The Tantric Sage - Awakening and Transmutation

Ive had a headache from saturday morning till yesterday evening.
Today I feel perfect and resumed my stack, only took yesterday off.
I think Spartan is hitting hard, but Im ok with it.

Im almost finishing a loop of Ardhanarishvara and I feel the sexual energy very strong… flowing through my body.
Im gonna do my excercise routine then prepare for a couple of clients today.

I was very close yesterday to order a “fixed” version of Ardhanarishvara, but changed my mind mainly for 2 reasons.

•Theres nothing to fix, I like the way it works as it is.
•I have the feeling that public testing for Wanted ZP and DIAMOND ZP are very close.

Spartan shift of attitude is nothing short of impressive. Today in my excercise routine I beated all of my records and I had way more stamina. TBH my records were not big or great, I was very lazy before and my inner dialog was always finding ways to cut the trainning shrot.

Now I feel the push to do a little bit more everytime.

Well lesson learned… dont worry about what you dont understand and cant change. The accountant cleared the waters, turns out I dont owe any money in taxes, I just needed to fix some minor details and start doing things a little more organized. Such a relief.

On the other hand It didnt matter how much I insisted in paying her for her help, she didnt want my money, she just wanted to help me. I guess Im a little bit too charismatic :sunglasses:

Bro you underestimate the tinctures big times.

The first you posted will be sufficient :grin:
Just wait minimum 2 months
I know the feeling of faster and more, but when it comes to tinctures then 2 months is perfect.


Do you open the bottles from time to time or is this not advisable?

I do not open the bottles. Lets call the expert @Leandros surely he can advise you some more.


thank you but that doesn’t answer the question. i already read this passage when we were talking about tinctures and he said he did them himself.
We put them in the dark and wait but do we open the jar from time to time?

Im making Tribulus Tincture not only for myself, but for my 2 brothers too, besides that I want to have enough in stock for a long time and maybe for a gift to someone along the road.
I will wait for at least 6 to 8 weeks, before using.

Im not underestimating the tinctures man, but I do admit Im anxious and want them to be ready soon.

I have a batch of Ashwagandha in the making too.

Ive read many recipies and they dont specify any need to open the jar on ocassion, they just say to put them in a closed jar and store in a dark place for 4 to 8 weeks.

The reason I dont open the jar is because alcohol evaporates and diluted alcohol will make the process take longer.

When I extracted THC in alcohol the process was the same, never opened the jar until the 6 weeks were over. Then you could filter the alcohol and leave it in an opened jar for alcohol to evaporate and make the THC solution more concentrated.

I dont think that last part is necessary for tribulus though.

That THC extraction process bit, brought back a lot of memories… I miss


If you used 100 Gramm Ashwaganda
It will calm you down like you smoked opium without side effects

Enjoy it

Wait minimum 8 weeks and never open it.
Store it away from light
Trust me on this
I tryd everything from 4weeks to 1 year.
3 months is the best.

Also keep in mind that you need over time less and less tincture if you made it with a notropic

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HI @anon2351792, can you share your opinion about eagle eye?

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I will @aaa, but maybe tomorrow. Ive just finished working and Im burned… no brain left.

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Alright, same here. Thnx

Heavy headache recon since last night… had an horrible night, couldnt sleep right.
I feel much better now, but Im energetically drained, eventhough the headache is 90% gone.

Damn, take care bud

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Did you take any medication for it?

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Turns out it wasnt recon, but a fever. Last night O had a horrible night too.
I woke up 3 am with 39° fever… now its 38° and my whole body hurts.