The Tantric Sage - Awakening and Transmutation

Alright I bait and ask for the PM aswell please :grin:

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:rofl: Consider it done!

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I hope I dont get in trouble with Saint or Fire.

Disclaimer: Im not sharing any illegal products, no torrents, nor links to other subliminal producers. Im pointing people to complementary material to be obtain by purchasing directly to the owners.
I only take credit for synthesizing a method, which Im not selling. Only sharing research material for anyone to synthesize a methodology they can call their own.

Again Subliminal Club products such as Alchemist, Sex Mastery, and to some degree Diamond, have been very important elements in this process.

@RVconsultant please let me know if thats ok.


Im relaxing at the beach with my girlfriend, she invited from wednesday to monday to a cottage right across the beach.
Im listening to Epignosis and I hear the ocean in the background, the effect is highly sedative.

This morning I heard Ardhanarishvara and Tantric Lover, yesterday I did Tantric Lover too. It works perfectly for what it was designed for.


Hey man. Could you elaborate on a specific point of being a multi-orgasmic man? Which is, what type of pleasure does a man receive when pulling the semen inwards? Is it similar to the pleasure of ejaculation but extended? I can’t wrap my head around it even though I would love to do Kareza

I’m not @anon2351792 but I thought I could still help

Ejaculation and Orgasm are two separate things.

The orgasm is a release of sexual tension when the ejaculation is a release of liquid! They are triggered by two different systems in the body. We are just used to the fact that they always happen almost at the same time. But if you ever noticed, the orgasm starts a little bit before the ejaculation starts. It is just because of a a well implemented reflex that the orgasm triggers the ejaculation. The orgasm is controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system which is related to relaxation. On the other hand, ejaculation is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system which is more related to the ‘‘fight or flight’’ response. It is also related to stress and anxiety.

The orgasm causes the body to release a hormone called dopamine, which relaxes you and makes you feel great. But unfortunately, the ejaculation causes the body to release another hormone, the prolactin. This is the hormone that makes you want to just go to sleep. Because of prolactin, you pretty much lose all interest in sex and you have a refractory period. Which means that for most of us, we need some time to have an erection again. When you learn to separate your orgasms from your ejaculation, you can then experience pleasant effects of dopamine without the downsides of prolactin.

And I’ll tell you one more little secret. When you reach orgasms without ejaculating, and let’s say that you decide to ejaculate later or another day, the body will release a lot less prolactine in your body and you’ll feel its effects a lot less. Actually, I almost have no refractory periods anymore when I choose to ejaculate. Now, I don’t know exactly why it’s the case but it’s been true for me and other men too.

1) It’s more fun this way.

You guys can understand this: one orgasm = fun. Multiple orgasms = more fun. Simple math.

2) You will access new states of consciousness normally requiring illegal substances.

Ever felt like you were blasted into infinity? As it turns out, that roller-coaster ride is free, and it’s right inside your head. The Taoist and Tantric Buddhist masters have used sexuality for centuries as a pathway to higher consciousness and enlightenment.

3) You will feel energized after sex, not depleted.

Normally, after intercourse, and man has depolarized his masculine energy. This is better known as rolling over and playing dead. What if, instead, you were so energized that you felt you could move mountains? Your partner may even prefer it to the heap of jello you normally become.

  1. You will derive long-term health benefits.

The Taoist masters say that by retaining your semen, you achieve greater health and longevity. These teachings have been around for 2500 years, so I’m in no position to argue with them.


@StateOfBeing - thank you. Okay lets forget ejaculation then. Stick to multiple orgasms since that’s what am trying to understand.

Normally we men have one orgasm at a time which is fun of course. But how does multiple orgasm feel like? Do you feel wonderful around the phallus multiple times during multiple orgasms similar to the feeling you have during a “normal” single orgasm? Or is it something else?

I haven’t experienced it myself yet. I found these comments from people about it.

“Shuddering waves of pure bliss. Tactile and palatable. Like I could ride that wave forever.”

“It was a full body experience, like my whole body was tingling especially around my lips and hands. Lasted 5 whole minutes. I felt very energized.”

“It feels like I was floating with this never ending sense of ecstasy.”

“Electric tingling sensations starting in the core and erupting down into the toes and into the top of my head. Leaving the head feeling like a pressure has been released and then relaxed all over the body.”

“Amazing…energy waves rippled up through my body.”

“I love orgasms without ejaculation. They feel like extended ejaculatory orgasms that are not as climatic. The length of them though makes them incredibly enjoyable. I feel vitalized and charged by them, and not depleted. It makes me want to stay engaged and connected to my partner. After, I feel satisfied and energetic, potentially eager to re-engage sexually or in other ways”

“I felt like a bolt of lighting went thru my body. I shivered. Felt the hairs on my neck stand up. It was quite refreshing.”

“I experienced it full body. It felt as I was ejaculating with no projectile. It lasted a longer amount of time, 5–7 minutes. Afterwards I felt rejuvenated, empowered, and present.”


Thats exactly what Im looking for!! Thanks for the info!! Im gonna deep dive into it and find a way to make it work.

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It’s the same with me. If you find out a way, pm me.

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Im focusing my intention to achieve ejaculationless orgasms while I listen to Ardhanarishvara and Tantric Lover, at the same time I will be using self hypnosis to the same goal.

In my test today I had a very cool effect, while I orgasm I could definitely feel 2 separate processes going on, the orgasm and the ejaculation. Even though they happened simultaneously, I felt them as being 2 distinctive processes.

Thats a very interesting result, since it allows me to start modifying/controlling each one separately.


It’s cool.

Now on another note, is Chia the one who recommended suspending weights from one’s scrotum? There was someone at one point who was recommending this. I’m mentioning this not to mock, but rather to suggest that perhaps people be cautious about what he might recommend.

There is also a title called “Extended Sexual Orgasm” by Alan Brauer. I think there are 3 editions. Any one will likely be sufficient. Or if you’re geeky, get all 3.

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I dont know and to be honest, everytime Ive seen Chia in an interview or something like that, he strikes me as dishonest. Just my impression.

I once saw a movie in which a guy suspended weights in his penis to make it larger though. I wonder how many people have tried similar stuff, like those penis pumps, wouldnt put one of those anywhere near my penis.
I remember seeing a picture of a guy who used a pump a little bit too much and his penis exploded.

I knew there was a point to my exploding penis story :rofl:

Will look into that one, thanks!!

I feel tired, beaten down and kind of hopeless… I feel a battle inside me, a push to be the man I always was, which has a large toll on my health and on the other side a push to change, to be a new man.

The thing is I dont really now what kind of man I want to be or where to go… everything feels plastic and fake. I feel a strong rejection towards society itself, the way things are, the machine that rules our lives.

Sometimes I wish I could just live on a mountain away from everything… this world is ruled by psychopaths.


Boy I KNOW that feeling.

Happens every now and then to me. Quickly later the “The Grass is always greener on the other side mentality” comes in.

Would it really be better, alone on a mountain? Or are you trying to avoid responsibility by not seeing what you already have?

Count your blessings, friend! This always helps me with that.


Responsability is the key, you are right on the target here. Ive been running away from responsability like its the plague.
I have work to do and Im willing to do it. Im aware of the consecuences of not doing so and the price its too high.

Theres no such thing as living alone in the mountain, if I really wanted that, I would have done it years ago.

Thanks! I will do exactly that.


Dude! I sympathize. Remember that you are @anon2351792 man! Transcendental being of the highest tantra practices!

Your existence is part of the solution and remedy!


I recently changed the word belief to imagination, because I must have imagined something to mean something somehow, and sometime ago.

I feel it helps to take the sting of that it should in any way or form be hard to change a belief for another belief, it’s a kids game and its fun. Just wanted to share that.


I have to admit I felt that one very deep… thanks!!


Very cool strategy!! :sunglasses: thanks for sharing it bro…