The Waves with ZP

Damn! That’s meant as a compliment. Double Damn


Nice! :slightly_smiling_face: What did you put in your custom?

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Approachability Aura
Aura of Craving
Enchanting Smile
Ethereal Presence
Focused Arousal
Instant Spark
Libertine Core
Long-Range Seduction
Lifeblood Fable
Sphaera Magnetica
Auric Overdriver
Seducer’s Gaze


He had been invited to one or two of these events before. Then these invitations to these events became more regular after he got on Chosen.

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@BeautifulSoulGoddess , thanks I appreciate you liking this post. I had forgotten about it and I can see now that this dream has come true.

He hasn’t been on Wanted for a long time, but the physical shifting has continued. He looks so much better now. He dresses better and has made the gym a part of his lifestyle for the first time in his life. He even got a different haircut that’s getting him respect from guys and attraction from beautiful women.


Wow I just think that’s amazing how you are so connected with him and it’s almost like your manifesting through your dreams or seeing manifestations in your dreams. That’s awsome your gifted ! Have you ever used the dream subliminal


Last year, when I used the Dreams ultima during the summer, I had a dream with someone who used to be married to one of my partner’s relatives. My partner and I went to the store two days later and we ran into a woman who looked very much like that other woman and who had the same attitude.

I’ve only ran Dreams zp once. I had been wondering for a couple of weeks what was going on with someone, nothing major, I was just curious. I had a dream the same night I ran Dreams about that person explaining to me what was going on with them, and it made sense to me.


Very nice. So are you listening to this zpt^2 all 15 minutes at once? And with 3 titles rotation in stack?

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I do listen to it for the whole 15 minutes and I’ve started stacking it with Seductress and Stark. No problems at all. Levels of energy are fine, no headaches, it’s all good.


Seems like the recon reducing in the customs also works on the other titles? Or enhances them?

Definitely looking forward to the main titles being updated with that tech!

Also, congrats on the mind blowing orgasm :wink:


I haven’t had that much reconciliation with zp to be noticeable. I’m only running ZP titles besides the zpt^2, no termoil, sadness, confusion or reconciliation that I’ve noticed.

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My partner ran Libertine and Love Bomb about three and a half hours before he got to the gym. He says that many of the guys there looked at him with fear in their eyes. He saw himself in the mirror and his first thought was “who is that”. He thought he looked fierce with power in his eyes.

I saw him at the end of the day and I thought that he looked gorgeous. It’s not everyday that I come across a guy who I think is gorgeous. I don’t even know if I’ve ever even thought of him as gorgeous before. Very handsome or even cute, but this combination has brought him a whole new level.

He thinks that I look stunning and so sexy. lol I feel kind of bad, a little shallow talking about these kind of results so much. Maybe I just need to be more alpha and own it. I started running Seductress last March or early April. It’s been a year of feminine beauty for me and my transformation has been great.


Thanks a lot.
Your story inspire me to create a similar custom :hugs:

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I remember when I ran Wanted, looked into the mirror and was like “Damn I look good.”

Feels weird at first, but definitely own that feeling and accept it. Seductress can certainly help, but I am sure you’re a good looking lady, so don’t deny these results because it feels weird. LEAN into the feeling of feeling sexy! Breach those mental barriers! Happiness and freedom are on the other side!

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You’re right, it’s a great reality to be in :slight_smile:

My partner went to a meeting last night, and he says that the people there looked at him like he was a rock star. He got so many compliments and he felt like a celebrity.

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Thanks @Martin :slight_smile: How do you like Libertine zp?

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I planned a custom with Wanted Love Bomb and Libertine but not sure how to go from that with the 2 cores limit. Maybe Love Bomb + Libertine can outweigh Wanted in terms of attractiveness. So I am checking everyone’s feedback here on various combos.

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Have you considered Chosen of Venus or Depths of Love instead of Love Bomb?

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Thanks @Seeker,

What I am trying to achieve by adding Love Bomb core is both the self love reported by several users

and a high level of attracttion and attention from others.

Not sure these modules can do that but I will look for feedback on those.


You might also need to give yourself some more time to explore with these three cores. This forum is a great learning tool to gauge what the products do. Then you need to see how these products work with your own personality and within your own social landscape. I considered including Love Bomb with my Libertine custom, but decided to just keep it focused on Libertine and run Love Bomb separately. It would be helpful to have some experience with the cores before building your custom and then including modules that appeal to you or that you feel is missing from the cores or can be improved on to fit your goals and lifestyle. Then remember that your decision is good enough.

My partner has been on Emperor for about two months and he’s getting the top women at the gym whom he considers to be 8 and 9’s to hover around him, look at and smile at him. They just want to be near him, showing themselves off. This is kind of what was going on with him when he was on Wanted. The other guys at the gym were looking to see who these girls kept looking at, and were not surprised that it was my partner. He’s just slim with great muscle tone and is not even built yet.

He was using Love Bomb and now that he included Libertine, his social results have skyrocketed. I’ve read that some guys who use Wanted with Libertine were getting women nervous and intimidated. I know I intimidated some guys when I ran Libertine zp along with Chosen. You would think that Chosen would have given them comfort, but everyone is different and will respond also based on their own levels of confidence.

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