The Renaissance Khan Journal

Day 50 - Khan ST2 QV2 - Renaissance Man QV2 Solace

26 Days on Khan ST1
3 Days on Khan ST2
4 Days on EoG ST1
1 Day on RM

The title for this journal changed a lot.
But what kept the same was always Khan.

The absolute baseline.

EoG will come back, but I want to keep the stack more focused on the personality and reshaping itself before we go deeper into wealth.

RM was now added due to creativity and my business.

Results from Stage 2 of Khan.


This Stage is TOUGH.
People warned me and said it’s harder than ST1. I believe that!
Getting used to a new sub or stage usually takes a bit, but half an hour after ONE LOOP of ST2 I feel neck pain again. Not as severe as last time, but still.
Good sign.

It means things are working.

Results so far from those few days:

  • Obedience. I notice a change in my wife. She is definitely more respectful. Almost intimidated. A bit hesitant sometimes but still curious and interested. The aura of power. Kinda crazy.
  • ABSOLUTE INDIFFERENCE to what people think of me.
  • I am virtually forgetting the past. I cannot remember thoughts I had about certain things. Just how I see it now. Weird. But also liberating.

I’ve recently started Khan ST2 Qv2… 2 days so far, lets see

Longterm users of Khan and similar subs…
plse comment on Aura due to Khan and subs in general that are not explicitly Aura based

Yeah, Khan is not Aura based imo. I don’t know if it’s a “real aura” if such a thing exists, it could just be an effect of my mindset and what I radiate/say as a person.

Day 51 - Khan ST2 QV2 - RICH Solace

26 Days on Khan ST1
4 Days on Khan ST2
4 Days on EoG ST1
1 Day on RM

A new sub (stage2) always takes a bit until you get used to it. That is definitely noticable again. One loop and I needed a rest day. We’ll see how this day unfolds for me.

QV2 is TRULY powerful. It works much better and you can cope with recon MUCH better, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.
As always, recon is a great sign. A sign of change.

I did, however, notice, whenever I feel the neck pain or generally notice I am in recon I consciously tell my brain something along those lines:
“Trust in the messaging you received. I know change is tough and taxing, but this will make our lives better!”

Sounds like talking to a toddler who wants ice cream, but it seems to minimize the negative effects.
But maybe this is just placebo.

Either way, it works.

Immediate effect I got from Stage2 so far (except for the irrelevance of the past) is the MASSIVE HORNINESS.
Like. CRAZY.


Day 52 - Renaissance Man QV2 - Mind’s Eye QV2 - Rebirth Q

26 Days on Khan ST1
4 Days on Khan ST2
4 Days on EoG ST1
2 Days on RM

RM is already setting in.
It is the “I love myself and I am fine with it” alpha kind of thing.
I truly want to express myself more and more with the things I do and I GENUINELY do not give a damn what anyone thinks of it.

But I also notice the zest for life. I truly enjoy the moment.
I enjoy being around and with people.
It’s great!

How does this work with Khan?

Actually fantastically.
Khan has the social and sexual dominance, but RM gives it a softer edge that works well. People just love you.
It’s less “intimidating” like the brute force of the Khan, but still just as powerful. Just a different angle imo.

One that fits myself much more.

And RebirthQ (not Ultima) as always the life saver! Counteracts recon so easily, you just feel great all day afterwards (but still take rest days, Gentlemen!)

EDIT: One thing I forgot is the sexual aura of Khan. Or attraction rather.
My wife is suddenly much more touchy and feely with me. Much more “on me” so to speak than before.
Definitely Khan ST2!


Day 55 - RICH Solace

26 Days on Khan ST1
4 Days on Khan ST2
4 Days on EoG ST1
2 Days on RM

How do you see power?

I recently been feeling the “Power part” of Khan a lot.
And while sometimes I felt like ruling with an Iron Fist, today my perception changed completely on that.

I think responsibility is what yields power in the end.
Taking care of others as a leader, making their life better, in turn, you will receive power for leading them.

I.e. my wife gives her life into my hands, so it is my responsibility to make it good.

It’s not just sitting on my Iron Throne and enjoying the spoils of war.

However, does Khan really just give you the power as YOU like it?
I.e. if I were a different kind of guy, would Khan give me the TYRANT kind of power, ruling with an Iron Fist?

For the longest time I thought personality is molded by growing up and environment. I never truly believed in astrology for example, or that we are born with a certain personality (or one we “like” the most).
At this point @Hermit would chime in and I would truly love your viewpoint on HOW Khan gives you the power you want.

For me, I truly seek the more “gentle” kind of power, where I take full blame for everything and make people’s lives better. In turn, I am granted the power to “rule” them so to speak.

It is a trade-off.

Is this who I truly am underneath? Unraveled by Stage1? Or is this just a feeling today?
Interesting observation either way.


For me power means the application of knowledge. So basically self learning to enrich your life first and then using that knowledge to enrich others lives.
The iron fist ruling ideology from Khan is basically a person with no knowledge of a specific matter.
For me I used to keep getting angry at every person I come into contact with. Simply cause they don’t obey me or respect me. Why must they respect me ? What have I done to earn their respect?

Life gives you what you give life. The majority of the population waits for respect before they give respect. We are striving to be the 1%, so we must do the opposite.

The ruthlessness and iron fist way of Khan is definitely getting mistaken or misunderstood. Khan simply extruded persistence, strong desire, direction and the list goes on. No matter what is happening in the external environment A Khan will stand through the storm that others fall in.

A person who hasn’t been through the stages of Khan will never be able to serve humanity. The uninitiated will expect before they give. A Khan will give and not expect. With aura that Khan extruded people will feel totally overwhelmed when you serve them even with a small kind gesture.


Very important observation!

Respect as well as power is earned.

Love this take.


EoG man… you’re ready for it. So I’d say Khan w/ EoG ST1 (The MOST powerful sub for removing limiting beliefs, I did it for a month and I literally cannot even think about being poor.)

I would’ve recommended as well Emperor… EmperorQ stacks EXTREMELY well with Khan. You get the AM effects plus a redirection of horniness into business, It has light EoG so it removes limiting beliefs, and has Quantum Limitless Lite for creativity and focus.

Or StarkQ. StarkQ is good for limiting beliefs, and creativity and is a great social sub.

EmperorQ in my opinion has been the best Sub for focusing on business and its not antisocial like before, its more like Khan except it directs sexual energy towards work and scaling your business.

So Khan + EmperorQ, RICH (as main) + BLU or Executive for Creativity

Khan and EmperorQ stack so well I been wanting to test that.


EoG is kind of a sub designed to completely shift and help you start from nothing… but since you already have a business you really wouldn’t benefit that much from it considering ST2 isnt needed, ST3 is a focus sub kinda like RICH, but RICH is the ultimate sub for making money and focus… So Yeah IDK.

Overall Khan + EmperorQ + RICH + BLU is a deadly combo.

That’s just way too much for me.

Currently I’m alternating between Khan and RM and throwing in RICH every now and then, this seems to work quite well.

EoG will definitely come at some point into the mix. If it is only ST1, but of course, wealth is a big part of why I am here. I just want the mental foundation first.

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Day 56 - KhanQV2 ST2

26 Days on Khan ST1
5 Days on Khan ST2
4 Days on EoG ST1
2 Days on RM

The Insecure Mentor

Today Khan manifested a test of my mindset.

An old Mentor approached me asking (quite rude) a bunch of things about my products.
And I should explain myself as to HOW they are not similar to what he does.

My first reaction was, “Who do you think you are that I need to explain myself?”

Made me chuckle a little bit on that thought.

But then I tried to be a nice man and did explain a little bit.

After which he replied, “What makes you think you are qualified to lead other men?”

I said, “because I am not afraid of competition like you are.”

It’s interesting, back in the past I would’ve tried to explain myself and get his approval.
Not anymore. F him.
If the men I coach surpass me I am actually proud of them and it tells me my coaching is working. This guy telling me this shone a bright light on his insecurities that he doesn’t actually want his students to succeed.



that’s beautiful, I love this

Sounds like he is questioning his own qualifications and/or uniqueness-or you’re presence has him question that

I think your choice to independently step up to do whatever working you are doing is qualification enough and if your creating value for your clients, which you are, or you wouldn’t be in business …is all the further qualification needed.


Day 58 - KhanQV2 ST2 - RICH Solace

26 Days on Khan ST1
6 Days on Khan ST2
4 Days on EoG ST1
3 Days on RM

Last days before we go on vacation and thus last days on the subs.

While I take them with me in my bag, I plan to not listen to subs for almost two weeks. Just unwind, let the subconscious process it while I chill in Italy with the family.

Will see how it unfolds.
If I can, I will still report back on here what changes or happens.

Usually I got the best results on rest days.

Stage2 of Khan is definitely questioning some things. Something I was doing to make money which I didn’t like too much from a spiritual standpoint I cannot be asked to do anymore. It just doesn’t align with who I want to be.
My deepest self.

So I have absolutely NO urge to do it, even though it would make me money.

Which is interesting because I truly came back to my old self that didn’t care about money at all. I just enjoy the process of working on things. But I am not chasing the dough anymore.
Which is good because anything you chase will elude you.

I can definitely tell what Saint means when he says the subs really only bring out who YOU WANT to be. There is nothing put in your mind. I feel like I found my older self again.
Especially on the first stages of Khan, on top with that zest for life of RM.

Just feeling fantastic!


@AlexanderGraves how would you summarize the addition of RM to Khan? Khan is my favorite sub, but I always felt it’s a bit too passive and I barely speak when using it.

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Initially, I added RM for more creativity since I need this with my business.

However, it added SO MUCH MORE.

It’s a fantastic positive life-charger.
Khan can sometimes be too focused on power and domination imo. Then again, it’s a Khan, right?
If this is totally your thing, Khan is best.

However, I have a huge curiosity for life itself, everything within and around it. I want to enjoy life as much as possible, this where RM added a HUGE bonus with that zest for life.
You just enjoy every moment. You enjoy dominance games from Khan. You enjoy being creative. You even enjoy recon because it’s a positive result lol

I never run Love Bomb, but it almost feels like parts of it are in there.
There is at least a general @lovage for life in it :wink:

I think it depends on what you want. For me, I needed more positivity overall.
And, yes. You are way more active!


Oh yes I know exactly what you talking about!

There are times were you miss dominance when people are so submissive to you on Khan. You basically seek a challenge.

Khan reminds me of a very powerful ruler. Who sits and orders people to get things done. Very distant from people and only communicate with few people to get orders done. Standing up in your castle and watching over your empire.


Thanks, appreciate the answer man. It sounds like a match made in heaven, active Khan.


Do you find you still have the full dominance and power of Khan with the addition of RM as well as this new wonderful element to the mix?

Let’s use a visual example for this.

The Game of Khans

Solely running Khan I felt like Tywin Lannister

Always lusting for power, success. You’re intimidating to others, because they feel if they don’t obey as planned, there are implications.

Plus the sex part, which I don’t imagine Tywin to be strong on it, but I didn’t find a better fitting character.
For me anyway, I was more concerned with power than with sex. It is a tool to establish more dominance.

The Renaissance Khan is different:
Oberyn Martell

You are a King. You run your empire and you have power.
But you have a much bigger interest in enjoying life.

Also how you see other people is different. Their attempts to gain power or question yours give you a chuckle. You are very aloof, but still adoring people for what they do.

You are very openly enjoying your life and people consider you magnetic.
You are still a man of war. You know how to fight and stay in power. Just a different angle.

I just enjoy the latter more.

Bear in mind though I am on ST2 of Khan, and only a few days on RM.

We’ll see how this keeps unfolding!


Day 61 - Rest Days

26 Days on Khan ST1
6 Days on Khan ST2
4 Days on EoG ST1
4 Days on RM

So, tomorrow we’ll be leaving to Lake Garda in Italy for a 10-day vacation.

While I take the subs with me I’ll try to not listen to a single one of them, for this reason:

I’ve exposed myself to quite a bit of QV2 tech recently, especially switching to ST2 and adding RM. While I get a bit of recon feeling here and there, I still feel like these rest days will help me MASSIVELY to actually RUN the program as he mentions above.

Plus vacation, where I also intentionally not do anything for my business will help me unwind and give my mind enough space to to the heavy lifting.

It’s been 60 days so far since I joined Subclub, and honestly, the change I went through already in this short timeframe is STAGGERING.
I have a story about a false positive COVID test of my wife right before we head into vacation which was a REAL test of my Khan mindset and general detachment (which also helped me get a first grasp at 5D consciousness).
I reacted COMPLETELY different than I would’ve done 2 months ago. Calm, collected, leading, taking care of her feelings. All naturally without thinking about it.

Also thanks to @friday for confirming my journey with the subs!

Will share this after my return, got a car to pack!

I will lurk in here every now and then, but until then, farewell everyone, and don’t run too many loops!

If in doubt, take a rest day!