The Invictus Experience (Stark ZP + ME ZP)

What he said :joy::grin:

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Hahahah well, please DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DO THIS

But the pattern is basically 5 days on 2 days off, or I do 6 days on and 1 day off (depends on how I feel on the 6th day), then I listen to 4 loops a day.

Now, when I say 4 loops, I mean total, so whether I do 4 different programs, or just 2 different ones at 2 loops each, I limit myself to 4 loops max, or else I have to take a rest day next day.


Damn you are a beast, I wonder that you can listen to more is related to higher IQ or something else.

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But I am actually torn between the side with Friday and the rest of them who say that less is more and had very few loops and on the other side is you :).

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I actually can handle 3 loops in one day. And when I tried to listen to one loop the very next day I had quite a bad sleep, my REM phase was very small, so I guess I need that rest day in between.

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Interesting method, I’ll still do the every other day listen and recently I tried out the three day rest before the next 21 day stack. Still interesting to think about listening to it for that many times, I wonder if that is also since you were a tester and had more exposure to it and the other builds. Thank you for letting us know :grin:


Not gonna lie, if i hadnt seen ZPs power for myself, id probs think youre BSing lol. This is such a damn impressive result!
Really damn impressed how you can just control a room despite coming from a position where you want something from them. Kinda wish i could meet you IRL so i could see how you pull your magic lol.


Are you doing also a washout after 21 days?


lol I knew this story would be awesome. You handled that like a pro.


Hahaha, well the way subs work for me is as follows:

Every listen increases my baseline, like getting EXP in a video game.

When I take a rest day, my baseline stays as high as it was the previous day, just like how you won’t gain any EXP if you didn’t play for a day.

After that, soon as I listen to a loop again, my baseline goes up again, like gaining more EXP once you play again.

So at the end of my washout, my baseline goes up by a HUGE amount.

That’s also why I can use subs like Chosen as just a booster, because I have listened to them enough to really build them inside my brain, in a part of its own, and whenever I listen to a loop, I just open that part of my brain and let that specific side of me come out.

And yes I do 3 days washouts every 21 days.


I was with a friend earlier actually, who sees a lot of my IRL results, and he made a comment earlier, saying “your life is a straight up Netflix series” :rofl:

Seems like my Stark aura is effecting you too :wink::joy:

But thanks man :stuck_out_tongue:


Hahaha thanks man, now we wait for next week to compare both offers and make a decision, most likely where I went today.

Also it turned out that it’s not really that much dominated by women (in terms of ratio), guess they might have been checking my openness to working with women, the last time they interviewed me.
But yeah, the atmosphere today alone was enough to persuade me to work here.


Stark + Chosen feel like they give you that Chris Hemsworth vibe, specifically from Thor Ragnarok and men in black.

Seeing how Thor Ragnarok is one of my favorite MCU movies, it makes sense now why this combo feels so much better than all the other combos I tried.
No inner conflict, no opposite directions, no feeling of “is this good enough for long term?”.

Just feels right.

Primal, on the other hand, made me feel like I have this panther like vibe, like deep down inside, I felt like a wild, yet calm, predator.
I don’t think I wanna keep it in my stack though, because I don’t see the use of it :rofl: but hey, worth the try.

From what I felt though, the sub feels like it has a lot of IDGAF nonchalance in it, almost similar to WANTED, but unique in its own way, very similar to EmpZP as well, and since it’s mainly inner game, I kinda felt like it didn’t really give me something I didn’t have. It’s like playing a tutorial level in a game that you already mastered.


Can I tell you that you are my hero :)?

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How do you NOT see the use in that? :smiley:


Hahahah why :rofl:

I shall reply to you with a better explanation in a while, but for now, just know that the 2 categories of “alpha” titles that Saint mentioned before, is the same reason for why I said I have no use for it.

I’m better off with a “Charismatic alpha” title, than a “dominant alpha” title.


I know, I wasn’t being too serious there.

Imma test the dominant alpha soon with PS and RM to balance things. Always be testing!

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From what I know about you, and seen you talk, I think you’re more suited for charismatic alpha titles (not saying you’re not good with a dominance one), but you seem like an Engager.

Well, my natal chart has me on Primal, for sure.

Although that might not necessarily be dominant, more like ANIMALISTIC :wink: