The Achiever vs The Surrenderer - Jim's Journal

The verbal fluency and social ability comes from Stark, Chosen adds to it an inspiring awe and understanding of how to motivate and leader others. I’m sure entranced the whole class!

The interplay with your modules in that Custom must surely be breath taking!


I pay respect to you as to a teacher. To
those who are one of the most important servants of the humanity. In knowledge the strength is.

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Thank you for your kind words. They mean a lot to me :relaxed:

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Now that you say this, I never thought about it like that. Those modules are emplifyers of the cores that I already have in my custom. Makes me want to listen to it even more!

It sure looked like it haha! Looking forward to my next classes! That fire inside me is starting to burn

It was a great weekend with loads of insights and nice experiences. I’ll put a recap down here:

  • Before my GF, I was experimenting with NoFap and Semen Retention for many months. The idea of using our sexual energy to create has always fascinated me. Now when I got a GF, I went back into No-Fap mode and enjoyed it. That means only ejaculating when I am with her because I only see her on the weekends, which meant once or twice a week. Last weekend it was that time of the month again, so we had no sex. The weird thing was, on Monday I was way more motivated to do things and was looking forward to work. So this weekend I decided to have sex without ejaculation, something I’ve never done before. This shit is amazing :joy: I kept breathing and doing kegel exercises when I felt like cumming, and it just made my body tinkle. We had sex for about 60-90 min until she was more than done and we stopped. I felt extremely focused, and motivated and just wanted to start working on something. She was looking at me like I was crazy when I opened up my laptop to start answering some e-mails from students :joy: Sexual energy transmutation is great on Semen Retention without sex. But with sex? That’s a different ball game.
  • An old buddy of mine from curacao just came to visit me in my new hometown. We hadn’t seen each other for months and it was nice catching up. This was also the first time after months that I smoked some hash (weed) because he brought some with him. It didn’t really do that much to me, to be honest. It felt a bit weird. Like I was doing something that alters my state without actually doing something to alter my state naturally. It felt a big fake I guess. Interesting that how we change as a person, those types of rewards/behaviors are more boring to us.
  • My buddy said something along the line of “Look at you making an impact as a teacher! That’s so important to do bro, we need that”. I have not put a lot of thought into this, but what I’m doing with my life is actually quite meaningful. To me, it feels like I don’t make enough impact, but that’s also a millennial thing, never feeling we are making enough impact. Now I’m actually feeling more driven and fulfilled with my job since he said that.

Regular sex/masturbation with semen retention is a HUGE personal cheat code I have been utilizing for a while now for great effects. Trust me it only gets better the more you do it. Makes me more creative, smarter, energetic and muscular. I actually think it’s the lack of orgasm that causes the biggest nofap benefits.


I couldn’t agree more. Semen Retention without “activation” so to speak is powerful. But getting close to an orgasm and then using sexual transmutation instead of cumming. It feels like it just opens the gates of all that energy that is stuck. When I was practicing celibacy, it was not as powerful as today.

Yes, circulate it the Egyptians used the ankh a gold silver or copper one would be good for conductivity as a tool to help circulate it through the body and Aura.

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Can you explain a bit more about it? did they wear it as a neckless like most people do nowadays, or was there some type of ritual they did with it?

And for us to transmute energy, just use a copper/gold Anch around our neck? Been trying to read up on it on google, but as always, there are many different definitions. I’m interested in your point of view.

Last Friday my girl was visiting me when she started to get sick. She asked “Do you still want me to come that way or?” and I was yeah why not, It’s just starting. We made love and she left the following day.

then she got really sick on Sunday, with a fever and everything :joy:. At that moment I started to feel more tired and my throat started to hurt. I was already listening to Paragon to heal some back issues that I have, so I did not worry that much. But yesterday, I felt a headache coming up and getting that cold/hot fever feeling while I was at work.

I listened to Paragon and LBfH for around 3min and when I came home from work I just wanted to sleep. Fell asleep around 8 PM and woke up the next day around 6 AM. Feeling much better! It feels like I am sick, but paragon is working on the background.

I bought Paragon for my girl as well, I hope it works very fast and well ^^ She is a bit hesitant with the subliminal. Maybe this will the one that opens her up to new possiblities.


Well she has no fever anymore, she slept better and she feels ready to go to school agian.
So I said “Well, see how fast these things are working?”

“No No! Being sick goes in fases”
“It can’t be only by the subliminals , maybe it’s a part”
“I don’t believe that”

It cant be only the subliminals :partying_face: Making progress here lads :joy:

I’m seeing some things that I’ve been doing in the past and starting to come back:

Yesterday my colleague made a mistake. She forgot to send 2 e-mails to classes that are starting tomorrow and Friday. Because I was attentive to the mail, I immediately responded and send the e-mails to the classes. But instead of just sending it, I had to tell other colleagues and my manager that I send those e-mails and that she forgot (Because I need to be a good boy?). They said nicely done and I kinda threw her under the bus. After that, My other colleague printed a document from a student and it came out of the printer next to me. I took the document, looked at the company name, and saw that this student would have started his internship with the wrong number. So I told the manager who was sitting next to me, isn’t this the wrong number? And she said yeah great catch! So I told him “hey, just a tip but you got the wrong number. Maybe better to check it before you print it?” And he was like “Oh yeah I would’ve checked it and don’t worry etc. etc.” Purely because the manager was sitting next to me.

I’ve done this countless times in the past and I don’t know why. I need to be the most liked, most popular guy, the savior, or something? It for sure has to do with some kind of insecurity, but I have not found out what it is precisely. And it’s not who I am. I’m not competitive in life, so why am I doing this behavior?

The other thing is my bad habits. Since I’ve been working more and getting into flow state. My bad habits are rising up. It seems like how closer I get to greatness, the more distractions and feelings are coming my way. It feels like something is trying to pull me back to the old me and hold on for dear life. It’s for sure my primitive brain, I need to pick up my meditations agian.

Life is a learning process. It takes time to acquire a new habit. And it takes time to test and internalize a new view.

But all of your past habits, even the dysfunctional ones, were originally part of the strategies that were helping you to survive. Give them the respect and gratitude they deserve; even when it’s time to outgrow them and retire them.

Actually, if you were being competitive, you would have let the guy make the mistake first, and then you would’ve pointed it out; hence allowing yourself to look even more superior in comparison. In this case, you were actually being generous in order to create a better result for the whole team.

That’s another way of looking at the same situation.

Give yourself a break.

But also, at those times when we’re in an insecure space, we may interpret any ego-reactive or negative responses from others as meaning that we’ve made a mistake or we are in the wrong. That’s just life.

I remember when I was 10 years old, I went to visit a classmate’s house, and he was beating up his younger sister who was 8 or 9. I knew it was wrong, and I made him stop. Then he yelled at me, ‘Who’s friend are you anyway?! Are you coming here to play with her?!’. And I felt very bad, might’ve even cried a little. Don’t remember.

I was confident enough to stop him, but also not secure enough to face the backlash.

Looking back though, many decades later (heh heh), I know it was right to stop him. And I’m proud that 10 year old me did that. My proudest moments of childhood are the few times when I stood up for someone who needed it.

Funny how, if you’re insecure enough, even a pretty good act can feel like a real mistake. (“Should have just kept my mouth shut!”)

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I like the way you said this. That’s a good way to look at our habits.

I get where you coming from, but this time I am for certain. This morning I reflected a bit more on it and it all has to do with not living like my most authentic self. Because I’m scared that people don’t accept me/like me and that hits right into the abandonment issues that are coming up since I left Spain. I have been manipulating, lying, and playing this character that doesn’t exist. Because that’s what served me before as a kid and teenager. It defended me against my parents and the world.

So no, it wasn’t a good act, far from it. but you made me realize to be kind to myself when I’m performing. It served me before and now it’s on me to change it slowly but kindly. Because when I asked the question “What makes me manipulative when it comes to co-workers?” “Why do I need to be recognized as the best in the company?” the answers came. But they only came because I was not shouting at myself. I just asked a question and like you said “Give them the respect and gratitude they deserve” :wink:

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You are the important one to listen to and to trust when it comes to following your path.

We, here on the discussion forum, can give you thoughts and perspectives, but ultimately it’s about trusting (and testing) your own views.


Keep it going!


While having fever, I went to school to teach one class because they have examens in 2 weeks. Some things I realized today after doing that.

Responsibility and feeling needed are my drive forces. I cannot remember a job before this where I had such a drive to perform. Not for myself, but I want my students to excel and be great at what they do. I felt satisfied and proud of myself that I still went. The students in return thanked me one for one that I was so clear in my teachings and still coming to class while being sick. The best part was, I did not feel that sick when I was in front of the class. I was so focused on them, that I forgot about my own Illness. It felt like purpose was kicking in and taking over. Great feeling! Feel terrible right now tho :joy:

Furthermore, I realized something profound today. I’ve been working as a social worker, mental coach and personal trainer for years. Worked with hunders of people with different problems/disabilities before I decided to teach in care and welfare. In my humble opinion, you first need to experience something before you can teach about it.

The thing is, what the students need to learn is outdated compared to what you need to know in the field. To be honest, I disagree with around 30% of what’s in the books, while 60-70% of the information is good to know, but not essential in the field. Even worse, the practical examens they need to do have no correlation with the actual theory in the book. But especially the outdated theory was something that I found difficult. For instance, the use of medicine. We still teach people to use medicines to cure their decease, but there is almost no information about the self-healing mechanisms of the human body. It’s mind-blowing to me that they don’t teach that. The only thing is, while teaching this theory, I cannot control myself to say things like “Be aware, the pharmaceutical industry is one of the biggest in the world. We make a lot of money to keep people sick”.

I felt a bit guilty at first, because that’s not my job. I thought I should stay within the borders of these books. But my students told me they absolutely love it that I have a different view on the subject. Today that really clicked when I heard it again and again from different classes. And the great thing is, because the examens are not aligned with the books, I don’t really need to keep close to the books. I can give it my own twist. I have all the freedom in the world, but did not see it until my students told me about it. It will take way more time to prepare my lessons, but I know deep inside me, this knowledge is what they truly need and want.

Awesome! :star_struck:

Yesterday and Today, I’m feeling a bit snarky at times. Mostly because of recon and not being able to exercise daily. Will ride it out slowly today and try to ride my bike for a while.

I have been thinking about the conversation I had with @Malkuth about myself the other day. Asking myself questions where this behavior is coming from and why I think certain thoughts. Normally, I would find a more masculine program to help me deal with these hidden insecurities. The problem is, it has more to do with my self-worth than anything else. Just using the Achiever side of mine will not fix this, I have to use the Surrenderer in myself to tackle this. Using meditations and the right subliminal to change theses underlying thoughts.

That’s why I decided to make a second custom :sunglasses:

It will have two main goals,

  • Loving the shit out of myself
  • Expand and evolve in my Spirituality

To be continued…

These last two weeks, I’m starting to have doubts about my new girlfriend. It has to do with me a person, because I’m evolving rapidly as a person these last couple of months. But also because I get to know her on a different level. It’s not her fault, but she is raised in this extremely protective family that sees the world as a dangerous place. All her grandparents are still alive, her parents pay for her school, and she has this nice, smoothness life. Not to say that she don’t face adversity, but compared to my life, it’s absolutely nothing.

She is so scared of change and needs to plan everything ahead. I’m the complete opposite, I don’t mind planning, but what I absolutely despite in life is not moving forward and want to stay in this nice comfortable environment. I learned along the way to accept and respect people their mindset, but right now it’s the girl I’m dating. Trying to change the other person never works, but I’ll hope she will start to tag along, otherwise this will end soon and that’s a reoccurring thing with me and relationships. That’s the reason I’m not quitting it right away, it could be my abandonment issues and living alone for a long time. Maybe I’m making these things up in my head.

Who knows… Maybe it’s the Universe that’s trying to teach me something

I’m feeling so much anger…

not fun.

Do your best to navigate it well.

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Been thinking about what it is that makes me so angry these couple of days.

My way of learning is by trial and error. The job that I have learns me to things I don’t like and how I operate. But also my girlfriend is learning me things about my perception of life and my need for spirituality. I truly thought I manifested all the great things I wanted, but it seems the Universe is trying to teach my something.

What I have figured out so far:

  • I have a need for companionship, I like being around people and be in the center of attention. That’s why being a teacher works for me. The problem is, I have to teach about tings that truly inspire me. I’m fascinated by the spiritual side of life. I have a very unorthodox view on life and need to be able to express that. Maybe I can do something with YouTube, but I know from my coaching experience that I like to see and feel people. Not sitting behind a screen and communicate. Standing and teaching in front of groups makes me feel most alive
  • Sitting still behind a desk is not for me. I need to be moving. I never knew that because the last 6-7 years I only did jobs in which I was moving all the time, like physical work and being a personal trainer. Mundane and simple tasks are not for me, it’s necessary, but it should be 10-15% of my work, not 60-70%.
  • My girl doesn’t understand me most of the time. What kind of sucks because it’s such a kind soul. It seems she is in another lifetime sometimes. Maybe I’m asking too much of her.
  • I always have to adjust my way of speaking with people and talk about the things that don’t fascinate me. It’s difficult to find both in people, luckily I have 1 or 2 friends that are the same as me. My dad as well, who is highly spiritual. For him, AA is a place that he goes to grow together. I would love to have the same kind of community and also work in that environment of spiritual growth. I’m grateful to meet people like @Houdini and most of you guy’s that are here on the forum. Most of you have a very broad view on life and discuss the things most people don’t.

I’m not here to complain, that state never works. I’m just trying to find a way to work with this anger that I have inside me and find a way out.

Just talked with my step-mom who is as spiritual as I

Feeling much better :relaxed:

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