The Great Khan's Journal

Day 6:

Woke up this morning feel great. Went out for some sun and a morning jog.

I’ve really cut down on nootropics since starting Khan. I used to be really into nootropics a couple years back, tried a whole bunch of random shit, then realized there’s no magic pill to make me superhuman. Since then I’ve cut out most of the stuff I used to take, but I left in a few nootropics that genuinely helped me make small, self-improving changes.

With Khan, I feel like I don’t need to rely on those anymore. I was aware before, albeit at the back of my mind, that my use of nootropics was just making deeper problems in my psyche. Now with Khan I can see that hiding the symptoms of my inner problems through nootropics isn’t going to work and I need to focus on working on my self-image first. I still use some of old favorites on occasion, but now they’re a booster instead of a crutch.

In RPG video game terms, I now use nootropics as a potion to give me a boost to my stats before before big boss fights. I rely on my own skills and abilities and only need potions for the special edge. I used to take 10 potions at the same time just to fight regular enemies, while ignoring the fact that my stats and abilities were trash.


Day 7:

Growing sense of my subconscious pushing me to change and better my life. I’m moving away from the old instant gratifications habits (porn, video games, etc.) and focusing on self-development (reading, exercise, networking.)

Challenges that would’ve made me feel defeated before, fuel my desire to get better. I feel more inner strength and see my problems now as opportunities to overcome my old weaknesses.

I’ve definitely noticed the ST1 rewiring my through patterns to be in line with a more successful me. I’ve been running ST2 as well throughout the day as well because if ST1 is total breakdown, it makes sense to me that you have to replace the negative thought patterns with better ones, hence ST2. ST1 by itself helped me to heal and better cope, but didn’t drive me to do more. With ST2 I feel a greater push to change. I imagine once I start ST3 (probably won’t for at least another month) my inner voice driving me to succeed will grow crazy strong.


ST1 has Khan Core in it to replace the negative thought patterns with the Khan one.

So would it be worth it to you to focus on the Total Breakdown for a solid number of days / weeks, before moving on to the next state?

It is up to you. Just wanted to point out that ST1 has the Khan Core scripting to replace the negative thought patterns already.


Interesting, if that’s the case I might try to double down on ST1 for now.

What would you say then is the main focus of ST2? And how does it differ most significantly from ST1?


Keep up the excellent work! Love to read your journal as I notice very similar effects



I don’t know how different ST1 is compared to ST2, but ST1 definitely has the full Khan Core scripting.

After 150 hours of Khan ST1, I had better results now with women than 4 months of Primal and Primal Seduction Iron Throne, and you know how much I loved those two and how well the results they gave me were.


Day 8:

Today was a real slog. Lots of grinding for my last few finals. Had to bus up and down the metro area today to meet up with friends and study. Got home to catch the tail end of a big argument in my family (nothing too serious I usually joke with my family about how we all seem to like fighting.) Figured I’d catch up on some more final reviewing tonight, only to find some water got into my keyboard and it’s busted. Just spent an hour trying to fix my keyboard and lifting boxes around my garage looking for an old keyboard. Typing this out on my replacement right now.

What does this all have to do with Khan? Well strange as it sounds I feel great right now. Like nothing can bother me. I do feel tired after being hit with everything today, but it’s a completely different tiredness than I’m used too. I used to become kind of depressed after a hard day. I’d just sulk around feeling sorry for myself or escape into porn/video games. But I don’t feel bad at all right now. My tiredness is the feeling that I really pushed myself to my limits today. Even though not everything worked out the way I exactly wanted, I played hard and really made some improvements. Before, my brain would make feel like shit for all the challenges I have to go through. Now my brain is telling me that the challenges and the setbacks that come with them are building a stronger me. The description of Khan forcing you to tackle your mental weakness head-on is no joke. The healing can be brutal and difficult, but then you see your new strength manifesting in your life.


Days 9 and 10:

Nothing too eventful the last couple of days. I do get a stronger sense that my brain is pushing me to change. Khan’s made it much easier to focus on self-development (reading, going to the gym, networking). Before I could do all those things but it’d really wear me out, but now I feel more and more motivated to get out and take control of my life.

Getting more women wasn’t one of the main reasons I went with Khan, but I’ve noticed Khan eliminates anxiety. There’s a part of your mind giving you more confidence to talk to girls and being cool and relaxed the entire time. Will have to explore this more and report back when I have more time for clubbing.


Day 11:

Had some more free time today so went with the 24/7 listening to ST1 and ST2 ultrasonic. Now I’m finally getting the deep exhaustion other members have mentioned with constantly running subs. But that’s not stopping me from making changes to my life. I worked out harder today than I ever have the last few months. Khan is strengthening the voice at the back of my head telling to go out and take more from life.

Khan has really been making me confront the fears in my life. Instead of just sitting there and feeling anxious, Khan has been driving me to overcome and heal from the things holding me back. I’m able to embrace the challenges in my life rather than being afraid of them.


Day 12:

Noticing more confidence talking to new people. Much easier to fall into relaxed, flowing conversation. More energy than usual. I spent a lot of time with my family today what with Father’s Day coming up and I felt more charismatic and friendly (the rest of my family noticed too.)

I’ve been running ST1 and ST2 together on a playlist, but I’m reconsidering if that’s the most efficient way to use them. After reading @AMASH’s fantastic results, I’m thinking of focusing on ST1 for the next couple of days. Will update once I get a better sense of how ST1/ST2 combined compares with ST1 solo. :slight_smile:


Thank you.

I have never listened to any of the other stages. Only ST1 since the first day of the month.


Day 13:

Went with solo ST1 for most of today. Definitely a different feeling than I’ve gotten running ST1/ST2 on a playlist for the last week.

Starting off this morning, ST1 solo felt more calming and there was a feeling of ease and flow.

But after a couple hours, I got the depressed feeling others have reported in their journals. A lot of old, bad memories are resurfacing with the negative shit that comes with it. Not feeling too great as I wrap up the night. I’m not at all discouraged and will keep up ST1 solo for the next week. I read in @AMASH’s journal it took him 200 hours of ST1 to move beyond the negative feelings so I still got a ways to go.


Day 14:

Negative feelings are a bit more manageable today. I’m moving towards embracing the struggle of getting over my past trauma, though it’s still uncomfortable as hell. It’s strange, I get the sense that my life is getting better, but I still feel like shit. No pain, no gain I suppose.

Something I noticed today is that people are a lot more eager to talk more me. Several strangers just struck up conversations with me throughout the day. One of them worked for a local company I was looking into and we had a nice chat. Another gave me good advice about how to approach graduate school. Not sure how all of this ties into Khan, but running the sub has improved the sense of flow in my life.


Day 15:

Feeling a stronger push to tackle my fears head-on rather than avoid them. My mind seems to be digging up more and more old, repressed memories. The emotional pain is still there, but it’s easier to deal with as I listen to ST1.

I get the sense that I shouldn’t be moving onto ST2. There’s a lot more healing for me to do and I’ll stick with ST1 for the next couple of weeks until I see a breakthrough.


It’s funny, just today I was thinking it would be valuable to stay with ST1 for longer than 30 days. And I see you mentioning the same, and also read this:


I’ll be interested in seeing how long you eventually end up running ST1. It’ll be the basis for my own healing process.

When I was running ST2 I noticed it was easier than ST1. Less depression and anger. But now that I’m getting a picture from other users, maybe its because ST2 is all about building on top of existing programming so it won’t tear you down like ST1 will. If that’s the case, I think it would be even more important for me to focus on ST1 for a good while longer. Otherwise I’d be building all my new ST2 programming on a shaky foundation.


Day 16:

ST1 has really been opening up the repressed parts of mind. I realized the anger and depression that ST1 brought out of me was always there before, but now I’m able to release it. It’s tough cause a lot of times I’d rather just avoid the bad feelings that get over them, but with Khan I’m empowered to express all the buried negative feelings. It makes me feel vulnerable, but I’m slowly seeing the healing start to kick in to build a stronger me. ST1 has really been doing some really deep digging into my psyche in the last few days and I’m going to continue with it until I feel completely rebuilt.


Day 17:

No big changes, but I’m feeling more in tune with my emotions. I can embrace my feelings fully and without judgement even if they can be unpleasant. This can manifest as anger or irritability sometimes because there have been times where I haven’t stood up for myself or pushed myself to go for what I want. I’d usually just bury these feelings but with ST1 I’m moving in the direction of letting those feelings into my mind to drive me into action without being overwhelmed by negativity.


Day 18:

Moved into the anger phase. I’m releasing all my pent-up emotions. On the upside, it’s way easier for me to be assertive and speak my mind. On the downside, I’m confronting people over anything that bothers me. I feel more aware of my rage and frustration, and more willing to express them.

My mind is starting to clear up. It’s hard to describe exactly, but kind of a feeling of lightness. Like old stuff has been cleared out and I can see things through a new perspective. I’m not as freaked out by my negative emotions (fear, sadness, anger, etc.) as before. I used to bury them because I couldn’t handle dealing with them. Now I can completely let them out. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a struggle. My hand is still healing from a couple of times I punched a wall this week. But I don’t feel overwhelmed anymore. I express the negative shit and I then I get over it. Before I would sit in my pity and self-loathing. Now I release it and move on.


That’s encouraging @laughingprince. Thanks for posting that.