The Tantric Sage - Awakening and Transmutation

That could work. You could try it and notice what happens. I don’t want you to get burnt out.

Thank you for the clarification about neo-tantra.


Hey @anon2351792 - seems like you have a lot of knowledge about this topic. I’m about to move into st. 3 of Alchemist, and I was planning on going back to Mantak chia for cultivation Male Multiple (non-ejaculatory) orgasms. Do you know of a better resource that Mantak to learn about MMO and transmutation of sexual energy? Prince doesn’t matter but right now I can’t travel far due to covid, so online course or book is preferable. Thanks a ton in advance.


In that particular set of abilities Im starting my path, so I cant really give you an answer.
Till this moment my path was learning how to deeply understand women sexuality and how to please them beyond belief. Also how to control my sexual energy and orgasms.

Regarding that I have very good resources if you are interested. Theres a level of self confidence that only comes by learning all of this.

I feel the next step is learning MMO.


Im gonna test that. Thanks for your concern… as always.

Yeah that would be fantastic :slight_smile:

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Great!! I’ll send you a PM during the day.

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I did 1x Ardhanarishvara and 1x Epignosis, later I’ll do my Rebirth and probably RICH Crypto, depending on how I feel.

Me too please.



Awesome - Thanks :slight_smile:

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we wot?

Who would not be…
Hem… I’ll PM you :sweat_smile:

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PM sent… enjoy! :wink:

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@Malkuth @Psiklou I sent you guys PMs too :sunglasses:

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Me too.

I wonder how many more of these requests would come to you over the life of this journal. :sweat_smile:


Lol I think a lot

Sure! I’ll send you a PM after lunch.

To be fair Sex Mastery and Alchemist were and still are a very important part of the process. For people to consider.


Both will be in my next Custom. :grinning:


That combo is a killer!!

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Alright I bait and ask for the PM aswell please :grin:

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:rofl: Consider it done!

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I hope I dont get in trouble with Saint or Fire.

Disclaimer: Im not sharing any illegal products, no torrents, nor links to other subliminal producers. Im pointing people to complementary material to be obtain by purchasing directly to the owners.
I only take credit for synthesizing a method, which Im not selling. Only sharing research material for anyone to synthesize a methodology they can call their own.

Again Subliminal Club products such as Alchemist, Sex Mastery, and to some degree Diamond, have been very important elements in this process.

@RVconsultant please let me know if thats ok.