The WANTED Khan Stack

Been getting hit up by recruiters left and right. Guess they WANT me too :joy:

Not sure I’m really trying to change career paths at this point but I’m open to hearing them out


Just ended a 14 day washout yesterday with one loop of RICH, WANTED, and KhanST3.

There were a lot of internal changes during that washout that are quite honestly hard to pinpoint at this time. Most notably I feel like the scripts “settled in” a lot better than they have before - I.e. became more naturally a part of who I am. I’m curious to see what will happen after re-booting my stack and re-engaging my mind with subliminal input.

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Going to listen again today then take 2 days off for processing, and gauge from there.

Considering a 2 days on, 2 days off approach, as well as alternative listening patterns.

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Been highly focused on improving my posture and core stability. Starting an exercise program focused on addressing postural imbalances over strength training, which I think will go a long way toward improving not only my attractiveness but quality of life in general.


Feel like I am being pulled in a different direction in life. To transform who I am completely. Not really sure how this is going to pan out but I gotta just stay the course and trust that the path will present itself in due time.

I assume this is Khan urging me to evolve into a higher version of myself.

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Look up Rolfing. If money isn’t an issue.

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Had a nice weekend spending time with friends. Interestingly enough girls were not a focus at all despite running PSITU on Friday.

I’m torn between adding S&S or Heartsong to the stack. On the one hand, I feel like the outer game could use some work. Seems like it would stack incredibly with Wanted and having Khan as the alpha driver. Plus I’ve heard Sex & Seduction helps with sales.

On the other hand, I know ultimately what I truly desire is a high quality relationship with a high quality woman. In this case Heartsong would be the move.

Gotta think about this some more. I’m leaning toward S&S for now to have a fun summer, and then replacing with Heartsong later on. What do you guys think?

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Khan solo should be able to handle this…


You’re absolutely correct. I often have to remind myself how much of a long term journey Khan is. I’ve already changed so much and not even at ST4 yet.

Imagine running Khan for 5 years @pacman? Crazy to think how different you’d become


I will definitely be running it more longer than that. The change is massive but yes you are correct at times I myself feel as if it’s doing nothing. After couple weeks the change shocks me!


Same here! It’s like the results creep up on you until one day something significant happens that makes you say DAMN lol

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Khan is forever bro @pacman


Haven’t been consistent with working out lately, so starting 5x5 workout program tomorrow. Also going to focus on posture correction exercises to complement.

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I’ve noticed I’ve been taking a lot of action socially this past week. Been putting myself in social situations almost every day. This is true even off minimal sleep. I’m being pushed to be social and happy that I’m practicing my social skills.

Haven’t been focused on women as much, just more so about practicing social skills in general. It’s interesting even though I’m on Khan I’m content to just be out there being social without trying to flirt with girls.


Just saw a commercial where the tag line was The Most WANTED lol my eyes were drawn to it right when it flashed those words across the screen


I do have a journal.

Thank you. I would also. I just need to either write more or create more. I haven’t decided which to do.


Been a strange week as I’ve felt very tired and off my game a bit. Don’t think it’s recon, more a result of catching up on sleep I didn’t get this past weekend, combined with poor diet and lack of exercise.

I’ve altered my listening pattern to allow for an extra rest day mid-week. So, my listening days are now Monday-Tuesday, and Thursday-Friday. One loop a day for whatever program I’m running.

Finally back in the gym today which felt good. As mentioned I’m starting 5x5, which I feel called to do to develop that foundation of strength and physique.

Also, planning a 72 hour fast starting tomorrow. Want to incorporate a dopamine fast into this fasting regimen, to really give my physiology a reset. I feel I’m a bit overwhelmed by screens and electronics at the moment, so a dopamine fast combined with water fast will be a powerful reset.


I recently changed my main strength days to a 5x5 as well. I’ve been seeing it everywhere. synchronicity.

I’d been doing higher reps going after strength endurance/conditioning. I felt it was time to mix it up.

I’ve also been doing intermittent fasting 16/8 style. Been actually considering doing a 3 day fast once a month for the health benefits and some say you get emotional healing as well due to it having a spiritual component.

Good stuff man.

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Hell yea @ABC333 I’m in the same boat. Been doing a lot of higher reps and wanting to mix it up to develop strength and focus on compound lifts.

Been keeping up with 16/8 for the most part as well. I feel a 3 day fast once in a while is a great thing for the body. Done a couple multi-day fasts in the past, but never with a break from electronics/dopamine fast. In fact, I’ve never had a break like that before but hear the benefits are tremendous so I am excited to see what comes of this. Might be tough but feel it is the right thing to do.

Doing a 24 hour dopamine detox starting tomorrow. Today didn’t work out since I got caught up with lots of work stuff requiring phone and computer use. Tomorrow I have off so it’ll be a much better way to experience it.