The WANTED Khan Stack

Made it through 24 hours fasting but broke it one meal fully keto. This new workout program (plus Wanted) had me wayyy too hungry and drained of my energy.

Longer fast + dopamine detox starts tomorrow

Shit I tried keto once and it almost killed me. Not a good diet for a skinny guy like me

I’ve done Keto in the past. It’s very tough, although energy levels were fantastic.

My reasoning for having this Keto meal was because it tends to make fasting a bit easier, since fasting puts you into ketosis. Already being in ketosis leading up to a fast allows for a much smoother ride.

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Sup guys, I’m back from my 36 hour TOTAL fast. This was a major challenge, yet I feel so accomplished and glad I was able to push through it.

By total fast I mean fast from anything that spikes Dopamine. This meant no food, no phone (other than 1 quick text and 1 phone call essential task for my job), no computer / internet, no TV / netflix, no video games, no reading, no drugs or stimulants, etc.

This dopamine detox was something I’ve been curious about for a while, but had shy’d away from. This weekend presented the perfect opportunity, my roommate and friends were out of town so there was nothing to distract me and I decided to go for it.

It was TOUGH, I must say, especially coming from a world where there is so much distraction and stimulation. I am someone who has to be constantly vigilant on my phone for my sales job, so this complete lack of any stimulation was a huge contrast to that.

If there is one way to describe the day, it was committed boredom. I felt myself being pulled to distract myself as I was lacking the usual stimuli that keeps my mind occupied throughout the typical day. Not to mention I was HUNGRY, from not eating and only having one meal the day prior.

It was a true test of spirit but I managed to overcome through willpower and determination for my goal. I must say I am proud of myself for pulling this off, and feel very refreshed and light, more than I have in weeks.

So overall this dopamine detox was a necessary means to an end. Extreme, yes, but well worth it.


Some more details on the day. I spent most of it laying out, meditating, organizing my house, journaling, and resting. I did get a light workout in in the morning as well.

It was weird to not do much, and I felt the pull of distraction, but having that goal set in mind allowed me to persevere through the discomfort.

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One of the primary drivers for doing this fast was to clear my slate so I could formulate my goals for the rest of the year. That was the last thing I did before ending my fast with a nice rewarding breakfast, and I must say I gained some serious clarity on the direction I want to take my life.

For anyone confused or uncertain about what to do, I couldn’t recommend a fast like this enough. I feel like a lot of our confusion comes from being inundated with technology and constant access to information, so a clearing of our slate combined with the simple act of journaling with the intention of gaining more clarity about our path is an extremely powerful process.


Now that I have my goals nailed down I am in the process of creating a schedule for myself. I’ve not been adherent to a regimented schedule for as long as I can remember (maybe as far back as high school when I was living under my parents roof).

I am very much a go-with-the-flow type of guy, but too much go with the flow has definitely prevented me from reaching certain goals for my life.

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I’m blocking off time now for stuff like gym, work commitments, my side hustle, and even approaching women! Yes, I realize I need to systematically make time for stuff like approaching if I am to get good at it.

Just doing it, even poorly, will build that momentum and confidence that I’ve been looking for.


I’m sure you’ll be better at approaching than I was, since you’re extroverted and actually enjoy conversation.

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I sure hope so! It’s not something I’m used to since I’ve never really had to put myself out there and approach to be successful before. It’s a skill I’d like to have confidence in developing.

Being a social person I’ve always had support from good social circles, being in a fraternity in college, etc.

I think what makes me nervous about it is that it’s something I’ve never really done before. I logically know it’ll work out well for me I just gotta get over the fear and take action when the opportunity presents itself.

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Yeah it was the same when I started too. The approach anxiety goes away with more approaches, it’s just something you gotta put the time in. Like sales, actually. I don’t know if you do cold calls but my door to door job is exactly like approaching so it’s easy for me. The issue I have is unlike sales where I know the path from approach to close, I don’t have that with approaching women since being direct isn’t socially acceptable in day game and I don’t go to bars.

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Damn that’s a good ass comparison Sarge. My first sales job was door-to-door and honestly I’ll never forget how nerve wracking and tough that first week was. Then over time you just get more and more used to it til it’s second nature.

Like riding a bike. Just gotta fall a few times before it gets easier and easier.

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Exactly. I also have an air-tight script that gets the potential customer to do all the talking. I swear if I could do the same thing with women I’d be 100x better. But game is slightly different and requires those pesky conversation skills that bore me to death

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Ahh I totally feel that man. Yeah game is a bit more nuanced and you’re right a lot of small talk goes into it compared to a sales scenario.

Seems like you’ve found your ideal approach, which is awesome. I think the longer you run PS the more refined and sharp your skills will be with online game and the better success rate you should have.


That is probably one of the worst jobs ever. I’ll give you and A for courage!

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I do hope you’re right man. Years ago there was a pua article and the basic point was “if you were Drake and could get any woman you wanted and had a ton of women waiting on you, how would you interact with them?” Thats when I realized I’d just be direct, either we get straight to sex or I’d move on.


I understand . As men , we want to get to close ASAP.
But , there is a pleasure in flipping a gal into feminine. ,so called “Seduction Dance”.

When your joke hits well, when she giggles for that or when she lets your hand rest in yours for a long time or when her eyes widens , there comes a pleasure . You feel masculine . The polarity is just awesome in that moment.

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I like girls to be that way initially. I don’t want to have to force it.


Definitely important to not waste your time. This is a mistake I made when I was much younger.

Til I realized that a high value man doesn’t waste his time on one chick, when there’s plenty of them out there.


Had a pretty good day. First day using my calendar to schedule things, and although a lot of things I had penciled in the calendar got shifted around due to work appointments, I managed to accomplish much of what I set out to do.

It’s amazing how much more productive I became because I had a calendar and made those commitments. Such a simple concept and something I should’ve known and can’t believe I’ve been missing for all this time.

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