The Rebirth Of Ouroboros

@Prioritas @Vinci @Vesper

I just realized…

I’m on a 14 call sales streak

I have not heard no in 14 calls.

That’s 14 yesses in a row.

I am literally the fudging Miyamoto Musashi of sales right now.

”I made my first sale at 13. Since then, I have been travelling the land, looking for the prospect who will finally defeat me and give me an objection I can not handle. But after 14 long calls, I have given up… there is no such man who can defeat me. And so I began to wonder… was it really the superiority of my own Way that has led me to such a long reign of supremacy? Or was it the inferiorities of their chosen Way that allowed me to defeat them? Was I consciously implementing the Way, or, is it just natural to my way of being, unlearnable by others? I went into a long period of retreat, alone in the mountains, to meditate on the Way… and emerged 20 and 3 years later with the Book Of Five Cha-Chings.”


”the ronin were a group of elite, travelling samurai closers, allegiance given to no lord but themselves, they travelled the land in search of distant myths and legends, a rumour or a whisper of a prospect who seemed to be unclosable, so they could finally feel the sweet taste of defeat, if they were so lucky. A remote ronin cared only about his next meal and his next chance to prove himself, and he no more knew how many men he’d slewn than how many meals he’d eaten, one was as the other, for all the significance he gave them.”


book of five cha-chings…lmao


Power can corrupt - 15 mins

So far I feel nothing.

Which is probably a good thing - nothing bad!! And I haven’t communicated much yet, so, no chance for something good.

Maybe with a bit of conscious guidance, though, I’m already realizing that there are two people in my life… people on the fringe, but certainly people I spend time on… who do a lot more manipulative things than I initially realized.

So PCC might be giving big insights but it’s early

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I’m feeling like replacing sanguine elixir with sanguine so that I have another spot available in my stack

SANGUINE (booster)
sounds sexy!!

Could be recon, maybe hold off a little while longer before changing things up?

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appreciate you saying’re probably right. i just added in PCC too.

i’ll go slow. finish off this cycle, and then once i do, test out replacing sanguine with SE

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initial results on PCC… they’re fine… it’s harder to analyze my socializing on vs. off of PCC

i’m gonna run this for a while to let it sink in.

at some point, a couple of loops of khan st 1 will go a long way to helping me not just USE power tactics, but to FEEL powerful.

for now, the stack is stable.

last 2 weeks have been hom + se

i’ll finish off the cycle with hom + se + pcc

then i’ll have a washout

next cycle i’ll do pcc + hom + limitless + sanguine as a booster (replace SE with limitless)

if i really hate pcc for any reason i’ll drop it… but so long as it’s underwhelming like it is now, i’m just going to take that as a sign that i have a lot to learn from pcc and stick with it.

looking back at my journal, i see i ran a 3 minute loop Dragon reborn ST2 about 18 days ago… almost 3 weeks exactly… and that makes sense that i’m feeling great now. dragon reborn has this special spot in my stack as a title i want to listen to 3 minutes of once or twice a month, maximum.

looking at my journal, i also see that i listened to ascension chamber about 12 days ago… and have been having some of the best sales of my life… so perhaps there’s something to be said about continuing to listen to that every so often, as well.

my hypothesis about the switch from sanguine to sanguine elixir is that it’ll either feel exactly the same… in which case, i’m benefiting from the sanguine part… or that it won’t be the same and my manifestations will be weaker… meaning that i’m actually benefiting from the light healing of elixir and the part of elixir that heals beliefs stopping you from fully expressing other programs (hom has a lot of belief work that elixir may be helping me easily accept)

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power can corrupt is god tier.


@Vesper mentioned that i never actually explained why i added PCC to my stack, so…

  1. i only wanna run HOM once every week or two, and i didn’t want it to get overwhelmed by SE
  2. i wanted a social skills sub that wasn’t a social archetype sub like stark or hom or true sell
    3) i have a network of extremely high powered people i’ve manifested in my life… i’ve manifested a position in The Royal Court Of His Majesty" so to speak… now i need to learn how to play the power game to not just be in the same ROOM as them, but to be their trusted advisor.
  3. on my current sales team, people are political and manipulative and i want to be able to connect with the people who are my advocates while protecting myself against people who aren’t.

most important reason is #3 - now that i’ve manifested people, i need to learn how to speak to them

and boy is power can corrupt delivering…

i just got off the phone with the OTHER 8 figure entrepreneur that i want to work with, the sales god that is jeremy miner’s, cole gordon’s, taylor welch’s, temple naylor’s, etc etc’s sales coach.

i joined his program in june, and since january, i’ve just beeen dm’ing him all my wins, thanking him, and showing off the good.

“45% close rate!”

#1 closer on the team my first month there.”

#1 closer 3 months in a row!! thanks man!”

“holy shit man, whole team closed 19 deals this week, i closed 14 of them, and i’ve gotten 16 sales in a row, insane!”

that last one really got his attention and he wanted to hop on a call.

i opened up the call and basically told him “hey man, you changed my life, just like the offer i’m currently on changed my life, and i just really have some gratitude and any help you want, i’m here for you because i think your brand will change the world and the sales market sorely needs a figure like you.”

booooooom! he literally opened up so deep. was telling me crazy behind the scenes stories of alex hormozi, jeremy miner, cole gordon, etc., he let me grill him about all his goals and what his vision is, he was even coming to me with his confusion, “yeah you know alex hormozi was saying we should niche down and be really specific and i’m not sure what that would look like… xyz team is offering me this, abc team is offering me this, 123 team is offering me this, so i guess i’m gonna have to look at all the options and figure it out from there.”

I really felt like he was asking for my opinion but i didn’t give it, because who am i to say?

yeah, me and him and his business partner are gonna hop on a call and figure out some short term & long term ways to work together


Another HOM testimonial that’s fucking crazy

Massive 48 laws/PCC vibes

PCC is kicking in strong. If I can be the connector for entrepreneur #1 and #2 and be the lead on a project where they collab, they’ll both be indebted to me as the guy who brought them new audiences, solved a problem they’re both struggling with.

My mind is spinning with ideas.

The entrepreneur I work for said he’s down.

I wonder if the sales god entrepreneur will also be down?

Time for a washout, then, next cycle will be HOM + PCC + SE


this sums up why i’m running PCC beautifully, especially the “power levels within the company” part


but also people outside my company who are a power level 9000 that i’m attracting thanks to inner circle and hom.

ever since running pcc, i understand something…

you do not actually need to be as powerful as someone above you to win their trust and respect. the president respects many people that are below him. people with higher power levels respect you when they

  1. see that your power level will grow with time and you’ll become very powerful yourself in the future
  1. see that you’re powerful enough that by associating with you, their power level will grow as well

one thing i would be VERY CLEAR to disagree with or expand on is the idea that PCC’s ability to increase your “likeability” is what makes it special.


PCC’s real ability is increasing your ability to add and see value where it exists.

That is what power is.

Power is providing value to others in a way that indebts them to you. Power is having a social circle of people that are willing to provide value to your life. Power is the 2-way exchange of value… an extremely powerful man receives insane amounts of value, and it seems one sided, but then you realize the value that he GIVES is extreme as well… the president RUNS THE WHOLE COUNTRY, the millionaire has had MILLIONS OF PEOPLE BUY SOMETHING because it’s so valuable, the extreme socialite’s presence is so valuable that people line up to get a chance to speak with them, Educational Gurus make millions by teaching millions of people, etc etc etc. These “celebrities” of all walks of life are powerful because millions of people feel indebted to them for one reason or another, even a reason as stupid as “my favourite movie is top gun, omg tom cruise you’re amazing!!”

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17 sales in a row let’s get it

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What subs have you been running lately? Besides Power Can Corrupt…

I’ve decided to no longer work on Fridays.

I’ll work from 9am to 11am then take the rest of the day off.

I’ve afforded a certain amount of success and I’ve realized that if I don’t celebrate that success, and take advantage of that success, then my success is a failure.

There are so many things that I can do on a Friday if I take Fridays off.

They’ll be my “personal day” while Saturday and sundays are going to be “social days.”

Separating the two makes sure I get both, instead of choosing one or the other. .

I find my life unbalanced because I don’t make time for both. Either my house is a mess while I’m social and working, or I’m antisocial with a perfect work & personal organization balance, or I somehow manage to balance socializing AND personal productivity AND keeping my home/life clean… but then my self-care & earth have gone down the drain.

So life will become more streamlined.

I’ll work mon-thu
Have a personal day on Friday
And have social days on sat/sun.

And of course there’s flexibility, this system just gives me a day off work to schedule my non-work-but-important tasks, instead of never finding space for them.

Fridays will be for all the things I often feel I “don’t have time for” including…

  • extremely long periods of time for rejuvenating activities such as forest walks & hikes, exercise and sauna sessions, meditation & yoga, journaling, etc. I often work hard and socialize frequently at the expense of my own relationship with self.

  • a “house reset” day… deep clean, grocery shop, meal prep, re-organize, buy house essentials, etc. I’m often the most messy at home when I’m the most successful at work.

  • a day set aside exclusively for spending time with my parents. I often make my parents my fourth or fifth priority, and justify not seeing them for weeks at a time because work, social and personal things come first.

  • a day to work on personal projects, anything from doing taxes, studying courses, creative projects, or fulfilling promises that I’ve made to people but don’t fit into my work life.

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And I forgot to post that on Wednesday I listened to sanguine: elixir for 7 mins and PCC for 3 mins.

Been on a washout since Thursday

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The above has been my listening schedule over the last 22 days ^^

SE is easy to run frequently, and pairs well with HOM, causing results at low exposure.


If I listen to SE 4x more than HOM, obviously my stack will be healing dominated not sales focused.

But I can’t run more HOM because I’m such a sensitive beachvolleyball.

So I added in PCC so that I could work on HOM-related topics with the lightest stacking sub that fits the description.

I would say that HOM is driving all of the results in the last 2 weeks, SE is enabling HOM to be effective, and PCC is just filler that’s interesting but not driving the 80/20 of the results.

All made possible by 9 months of focusing on EOG1 before this stack.

And of course even more importantly, low exposure to subs, not mixing products, walks to assimilate the integration, taking massive action and having a clear vehicle for results to take place, and having introspection to ask myself what specific traits I need to park on and then developing those, for quick results, compared to archetype subs which slowly work on everything a once


great washout.

absolutely going to keep running HOM + SE

I really appreciate @Prioritas giving me a nudge that switching off se might be recon.

However, I also really was hoping to free up a slot in my stack.

So i’m going to treat PCC the same way i treated inner circle, and assume that one week of listening will work it’s magic and change my life :joy:

one of my favorite effects from subliminals is their ability to drastically change my work ethic, though, which is what made me consider running limitless… but i had a “duh!!!” moment and realized that the title i’m looking for is limitless executive or the executive.

This cycle, my stack will be

  • executive
  • hom
  • sanguine: elixir

with some BEAUTIFUL expected results…

sanguine: elixir has done an incredible job at healing the blocks that have stopped me from fully expressing HOM in the past, and i believe that adding SE and The Exec together will not only give me short-term productivity, but will long term heal whatever productivity-related shadows i need to heal in order to become truly productive.

this stack i’ll be a high-powered, high-selling, network-leveraging, happy, productive, recovered & balanced baller, that’s not only crushing it in business, but also with family, friends, my side projects, and myself.