The wanted beast journal (WANTED + EF st3)

I’m ok with the way I dress, I’m not looking to impress anyone. :sunglasses: Though don’t let my wife see this, I’m sure she’d love to trash half my wardrobe haha.

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Aight boys, it’s time to give you all an update:

  • I’M GROWING TOO FAST, idk what’s going on but even though my diet has been slacking, I’m putting on more and more muscle, I remember my arms being 14.2 inches when I started EF st3 with WANTED, but now they’re almost 15 inches, IN LESS THAN A MONTH.

  • the nonchalant attitude is growing even more now to the point where I didn’t bother waking up to go finish some stuff that would help me apply to and start a job, like my brain just said “I’ll do it later eventually, so no need to rush now”.

  • one thing I realized with WANTED, is that the more aware you are of the results you’re already getting, the more new results start showing up and become apparent, which is very amusing, to say the least.


That’s some fast, awesome progress

Is this EF Stage 3 Q or Qv2?

this is true of every sub I believe :slight_smile:

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Q, I like listening to it after every workout and I lift 5 times a week, so I listen every training day and rest on tuesdays and fridays.

WANTED is run 3 times a week.


That’s an interesting strategy to mix the two versions.

Have you tried EF stage 3 in QV2 at all and if so what are your thoughts? Curious as to the differences for you (you may have shared this already, I’m not fully up to date on this journal.)

Initially when I upgraded my EF Stage 4 custom to QV2 my results shot through the roof with strength, endurance, and body composition, like I was on drugs lol but when the recon hit on that custom it became challenging to run.


I tried it twice, but I had physical recon (I believe so), which was just an extreme amount of soreness, but my weight did shoot up by 0.5kg after I slept and woke up, with my legs feeling a bit bigger, but the pain was too much and I didn’t have it with Qv1, but honestly I love the way I’m going about it because the EF st3 is already doing a lot, but then WANTED is booting it even more with its physical shifting.

If my hypothesis is right, WANTED’a shifting is based on what your view of “sexy” is, and that will be what the physical shifting would try bring you towards, and my “sexy” is an aesthetic men’s physique body (like frank zane & zyzz) and that’s exactly what WANTED is pushing me towards, I will soon do a reveal of my physique, maybe when I finally make the custom I wanna build.

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physical recon is not fun lol. Q is still a fantastic build so no harm if it’s a better fit.

that’s likely accurately that WANTED shifting comes from your unconscious and conscious desire/blueprint of the aesthetic you find attractive.

If your doing a custom with EF Stage 3, it will be in QV2 though, from my understanding, you can request a Q build still but it may depend on the modules added. Tracking and showing your physical progress would be very cool.

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By that time I’ll have to grow a pair and push through the physical pain while screaming “NO PAIN NO GAIN” :joy::joy::joy:

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I haven’t commented on this but I just woke up from my sleep, it’s been a month and a week since I said I wanna do my experiment, and it’s been 3 weeks on EF st3 with WANTED, and I’m happy to say that I’m sitting at 73kg :muscle:t3::sunglasses:


hey guys, this will be the final update on this thread about the stack as im going to be moving to my custom sub (more on that in a bit :wink:) but honestly, this is one of the best stacks out there in terms of physical shifting, I can only imagine how good someone would look when they’re 6+ months into WANTED, but the carefree attitude will not help me as much when I need to have full productivity mode, which will be in a couple weeks, so now im taking a few extra rest days before I get my custom.

here are the modules I chose and (why i chose them):

Empfit st3 core (my goal was to build a custom to boost this particular sub to its maximum potential)

Gaming mastery XQ core (as i play a lot and that this sub will be run for long, adding it felt like a good move to have some side benefits as well)

Beast Within Ultima core (to boost the muscle growth and recovery even more)

Apollon (to re-enforce the aesthetic look of the body)

Serum X (extra fast recovery and more potential growth)

APS: Arms (targeted growth for arms)

APS: Torso (pretty good all in one boost for upper body)

SPS: Endocrine System (to boost muscle growth even more with hormones optimization; will try to consciously guide it to boosting Test and HGH)

SPS: Fat burn (for them shreddz :muscle:t4: :grin:)

Epigenetics & DNA Modulator (will help me “evolve” my genetics past mediocre)

Lion IV (a good boost for masculinity; if this is the only sub I want to run, I might as well give it some alpha-ness)

Sultan (to get more chances of getting sponsored by a fitness brand/company, as well as getting income with bodybuilding as a side hustle)

Gloryseeker (to potentially make a name for myself in the bodybuilding community online, as well as popularity among people in my country)

DEUS (to make the sub self evolve while evolving me :grin:)

Pragya (to increase brain capacity, thus possibly speeding up processing = more gains)


So I know I already said that the previous update was the final one and I’m moving over to my custom, but since I knew it could take time, I ended up doing a mini washout while waiting for it, but I gotta say something:


I’m still making so much progress in such short amount of time, like legit getting months worth of results in DAYS

Today was my 6th day since I last used a sub and boy, I had a good back workout earlier in the afternoon, but while it’s almost 10pm (7 hours after my workout), this is how I look right now


Pew pew pew
New journal is here people

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Well I’m highly considering trying Wanted out to go alongside my sales custom, and I’m doing Keto 6 days a week with one day of carb refeeding… if I do this, I’ll make a note of it in my journal @pacman @Invictus

Jeff Nippard.



hey thanks man, check out my custom’s journal, i’m taking it further with that, and im going to write an update now since WANTED is finally back in my stack and it’s with the custom.

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Our next marvel character- Wanted Hulk la Invictus

DUDE!! YES! This FST-7 workout program has been what I’ve been on forever. Favourite workout ever. I got to 185 from 160 (68kgs to 82 kgs) in like 8 weeks


It’s still the basis of all my workouts, however I made many variations to hit muscles even more deeply, with things like 9 sets in a row at different angles for chest on the cable cross machine, 7 sets of bicep curls on machine without letting go between sets, you can really push beyond limits with it.

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I never heard about this program. Sounds very interesting, already reading it.

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if you’re into bodybuilding, or know of someone named Andrei Deu, you’ll see that he’s one of the finest products of FST-7 with proper nutrition and drugs, something that I achieve to reach with my custom and FST-7

I am gonna try it from tomorrow.

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