The Journey Begins: Warrior

You are now no longer the Chosen One, grasshopper. To make it more mysterious, call it “The Journey Begins: Warrior X” instead. :slight_smile:


I got into a car accident today.

The girl I was with got out immediately and went over to the car that I hit to check up on the driver (I was driving her car) and the driver of that car flipped her shit at her and got out of the car, yelling and threatening me. She looked like a stereotypical Karen, while driving a BMW convertible to boot.

I told my girl to come back and I’ll handle it. Spoke to the lady and got back to the car, and my girl was basically sitting there with her jaw dropped. In about a minute that lady went from yelling and ready to call the cops, to laughing and smiling while apologizing for her behaviour (keep in mind that I hit her).

Now I’ve always been a charismatic and charming person, I’ve been described as such for basically my whole life and it definitely isn’t the first time that I’ve gotten myself out of a sticky situation with my charm and charisma. Having said that, I do think Stark plays into my natural personality perfectly and helps accentuate it further. All it’s doing is helping me refine myself further, like sharpening the blade. From all of the Sub Club archetypes available, Stark seems to fit me the most by far.


this is the one thing I would love for more people to realize and understand.

trust me man, you’re in for a ride, and in a cycle or 2, you’ll feel like the sales page just describes you :wink:

a tip on the side: ME first thing when you wake up :wink:

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Some disappointing news, I was refused my first choice of program, which is unfortunate.

With that said, I’ve been accepted to my second choice, which is a nice consolation. The difference between running and not running Stark, dang.

Oh well, these things happen for a reason. Time to make the best out of a situation.

I’m in a bit of disarray when it comes to what happened, I had specific plans set in place because I was sure of getting into the program that I wanted. I think this program that I got accepted in will give me a bit more of a chance to focus on other endeavours without going all-in on one thing, which is a good thing. The types of jobs with this program, while good, are not as interesting to me as the other program would be, but they would still be fun.

I also had plans to start my new stack in April when I started the program but the program I got accepted to actually begins in March instead, so my plans for the stack that I wanted to run are a bit up in the air, since I wanted to have ran at least 2 cycles of the stack that I’m currently on. MTM has already been integrated into me at this point, and Stark will be by the end of this month but Mind’s Eye still needs another cycle before I can feel comfortable switching it out.

The idea is to run a stack focused on intelligence, so I’m thinking something like QL, Limitless and SI, but I’m not sure about running Limitless and QL at the same time. Maybe running Mind’s Eye instead could be a good idea. Hard to say, but any feedback would be appreciated.

These threads have some discussion on Limitless vs. QL: LimitlessQ vs Quantum LimitlessQ ST4; Limitless ZP vs. Quantum Limitless; Quantum Limitless Q Vs Limitless Q.


A septillion thanks to you for that excellent explanation of how subs work. The old school song is playing in my head, I Can See Clearly Now. Namaskar.:pray::pray::+1:

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Mind’s Eye is a game changer. Everyone needs to run this sub.

I completely underestimated the impact of visualization on our day-to-day lives. Mind’s Eye helps with anything you want it to, I think it’s going to be a permanent fixture from here on out. Even when this journal comes to an end (and by that, I’m implying the end of my use of Muay Thai Mastery) and I begin my 3rd chapter of my subliminal journey, I expect Mind’s Eye to be there.

While it hasn’t helped me for intellectual benefits per say, it has been amazing for Muay Thai. I’ve been able to visualize myself doing things so much easier, and it’s allowing me to pick things up a lot faster. Mind’s Eye is a dark horse for anyone looking for increased performance in any physical task. Hopefully as I run it more and more, I’ll be able to learn how to apply it to leverage the law of attraction and mental tasks, but the physical benefits have been huge.


Week 2 of running 3 subs a day has been significantly easier than week 1 and all of that insta-recon. Building tolerance can be done pretty quickly, I’m pretty happy about that. I wonder how much that weekend-washout had to do with it feeling much better, I suspect it significantly helps ease the load from the 3 subs.


I’ve been having difficulty lately with facing my fears. Ever since my concussion in December, I’ve been hesitant to spar people that are better than me. I’m wondering what to do to address this issue, changing the stack seems like an easy way out so I want to actually address these issues head-on myself.

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Expansion. Restriction. Balance.

Been reflecting on those concepts lately. Expansion is the drive for progress, restriction is the return to the self. The juxtaposition of these two concepts imply a sense of balance in the dynamic, so to add a balance on top of all of that seems redundant at first.

But it only seems redundant because of the narrow view that we (or at least I) tend to have; I’m looking at the pursuit of self-development through a vacuum, which dismisses the inter-connected nature of the way we live our lives. There is no it without the other, there is no self-made person.

That scares me, but it shouldn’t because that’s how we’ve all always lived. The idea that I’ve ever accomplished anything by myself is a lie I say to myself to boost my own self-worth. We are nothing without others, the bit-parts of our lives are anything but that.

Had my first crazy dreams in weeks today, I don’t remember the details but there was a younger person who I was speaking with that tried to kill me.

These wild dreams tend to happen after I’ve watched some sort of movie or TV show, because the dreams tend to follow a similar aesthetic.

Forgot to mention how the other day, I landed a super smooth trip in clinch while my opponent was throwing a knee. I have no idea how I tripped him unfortunately, it just happened. I didn’t force it, I don’t remember moving myself in a specific way, I just moved a bit and all of a sudden he was on the ground and people in the background were yelling “oooweeee”.

Today’s the final day of the 3 sub experimentation cycle. Now my 4 day washout will determine whether or not I will continue with this routine.

I have an idea: I think I’m going to watch a bunch of movies that feature the Stark/INTP archetype and see what impact they have on my subconscious. I’ll be able to see the results through the dreams that I have, since using Stark while watching a lot of movies has caused me to dream a lot, in a world similar to the movie that I’m watching. I haven’t had many dreams lately, so I want to try to trigger that again and see what happens.

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I had a similar idea yesterday, except I was thinking about watching movies, shows or even anime (if I find) related to marketing and stuff.

Guess we’re both trying to level up ourselves by utilizing the RAIKOV effect of Stark :wink:

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Great Starks think alike :wink:

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Today was the first time I ever legit dominated someone who was actually decent. It felt so easy, when I felt his weight and force I just intuitively knew how to throw him. I threw him once but let him down softly, and helped him back up and he thanked me. When I threw him again on the ground I tried to brace his fall and make it easier but his legs got in the way so I got tangled and he dragged me down with him.

Dude makes a comment saying “you were able to throw me but you shouldn’t be falling too” and I paused and responded, telling him “don’t take it too personal” and he fist bumps me and says ‘no no, no problem’ and we go again. So I wasn’t really thinking about it, but we clinch again and when I got the opportunity, I made the man fly, legs in the air and everything. Didn’t even expect it to go that well for me, I was surprised.

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So my cousin, who I taught about crypto about 9 months ago, has become a pro at flipping NFTs and has been making boatloads of money since.

Meanwhile my crypto portfolio has been going down with the market, to the point where I’m not even paying attention right now. I need to stop waiting around and start doing some shit.

Next cycle will be my last MTM cycle for the time being
Unfortunate to see that this journal will be coming to an end soon, because I’ve had a lot of fun with MTM. The improvement I’ve made running this sub over the past 3 months has been amazing.

Unfortunately life happens, and other priorities come calling. I’ve ignored a direct development of my intellect for long enough, I can’t do it anymore. I am also fed up sitting and watching people make money while I’m frozen by inactivity and the fear of failure, while I continue to make ezcuses like a lack of time.