The All-Seeing I 🔱

Its getting obvious to me that Im not sleeping properly, I wake up too many times during the night and I wake up tired in the mornings.

Ive been pushing this issue to the side as not important, but its clear now that if I dont rest properly my energy levels and my mind are not at their top level… I mean even my mood is not the best.

Im gonna work out a way to include Paragon Sleep, I only have to figure out how…


Definitely its Minds Eye the sub that creates an infinite space in which time ceases to exist. While I listen to it it feels like it last forever.
With Limitless my logical thinking is getting pretty sharp.


One week into this stack and yesterday I had the most wonderful idea in the middle of an hypnotic intervention, an idea of how to deal with the person symptoms that was totally new and amazing.
I was surprised the whole thing came to me in an instant, in a fraction of a second I knew everything I needed to know and how to do it, then this voice said to me DO THAT NOW…

Later on and today Ive found myself thinking “man that was a genius move! I might be way smarter than I thought”.

Limitless + Minds Eye + True Sell are working real good.

Limitless: Faster and sharper mind.
Minds Eye: Inspiration and being able to bring things from other realms.
True Sell: How to get the other person to just vibe and flow with your ideas… no resistance.


Today I feel the usual forehead pressure after listening to my stack

Limitless ×1
Minds Eye ×1
True Sell (5 minutes)

Last night I did 5 minutes of Paragon Sleep, I will slowly introduce that one, twice a week, 5 minutes each time.


My girlfriend told me yesterday “You have become really good at conveying your point across to me”. Which got me thinking…

Im am much more aware of the relationships people make between things and ideas in their heads and how they create fallacious conclusions.
I am much more free and creative in how to show them the way out of them in a fun loving way, so they can take that road effortlessly.

As usual later I realized thats the case because I am doing the same thing inside my head with myself.
You know As Whitin So Without…

Whats very cool about that is thats exactly the kind of inner work I wanted when I chose this stack… In all honesty this is the kind of innerwork I was intuitively guided to do and this stack was shown to me, just like the hypnotic intervention from yesterday.

Im up for some fun times!!


Wow this is very interesting!!

Almost 3 hours ago I began feeling pain and pressure in the back of my head, I decided to continue reading “The Body Keeps the Score” and I also noticed I was reading/seeing weirdly, my visual perception was somehow distorted both spatially and shape/color.

Kept reading anyway… 15 minutes ago I decided to check images of the brain and its structure (motivated by the book) to see which was the exact part of my head that was in pain. I have to specify that the pain isnt superficial, it feels like its located inside the skull.

The pain is located where the occipital lobe is… Now what does the occipital lobe do?

Although we know that the occipital lobe is dedicated to vision, this process is highly complex, and includes a number of separate functions. Those include:

  • Mapping the visual world, which helps with both spatial reasoning and visual memory. Most vision involves some type of memory, since scanning the visual field requires you to recall that which you saw just a second ago.
  • Determining color properties of the items in the visual field.
  • Assessing distance, size, and depth.
  • Identifying visual stimuli, particularly familiar faces and objects.
  • Transmitting visual information to other brain regions so that those brain lobes can encode memories, assign meaning, craft appropriate motor and linguistic responses, and continually respond to information from the surrounding world.
  • Receiving raw visual data from perceptual sensors in the eyes’ retina.

Limitless and Minds Eye at work? Might be just that!


I should add that I hit that exact part of my head pretty hard 2 times, once when I was 18 and once when I was 21… First time took me like 10 minutes to recover from the dizziness and I almost lost consciousness. The second time I bled and became pretty dizzy.

That should explain the images popping in my head about being hit in my head and having my skull crushed. Head Trauma… Yeah the perils of heavy drinking…


The pain in the back of my head is gone, my eyes are still tired though.
For some reason I keep having dreams about my ex wife, last night I had one and it was very flirty and light hearted.


From Limitless sales page:

By listening to Limitless, you will destroy everything that is stopping you from tapping into your true learning potential.

Any possible trauma, any negative beliefs, any physical and hormonal imbalances that hinder your learning will gradually dissappear.

That makes sense…


Some of the things Im already noticing from Limitless

  • Improve fluid intelligence, ability to critically analyze and create novel solutions
  • A profound benefit — uncover positive, helpful knowledge hidden within your subconscious
  • Physical brain and brain chemistry improvement, make new neural connections easier and quicker
  • General hormonal improvement — your whole body is part of the learning process.
  • Increased pattern recognition, intuitive usage and understanding of pattern recognition and resulting new patterns.
  • Improved motivation and general increase of love for learning. Learning and studying does not have to be boring.
  • Make use of all the information you read with ease and increase reading speed, motivation to read, information processing and recall abilities.

What I also notice is the next thing to work on, I get pissed when I dont get the kind of results I want, even when there are variables that are not under my control.
I take it too personal.
I believe I should be aware and in control of all variables, which in this particula scenario is impossible.

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Recent research has swept away the simple idea that “having” a
particular gene produces a particular result. It turns out that many genes
work together to influence a single outcome. Even more important, genes
are not fixed; life events can trigger biochemical messages that turn them
on or off by attaching methyl groups, a cluster of carbon and hydrogen
atoms, to the outside of the gene (a process called methylation), making it
more or less sensitive to messages from the body.
While life events can change the behavior of the gene, they do not alter its fundamental structure.
Methylation patterns, however, can be passed on to offspring—a
phenomenon known as epigenetics. Once again, the body keeps the score,
at the deepest levels of the organism.

From “The Body Keeps the Score” Bessel Van Der Kolk".


I been reading like a madman, connecting a lot of dots and confirming things I knew intuitively… Im having lots of fun doing it too.
Before I could only have fun learning if it was a practical experience, like a workshop or training. I had to force myself to read, but now that same spirit of curiosity spread to reading.

Its like two worlds are merging…


I might end up building this title… The blend of Limitless and Minds Eye is fantastic and since Im getting closer to my birthday I might treat myself with this beauty.


Yesterday I did 5 minutes of Paragon Sleep and had a lot of trouble falling asleep, got a good restful sleep though. I will keep using this title.

Now Im listening to my stack.

Limitless ×1
Minds Eye ×1
True Sell (5 minutes)


Sorry if you answered this already, but do you run them all back to back on a given day?

I remember your old journal where you spaced 3 customs out over the week.


Yes all of them back to back every single listening day (1 day on, 1 day off)

I did that with my customs and plan to do the same once I go back to them… Majors are way easier to handle than my customs.


I cant quite put it into words just yet… but I do feel my mind working differently, sharper, more precise and with a lot less noise (redundancy, circular thinking).

Im also very much aware of how I picture things in my head and the effects it has on how I think.


Ok… Its getting obvious that my focus is in how I can find similarities in the structure of thought and behaviour, instead of differences in the content of experience.
That combined with me feeling compelled to learn more and more about how trauma reshapes the functioning of the brain has given me a lot of clarity.

Applying those concepts to my inner work, Im reaching levels of inner peace I havent experienced before.
I notice how I react mentally and emotionally to outside stimuli… I reflect on that and notice the patterns, then I know whats missing and how to bring in what I need, to change my outlook.

This is helping me undertand myself a lot better.


Im feeling pretty angry…


I did my 5 minutes of Paragon Sleep right before some self hypnosis practices amd I went deep, I mean really DEEP.
Maybe theres something there that deserves more exploration.