The return of Invictus

So the moral of the story is Do not refuse any girl :slight_smile: Or at least firstly ask her what job is she having :slight_smile:


Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

Thanks for sharing this story @Invictus , I think there’s a good lesson to be learned for all of us here


Now that’s wisdom for everyone who runs WB. :slightly_smiling_face:


Sorry you went through that, glad it all worked out. Welcome back :+1:


Holy shit, somehow I knew it. Like when you disappeared I had a strong intuition that something happened like that. I knew you lived in Qatar and knew that some of the laws there didn’t really agree with your lifestyle. Crazy as this is, I actually had a dream about you getting arrested for some shit like that.

Glad you’re safe, and glad you’re headed in a better direction, keep being a source of inspiration to the rest of us bro!

:grinning: :wink:


I heard an inmates can get ps5 in Qatar jail, loll - Just like in The Netherlands (where I am from)

Glad your back anyway.

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There are sometimes crazy paths that lead you in the direction of becoming legendary


Guess I am going to jail


Wow, what an incredible journey you’ve been on! Being locked up in jail may sound scary, but I admire how you embraced the situation and turned it into a unique experience. Your creativity and routines demonstrate the power of your mind. It’s empowering to see that you take responsibility for your past mistakes and acknowledge that blaming others won’t change the outcome. I like how you are determined to focus on your personal growth and channel your potential towards positive directions. Letting go of bad habits, such as excessive smoking, shows self-awareness and a desire to make better choices. Investing in your social skills and popularity is a smart move, and proof of your commitment to personal development. Your dedication to bodybuilding and pushing your limits showcases your strength and determination. i have no doubt that you’ll continue to achieve greatness. Keep pushing forward and inspiring us with your journey!


Not your fault there, if a jail has PS5 any self respecting man would feel that way. :slightly_smiling_face:


Good to see you back here my friend :muscle:

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Thank you for the compassionate comments :pray:t3::heart:
I really appreciate them all :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Also nah man :joy: we didn’t have a PS5 in there :joy:
We did have 4 TVs though, so every night was a movie night, and if anything, I would recommend you all to watch this movie:

Might not seem like it’s deep or anything like that, but something about it kinda messed me up (in a good way), and started a chain of thoughts in my head that lead to a domino effect that lead to realizations, which ended up changing quite a few things about me.

For instance, regardless of how “open” my girl might be about me hooking up with other chicks, I honestly and truly don’t ever wanna do that again, and I guess the temptation was always present due to my altered states of mind as well.

That’s just one change that happened without subs haha

Anyways, I wrote previously about me testing a couple of customs to see which fits for me moving forward, and after evaluating them in my own ways, I came to a conclusion.

Today was a rest day from subs in general, but starting tomorrow imma start my stack, so I’ll post my custom’s details with it as well, however, lemme give you all the initial impression I got (this was a direct PM to Saint):


Love that movie! One of my favs
Looking forward to hearing this custom. I imagine it has Chosen.
So you want to be straight monogamous with your girl now?


OMG dude! That’s crazy, glad you’re alright man, we need you, I need you, for my own selfish inspiration. :v:🫶


One does, the other doesn’t :eyes:

Yeah, other chicks are nice to look at and all, but none give me the same emotional pleasure and support as my girl.
She’s just too special for me to be looking anywhere else :grin:

Anyways, here are my initial impressions of HO:


:slight_smile: You going to share ?

Nice, I just had dope night sleeping around with someone I had been really wanting to sleep with for a while. It was all super chill and the sex was awesome but I found myself thinking man I miss that depth and real deeper connection.

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This is HERO origins combat effect lol

Wow well said, that’s exciting to hear. I have just been running Khan TB but I already get hits off that, it’s like I’m a whole different level and no one can keep up. For me it’s my ability to evolve and grow.


I’m not using it anymore, but this is what the custom was:

Serendipity ZPv2

  • WANTED Black core

  • Chosen core

  • Genesis core

  • Fearsome

  • Fenrir

  • Anvil of Hephaestus

  • Heracles

  • Serum X

  • Physicality shifter sexiness

  • SPS: Endocrine System

  • Carpe diem ascended

  • Joie de Vivre

  • Safety Net

  • Victory’s call

  • Mimisbrunnr

  • Subconscious flow

  • Deep sleep

  • Deep state

  • Jupiter

  • Void of Creation

One thing I’ve realized a while back is that there’s little to no satisfaction gained when getting sexual results, unless it’s with a partner that you already have a good connection with, or else it just feels like meh.

Like what good is a sexual result if it’s with a random chick that I have no connection with? I could literally get a prostitute and get the same result that way too :joy:

Anyways, here’s a bit more of what Hero is doing;


What do you think of Genesis? Do you like it?


It’s beautiful, makes me feel like I’m flowing through like the wind.
It’s beautiful, and one of the best subs that anyone can use to figure out which path they should be on, especially when they’re feeling like lost (like I was recently), but once you’re not feeling stuck anymore and know exactly where you want to invest your energy and time, then it’s kinda unnecessary to keep on running it.

Which is also why I think Hero is better for deeper development for the path you choose after Genesis, as it will help you master the craft that your path requires.