The Renaissance Khan Journal

@AlexanderGraves. Sorry to interfere in your journal.
But great insights and congratulations for ur solid and subtle manifestation😃. Keep it up.

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I also think, going forward after you’ve run a sub for a while, you might not run it again, other than every other 2-3 months to reinforce the idea or to go deeper.

Outside of that, being off subs might be better to actually RUN the script.

Thoughts on this @SaintSovereign and @Sub.Zero?

Let’s proceed:

The false positive COVID mindset

How the Khan mindset helped me see reality for what it is.

Two days before we were heading off to Italy, we did a COVID test at a local station because we wanted to have a coffee in a restaurant.
Mine was negative, my wives showed positive.

Immediately, I knew it was a false positive. I don’t want this to be political, but I just knew it (because 40% of those tests are actually false (official statement)) and she had zero symptoms and wasn’t even in contact with anyone besides me.

But naturally, my wife was flipping her shit. Because our vacation was at stake.

So she did that PCR test thingy and we went home, where she did another 3 self-tests which were all negative.
Which was rally just further confirmation for me that it’s a false positive.

At first, her mindset was kinda OK because she - like me - doesn’t believe most of these lies, but I saw it getting worse over time. Because women live mostly in their feelings, so she had these thoughts that it MIGHT be true and sort of went into a vicious cycle.

I kept calm all the time. And this is the key I developed via subs. Back then, I would’ve had second guesses. Maybe it is true. What then?
Not this time. I was 100% certain it was false and I proceeded as normal, was completely calm and collected. I actually didn’t even think about it the whole next day, was just doing my stuff.

When she asked me what we do if it is true, I said (and meant) that it isn’t, but even if it were, we find a solution.

Complete rock in the storm.

I loved that feeling of power and leadership there.

You all know how it went because we actually went to Italy, which means I was right, it was a false positive.

All was well and I lead my family greatly through this situation. As @pacman said, a Khan keeps his people safe!

My very political opinion which I might delete


I am not posting that here on the forums. DM me if you want to talk about COVID.

What does this have to do with 5D Consciousness?

Throughout the situation I used the Law of Assumption from Neville Goddard.

“Assume of your wish fulfilled.”

I visualized myself and the family already in Italy at the beach. Used the great feeling and visualized as much as possible. Mind’s Eye has been a game-changer in this.

Did it work? I don’t know.
Did it help keep me calm and towards a solution? Absolutely.

ALL IS MIND for anyone who read the Kybalion and if you practice mental alchemy you’ll have the abilitiy to greatly and directly influence your emotions and mental state which in turn shapes your reality.

The consciousness Dimensions (although I hate labels) I would phrase this way:
3D (most people): You are strong if others are weak. You base your powers and beliefs around what others think of you. Environment shapes you instead of you shaping it (that was my wives feelings in this situation).

4D (growing number of people (self improvement)): You have a great belief in your own abilities. The belief that we find a way to get through it and make things happen regardless of adversity. This is what men had back in the days. Not so much these days, sadly.

5D: (very rare, but I see a bunch on this forum): Fully letting go of yourself. Detachment. Whatever happens is intentional and it doesn’t matter. Even if we couldn’t go to the vacation it wouldn’t have mattered. My ego wouldn’t have been hurt, Earth wouldn’t have stopped spinning.
5D is a FULL and THOROUGH submission to life and how it unfolds. You fully stop controlling it, you let it happen and accept anything that comes with it, enjoying the moment and simply the excitement of life.

I learned that on Khan Stage 1.

And interestingly it felt “exciting” with this COVID thing. Something to LIVE through. Something to talk about. Life was happening.

A great mindset shift done by Total Breakdown.


In my view, your circumstances and needs, your “current self” and recent development should determine how long you should run a certain sub or go back to it if needed. I believe one can run a Q sub for as little as one month (running it one loop a week) and then stop using it and they’re still going to benefit from its usage greatly then switch to some other sub and if they needed some more things the previous sub offered later on, they can always go back to it.

Day 76 - RICH Solace

26 Days on Khan ST1 (1 1/2 month on Q)
6 Days on Khan ST2 (over 25 days so far)
4 Days on EoG ST1
4 Days on RM

After 14 days off subs I still got recon on the last day. I was really debating myself to get back on the subs.
Maybe, however, I’ll only stick to RICH for this week because I am greedy.

I did notice A LOT of results from Khan and RM on these 14 days.
Literal mindset and behavior shifts. And it’s a weird feeling. You notice through the actions you takem the thoughts you have, that you are a different person.

The things I say are different, how I react to my environment, completely reshaped.

Washouts and processing days VITAL.
This 14 day period had the most and most massive results for me so far.

I want to give Khan and RM another week of processing, but I honestly don’t know if it works like that if I keep running RICH in between. We’ll see.

Since we’re on that topic. I first thought the results from RICH actually dropped, because I don’t manifest huge sums of money anymore currently. But I was blind to the results.
Recently I’ve been getting A TON of great OPPORTUNITIES to make big sums of money long-term.

It flew by me as “coincidence” (which we know doesn’t exist) or general business happenings. But it’s definitely RICH because some of them are so massive this doesn’t just happen randomly).


Day 79 - Processing Day

26 Days on Khan ST1 (1 1/2 month on Q)
7 Days on Khan ST2 (over 28 days so far)
4 Days on EoG ST1
4 Days on RM

So this week I am on the subs again and everytime I run them I do notice how immediately my mind is not like bloated, but filled with info. And it releases over the day and the next processing day. I am starting to get a better understanding of my mind on a daily basis.

I also noticed how the early stages of Khan actually bring (negative) old behaviors back. Understanding higher consciousness, this is INTENTIONAL. To actually work through them and have them solved. Before I was overlaying them with fake “alpha” attitude. Now, when I get over something it is TRULY gone and I don’t even think about it anymore.

I honestly have a tough time remembering anything (especially negative) from my past because I just don’t care.

I was thinking of switching to ST3, because I was feeling a lack of action recently, but if I look at what I did already this week, my mind is trying to deceive me. Probably to get me off ST2 since it’s so powerful. Interesting observation.

I also said before, even if the subs didn’t work I would still recommend them to people. Why?
Because you will finally start to OBSERVE yourself.
What you do. How you feel. How you think. What you say.

The men in here are so focused on the results, they don’t even realize how different their thought process already is just by OBSERVING IF they have any results. This alone puts you ahead of 99% of people!


Awesome dude! That’s what I’m looking for as I run Khan TB. I have yet to achieve that state… but I’m hopeful.

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You will.

TB is tough and it might take a bit but it works. Make sure you take your processing days!


Thanks for the words of encouragement.

26 Days on Khan ST1 (1 1/2 month on Q)
8 Days on Khan ST2 (over 29 days so far)
4 Days on EoG ST1
4 Days on RM
1 Day Heartsong

I honestly don’t know how to measure QV2 anymore with this table above. Days on it seems pointless if you run washouts all the time. But for me, it doesn’t seem to be a good way to run it every day or every other day. I am planning on doing one week on subs, one week off subs.

When Khan makes you want to go into semen retention

I mentioned it in @pacman journal already, but interestingly enough, right now Khan sends me into NOT having sex.

While being fucking horny.

The reason is this:
I am starting to become aware of how powerful my nut actually is. I know how this sounds like, but just shooting it with the girl randomly is nothing I want to do anymore.
(By the way, if you have issues with nofap or porn, THIS makes sure you NEVER spill your seed meaningslessly EVER, even if you’re horny AF all the time)

Another reason for this is Stage 2 being in full progress where it questions everything. Especially my current marriage. Running these subs obviously has implications on the people in your life. If you manifest them directly or if they’re just confused by your new self imo doesn’t really matter. The point is, that right now I am questioning if my wife is really the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I am not gonna post details on a public forum, that would be a dick move to her. But it’s what’s happening.

I decided to fully surrender to life and what it brought me (inculding the subs), so if it decides that we don’t work out, I am fine with it. But I am not taking action towards that. Although I personally have this belief, that once a thought comes into your mind, it’s almost impossible to get rid of it again (Inception, you know?)

However, this is also the point why I questioning spilling my seed with her, because there just isn’t enough effort on her part. This is why I now added Heartsong. Let’s test this newest sub and how much power it TRULY has.

Will it turn my wife into what I want?
Or will it manifest a concubine that fills my sexual needs?
Or will it end the marriage and bring in a woman that works with me?

Let us see where this goes!

Another annoying part of this is what @Prome recently mentioned. This focuses me too much on the sex again. I want to focus more on my Empire, and consciously I do it, but I notice my subconscious wandering about with sex recently. I knew what I get myself into with Khan, but I also thought I had everything I wanted (sex every other day, positions, places, lingerie) but apparently this isn’t what I was seeking.

I just love how deep these subs go and actually surface things about yourself you didn’t even know.

However, the focus on sex is a bit annoying but we’ll see. At least I have the conscious power to keep building my empire and RICH is helping to set that up with CRAZY networks I am currently building!

And it actually recently saved me $8,000. I DID spend 2k on a brand strategist, but in the call he actually wanted 10k, I said I couldn’t do it, back and forth negotiating, and he accepted to 2k because he REALLY wanted to see my brand grow. That is definitely RICH manifesting there double trouble!
Not only saved me 8k, also brought in a brand strategist that has worked with HUGE brands in the past and knows his trade!

To anyone who runs RICH, sometimes it manifests even if you spend money which might make it hard to see where it happened. But it’s important to accept that RICH actually works for you (positive feedback loop in reality).

Off to a great future on all planes!

Next week I’ll be off subs. Processing!


Also I seem to have changed the title of this journal too much because I can’t edit it anymore.

Shows you you shouldn’t change subs too often, lol!
Guess we’re forever on Stage 2 then :wink:

I think it is important to point out as far as Mother Nature goes, sex is isn’t exactly hedonism. It’s a means to an end.

Are you sure your “annoying” drive for sex isn’t exactly calling you to procreate?

Having tons of offsprings is a huge part of any Khan and any empire.

Are you being subconsciously being directed towards making more babies?

It’s possible the above is 100% rubbish, but it’s an interesting point to think about.

Empires mean shit if you have no one to pass it on to. I think you have only 1 kid btw.

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Can I just say you made great progress recently!

If I compare recent post of yours with those a few weeks ago, there is definitely a big shift! Keep going!

Apart from that, I would’ve imagined it would be better to build a GREAT EMPIRE first before focusing on offspring lol


Check out the following gentlemen.

The Power of Preselection

Today I’ve been out with my wife and my son.
The amount of women that checked me out or just couldn’t keep their eyes off of me was insane.

For anyone not aware, preselection means, as a man, if you already have children/are married, women are actually more interested in you than if you were single.
Another woman already “preselected” you and deemed you good material, thus it’s a confirmation for other women that you’re a good man.

Kinda detrimental for women this mindset, but that’s nature.

I guess after a year of lockdown, a lot of women also feel lonely, plus the Khan. All of it made me drown in female eyes.
Still worth noting.


Thanks man!
I kinda sorta attribute this to the wash-out.
Been 6 days now. No porn either


Great journal! I’m behind on this one. Only just discovered it… gonna have to try and read the rest of this another day :smiley: keep up the good work.

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Thanks, friend!

Seeing you around a lot! You plan to run Khan at some point?

Also @DarkPhilosopher or @RVconsultant can you guys edit the second post in this thread and delete the contents? (I can’t edit anymore, and it’s not fully accurate imo) and edit the Title of this Thread to remove Stage 2 because I can’t edit that anymore, either. THanks!

Day 81 - Processing Days

26 Days on Khan ST1 (1 1/2 month on Q)
8 Days on Khan ST2 (over 29 days so far on QV2)
4 Days on EoG ST1
4 Days on RM
1 Day Heartsong

The HeartSong of Khan

No I am not going to rename this thread again, Khan stays and will remain the main focus.
I would actually recommend anyone who runs Khan to read the main disc thread of Khan. Opened my eyes a bit more to the direction of Khan itself.

However, I don’t know what’s in HeartSong but bruv it’s working and it’s working GOOD.
A few hours after listening to it, I could just notice my outlook reshaping. Especially towards my wife. I was more focused on the positive things regarding her, whereas before I was focusing on the negative and thus questioning the marriage.

I am not saying everything is fine, and maybe Heartsong will even tell me that this isn’t the love of my life, but what it definitely changed was her behavior:
She’s much more loving all of a sudden. She’s also more sexy. Seemingly out of nowhere. For this I had to reward her with sex although I wanted to start monk mode. But she’s been a great girl recently.

Now, it’s an interesting development. Is it overriding Khan? Or am I becoming the loving Khan? A Casanova? Khananova?

It could also be that my manifestation writings just randomly fired (afaik manifestation scripting is only in ST3?)
I have my little “CRESCENDO” journal in which I write little manifestations to test this whole thing out.

Two of them are:

  • Women are revealing around me
  • I have the sexual woman of my dreams

They are obviously pointless, but I just wanted to play around a bit :wink:

Now the second isn’t there yet, but recently my wife has been moving in that direction.

The first one was interesting, when I was out recently, it was definitely noticeable how the women I saw were much more revealing. It could just be summer, right? It could just be coincidence. On top of that, a close woman was wearing a VERY revealing dress around me yesterday. Like literal upskirt situations.

Women generally are also much more feminine around me. And I do notice the intimidation when they interact with me. The curiosity. The interest.

Is it just all due to the hot summer over here? Is it Khan manifesting my type in my surroundings? Is it the Khan Aura?

Who knows? But it’s still interesting.

Heartsong is definitely powerful regardless. Mind you, I’ve been exposed to a lot of different subs (majority still being Khan ST2) last week. This week will be processing again. So let us see what will surface the next days.


So are you alternating weeks with listening and processing?

One week listen, next week process?


Currently I am testing this approach.

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The second post contains so much. Even if it is not accurate now, was it not accurate at some point? Is the goal not to see how you evolved to a different place since then?


Yeah, it was. Fair point. It’s just that I would add MUCH MORE to it now so it actually felt underwhelming as a “summary.”

Thanks for editing the title!

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