The Medici Family Lounge

thank you for this.

it makes a lot of sense and is an even more rational response then my version.


MadaraUchiha sounds like Remarkable :eyes:

Have you considered getting a list of educational books they use at business schools? I am not sure if you can dive directly into private wealth management without getting solid foundations in different branches of accounting, risk management, debt management, tax laws etc…

Here in my country, you can get good books at the university book store website. They offer lists of the books required for an education or specialization, and you can get this list for free - this way you can get a good foundation(or advance even further), especially if you’re interested in wealth management. There are some good books about accounting used by top business universities about, managerial accounting, auditing(learning about fraud cases like Enron) and basically any other branch of accounting.

I have graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree, and I am wondering what to do next, do something like online Harvard or do a masters. Not sure how useful it is as I have working experiencing in management but don’t know if I want to specialize and if so in what area. Why do you find wealth management so interesting?

I’m 99% sure that they’re two completely different people.

I have a degree in accounting and know the ins and outs of everything to do with that. I can read balance sheets and income statements like books. The reason I am leery about reading books from universities is that I have a degree in the financial world.

Didn’t teach me shit about the real world. I absolutely hate college and universities with a passion. It’s a completely busted corrupt system for a stupid piece of paper. There’s academia and then there’s the real world. Sorry to anyone who is in that world or likes it. I just think it’s broken beyond repair that costs way too much. Many 4 year degrees should be broken into 2 year.

I first got interested in this in investment club in college (one of the good things about college) I love the strategy behind it. Wealth management to me is like a board game. I enjoy the empire building in it. Each portfolio is like a mini empire with different threats and successes. I also find business so fascinating from strategic points of view. How do they differentiate themselves from each other and go after more market share. I always imagined myself owning businesses, hiring the right people and let them do what they do best while strategizing the big picture ideas.


I have bought the book and am starting to read more straight talk on investing by Jack Brennan. He’s a former CEO of Vanguard which is my current favorite brokerage site. This seems like a good back to basics book that will help me fill in the cracks of my knowledge to build a solid foundation.

@Hoppa This thread may interest you and I feel yourself and @MadaraUchiha could have some fascinating business conversations

I dispute this in the strongest possible manner.

For the avoidance of any doubt I hereby state I have no connection whatsoever to MaduraUchiha.


(post deleted by author)

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Just take programs bro

Investment Fund Secrets, Dealmaker Society…

They should give you the basics

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Also… Pay for someone’s time.

Try to reach someone that’s doing it and ask for an hour of their time in exchange for money… or some sort of value, reading books is great and all but extremely slow.

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Are these programs actually worth it? I have been burned by these types of gurus before. Probably my own stupidity, but these always make me nervous that they are supplying bullshit.

They’re legit lol.

Not all courses are scams. The cheap courses u buy are scams. The 5K ones are legit lol.

I think what your scared of is really investing that much money to learn something. What you need to realize is that the 5$ book isn’t gonna teach you how to make hundreds of thousands through acquisitions.

It’s really a question of whether you believe in yourself to do the work necessary to make it work.

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@MadaraUchiha Im not giving dangerous financial advice lmao…

I spent 10K in a program and I made 10K that month and learned the skills necessary to succeed.

And lmao if ur broke and ur scared to lose 1K-5K on a mentorship program, mastermind but spend that money on other pointless things like an ETF have fun making 3% returns because inflation.

Dude btw. You work in Finance, you dont run a business online. You help people with money manage their wealth. Finance doesn’t teach you to generate money, create income, manage, hire, and find product market fit for your product.

In Finance you understand that there are consultants… so what’s the difference if the consultant creates a video showing his business operation and how he runs his 3M/year ecom store? lol. It’s just more scalable and subtracts his time investment into it.

So stop with all this BS about how they’re scams and how money making strategies would go for millions. Your lack of business insight and expertise is clearly lacking as you dont understand how 20 students at 5K = 100K… 100 students = 1M.

And im sharing what works with me and what about spending 100K in debt to go to university? How many things from that degree are you actually applying in real life?

People spend money to acquire knowledge, now its the people who actually run businesses showing that. Apprenticeships were the most common form of education back then to get into professions. Even today you dont have to go to Law School to get a license as you can go through the apprenticeship route.

And they’re not all scams. People just dont know how to discern what is legitimate and what is not. They think a stupid $100 udemy course is gonna teach them everything they need to know lmao.

Dude you are so arrogant and ignorant on this subject so please stop attacking and labelling things.

You’re in finance you work a job. You’re not a business owner, you dont run an online business. You’ve never been apart of a mastermind. You made 6 figs as a teenager so now u think you know everything? Lol.

Lmao when I got that email I got so heated.

You just delete posts man… Says a lot.

Anyways please don’t reply to any of my posts again. You do absolutely nothing except make judgements, act arrogantly, and when your wrong you just delete your posts instead of saying “Oh I just checked the programs your talking about, your right there are legit courses out there and you opened up my eyes”

I must admit you were right about the Mark Cuban thing, I searched it up and was surprised by that anomaly. So I was wrong.

You can’t possibly run a business just burning relationships. People are what makes businesses valuable, no matter how smart you are if you can’t communicate properly and effectively you’ll never make the type of money you could potentially make.

… But instead you do that. Maybe its an age thing, idk.

It is hard not to be lost when you’re starting out. Wealth management is an incredibly complex business. There’s a reason it’s dominated by Goldman, chase, multi billion dollar companies. Yeah there’s smaller firms around palm beach, Southampton… I’d wager a lot of those people had social connections to those communities before they started.

If wealth management is the goal and it has to be wealth management I’d study seduction for business. There’s a famous nlp guy who talks about training a mergers guy in pua that he used for mergers. That sounds super useful. You’d really be big game hunting and sneaky tricks seem useful with a small pool of customers.

If the goal is investment strategy I’d point out how much ray dalio talks about mediation and point out it’s a common theme around firm founders.

Not an endorsement of Robbins but where our attention goes our energy flows. Reading is good. It’s good to read real strategists work. Edders, ehlers etc. know they aren’t going to tell you their best ideas, watch out for upsells, look for patterns, combine with going inward, you might be lead somewhere really interesting. If nothing else going inward is kind fun.


This one looks worth going into.

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well i was trying to not come across as hostile but since you addressed it i will reply for all to see in a separate post.

no they are NOT.

I would estimate that 99% of them are scams.

again, i would estimate that 99% of make money courses sold by random gurus are scams including the ones that cost 5k.

you should NOT use such shaming/bullying language to give people TERRIBLE financial advice.

again, more shaming/bullying language.