The Healer <Regeneration Q + Elixir Ultima>

I did a regressive healing technique and now pain is at 5% and my mood is great.
Im gonna enjoy for a while and then some sleep.


Today I started with a loop of Elixir Ultima while I was still half asleep… quickly I dropped all the way down and got some weird dreams.

I already listen to 2 loops of Regeneration with a couple of hours of silence in between.
I feel very emotional, cant say for sure what Im feeling but I do feel emotions finding their way out.

Some anger, then some loneliness, then some sadness.
Ive been horny all morning but I can easily notice its just a mechanism to try and feel good.


I just had a huge emotional clearing… as I said before I was feeling emotional and then a weight in my chest appeared, I was definitely feeling hopeless, as I did yesterday too.
Hopeless in the sense that I feel trapped, like I was never gonna be able to trascend the bad shit that happened to me and I will always be sad. That there was no point in even trying.

I did some emotional clearing and got a huge relief.

Im still horny but not as much as before and I dont feel the need to use sex to enhance my mood.


Wow this is day 10 already of Regen+Elixir!
At day 15 Im gonna add a loop of 1 of my customs, PS+Stark+Alchemist st4 is the chosen one. Just 1 loop a day since its a Terminus build.


This is happening for me too. Emotional baggage getting lighter and lighter. So much lighter that I only need a portable cabin bag. In the end, we will need no emotional carry-ons lol.

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Ive been wondering if there is any benefit in rebuilding my customs in a more precise/focused way (in Q strenght to avoid heavy reconciliation). Rearranging the cores and modules and skip mosaic.

Current build:
Rearranged idea

Maybe even remove some of the healing modules, since Regeneration Q and Elixir Ultima works so good.

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Stripped down versions:

@anon2351792 I have felt that trapped feeling myself. I could be wrong but I think that feeling stems from not being in line with our values or beliefs about ourselves and our lives. Expectations not met or unhappy in a relationship or job and not having a clue what to do or feeling frozen in place.


Yeah @James that definitely struck a chord in me… I feel that I been holding on to an expectation of how my life was supposed to be and that is bringing pain.

Thanks for sharing it made things clearer.


I did some digging and emotional release of my expectations about life and how it was supposed to be.
It had an interesting and subtle effect in my mood, but pretty distinct.

I had some residual pain in my knee from the other day, minor pain but I could still feel it. Now after the exercise its fully gone.


Feeling pretty good and ready for a loop of Elixir Ultima before a deep sleep.

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I keep liking Elixir Ultima more and more… every loop digs something new out for clearing.
This time some nasty shit with my first girlfriend came out from god knows where… I could see it all from the outside, without feeling part of it, from this perspective I could feel free from that experience and a wave of pleassure filled my body.


@anon2351792 I feel the same way when I run Elixir. I keep telling myself I can take on more but that’s not true. I’m going to stick with Elixir and Regeneration as well.
I wasn’t being very nice earlier and that’s when I realized I need to pull back to the minimum. I need to get my shit together


It took me a while but now Im convinced that when it comes to subs, the less is more approach works wonders.

Dont get your shit together, get rid of your shit! It works better that way :joy:


Last night I had a dream in wich I gave a girl a tarot reading, the dream is cool for many reasons.

First I could see the cards in such a great detail and intuitively know what they mean.
Apparently I know a lot more about tarot than I gave myself credit for, cause all the details in the reading where accurate in regards of the symbolism meanings.

There where more cards in my dream tarot, the minor arcana had 5 suits instead of the regular 4. It had Swords (air), Wands (fire), Cups (water), Pentacles (earth) and Spirit, like the 5 elements in magick.


I went on an interpretation about libido and sexual energy, cant remember the whole details, but there was a second girl watching from the outside, she had fire red hair and was looking at me with desire.

She looked like Lady Godiva…



Yesterday I recieved my new glasses after many years of not wearing them, now I have to adapt my eyes to them, since I have astigmatism wearing glasses distorted the shapes of objects and its making me a little dizzy.
It should be ok in a couple of days.

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@anon2351792 Yeah you’re correct. I can definitely feel Regeneration and Elixir working as I don’t let certain people or situations push me into an immediate panic any longer. I am really working on becoming aware that someone else’s opinions or tantrums and outbursts don’t have anything to with me and it’s not my place to criticize them even when they lash out at me or make unnecessary comments. I don’t let people talk down to or disrespect me either. I have begun to learn to grey rock the narcissists I have to deal with. I understand now that people want control and are waiting for a response. I now step back almost instantly and I don’t so much shut down as just get nonchalant.


Day 13 of Regeneration Q + Elixir Ultima.

Next monday I will add one of my customs, 1 loop a day for starters.
Ive been listening to about 3 loops of Regen and 1 of Elixir daily, and resting on weekends, so tomorrow is resting time.
I havent been able to exercise because Im resting my knee after I injured it las saturday, its good now but I rather give it one more day of recovery.

Yesterday I was aware of many issues that keep popping in my head with clarity and went on with emotional healing exercises. Whats cool is I no longer feel rushed to heal, I cant observe, be aware and decide whats the best approach.

Ive been working in getting my work to be known, to reach more people and this week I been having a lot more interest from people to book sessions, only 1 new client book her session but 4 more already said yes. Its movement in the right direction.
I feel it to be directly related to a belief change induced by Regeneration/Elixir.

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Thats a great thing my friend, it makes life so much better.

Being a native spanish speaker, I didnt know the word nonchalant even existed until the module in the Q store was released, whats worse I dont think I ever felt very nonchalant… but now that I feel this way I gotta tell you, its awesome!! Its now my favorite word/attitude.


@anon2351792 - Ditto!