The King, The Star, The World


Since I am 14 I am heavily interested in nutrition and everything regarding health, which was also one of the reasons why I choose to go to med school. I always had this notion that there are a lot of things wrong with the medical industry - those I thought were minor things like for example that the doctors do not really care about their patients to the extend they should. So I wanted to become a doctor to help to change that.

But in the last months, through some very distinct manifestations of TeslaQ, my last Quantum Limitless custom, I made some radical new observations that pretty much changed everything for me.

In medical school were are taught the well-known theory that microorganisms like bacteria and Viruses cause disease, originate outside the body, and as such, can invade anyone. And in order to prevent disease, vaccines and drugs must be utilized. Medical science basically seeks to blame nature; our very existence, for our own disease and misfortune.

One day, I ended up researching the history of the Germ Theory and its father Louis Pasteur… Little did I know how far the rabbit hole truly goes.

The Germ Theory, as we know it, is false.

Microorganisms are not the primary cause of the disease but the result. Bacteria, Fungi, Parasites, and Viruses are all used and created by the body to cleanse itself from chemicals and toxins. They do not consume healthy living cells and tissue. They only occur when there is dead matter or toxins, just as a fly will appear on a dead carcass but is not the cause for the dead carcass.

I invite everyone who is interested in health to read the book “Bechamp or Pasteur?: A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology”. The history of this medical error is actually very similar to the story between Edison (domineering showman) and Nicola Tesla (genuine genius), where Louis Pasteur, the founder of the Germ Theory, represents Edison and Bechamp represents Tesla.

After reading this book, I was hooked and began researching and studying the work of Bechamp, Weston Price, Francis Pottenger, R.B. Pearson, Jeff Green, and finally Aajonus Vonderplanitz which made the biggest impact on me. A whole new paradigm opened up for me and I am currently using every waking-minute to study, read, implement, experiment, and observe these new findings.

I still did not officially drop out nor did I tell my parents because I want to be 100% certain of my decision. I still have this notion that maybe as a doctor I would have more possibilities, more status, more resources to change the medical industry and promote better health on this planet. But this is probably a fallacy. My parents are both doctors and they thought I am absolutely nuts when I first told them what I found. But unconsciously they resonated with what I was saying, and especially my mum, as she went over cancer herself and the side-effects of faulty treatment. She now started researching herself and is coming to a very similar conclusion but still thinks I should continue to study medicine as she is sure “Someday I will get a Nobel Prize”. She doesn’t understand, that with what I am promoting, I would probably get killed if I would share this publicly and take the stand against the pharma industry.


Oh and by the way, RegulusQ absolutely rocks!

Just one of the many things I noticed is that my posts here get increasingly exceptional number of likes. I saw it yesterday even though I have all notifications for likes disabled. And now I just checked the forum and I get three announcements for earning “Nice Reply”, meaning I got 10+ likes on my recent posts (and there have not been many).


That’s just crazy. Thank you guys :heart:

That’s the power of Khan+Stark+PCC

And I am telling you, I am seeing similar effects in the real life ahaha. Absolutely love my customs


This is so inspiring to read @friday :slight_smile: Why are we treating the effects of things and not the causes of it?

It’s interesting to watch when they say that flu season is coming, and they start bombarding us with these messages and filling the shelves with meds. We litterally think ourselves to be sick sometimes.

I’m with you on this one. I never get sick anymore since I started to take care of my myself better and started to heal emotionally.

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Hi @friday, how does DaVinciQ compare with TeslaQ.




Khan St4 I have been running Khan St4 for one year in total now and I can confidently say that I have totally integrated Khan into my own personality to the point where it is hard to differentiate what is Khan and what is just naturally me. Not only did I achieve every point on the sales copy but it also all became completely normal for me. I absolutely love this sub and don’t want to ever stop running it. With every day Khan continues to push me to dream big, take action, and achieve all my goals. The best thing about Khan is that it supports me in everything I do, ranging from seduction, business, social interactions, education, skills, mindset, etc. It is all-encompassing and questions and develops me in every way possible. In the combination with Stark, Khan shines even more though the synergy is a bit hard to describe. Basically what is happening is that Khan functions as the big foundation, so everything that happens is filtered through that Khan lens being very prominent in the custom. Stark is built on top of that Khan foundation, executing separately or synergetically depending on the area. For example, in business Khan gives you the overall broad vision for world domination serving as the foundation. When you then sit down to work, Stark triggers and you enter a new state of mind, researching and working like on Stark. Both subs are executing independently but also working synergetically. You are always the Khan. But on top of that foundation, Stark triggers and for example in social settings and you become that super influential, highly likable, most charismatic sexy masculine Khan leader totally basking in the center of attention. Khan is giving the frame and the base and Stark is filling in the rest.
Stark Stark serves as the feminine counterbalance to the masculine polarity of Khan, adding a playful, joyful, going with the flow vibe. This makes life just much more enjoyable. To be honest, I am extremely satisfied with my life right now, letting go and following all my interests. One week it is researching nutrition, the other week it is creating a strategy to make 11k a month from trading, and the next will be diving deep into astrology and spirituality. Stark helps me to become a totally fascinating individual on my terms and helps me to convey that to others. In group settings, I am enjoying the center of attention while I can connect with people on the same wavelength. I am noticing I am much more social, conservative and wittier. People are often totally astonished by my knowledge and perception, and I am manifesting agreement instead of disagreement. In general, people are much nicer to me (or is that only my perception?) and I totally feel loved for being me. I am also much more sexual than on Khan alone and talk about that openly when it fits the situation. Similar to Hank Moody from the series Californication in a way. I also noticed that people are laughing much harder and louder when I make a joke. All in all, the combination is wonderful!
Power Can Corrupt This is the first time I ever listened to PCC and I am totally loving it. I am much for fearless in social situations, aware of what is going on unconsciously, and unable to get manipulated (a well-needed quality as most of my friends or family are Scorpios :wink:). Basically what is happening is that I developed a small voice in my head that tells me what to do or better should not do to keep or improve my social standing, and also informs me when somebody is trying to influence in any way and what his real intentions are. I am have not read all 50 laws so I don’t know exactly which laws I am executing but to quote a conversation with @Hermit:

Iron Frame This module works wonderfully in the combination with Khan, Stark and PCC. Whenever somebody is challenging me with simple negging or more serious accusations, the module kicks in and I totally switch the frame around. This happens automatically and I am either having a witty answer or I am just blowing out the other person’s frame with my energy. If it is more serious, PCC activates and informs me what is going on socially. Iron Frame then helps me to turn the situation around. For example, there was a situation where I got blamed of something nasty with a pretty strong frame. I realized immediately what the reason for that was, namely that she was accusing me to distract from herself. I confronted her with that and easily switched around the frame and with that the whole situation.
Emperor’s Voice Is my voice deeper? Maybe. Maybe not. But there are multiple things I am noticing. Before Regulus, even on Khan, sometimes my voice was weak, especially in the mornings when I have not said something that day before. Volume was never the problem but the voice sometimes was shallow, it did not resonate well. I occasionally had to repeat myself multiple times and I hate repeating myself ahaha. THIS NEVER HAPPENED since now. When I speak, people listen. I am even louder than on Khan alone, and I am always filling the room. Also, I am definitely able to convey emotions better in my voice and my storytelling is improved dramatically.
Direct Influencing Aura I am definitely noticing this module and it is raising my Stark influential skills even more. Basically, I am influencing people without even doing anything (consciously). There were multiple situations where I totally got what I asked for without even trying to persuade somebody. It just happened naturally for me - without me hoping for it or even expecting it - , like a manifestation that is occurring. I am also subconsciously setting the whole energy and frame for the room and I am feeling the LAW OF ONE much more prominently.
Transcendental Connection Oh yeah. I totally love this module! I would say all my relationships improved even in this short time period. What is different is that they are now just more like I want them to be. People are treating me more how I want them to. For example, my friends treat me more like the cool alpha dude and my family treats me in a much more loving way. This was a very fast and natural process and I have not even put conscious effort into it. I would recommend everyone to include this module in a custom as relationships are just so profound gifts in life.
Attachment Destroyer This module is probably the main reason why I am much more openly making sexual references and innuendo. I totally do not care at all about anything but the opinion I have about myself. I just say what I want to say and I am loving this new confidence. I first planned to leave this module out or put it into my Phoenix (Dragon Reborn) custom but it definitely fits in Regulus much better as it is much more a social module than an emotional healing one.
Temptation Sadly we are in the midst of a huge lockdown so I could not test this module properly. However, it is not the first time I am having it in a custom. Besides what is written in the module description, it somehow makes life, in general, more mysterious, sexy, and EXCITING. It is like I experience situations differently because everything is more bad boy and rebel-like.
Panther Same as the above I could not test this module properly yet. However, I am now confident that I could easily seduce anyone I am interested in. Certain girls that I thought to be out of my league and feared talking to, I now just wanna seduce, bent over, and fuck.
Dominion Before choosing this module, I was heavily debating if I should not go for Godlike Masculinity instead. I first and foremost wanted the confidence that comes with either of these modules. In the end, I decided to go for Dominion because A) GM used to make me stoic and I wanted to prevent that at all costs and B) the description of Dominion has something very interesting: “Dominion truly affirms you as the master of your reality”. This is the answer to fear and how to become the most powerful and bold individual. Nothing can rock your ship if you accept that YOU create YOUR REALITY. I think this right here is one of the most profound ideas you can implement into your subconscious mind. And this module is definitely executing what it promises. I totally lost most of my fear. This again was a very smooth process. Fear just crept up less and less. I remember in the old days that I even begin to shiver when I was nervous, until now this has not happened once since running Regulus.
Total Nonchalance I am noticing the effects quite strongly though I am also running Phoenix, a custom that basically does nothing else than making me relax, confident, and chill in every situation. I think it is safe to say that Total Nonchalance helps with that process and additionally it generates a “I am one of the cool kids” aura around me.
Carpe Diem Extended I am definitely waking up happy, motivated and driven to conquer every day. In the last days, I was so in my work tunnel that I even forgot to shower for 3 days straight (I think), at least I cannot remember lol. This module ignites a fire under your ass and you can’t stop working on achieving your goals. And as I said above, I am so fulfilled with what I am doing. I decided to leave Joy the Vivre out for this module because I did not wanna go over 18 modules and it was definitely the right decision for me. I would say Carpe Diem is covering 70% of what Joie the Vivre is doing and if you don’t need or want extra focus then it is fine to leave it out.
Overdrive Am I having more success? Hm, tough question. One thing for sure though is that it helps you to keep going. Yesterday, for example, I was close to a breakdown because my trading bot I was working on 24/7 the last days, just did not work and I felt that there is a fundamental principle that is preventing a bot to make 5% a day consistently from trading. My version 1 was a disaster and version 2 made around -1% a day. I just wanted to cry and leave it all. I think it took two minutes until I was back on my legs, visualized what I wanted to create, and woke up the next day to built v3. Small setbacks along the way are just the natural process for a true winner. Obviously, we have to judge in a few weeks from now if v3 or then maybe v5 or v17 was any better or could be called a success but I am very optimistic.
Tyrant I am getting superb results from my customs, and especially from Regulus, and I am wondering if this is the case because of Tyrant. I run three other customs so far and they were all mediocre in terms of results IN COMPARISION to what I am experiencing now. Either it is because I did not make the mistake of running Terminus as Q works much better for me and only decided to go for 18 modules (Phoenix having 19 and DaVinci only 17) and/or it is because of Tyrant. I don’t even know how it could be scripted but I feel like everything is coming together. Deus and Omnidimensional both did not make such a difference in results in my findings.
Fortune’s Favorite Not sure if I am more “lucky”. This is incredibly hard to measure. For example, there was one instance where the ONLY farmer in my country who sells raw unsalted cheese is selling it just nearby 100 m from my house. Just now, there was another lucky moment where my subscription for a service got prolonged for free :wink:
Yggdrasil This is the fundamental module for all the manifestations that are occurring. Definitely well worth the spot in this custom
Market Weaver I already mentioned a lot in my Overdrive module review above. I am focused on trading like a maniac. I pretty much got the fundamentals down in around one week and started trading. I invested 100$ to play and made some profits and losses and am learning every day. My goal is to make 11k a month from trading this end of April. For that, I would need to make around 5% profit a day. However, while I feel confident to make this amount in a day, I don’t have the time to trade manually every day, which would realistically take around 3-5 hours depending on the market and if I have some small losses on the way, it takes longer. So I am already started to create and program a trading bot that will do the job for me. My v1 version was a disaster and I realized that practical trading with a bot and theoretical trading are COMPLETELY different things. My v2 version was built on a very simple and safe strategy and while it worked to a limited extent, there were just so many unpredictable things I did not consider. After having a two-minute breakdown, I completely rebuild my trading strategy to the one I analyzed to be optimal but could not program initially because it was too complex. Today, I finished it through some unexpected manifestations. I am calling this version 3 “Friday”, this time really being a reference to the A.I. system of Tony Stark. It looks very promising, though it is a huge reward, middle-high risk. We will see tomorrow how it performed over the night. If it fails I will probably rebuild it according to the philosophy of my v2 bot, the safest and stablest one, as I am already had some findings in the creating of v3 that could make it much more efficient and functional in most or all market moves. LOL, I just noticed I am totally feeling like Tony Stark aahhaha.

If you are having any questions to the modules, let me know and I answer them happily if I can


cant believe i read all that some of the modules you using i have planned for a relationship sub so thanks for the review. had the same idea with market weaver. keep thing moving we will see how this year play out good luck also, since we both running own customs for one year and already seeing good benefits

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Can’t believe you even thought about NOT reading everything :wink:

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@GoldenTiger and @Baphomet

I think you have another trader you could swap ideas with.

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What more can I say?

Would you please elaborate on this?

I was told by an experienced trader a number of years back that such bots can do well if the market is consistently going in one direction. Perhaps the algorithms have gotten better?

That guy is the MVP @RVconsultant :point_left:

@friday your experience was just raised to my attention since you are running Stark+Khan, and @RVconsultant tagged me in, me and @Hermit were speaking about Khan’s problem. Basically Khan gives you power, social dominance, sexual dominance… But it will not be Khan that will drive you to work 10 hours a day toward your goal! I remember last summer I was working 10-12 hours a day… relentless! And I was on stark!

I’ve read that Stark seems to take care of that problem with Khan :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: . What would be your observation as far as the archetype that’s created by mixing stark into Khan? Do you get more fame? Did your banter improve?

Also, what program do you use to code your trading algo, I’ve never seen any platform that could be mixed with an algo…!

Thank you!

Hows your verbal communication on Khan? I’ve found myself using less verbal language and communicate more through energy and body language.

I use way fewer words, on Stark I speak a lot and I’m witty, charming, and magnetic. On Khan I’m electric, I feel powerful and I love to dominate socially and lead others, I’m constantly overlooking others – checking whether they are doing what needs to be done. I’ll guide them along the way and I also notice they’re wanting to be lead by me.

It has more drive, dedication, and discipline compared to Stark in my opinion but less productivity and concentration/focus.

On Stark, I’m also way airier and imaginative compared to Khan where I’m really down to earth and observing my environment. @friday, how do Khan & Stark go together?


interested as well to hear hpw stark and khan go together…

I just told my mum that I will drop out of med school. Her reaction was the saddest thing I ever had to encounter. Seeing her crying so hard because of me, broke my heart. :sob:

I need some Love right now :heart:


Sending Love :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

It takes courageous to trust your gut and do what’s best for you and possibly the world, if it goes against a conventional path…parents always, when there remotely functional, just want what is best for their kids ultimately even if it comes out in distorted or less supportive ways. It’s good to remember that lens and I believe there is truth to it.

Once your happy and successful with whatever your doing next, she’ll get over it :slight_smile:


Sending love
Keep your head up, you know what part your on later on you mom will see what this was the alone way you could get you stuff done

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I can understand your compassion for your mom.

Now I want to give you something to think about.

I’m thinking she’s crying because she’s grieving the loss of an expectation or because she’s afraid of “what will you do next” or “what will others think”. Just a guess. I doubt you did anything except told her what already happened. You were just being honest with something she would have known about eventually.

I’m sure she still loves you too.

PS I’m a fan of you man because you got that awesome, well planned custom subliminal, been consistently listening to it, and making progress towards your dreams!


Thank you :heart: