The Adventures of SubliminalUser

Reflection time. I’m currently on the trip, and today marks the day of arrival. I enjoyed the way we traveled to get here and the food. However, after dessert, we walked through an active part of the city where there appeared to be bustling nightlife. With all the people in the area around me, I got pretty self-conciscous. More than I’d like to. Now, I do know that in the past when going out in public and whatnot I got somewhat self-conscious. But this being the first in a while, I particularly felt it this time. What happened? Did I regress? Perhaps I just need to get back into the momentum and habit of things?

I find it unfortunate that that happened. It just goes to show how I have seem to exhibit this particular quality of “hard to switch from work to social mode.” I noticed it to an extent in the last few months, but why right now? I’m on vacation, come on! To be fair, I am out and about in a new city with an unfamiliar environment, and I don’t think I’ve quite agreed to myself yet that we’re exiting the pandemic. That agreement is significant, for the pandemic was the reason I had focused on certain parts of self-development (this was even reflected in subs, including the ones I ran through most of this year). But on the other hand I have already made the determination to soon get back up to speed.

Tomorrow’s run is ME + Chosen From Within. I’m very curious as to how the latter sub affects me now. I’m on vacation, so affecting productivity is not an issue. But can it help me build a strong internal frame? Will I receive the results quickly? We shall see.

I think it may be interesting to journal during the trip downtimes. After the trip is done I would like to return to daily journaling (among other habits) as it is so useful and a fellow traveler told me about how it was useful for him.



  • Primal
  • Chosen From Within

As expected, I had little to no recon from CFW. Saint had already stated that people can switch from Chosen to CFW without losing momentum. In addition, I am on vacation which means I don’t care nor am really able to observe the loss of productivity that seems to characterize Saint’s experience of running CFW. I simply ask that CFW strengthen my internal frame, positive and ground me more.

Well, I am taking on a relatively optimistic view of my ability to enact change. Hung out with quite a few people today as we continued to travel through the city and check out everything there is to see. I found myself to handle these interactions a bit better, though I did have to warm up initially for that. However, I got opportunities to improve upon the previous day. After the previous journal I had written down a declaration that I respond to compliments by starting a conversation or responding in a way conducive to one. I had written this down in light of a moment yesterday when a stranger had complimented me on my necklace and all I said then was “Thanks.” Well, I got to do that today when talking to a new mutual, who complimented me on my sunglasses. My response spawned off a respectable conversation around frames and how my vision changed over the last year.

Cool stuff, it’s falling in line with that manifestation. Something about this trip gives me the confidence and additional boldness in my belief about what I can manifest. Sometimes it’s just a greater proclivity to do the practice. In the process of daily reflection and journaling I come up with several things covering how the day could have gone better, or how certain events and moments highlight gaps in skills or things in my life I’d like to change. Following that reflection I then come up with ideas to manifest the solution to the aforementioned things. It’s how I came up with the “respond to compliments adequately” manifestation.

I also noticed that throughout the day I was able to fire off several successful manifestations that took a few minutes to occur. A good deal of these manifestations had to do with finding parking, The speed and level of synchronicity that has come up with these things were amazing.

One thing I’d like to ask for as I run AsCh is to have the power of the pruning shears of revision. AsCh is scheduled to be run on Sundays, but with being outside today I haven’t gotten a chance to run it. Maybe I will do so after finishing this entry.

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  • AsCh.

I enjoyed seeing the city today. Seeing all it has to offer, as well as the nightlife, made me start to think hard about my current state in life. Am I even in the right city? What’s happening? Lot’s of things are happening in this city. The nightlife and I imagine the dating scene would be better here too. I really started to wonder if I should move out of the general area I’m in altogether. Move out with the same friend I’m going to move out with soon. It’s an interesting idea. Before I make such a big change of course I want to see what I can and will do during my time where I’m at but while living at my own apartment.

New course of action

I have decided that I will stop running ME after 21 days of stack 4 (stack 4a) and switch to the HS + IC custom that I talked about in another thread. With me thinking about that so much recently and seeing the progress I currently have in that domain I feel it’s time to do this. With 21 days I will have completed 3 full stack rotations of ME.

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  • Chosen From Within
  • Primal

I don’t know if it’s CFW or just the nature of the trip, but I am getting quite introspective. I greatly suspect it is CFW giving the recent push, because I generally am not that interested in journaling during the trips. Even in the last trip that I went to with a friend last year where the purpose of the travel was to disconnect from everything and reflect, I wasn’t journaling. And the place I went to then was a small town that encourages reflection. But here, I’m in a big city where there is a bustling social life. The nightlife and stuff yesterday made me take a hard look at my situation, particularly my social and dating life which isn’t there yet. I considered moving out in order to have better odds here, particularly because it is somewhat well known that the dating scene in my area sucks.

But I want to give myself an honest chance and effort before I do anything as big as moving out, considering that I’ve lived in my general area my entire life. Even my university was in that area. Yes, I’ve gone on trips and stuff in the past but this is the first time I’ve gone to a city and seriously considered the notion of moving out of my current city due to it. Let me write down some stuff I thought about.

  • I feel that I am very soon going to get that promo. In fact, it is feeling quite natural that I’ll get promoted this year. The particular level is important because of not only the compensation increase but also because it’s a terminal level that I’m comfortable with. In theory, I could also apply to become a full-time remote worker at the company, which would allow me quite the flexibility to move around.
  • I don’t think I’d work towards the promo following after that for a while. Due to the jump in time commitment and energy needed for that (as you go up the levels the effort is exponential, rather than linear), I’d want to have other things in life figured out. Chiefly that means dating and other stuff I know I’ve kept deprioritizing or pushing back due to my career. To be honest I could be staying at the upcoming level for quite a while.
  • I haven’t lived outside of my parents’ yet (not since college, anyways), so this first move that’s coming up is important for testing the waters of what I can do when living on my own.
  • I’m firing up the special custom this summer, and I’d like to give it time (as well as my relevant effort) to see where I go first.

I have determined the end of stack 4a to be June 5, after which I will swap out ME.


Listened yesterday:

  • CFW
  • Primal

I’m doing a CFW-heavy run for the duration of the trip, hence the stack runs have become CFW + (other sub) for each listening day.

Some interesting notes about conversations yesterday:

  • My friend thought it’d be a cool idea to go from place to place together, living in different parts of the country 1 year at a time. He did like the idea of digital nomadism give that his company is full-time remote. In fact, he said that the job/career is the only thing keeping him in the area, as well as all the friends there.
  • Got asked by a woman yesterday if we wanted a picture taken of us—got good photos from that. Wish I talked to her, though! This event motivates me to script more items regarding the actions and thoughts I have about the actions I’ll be taking in the future.
  • We both fired off lots of manifestations yesterday that came to pass quickly. It was rather amazing, to be honest; one of the manifestations even occurred on national television. But I’m quickly getting used to this reality where I can manifest lots of things!

It’s still the morning here but during the drive we talked quite a bit about manifestation and how we ourselves can improve it, as well as which parts of our lives we have faced challenges in manifesting for. Yet at the same time we also discussed about how we can use our powers to make the world better, such as reducing gun violence in the country.

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We basically had one big thing today where we took a detour from the city to go off to quite a magical area for a bit. Spent several hours there and now we’re on the way back. None of us need to drive for this part, thankfully. I feel like reflecting, so here I am now.

I’m thinking about what my module list for the upcoming custom is going to be and I will post it in that thread. I’m looking forward to it as I feel I’m making a massive step for myself by setting up a subliminal purposed specifically for manifesting within a domain that has been challenging at the current level. Not that I would have run it today, since today is a rest day. However there were a few points where I really did wonder.

I did open myself up a bit more by talking to fellow travelers during todays expedition though, which is nice. Overall, though…what I really liked about today is that for a lot of it, I was in the flow of just enjoying the trip and the activities we did. No worrying about how it fits into the bigger picture (or whether it does.) just being in the present moment. That state is one I should access and be in more often. Not worry so much.

CFW really is something by motivating me to look within.


  • CFW
  • ME

I always look forward to a listening of CFW. This vacation completely gets rid of the concern of what recon can have on my productivity. I wonder if CFW is also affecting my fellow traveling friend because he’s also gotten quite reflective too. Our talks on the drive back were clear evidence and he also remarks that the trip has given him quite a bit of introspection. It’s not as if I exposed him to CFW but perhaps it’s the aura or effect I’m giving off.

Excited to see what comes up during my day this time!

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Rest day.

Morning thought: Would the following be too much for a single stack?

  • Rebirth
  • Khan ST1
  • MFO (HS + IC Custom)

I thought of this for stack 5 (which starts on July 1), the “social interlude” stack which is supposed to rapidly get me up to speed on things. Rebirth and Khan ST1 would both be single stack runs. It also happens that I am going to be moving out a few days before the start of stack 5.



What does your intuition tell you about it?

@Malkuth I first got the idea just now after reading an experience that running Rebirth gave someone results from their other subliminals on the same day.

I’ve heard that despite Rebirth being classified as a healing subliminal, its mechanism of action works quite different compared to other healing subs. If it’s more about waking up and simply choosing to be the new state (Neville Goddard!) then perhaps that could be easier? At the same time, every single sub in this hypothetical stack has some healing…even the custom, because HS has healing in it (although the proposed module list has no other healing module)

Oh and to be clear, for stack 5 I’m most set on MFO and Khan ST1, but I’ve been trying to determine what’s a good third sub.


That makes sense, accepting on a deeper level that you want to be a new person or change your perspective on a particular matter

Hmm. Khan ST1 healing could overwhelm MFO. That’s my opinion though.

You could try this stack for 1 or 2 weeks and see how it goes. After which you can decide whether to drop MFO or not.

If it is…

fewer loops
less listening time (perhaps 3, 5, or 7 minutes)
decrease the volume
take more rest days

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Final Run of Stack 4A


  • CFW
  • Mind’s Eye

Trip Reflection

Alright. I’m done with the tirp and I’m back at home as of yesterday. That is one of the best trips I’ve taken this decade, and honestly it marked my favorite city in the country. Now, I could write a lot about the trip itself but what are the takeaways? There are many and I feel it’s worth noting here because they inform certain goals that subs can tackle, whether those subs are part of my current or future stacks.

  • For the first time, a trip has legitimately made me consider the idea of moving out of my current area to a different part of the country. No other trip before this one made me consider that idea. In doing such a thing I’d be making a few drastic measures, including become a full-time remote worker, leaving an area I’ve become familiar with as a native and also leaving family and most friends behind. That clearly sounds like a difficult decision to make so if I made such a move it would have to be carefully considered and not anytime soon.
    • As to what motivates such a thing, it seems there’s so much more happening in this city—an awesome downtown, great suburbs and beaches as well as more spots where I see opportunities to meet people. I particularly had dating in mind when I considered this, seeing as my current area has the reputation of not being particularly good for that. I clearly saw that people in this city are a lot more chill, social and outgoing. It’s a fun place to be. Not to mention, it is technically more affordable.
    • The idea of moving out of the area to find a girlfriend first sounded preposterous when I heard about it late last year from someone else. However, I thought on this trip, “Wait a minute—but people move out of the area and go to a different city for their careers, for their specific job!” As I mentioned in an entry earlier in this month, I know several people who are doing just that, despite growing up in my area their entire life. It makes sense that moving out to find someone isn’t as common since people need a job, a source of income, etc. to live and particular industries simply congregate in specific parts of the country, and finding a relationship is often pushed aside—or at the least, not prioritized as much.
    • Of course, I have to heavily discount the above argumentation when it comes to my situation due to the simple fact that I haven’t tried enough in my area! It’s like the example of someone who just sits around all day in city X. Well, moving to city Y and doing the same thing isn’t going to yield them in any results.
    • Honestly, the soonest I could possibly do such a thing is a year; basically, I want to see what I can do living on my own for a bit before I’d stack that with now living in a different part of the country. That’s the gist of it. The upcoming custom that I’m going to run is a factor that could really change the course of my life much faster than I expected to. Not to mention, where would my friend (future roommate) be at in the future? I personally wouldn’t move to a different part of the country by myself, I’d ideally move with him. Even better if we got to convince a bunch of our friends to move out together! :smiley:
  • I have received confirmation of the integration of Mind’s Eye. Throughout the trip, I performed several lighting-fast manifestations. I and my friend both did several manifestations together and we succeeded. These manifestations include:
    • Free parking, many times. In one case, someone literally handed us their parking ticket as they were on the way out of the lot.
    • A friend who was unexpectedly going to be late for a scheduled cruise getting to the place on time (he had a twenty-minute speedup)
    • Being exactly on time (or near it, on the order of minutes) for the last tour, the last showing, the scheduled bus/ferry, or even going to a place where it happens that everything is closed on that day, but due to an exception that one place we chose was open on that specific day
    • Just by thinking of someone who lived in the city and told us that he wouldn’t be able to meet up with us on a given evening, he called us at evening out of the blue and asked if we wanted to go to a nightclub (and no explanation as to how he was suddently free for that).
    • It’s amazing how some of the above occurred. Sometimes what we’d do is actually recite or say an imaginal conversation that involves the both of us out loud. For example, I might say “I’m so glad that we received free parking at this location.” And then my friend would say, “I agree, isn’t it wonderful?” Keep in mind, we’re both saying this kind of stuff out loud, which probably made the imaginal conversation very natural feeling. :smiley: The trip was very much filled with discussion about our abilities and what we can do with them. I wonder if me running ME has also improved my friend’s ability. Am I bettering his ability and his life by my presence? :open_mouth:
  • So much can change in a single day for the better, such as our moods. We came out of a club one day feeling tired and having not good sentiments about the nightlife of the city. Went through a lot of the next day mostly feeling that. But then when we got amazing dinner as well as went to another part of the nightlife in downtown, our moods changed so much and we became incredibly jovial once again. Both my friend and I were astonished at how we had such a quick turnabout.
    • I extrapolate this to my life, thinking how I can change so much about my mood in a single day in other situations.
    • I feel like it’s not just my mood that can change quickly for the better in a single day. It can be anything. I mean, I saw how in such a short period of time I got from not considering any other area to move out to anytime soon (thought that’d only be when I buy a house) to considering one particular place as something that can even occur in a year out. Or what if in one day I met someone who changes my life so positively? There’s just so many possibilities in life that can be set off or traveled through in just a single day. Isn’t it wonderful?
    • As a result of the above experience I feel more positive about my ability to enact rapid change as well as manifest a great destiny. I feel that I can flex my independence to a greater degree and build the life I want to live. It does not take long to leave a rut. I can do this.
  • Can I get to the state of great sociability without alcoholic drinks ? Methinks yes, and True Social ZP may do just that! (I recall @friday’s testimony about how he felt like he got a massive social boost on TS ZP, to where it was like he took alcohol).

Overall, the trip has provided a great mental reset. I feel very refreshed and ready to continue taking on life. What a change, man. I’m really glad the trip went so well, and now I myself feel a lot better.

What’s Next?

I can’t believe that we’re just getting to the end of the fifth month of the year. So much has happened already, and we still have seven months left in the year! So much more is to come and I’m excited for that. I feel more energized to take on the big career challenge of the summer—being an intern manager—and also more excited for the move out of my parents’ place and living on my own with my best friend! On top of this, I’m getting back on the fitness grind. That treadmill ( :wink: ) has already started ramping up today, with my HIIT in the morning as well as OMAD done as part of a birthday party. At this event I also got the contact of one of those people, someone who I think is cool and I may want to hang out with in the near future!

My growth is going to take me to new heights and the big subliminal that’s coming up next may unlock something truly amazing. Something about manifestation-heavy subs seem to do that. When I ran MFH, the biggest life-changing part of it was unlocking my manifestation ability. With MFO coming up to tackle manifestation specifically for people, anything is possible; after all, life gets a good chunk of its special quality from the connections made with others. I really do feel that sub will cause shifting in a very positive way I may not be able to foresee yet.

Here’s the timeline as of now.

  • Today (5/30): Last run of Stack 4a. I may also be running AsCh today instead of 5/31.
  • 6/1: Building the custom subliminal
  • 6/5: Last day of subliminal washout
  • 6/6: Beginning of stack 4b!

The First Washout Day from Stack 4A

It’s unusual for me to be excited for a washout. But I want to see what comes up during this bloom. As I’m not going to listen to subs again until 6/6, I will have six washout days, the longest I’ve done in a while. I especially wanted this longer washout due to running CFW and due to it marking the final run of ME—I can’t believe I’ve already completed three stacks of it.

So, what have I done today?

  • I woke up in the morning, and did a lifting + HIIT session for the first time in weeks! The cold brew I took when I first woke up really helped. I also have pulled off an OMAD as well, though I did drag out the meal window a little bit by taking some decaf espresso with milk and stevia. I remember feeling so much better after the exercise session, although I got to the office a bit later than expected.
  • Considering that this marks the first day back at work, I’d say I was respectably productive and not too distracted, yet I was able to get a decent amount of socialization in with coworkers. Some of their interns have started too, so I got to see them as well. Mine’s will be joining soon enough!
  • I can clearly feel that the NF practice which inadvertently took off during the trip is helping me here. I truly intend to carry NF moving forward as that is beneficial. Honestly, I don’t even want to think about the practice—I feel it becoming a very natural thing, and overthinking or overly focusing on it doesn’t help that!
  • One key thing I did today was limit how long I stayed at work. Yes, I needed some time to get situated. However, I’m not going to be repeating my mistakes of prior to the trip. Limiting the time to some extent allows my mind to rest properly, process information, and sustain productivity over a longer period. Not to mention, it’s that mentality that made me stop going to the gym for a bit—no good!
  • I intend to fast through tomorrow to drop even more calories and to also make up for the surplus calories consumed during the trip.

Anyway, what I’ve got to do right now are quite a few errands. That’s going to take up the rest of this evening. Lots of stuff, including preparing for the big move that should be happening this summer.

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Watching this right now. How To Keep Making Gains At Every Training Level (Simply Explained) - YouTube

Argh, I just want to run EF ST4 and massively accelerate my fitness progress, particularly with muscular development. But I know, the time for that will come later this year. It’s planned for sometime during the second half.

Man Finds Others


With the pandemic near its end, there is a great opportunity to bring in more awesome people into one’s life. Many who, upon reflecting upon what has given their life meaning, has attributed the quality of their life to the quality of their relationships. These relationships include the inner circle, friends, family and loved ones. Of course, sometimes we feel as if the right opportunities aren’t showing up. “Where did all the good people go? Where’s my tribe?”

I’m here to change that for myself. With three stack runs of Mind’s Eye under my belt, I have gained great confidence that I manifest my reality. The significant evolution in speed and power throughout this year reflects this. I’ve found that I can manifest a lot of different things, but when it comes to people it’s been a bit tougher. While I once focused on being a Man For Himself, here I am now taking on the run to become the Man who Finds Others. Shall the variety of things in SC’s arsenal help?

I wanted to find out…so I ordered now. :wink:


Power Level: ZP Standard
Audio: Solace

Module List (revisit this thread to see the deliberation):

  1. Heartsong Core
  2. Sexual Manifestation
  3. Gorgeous Manifestor
  4. Inner Gasoline
  5. Long Range Seduction
  6. Charisma & Flirting Automatic Mentor/Improver
  7. Instant Seducing Tactician
  8. Focused Arousal
  9. Earthshaker - Sexuality
  10. Temptation
  11. Inner Circle Core
  12. Transcendental Connection
  13. Gloryseeker
  14. Dragon Tongue
  15. Code of Loyalty
  16. Furious Ascent
  17. Manipulus
  18. Ethereal Presence
  19. Current Invoker
  20. Carpe Diem Ascended

Washout Day 3

Today, I’ve had:

  • A great morning workout: Upper-body lifts + HIIT. The morning cold brew kicked me into high gear here.
  • A slightly long workday. That workday length is somewhat expected, unfortunately, due to the shortened week (Monday was memorial day) as well as some other stuff coming up. That includes my intern who came into the office for the first time today! This is going to be my time to shine by leading another person through a project, thereby demonstrating more leadership skills which will help me in my career. I’m also a fan of this guy too, he seems pretty cool.

I can observe that the subliminal washout is affecting me positively. The washout, as well as the continuation of the NF lifestyle, are synergizing to create something I think is great! The bloom effect has kicked in. My interactions with people have a different quality to them. My voice has a certain timber that I’ve been waiting for (I know not doing NF was preventing that from its full expression). It just seems like people are very receptive to me, and I like that a lot! I’m successfully able to push back against some sudden deadlines and I also feel very focused at work. I’m giving it my best shot but I’m also careful not to get burned out again.

On another thread, I’m continuing to manifest for the best moving out situation. What I notice is that after a certain point in writing manifestation statements I ask myself, “do I need to keep doing this for today?” I am trying to follow the advice of focusing on the feeling and making the feeling be natural when it comes to manifestations. How I interpret that went it comes to setting up written ones is that I shouldn’t become overly fixated on them and that I should script them in a way that focuses on the natural, positive feelings that’s going to occur when the wish comes true. To also give myself a mental break, after the writings I showered and switched gears to writing this entry.

I’m excited for a few things that are coming up this weekend, however perhaps the biggest thing may be me receiving my new custom!


If your open to sharing,

What city was this?!
How old are you @SubliminalUser ?

Love the look of the new custom

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Washout Day 4

Alrighty! This was a good day, as well. Solid workout in the morning, then the workday which I felt was superb, and then a movie with friends in the evening. Top Gun: Maverick was just great! There’s quite a bit I could write here which just affirms the washout effects and benefits I’ve been getting so far, but I’ll just highlight one thing for today. Read on below…

The only funny thing about today was the conversation I had with my mom moments before this journal entry. Mentioning I’m a certain age and “I should think about when I should get married,” and threw out an age which would be just a few years away for me. “It’s not good to be by yourself for too long.” I get where she’s coming from because I’m getting older. That, and then she brought up that I should do that to plan properly for having kids (while affirming that having kids is the thing to do. It’s the purpose of life, according to her).

However, the age thrown out is not that old in the grand scheme of things. But well, this is a culturally South Asian family, so it’s not the first time I have heard of such a notion. And of course, there’s the thing about having kids—of course, I have no intention of doing such a thing. That much has been known to me for a long time as part of my path. My path is sure to be different from the path envisioned by my parents (sorry, I guess—but I shouldn’t be sorry).

The most interesting thing about this whole thing was that I mostly chose to listen and nod & not make much argumentation. I’m not even taking it that seriously, to be honest. In fact, it’s almost laughable. This is definitely a significant change within me compared to the time this kind of discussion came up last year when I got a bit more anxious and worried about the control I have over my life for quite a bit. I’m in control, and I’ve got my own plan. ME, the internal strengthening from Chosen and other subs, as well as the action I’ve taken so far this year (including moving out) has changed me a lot! Even the thing about “being by myself for too long” wasn’t that concerning, knowing the custom that’s on the way and how it’s going to help me out with that. I truly believe it’s going to work quickly, perhaps even more quickly than I initially expected it to when I first came up with the idea of the custom.

This is my reality and I’m running the show.