in the custom or anything that I think could be making women ignore him.

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It’s been four days now since my partner felt these waves of heat from me. He still hasn’t recovered his levels of attractiveness. He feels as if he lost a good amount of energy. He even looks older.

I certainly don’t see how I benefited from this loss of energy he’s had, so whatever energy he lost did not stay with me. I’m not sure what’s going on with him.

thank you for being honest. as always check with medical professionals for any real advice, though in my case making real claims about things that actually happened can be considered delusional by medical professionals because psychic things even though many of us know they’re real have experienced things and yet have been called delusional when we spoke candidly with medical professionals about it. So some stuff we probably need to bite the bullet and purchase Sage Immortal so we can really talk openly in the black room or whatever it’s called. :smiley:

But yea I have no ideas what your described experience could be about. If I just toss one out it’s that maybe you’re the more “pure” on here and he’s had some we’ll just call it energy that maybe wasn’t so pure and so he got purified and has yet to recover. Sort of got a slate wipe. Again my words are not intended to treat diagnose or be any sort of medical advice.


Thanks for your input. He doesn’t want to go to the doctor. I don’t have a way of knowing what caused this for sure of course. When this first happened and he actually had a physical change by turning red on the side of the face where he felt the warmth from me. We thought that we didn’t know what this was doing on a cellular level and I was wondering what a custom based around Healing would do as that energy got released from the user to other people. Maybe it would produce healing.

Yea it’s possible. I don’t know if you have purchased The Alchemist yet but if it were me I’d take a break and run The Alchemist Stage 1 for up to a 21 day cycle for the energy purification energy clearing stuff it does.

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I don’t have the alchemist. Do you think that I need to run it or that he should run this program?

I would say him since he’s had the situation. Like if that happened to me I’d find a slot for it for the next cycle just to see if it helps clear things up. It can also help whatever you’ve already run before it work better in terms of that bloom or whatever happens there. But yea I’d test it for a cycle just to see how that helps things out.

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Thank you, I appreciate your comments. Of course, I don’t know if my energy even had anything to do with what he’s going through. It could be completely unrelated to subs, and I suspect that it is, but I don’t know what’s going on with him and why he’s not seeing any more results on a social level. This is a new build that has been released, so I know that it’s a good product. Not something that’s going to hurt people to keep them from getting results. What he’s going through seems really weird to me, and I have to give it time to let the truth unfold. Do you think that if he was seeing these type of results because some negative person out there didn’t want to see him succeed that “the Alchemist” would be helpful?

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My partner is looking cute again and is feeling a lot better. He still hasn’t recovered fully but I’m really proud of him for toughing out whatever this weirdness was. He did not let it defeat him, and he continued with his plans to improve himself even while he was in the midst of all that negativity. Whatever this was only made him stronger because of his own persistence. I have so much more respect for him now.

As for me, I’m still working from home. Other than the first loop, I haven’t gone out at all to test my new Libertine sub. My guy did say this morning that I have the whole package. That I am an extra level 8 for sexiness (the highest it had been was a 7). ** TMI ALERT** I pecked him on the lips and he got an immediate reaction. lol


Yea that could be a part of it also, that sometimes leveling up isn’t easy. We go through plateaus and sometimes have to break through walls and even the best of us may hit those rough patches. The trick is just to keep at it sometimes and that’s all it takes.

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It’s interesting you say this @ABC333 , because he is starting a new phase in his life. He’s gotten serious about getting results at the gym and will be changing his Chosen/Emperor/Love Bomb stack to something that will support his upcoming social and fitness goals.

He still hasn’t fully recuperated, but I’m glad to say that the ladies like him again. I know this is not a big deal in the big scope of things, but it makes me happy for him to be able to experience that. Another natural redhead got wowed when she saw him. There was another woman who wouldn’t stop smiling at him, and other women who liked him. This has always been a tough crowd to please, too.

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Did you mean to write “erection” there? :wink:


she sounds like quite the woman. Remember the one time she gave that guy a tummy orgasm when he saw her? lolol I’m just glad we get to call her our friend. :joy:

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Thank you guys, I’m really glad I can call you my friend, too. This really is a great forum :slight_smile:


I’m really liking this new build (zpt^2). I can tell that it’s doing some really great internal work. It’s been less than a week since I got the custom and I already know that I am not the same person that I was a week ago. My sub is an attractant with Libertine as the core. I am really curious as to what this new build can do with customs that revolve around wealth and more dense programs that promote growth or healing. I really like who I am right now much better than who I used to be.

My partner is feeling better, has energy again, and looks great again. He is still getting invitations to social dinners that are over $500.


Alright, I hate to keep giving TMI alerts but I want to keep track of the good and the bad.
Best orgasm ever, ever. I don’t even have any sex modules in that sub and it’s over a week since I ran Diamond or Sex Mastery. I did run AC a few days ago.


That’s the good stuff :slight_smile:

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I have to save up to make one that’s wealth oriented. Will probably make it next month. I just really wanted to see what this one could do first.

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Ultimately, I’ll make 3 total I think. One for massive wealth (EoG4/QL4), one that’s Emperor/HOM, not sure quite yet about the 3rd.

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