Limitless ZP vs. Quantum Limitless

If you had to choose between the new Limitless ZP and the QL, which one would you choose and why?

I am wondering if the new ZP tech makes Limitless more efficient than QL :man_shrugging:


I think I would have wait until Ql zp is out. You know Ql zp WILL outsmart every learning sub on this earth :wink:

Funny, I’d say the exact opposite actually. QL ZP will be amazing of course, but 1. multi-stagers need to be developed into ZP first, and it’s hard to say the ETA of when that will come and 2. a multi-stager requires a significant amount of commitment to one singular stack.

So if you need results ASAP you’re better off running Limitless ZP, so it would absolutely be more efficient than anything Q can offer, in my opinion at least.

Why not buy both :joy::joy:
Actually I was expecting that ql will come out once DR is complete. (After khan ofc as per demand)
Reasons: 1)they will figure out healing in DR
That might help in building Ql st1
2)On ql st1 I felt more committed that Limitless q
3) If I remember correctly they almost have script for almost every sub and I believe they have such prototype scripts for Ql too. So…

Btw I think you are correct. Why to wait. Grab one and get on journey :muscle:

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