The "Billions Mindset" Wealth Journal (Previously Ascended Mogul)

Coming from a sales environment myself, I’d say that Wanted certainly has helped. Particularly when interacting with female clients. It seems people are more engaged with you and willing to listen to you, perhaps because of looking great (that I’m sure has a factor), but also I feel like due to the mysteriousness of “this guy knows some things and I should listen to him” factor. I would recommend it.

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Totally. @Invictus’ journal was very inspiring and I read it after making that comment… made it seem like a great option.

I already feel like female clients are often better customers for me… I work with realtors and I find working with and selling to women awesome because they’re more willing to hire a team to help, more willing to listen and follow the lead in a sales call. Their conversion is good if they can afford the service, and they’re more flexible clients, AKA they’ll be more loyal even if the results are hit and miss sometimes.

This’ll be great.

I’m now HIGHLY considering Wanted.


Oops… just listened to a full hour of my custom on masked, then I somehow accidentally opened an ultrasonic file and was listening to that on HIGH VOLUME WITH HEADPHONES for half an hour. Turning it off now, I’m feeling a shit ton of recon. Heaviness in my chest, lack of ease, inability to dive back into my work…

Good thing my lunch break is right now, lol!

Plus I forgot to mention but Wanted definitely gives that nonchalant edge which I find very practical for my particular style of selling. I’m very much the opposite of the classic “pushy salesman” stereotype, and tend to be very laid back which Wanted helps with. People seem to resonate with this style especially since it’s congruent with my natural personality.

So if that’s a style that resonates, Wanted will certainly help you there as well.


Amazing. I’m the same way. Alright, definitely going to report on my progress. Might have my first loop tonight

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@Lion and others have very convincing day 1 summaries of their experience on wanted


Awesome, sounds like WANTED is the perfect fit then. Let us know how you like it!

Listened to my first loop of Wanted after my work day, before going out on a date with my girlfriend.

Wanted was AMAZING, I could feel it coursing through our entire interaction. I was way more present with her and let her talk a LOT more. I didnt try to say anything impressive for the majority of the night, I felt more comfortable being myself than I have in a long time.

By “myself,” I don’t mean authentic, I figured out authenticity a long time ago… I more so mean I felt comfortable sitting there being quieter and less self-focused.

When i did talk, I felt like she hung on my every word, and what I was saying was a lot more interesting. I opened up more fully when I did open up, but did so without losing my composure.

I felt very self assured throughout the entire interaction. I also noticed myself being a bit coquetteish. I would intensely gaze into her eyes while she spoke, for a while, but then I would look out the window very intently for a while, to balance it out.

I could also feel my perception of my physical traits changing. NOT the traits themselves, just to clarify. But I did notice a measurable improvement in posture. But what was beneficial but untangible was this feeling of being bigger taller and taking up more space.

In the middle of the loop i could FEEL the exact moment that my perception of height changed. My posture shot into proper position and I felt myself be pulled taller almost by magic, more than posture alone would attribute to.

That’s the first time I’ve ever felt the hypnosis in the subs at all, let alone that powerfully.

@Ice this is gonna be an awesome add to my stack.
@IRON this is the male version of Seductress
@Pyro @AlexanderGraves great sub to listen to while in a relationship… might have a bad interaction with Khan tho


Dude I’ve felt that too! Just went home to my parents house (childhood home I grew up in) last weekend, and the ceilings legitimately felt much lower. Like I felt physically bigger in the house in this weird way. Must be something in wanted related to this.

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But those results are outstanding man! Keep us posted how it goes. One piece of advice is definitely take it gradually when it comes to WANTED. Overexposure can definitely wipe you out from the energy requirements of it.

Can’t wait to hear how it helps with your sales.

Yeah that was the plan. My custom is already fucking DENSE. 3 cores + an ultima core, I don’t want to overdo it or take away from my main goal which is fully fleshed out in that custom. Not to mention the sexual/confidence elements of wanted are nice, but definitely a distraction from my major goals. Although it would help relationship-wise, which is also very important.

Gonna listen to it once every 4-7 days to start and see how it goes.

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[quote=“Billions, post:71, topic:9205”]
s already fucking DENSE. 3 cores + an ultima core, I don’t want to overdo it or take away from my main goal which is fully fleshed out in that custom. Not to mention the sexual/confidence elements of wanted are nice, but definitely a distraction from my major goals. Although it would help relationship-wise, which is also very important.

Gonna listen to it once every 4-7 days to start and see how it goes. At the very least, the wit, confidence, and nonchalance factors in it should pair well with the social elements already in my custom.

BTW I really need to name my custom. I’ll try and think of some sort of ethical Jordan Belfort Wolf Of Wall Street style name.

Jordan Wellfort?


I’m gonna go with SalesMasteryQ because it’s hyper specific to JUST that. I’m not even trying to build up a persona… it’s purely sales driven. So yes,

I hereby dub my custom SalesMasteryQ


That’s a great plan. When I first started WANTED I was feeling so great on it, even running multiple loops some days (pre-Qv2 recommendations) and eventually got smacked with such fatigue that I was hardly functional for an entire week.

You are employing a much smarter plan.


Love the name! Speaks volumes about what it’s all about. Could be a main title with a name like that :raised_hands:t4:

interesting to see someone else sharing my view here haha, Wanted will make your girlfriend want you more :wink:
also I know no one has really said this but Wanted does seem to affect my girlfriend in a way that makes her somewhat "submissive’, she does what i tell her and everything, but be careful cause your girl might become too clingy :sweat_smile:

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Oh my!!! Love the way you described every single detail! I think I understand Wanted way much more now. Amazing that you’re happy with the results so far :3

*Alrighty guys, it’s the weekend again. Let’s talk subs!

I go one day on with my custom and one day off. If I want to listen to a second subliminal on my “on” day I can, and lately, it’s usually Mogul for the added wealth benefits. Moving forward, I’m going to make listening to Ascended Mogul a mandatory part of my stack.

On my off day, I listen to an ultima or two to still get subliminal boosts to my work and productivity. Usually GLM if it’s a sales day or BLU if its not. Moving forward, I’m going to add sanguine on a regular basis.

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Possible changes to my stack and the results of experimenting around with it…

TL;DR Wanted is good, S&S is not for me, SMX might be, Sanguine is going to be an ultima for off days, and I’m going to listen to Ascended Mogul so that it becomes the driver in my stack.

Listening to Wanted was cool. Had great results with my girlfriend. Not sure how it would relate to sales apart from outrageous confidence and nonchalance. I’ll definitely experiment with Wanted on a sales day.

I’ve been taking less action and being a bit more distracted than usual, so, after seeing @Pyro’s post on 180 days of AM, I decided to bring Ascended Mogul, rather than Mogul, which will help make AM the driver of my whole stack since it’s in my custom plus looped on its own now.

Also inspired by @Pyro, I’m going to experiment with prioritizing Sanguine as my Ultima of choice. Sanguine seemed to be the driver of his increasing happiness, and his combo of Sanguine + AM had the unintended consequence of increasing his sex drive, which I want and feel I need.

I also listened to one loop of Sex and Seduction this week after seeing @Simon talk about how good it was for a sales stack. On experimenting, I realized it’s not the sub for me. I hoped it would improve my sales and simultaneously increase my sex drive with my partner, but it did neither. It made me more distracted at work (thinking about other women) and I can tell that it would probably increase my sex drive, but moreso for women outside my relationship. Not good.

Sex Mastery X is going to be what I listen to if I want to improve my sex life within my relationship.


My first big post talking about reconciliation in detail

TL;DR; now that I have a few months listening under my belt, I see how recon hits me on a macro level. I intensely want to switch or stop subs as my main symptom of recon. I also become “cocky” and stop following my good habits. I’ve been drinking alcohol after 4 years of being mostly sober. I also get unproductive if I’m overexposed but that only lasts for one, maybe two days.

TLDR # 2; I stopped listening to Heartsong after getting great results, and yesterday my girlfriend had a panic attack from Jealousy/insecurity/anxiety.

Day-by-day recon isn’t worth reporting, to me. The equation is simple on a micro-level… overexpose yourself to subs and you’ll regret it.

But I’m VERY interested in reconciliation on a macro level.

The biggest types of recon I feel are the desire to switch to a new sub, the desire to add more subs to my stack, exacerbated procrastination, and impulsivity.

Impulsivity is the most interesting one and has undone a fair chunk of the benefits that subs have given me… when I got a bit of success in the business, my first response was to drop all of my habits. I spent 4 whole years of my life being obsessed with sobriety and perfect routines so that I could figure myself out and make something of my life. I was pretty committed to healing my brain, increasing my work ethic, decreasing my ADHD, and overcompensating for drug and alcohol filled high-school years.

The moment I got a bit of success though, I stopped making the sacrifices that I had been making to get there. I got comfortable drinking again, and my habit quickly slipped into a multiple times per week occurrence where I’m drinking at least 2-3 glasses of wine "to relax."

At this moment, I’m really present to the fact that I’ve been choosing having fun, letting loose, and socializing over accomplishing my goals and living the life I want to live. I’ve become inconsistent. I don’t wake up in the mornings full of energy, I don’t work as hard as I did, and I make more mistakes.

The feeling that I have been living with these past few weeks as a result is a lack of total presence, often disappointment in myself that I can’t exactly articulate or describe, and a quite frequent feeling when I’m doing something else that I should actually be working.

I also stopped listening to a sub, we stopped listening to heartsong completely because I forgot about it/thought it was working its magic on us.

Now that I think about it, we stopped listening to Heartsong around the same time I started drinking alcohol again.

It’s been three weeks since we last listened to HS, and yesterday, my girlfriend’s hyper-anxiety and insecurity/jealousy came back in full force. It’s been one of those subs where we listen to it so infrequently and yet it gives such massive rewards… so I’ve been listening to it less and less expecting the same results. But stopping it completely was a forgetful mistake and bad idea.

2 days ago, my girlfriend had a full-blown panic attack about one girl that she knew I was going to be seeing with a group of friends I was going to hang out with. It was a big one. Heart POUNDING through her chest even after she’d kinda calmed down. Crying. Panic. Anger at me. The works. I didn’t see the onset of it, but I saw the aftermath, and we did fight when I did see her because of how much tense emotion was in the air. That’s the first time we’ve fought about someone else since the first time we listened to HS.

The next day, in an unrelated incident, she sent me a facebook message showing a screenshot of a female realtor that I follow on instagram with the accusatory message “I thought you said you don’t add your potential clients on Instagram.” followed by another message that she deleted after sending, probably because it was aggressive. She had comments about it in person, too, upset that I told her I don’t but then instagram recommended someone to her and it was a female realtor I follow. Her mind went straight to the worst place.

She later apologized for that, but it’s the type of thought process that I haven’t seen from her at all since my very first loop of Heartsong with her.

My girlfriend has become more anxious as a result of stopping listening, and I’ve become less easy-going around sex and have gone back to my pattern of being impossible to initiate to, not initiating myself very often, and watching more porn.


Where I’m at now is realizing that I’ve slipped and wanting to get back into my work full force. I’ve been distracted and now that I realize that, I’m going to take lots of serious, consistent actions, rebuild my habits, and start doing what I did to get this business off the ground in the first place.