The Adventures of SubliminalUser

We Meet Again.

Hello friends, I hope all of you have been doing well. Today marks exactly 31 days since my last entry. It has been a while since I was on a long trip abroad until very recently. In that trip, my intention was to disconnect from everything that had happened back home and my perceived problems. In the course of doing this I disconnected from the SubClub forums and chose not to post, although I did glimpse every now and then and saw things like the future of SubClub. I was also still running my stack during the trip. That stack has not changed (MFO, Daredevil, PCC).

As far as a retrospective on that trip goes, I’m keeping it mostly private. However, I will mention a few things.

  • Overall, I am in a much better state of mind than I was in before the trip. I am not so worried now. Though, I have been dealing with fatigue since coming back and so have been giving myself a lot of time to rest.
  • During the trip there were a few instances of me just talking to people I’d meet on the street and in restaurants. I believe Daredevil had some part to contribute to these happenings.
  • I am at peace with the separation I give between myself and the people at work, because it became very clear to me during the trip what there is to be gained in that separation.
  • I got a lot of good photos which may help me out in the near future. Thing is, friend’s gotta send them over to me since he has them.
  • I had a lot of lessons about trip planning logistics, particularly as it applies to trips that are long-running and involve several stops as this past trip did.
  • I am more open to doing trips by myself. I realized I won’t always have great people to travel with.
  • There is a much wider world out there, which made me think more about when I’d eventually move out of my area altogether.

It’s amazing to see how much things have changed in a month.


Today’s run featured LBFH Experimental and Daredevil. No comments on the latter, except that I hope it got charged up by the experimental title and that it helps me out tomorrow when I go to my first social event since coming back.

As for the former, I must say that my head felt quite full after running it. I can tell it was processing a lot. I got hit with something big. Not sure what yet. Looking forward to seeing ZP v2 for all titles, including those part of my main stack as I don’t think I will run another loop of LBFH Experimental.

Today’s post is something very interesting because it has to do with a potential adjunct practice to being successful with subs: semen retention (SR). I have been on a month+ streak now, where a good portion of that was spent on the previously-mentioned trip.

Today’s been a rather relaxing day, as I intentionally kept it empty to rest and do some errands. However, I got tripped up and ended up spending quite a bit of time debating whether to drop SR, whether it’s worth it and so on. (You can imagine what exactly it means to “debate” this.) I will say, I have noticed a few things here and there like the consistency of energy, focus and also my voice. However, with me being so many days into the practice and also having had a lot of things distracting me up until recently I haven’t spent the time to really appreciate the benefits I’ve gotten so far.

Never allow yourself to dwell on your problems…as you do you perpetuate them all the more. - Neville Goddard

This quote is something I find pertinent to the issue because I feel that placing my attention on “Should I continue? Should I not?” just makes it feel harder to maintain the position. I should just say “Yes, this is worth it, I’m going to continue” and leave it at that. After all, I don’t want to go back to how things were before this streak. Nor does moderation sound that appealing. I like the clean break from before that SR has given, as well as the physical benefits. Benefits like:

  • Increased T—great for gym!
  • Improved sleep/more durability against less sleep
  • Improved focus
  • Improved ability to stay present
  • Sense of calm
  • More consistently deeper voice
  • (Unsure) Improved subliminal results?
  • (Unsure) Higher potential to influence others

Hmm. Writing it out makes me open my eyes to what I may have already been experiencing. The uncertainty I have comes from the fact that most of the current streak so far occurred while on a trip, meaning that I was in such different circumstances (and consequently a different state of being) that would have affected my experience anyways. But I do also see that I am different while back home…so all the changes I have had recently blend together to make my current experience.

I originally was going to make this a private entry, but I’m here because I’d like to ask members of SubClub for motivation and information on how SR has helped them out and whether it has boosted sub results significantly.

@PurpleRT73 @Lion @Dark @DarkPhilosopher @SaintSovereign @Fire
(would appreciate more tags from people experienced with the matter)

On Another Note

Success with LBFH Experimental discussed here:


I agree with you on the points you stated regarding Semen Retention. Always found that it improved the quality of my life and subliminal results too. Especially subliminals that are auric based like Libertine. So I practice Semen Retention except if sex with an actual partner is involved.

Am not very strict with it though. Once in a while, I give myself a break. Found that breaking the sense of shame doing PMO helped me a lot. It even helped me do even less PMO compared to before.


Are you able to identify anything specific?

This one is motivating given that I want to do a proper test of the experimental title in the near future.

This is interesting, in your breaks aren’t you diminishing the results?

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I agree. Results tend to be more prominent due to several factors. Aura’s depend heavily on inner life force for them to flourish fully around you.

This one’s very, very important. Even when I used to visit certain communities of SR, guys who long forgot the usage of porn kept digging themselves a horrible hole of shame JUST by even having wet dreams. It wasn’t healthy to read. If you ask me, SR’s great, great way of improving many aspects but as always, it ain’t a magic pill.

I’ll drop a bit of some personal experience. In a way, it does diminishes the results. However years ago it didn’t stopped me from having constant, albeit slow development. The mind still manifests due to processing the sub’s scripting. It’s just how much times it takes, and it gets faster if you keep yourself away from nefarious reading material.


I will give one example. Lets take confidence.

So before coming across SC subliminals (and any subliminals for that matter), Semen Retention used to increase my confidence. Felt very masculine and sure of myself.

But add something like Khan with Semen Retention, not only will you be confident, masculine and sure of yourself but levels much higher than you felt before. I felt like I was like a rocket shooting into space when I did SR + subliminals (reverse pun intended lol) compared to a jet flying in the sky when doing only NoPMO.

Flirting was so natural that I even surprised myself with the things coming out of my own mouth. Even body language was very congruent with a dominant frame.

@PurpleRT73 described it very well in his post:


I’m a huge advocate of retaining semen as much as possible even when having sex. If you go a year plus on semen retention the change is quite magical. Stronger, more sexual pleasure, charisma and attractiveness times ten, think better, the subs WORK FAST and much much more

LOL. I have some results from subs and I personally don’t believe in semen retention.

If you have a shitty diet, poor male hormones (like testosterone), poor male vitality and are sedentary… then yeah, 1 climax can wipe some of these poor guys out, LOL. Apparently, some guys need weeks to recover from 1 ejaculation LOL. Their male body has been weakened, in my opinion.

If you’re full of male vitality, then you can ejaculate 3-4 times a day and still have sexual vigor/stamina. You just recover very fast from sex and also, I find that having a strong diet matters as well.

This is all just my opinion/experience though lol


Going to take out the Paragon Sleep weekly run from my stack. Looking at my sleep stats over an extended period of time shows it hasn’t contributed much. Unfortunately this means my sentiment of the Paragon series isn’t that great so far.

I’m hotly anticipating ZP v2 and upgrading my entire stack for it.

Also, I think I will give Paragon Sleep another chance via the experimental.

There’s a lot of things I want to talk about. I need to give myself the space to process my thoughts and to upgrade my mind.

On my mind right now

If you believe that imagination creates reality, you will never allow yourself to dwell on your problems, for you will realize that as you do you perpetuate them all the more.

It is this quote that motivates my writing today, because my thinking pattern during my idle times can drift towards a lot of nonsense.

A pattern I’ve noticed consistently over time is that I have all these negative imaginations. These negative imaginations present a heavily distorted reality in which I am made out to be the victim. Or, they depict some scenarios centered around destruction and suffering. How is that good for me, and why do I choose to think these things? It’s diametrically opposed to happiness. No wonder I had questions about the point of NF/SR. My understanding is that I am happier practicing NF/SR, because my other options will make me happier both in the moment and in the longer term. However, if I have some idle time and I choose to imagine negative stuff (a negative self-concept, which encompasses my view of myself and the world), how is that going to make me happier? It then becomes more understandable why I would consider such means of escape.

Perhaps the world isn’t perfect however I can choose to imagine better within my own mind. Earlier today when I was exercising I saw my idle mind drift towards these kinds of problematic thoughts and imaginations.

Why do I do this? That’s an interesting question because this kind of thinking has been in the background for years. It gets aggravated by certain practices. I’m certain pmo is one such practice which is why it must remain cut out of my life. But what’s the root cause? I can recall it going back deep into the past, well before I ever did pmo or had most of my current lifestyle in fact. Honestly, the question of why isn’t that important.

What’s more important is how I’m going to fix it. I should be confident in changing this pattern without knowing exactly why. (tangent: It probably has some connection with human nature’s tendency to focus on the negative and the overthinking I’ve displayed in my life before.) The end goal here is to choose imagining of the positive in my idling times. Perhaps just start with myself smiling in front of the mirror to begin with. Then it can become more dynamic later. One challenge I have had with breaking out of this kind of thinking habit is quickly determining what to think about instead. Now of course, when I sit down to analyze what I could think about there’s a lot.

  • Great memories — hangouts with friends, amazing life events, etc.
  • Seeing wishes fulfilled (Neville Goddard)
  • Recalling tasting great food or drinks
  • Good smelling things (e.g. favorite cologne)
  • General images that don’t necessarily have to tie into some larger picture, yet are still positive (e.g. me smiling at myself in front of a mirror).

The problem is when I don’t pick those things in the moment. It’s a habit. Perhaps I should start with something simple and static and let that be a gateway into an overall thread of positive images :slight_smile: .

I am going to manifest that my mind chooses to imagine good for myself in general because I know that’s going to make me happier than sitting around imagining all this nonsense otherwise. Now it makes perfect sense that I’m experimentally running LBFH ZPv2 for the rest of Stack 7, because it will speed up this shift.

Yesterday — A Day of Solitude

I was by myself for all of yesterday. No hangouts. I didn’t leave my apartment complex. Yet I was at peace for most of the day…

Though I did have that peace I wasn’t that productive personally, either. I believe this happened because I didn’t set up an intention to do much on this day. I did go into it wistfully thinking that someone would invite me to a hangout or event, or that something spontaneous would occur. That didn’t work out. I wish more stuff like that would happen, though. MFO can you help out? Speaking of which, I need to upgrade MFO to MFO ZPv2!

What I learned from my time yesterday is that I still must maintain being a leader of my own life and give myself the right direction. I once ran CHOSEN to become a better leader at work to get the next promotion. While I don’t feel the need to run CHOSEN again, I through my own efforts must give myself direction to my subliminals, instead of just “letting things happen naturally.”

Finally, I observed that I did not beat myself up for not making anything social happen. Now I did try to push for a meetup with someone from the apps, however, I think my being slightly impatient affected the way I texted. That’s a learning lesson for me. Still, I could have easily messaged a bunch of my friends for a meet. I did not do that. What gives?

The Motivation to be Social — Where is it?

I’m running MFO and Daredevil. It’s been almost two weeks since I came back from my trip. And I’ve been by myself at my place for a few days. Where’s the motivation?

I wish Daredevil ZP pushed me more to go out there and make things happen—and I know that one advancement of ZP is that it’s not as forcing as Q. I wonder how Daredevil ZPv2 will fare with me. Based off of the LBFH ZPv2 runs I am more hopeful. But I digress.

Before going on my trip, I was pushing myself but in a bad way. I was worried about needing to make things happen right now. I had moved out to my place and gotten the promotion. The next step? Find a girlfriend and have a bustling social life. I was also pushing myself with fear, thinking that it was getting late, that I need to catch up, yada yada. Unfortunately, this kind of approach did not work. All it did was lead to a lot of overthinking and days with negative feelings. This disappeared after the trip and I’m not going back to this now.

So now what do I do? During the first week back here I did not question this because I clearly needed to rest up after my trip (also, there was one event that happened so I was okay with that), and also because I already saw within myself changes towards a new inner peace about my overall life situation.

Even now, I don’t write this with much feeling about it. I’m writing it based off an attempt to be logical, because my mind does like to think about “how” I’m going to get to my goals.

I’m very much open to feedback about my situation.

I’ve started thinking about how I’ll rebuild MFO for ZPv2. May be time to change some modules.

Module Review for Man Finds Others

In light of my rebuilding MFO for ZPv2 in the near future, let’s review the module list. I’ll list them again and put comments where I feel like it.

  1. Inner Circle
  2. Heartsong
  • IC & HS Needs more time and development to show their true potential. I believe in their potential, and it’s the basis of the custom. If I changed either of these cores I’d have to call the custom something else.
  1. Sexual Manifestation
  2. Gorgeous Manifestor
  3. Inner Gasoline
  • Development of Sexual energy has certainly been an interesting journey. I can see its progress, especially after running LBFH ZPv2. It’s a keeper for me.
  1. Long-Range Seduction
  • I thought this would be it for people I want to meet but are currently afar/disconnected, and those from the online apps. For the latter I think I will need to do more.
  1. Charisma & Flirting Automatic Mentor/Improver
  2. Instant Seducing Tactician
  3. Focused Arousal
  4. Earthshaker - Sexuality
  5. Temptation
  • These kinds of modules need me to take more action.
  1. Transcendental Connection
  • Same thoughts as Inner Circle here.
  1. Gloryseeker
  • Hmm, I definitely need to put myself out there more in events to appreciate this more.
  1. Dragon Tongue
  • Undoubtedly I’ve seen my capacity to express myself become better over time. This has especially been useful in light of my recent realizations about myself. It’s definitely something that needs to be linked up with other subs like Daredevil and PCC for it to be meaningful in the long run. That’s fine, though, since I see myself running at least one social title in the near future.
  1. Code of Loyalty
  • Hmm…it is
  1. Furious Ascent
  • If there’s anything that characterizes my journey since starting MFO, it’s that I’ve been doing a lot to furiously ascend. Only very recently did I calm down a bit, and that’s a good thing.
  1. Manipulus
  • I mainly find this helpful with regards to certain coworkers and family playing with my emotions. I consider this a good module to have.
  1. Ethereal Presence
  • Hmm…Well, I am not sure how much this has done so far. I don’t expect people to tell me “you look like you came out of a dream” or that I have a “unique signature,” although perhaps I can try to manifest signs of it.
  1. Current Invoker
  • General manifestation module. Given the scale of change I’m looking for, I can respect keeping this around though it’s not a top priority.
  1. Carpe Diem Ascended
  • Definitely this. Extreme motivation and ambition => take massive action and be happy about it.

Reviewing the module list I am reminded how heavily it is based on manifestation and setting up a particular state/perception of myself.

In Consideration

  • The Spotlight: I think it could boost my social media page and also boost my online profile (since it could be used to “market myself” better).

What a week so far. Every day has brought something interesting to the table, beyond just food for thought. Today, I had to deal with a failing car and a continued challenge to keep focused at work. Why the work part? Well…

In light of the economic situation and trouble it has brought upon businesses, my company joined the ranks of many which have laid off workers. When it happened this week it shocked me, even though I personally was not directly hit by it. It was just shocking to see coworkers I was talking with one day be gone the next day.

To think this happened so suddenly…I can’t think about it too much. It’s not a productive thing to do. The best focus I can give here is gratitude that I have kept my job, that I currently have job stability. Focusing on the fact that this happened, thinking about “how, why” and engaging at or listening in on discussions that other people are holding about the layoffs haven’t been good for morale and also haven’t been good for my productivity. It as of late also led me to some funny behavior, like this evening where I decided to go a bit crazy with food and drink…thankfully I had fasted all day, so that limits the extent of how much I’ve had today.

So much of my life and my experience of it is dictated by my attention. I hope to manage my attention better.

Tomorrow’s run:

  • LBFH ZPv2
  • MFO

Shooting around some ideas here.

I’m going to go on another trip next week, and on that trip I want to do some more experimentation. November 16 marks the beginning of stack 8, so I’ll have the experiment run from then through the end of the trip, which goes through Thanksgiving. Here’s the motivation for the experiment.

Current idea,

  • Libertine
  • MFO (mainly to keep up the momentum, since great things occur when I stick with a sub for long enough)
  • ?

? could be:

  • Daredevil, if it gets upgraded soon. If it doesn’t, I’ll still be back to it after the trip.
  • Wanted: I like what I’ve read from the experimental thread.

@SaintSovereign how many times should we listen to a sub for full duration before we go to microloops? And also can we try the microloop strategy 5 days on/2 days off?


At least 2-3 times. Then do the micro loop strategy. Stick with the same listening pattern. Those microloops can build up over time and the recon will hit HARD.


Wait aren’t microloops suppose to resolve faster than a full length loop?

Going to experiment with a microloop for this last run of LBFH v2 right now.

  • LBFHv2
  • Paragon Sleep

Also with regards to the experiment: I’m open to running something besides MFO for the duration.

Oh wow, I can feel LBFH hit me as I listen to the second sub.

I’m pretty excited to start this experimental detour.

Here’s what I’m thinking: Just Libertine ZPv2 + Wanted ZPv2. These two titles will form a great synergy. I won’t introduce a third title.

Listening strategy:

  • Day 1 (Tomorrow): 15 minutes (full length)
    • Was debating between tomorrow and Thursday…I think tomorrow will be great because I’m going to eat at a buffet and introducing these subs of all subs will be energy-inducing.
  • Day 2 (Saturday): 15 minutes
    • This is the day I drive for a long time to start my trip. I won’t let the sexual energy built up go to waste if you know what I mean :wink:
  • Day 3 (Monday): 30 seconds
    • I’m thinking of doing this ~30 minutes before meeting up with a girl. Think that’ll be effective?

@Billions @Leandros @Azriel

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