The Psychonaut - Eudaemon

Major hungover dude


Lol! Must have been quite a party!


It was Im not hungover, but still drunk good!! :rofl:

I need a pizza and a beer bro… medicine…

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Psychonaut × 5 minutes
WB × 3 minutes.

Theres a weird openness growing on inside of me, its like I made peace with my past. I could feel it in my reunion the other day and now thinking about it seems more obvious.


Ended up adding LBfH to my stack, to test the new version and the NloE.
Did 1:30 minutes.


Ok I get the NSE and learning/growing through positive experiences as a way for healing and change.

While at my high school reunion last saturday four different people at 4 separate occasions asked me about how my guitar playing was, I told all of them Im not playing guitar anymore, they all told me I should be playing, that I was pretty good at it.

In the past someone telling me something like that would have felt fake to me and trigger an immediate response of justifying my position. This time it felt different, it felt like they were right, like they opened a window for me to see reality.

It also happened 4 times, so how much more manifestation do a person needs before getting it!!!


A couple of hours after my loop of LBfH I decided to meditate for a while and in the middle of it I had a clear understanding of how my custom is taking me into a process of reconnecting with my essence.

Part of the process is about realizing Im a part of this earth and a part of this universe.
The cool thing is that the experience wasnt mental/rational it was very physical and emotional.

Real as real can get.

By this I mean it felt obvious and the feeling was one of openness and acceptance, although now theres also a hint of pain due to all the time I feel Ive wasted.

The pain is giving way to some restlessness and a will to push forwards.

I feel at home…


LBfH is very powerful… Im reminiscing the first time I approached a girl, we were at the beach, we walked holding hands, got on a rock and hug while watching the sunset.
It was all so smooth and natural, I cant tell any more than it was like a beautiful dance… we were so young and innocent.

Somehow I was afraid to pursue anything more with her, I was afraid of what people could say, I was really afraid of love.

Now this memory is coming back in all of its beauty to change my perception of love.


It took me 4 days to realize and began integrating a major Wanted Black change.

Its the idea of being yourself and doing what you like, because you like it… without caring what the other person might think about me.

Now that idea isnt new, nor original, but here Im not talking about an intellectual understanding. Im talking about an emotional integration that naturally expresses through my behaviour, without the need of intention, effort or even being aware of it.

I could totally see it if I look at my behaviour last saturday night.

I am what I am, you are welcome to like it or not… without any need of approval.
I dont need to shift my behavior to fit in, but I can shift it if I want to create a specific outcome.

Its so strong that Im almost convinced that Im done with WB for the moment and LBfH is enough to have exposure to the NSE.


One more thing Im noticing… Since yesterday Im radiating a lot of heat.

Yesterday I felt it as body temperature, the day was pretty cold, but I was in a T shirt and feeling hot.
Today Im radiating an aura of hot, bubbly energy… I feel it in my skin as a tingling and I feel it expanding outwards as a heat wave.


Radiating Health?


It might, but I dont really have a way to know for sure.
I thought you might ask though :rofl:


Hahaha! The funny part for me was that I kinda knew that you would know I would ask after writing that lol.


LOL!! Why am I not surprised :rofl:



Psychonaut × 5:30
LBfH × 10:00

Doing self hypnosis is getting much more effective since adding Psychonaut, although last night I relived a block into experiencing some type of phenomena or going deeper than certain level, both things are related to control issues.

Im gonna work on this so I can use more of the powers of my mind.

Its obvious at this time Psychonaut brought back the desire for more exploration.


Well, today I bought a couple of guitar string packs, a bunch of picks, cleaned my guitar and put some fresh strings in it. Then dusted off my old Focusrite and connected through Amplitube to a speaker.

I played for like an hour since its a bit late to be rocking, but it felt so good, like meeting an old lover and finding out theres even more chemistry than what you remembered.

Im really satisfied, not only by how good it felt, but by how quickly and easily I got into it… Muscular memory is awesome.


This gonna be next level shit!!



Psychonaut × 7 minutes (aprox)
WB × 10 minutes.

Dreams last night about putting my priorities in order when it comes to my love life.

The remaining pain/discomfort of my lower back diminished some more after some self hypnosis designed to relax my attitude and worry less, it seems that if soften my muscles and gave me more room to move.

Yesterday I drove for an hour or more, usually that means my lower back starts hurting, but this time was different. I was feeling so good that I had amnesia about the fact my lower back should hurt, it was only until my girlfriend made a remark about it that I realized I was pain free while driving, which was awesome.
I did experience some minor discomfort afterwards, but way softer.

Last night I was relaxing in bed and was overflowed by a feeling of relaxed and profound pleasure, pleasure about being alive. I thought this is happiness, I am feeling real, unscarred happiness probably for the first time ever.




That is awesome.