The Perfect Diet (Discussions about different diets)

You need to address your microbiome issues then if you cannot tolerate oysters.

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How long have you been eating like this @Monarch ?

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People give me shit for saying this all the time lmao, but it could very well be a detox reaction as well. Maybe people have candida/sibo due to horrible diets, and people forget how potent copper and retinol is

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I haven’t been consistent with it in all honesty. It probably would solve like 99% of my issues though if I did. I don’t have health issues, mainly just lack of muscle and ADHD.

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Exactly, it plays such a massive role.

I know when I was vegan for awhile, I felt like absolute garbage, and when I started eating meat again… I had massive gastrointestinal issues.

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Nice ive been on it about a year, year and half now, sometimes on and off as well as i can be a degererate but i was able to get my t levels to 1025 ng naturally with it so muscle gain has been easy even with limited lifting


And another thing about oysters, here where I live is very hard to buy them and are quite expensive, so rather look for something else.

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Yeah building up the low stomach acid you had as well

you in usa?

There are other powerful shellfish… I recommend mussels

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Nah, Slovakia.

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That’s an incredible level of testosterone. I need to really work on my diet.

How old are you? I’m in my mid twenties.

Damn 1025 is like you were using steroids :slight_smile:

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I am 25

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Awesome so we are the same age :pray:

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This used to be normal levels more or less btw but will save that discussion lol

A year before and actually my last testosterone examination and only one so far was around 385 :frowning:

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A vast majority of men in their twenties have levels below 600 … the standards have dropped drastically.

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Thats fine , thats an average starting point i see guys at now, 300-450 ish. But i would get your diet in line and get out of that range asap brother

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And it shows in regards to how weak men have become.

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